Examples of toRenderableLine()

Examples of com.ardor3d.spline.Curve.toRenderableLine()

        // Create our curve from the control points and a spline
        final Curve curve = new Curve(controls, new CatmullRomSpline());

        // Create a line from the curve so its easy to check the box is following it
        final Line line = curve.toRenderableLine(10);

        if (loop) {
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Examples of com.ardor3d.spline.Curve.toRenderableLine()

        // Create our curve from the control points and a spline
        final Curve curve = new Curve(controls, new CatmullRomSpline());

        // Create a line from the curve so its easy to check the box is following it
        final Line line = curve.toRenderableLine(10);


        // Create points from the curve so the actual control points can be easily seen
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