
Examples of

     * later we look for empty spots that are true for candidate moves
    private void determineAdjacentCandidates() {
        for (int i = 1; i <= size_; i++ ) {
            for (int j = 1; j <= size_; j++ ) {
                GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition) board_.getPosition(i,j);
                if ( pos.isOccupied() ) {
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        int startcol = Math.max( stone.getCol() - CANDIDATE_MOVE_OFFSET, 1 );
        int stopcol = Math.min( stone.getCol() + CANDIDATE_MOVE_OFFSET, size_ );
        // set the footprint
        for (int i = startrow; i <= stoprow; i++ ) {
            for (int j = startcol; j <= stopcol; j++ )  {
                GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition) board_.getPosition(i,j);
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     * Add only if unoccupied and not an unconditionally alive eye.
     * never add a stone from either side to an unconditionally alive eye. There is no advantage to it.
     * @param position the position to try adding as a possible candidate move.
    private void tryToAddCandidateMove(BoardPosition position) {
        GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition) position;

        if (pos.isUnoccupied() && !(pos.getEye() != null && pos.getEye().isUnconditionallyAlive())) {
            candidateMoves_[pos.getRow()][pos.getCol()] = true;
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     * @return true of the enemy piece on the diagonal is relatively strong and there are group stones adjacent.
    private boolean qualifiedOpponentDiagonal(int rowOffset, int colOffset, int r, int c, boolean groupP1)
        GoBoardPosition diagPos = (GoBoardPosition)board_.getPosition( r + rowOffset, c + colOffset );
        if (diagPos == null || diagPos.isUnoccupied() || diagPos.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1() == groupP1 )
            return false;

        BoardPosition pos1 = board_.getPosition( r + rowOffset, c );
        BoardPosition pos2 = board_.getPosition( r, c + colOffset );

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        float territoryEstimate = 0;

        // we should be able to just sum all the position scores now.
        for ( int i = 1; i <= board_.getNumRows(); i++ )  {
           for ( int j = 1; j <= board_.getNumCols(); j++ ) {
               GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition) board_.getPosition(i, j);
               territoryEstimate += getTerritoryEstimateForPosition(pos, forPlayer1, isEndOfGame);
        return (int)territoryEstimate;
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        GoBoardPositionLists emptyLists = new GoBoardPositionLists();

        for ( int i = min; i <= rMax; i++ )  {
           for ( int j = min; j <= cMax; j++ ) {
               GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition)board_.getPosition(i, j);
               diffScore += updateEmptyRegionFromSeed(box, emptyLists, pos);

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        // perform a breadth first search  until all found.
        // use the visited flag to indicate that a stone has been added to the group
        GoBoardPositionList stack = new GoBoardPositionList();
        stack.add( 0, stone );
        while ( !stack.isEmpty() ) {
            GoBoardPosition s = stack.remove(stack.size()-1);
            if ( !s.isVisited()) {
                s.setVisited( true );
                assert (s.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1() == stone.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1()):
                       s + " does not have same ownership as " + stone;
                stones.add( s );
                pushGroupNeighbors(s, s.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1(), stack );
        if (returnToUnvisitedState) {
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    GoGroupSet findAllGroups()  {
        GoGroupSet groups = new GoGroupSet();

        for ( int i = 1; i <= board_.getNumRows(); i++ )  {
            for ( int j = 1; j <= board_.getNumCols(); j++ ) {
                GoBoardPosition pos = (GoBoardPosition)board_.getPosition(i, j);
                if (pos.isOccupied() && !groups.containsPosition(pos)) {
                    // would this run faster if  second param was false?
                    groups.add(new GoGroup(findGroupFromInitialPosition(pos, true)));
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     * @return o or 1 depending on if diagonal neighbor
    private int checkDiagonalNeighbor( int r, int c, int rowOffset, int colOffset,
                                       boolean friendPlayer1, boolean sameSideOnly,
                                       GoBoardPositionList stack ) {
        GoBoardPosition nbr = (GoBoardPosition) board_.getPosition(r + rowOffset, c + colOffset);
        if (nbr.isUnoccupied()) {
            return 0;
        // determine the side we are checking for (one or the other)
        boolean sideTest = sameSideOnly ? friendPlayer1 : !friendPlayer1;
        if ( (nbr.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1() == sideTest) && !nbr.isVisited()) {
            BoardPosition diag1 = board_.getPosition(r + rowOffset, c);
            BoardPosition diag2 = board_.getPosition(r, c + colOffset);
            if (!isDiagonalCut(diag1, diag2, sideTest) )  {
                stack.add( 0, nbr );
                return 1;
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     * @return return 1 or 0 depending on if there si a onespace neighbor
    private int checkOneSpaceNeighbor( int r, int c, int rowOffset, int colOffset,
                                       boolean friendPlayer1, boolean samePlayerOnly,
                                       GoBoardPositionList stack ) {
        GoBoardPosition nbr = (GoBoardPosition)board_.getPosition(r + rowOffset, c + colOffset);
        // don't add it if it is in atari
        //if (nbr.isInAtari(board_))
        //    return 0;
        if ( nbr.isOccupied() &&
            (!samePlayerOnly || nbr.getPiece().isOwnedByPlayer1() == friendPlayer1) && !nbr.isVisited() ) {
            BoardPosition oneSpacePt;
            if ( rowOffset == 0 ) {
                int col = c + (colOffset >> 1);
                oneSpacePt = board_.getPosition(r, col);
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