Examples of toJSNodeLocation()

Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()


    public String setStyleMSIECode(Element elem,String valueJS,ClientDocumentStfulImpl clientDoc)
        NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = clientDoc.getNodeLocation(elem,true);
        return "itsNatDoc.setCSSStyle(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + "," + valueJS + ");\n";

    public String setStyleMSIECode(String elemVarName,String valueJS)
        return elemVarName + ".style.cssText = " + valueJS + ";\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

        if (namespaceURI != null)
            if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
                NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                return "itsNatDoc.setAttributeNS2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
                String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                return "itsNatDoc.setAttributeNS(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

            attrName = attr.getLocalName(); // Es el localName de acuerdo a la documentaci�n oficial de removeAttributeNS
            if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
                NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                return "itsNatDoc.removeAttributeNS2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
                String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                return "itsNatDoc.removeAttributeNS(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

                if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
                    NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                    return "itsNatDoc.setAttributeNS2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
                    String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                    return "itsNatDoc.setAttributeNS(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

                attrName = attr.getLocalName(); // Es el localName de acuerdo a la documentaci�n oficial de removeAttributeNS
                if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
                    NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                    return "itsNatDoc.removeAttributeNS2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
                    String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
                    return "itsNatDoc.removeAttributeNS(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + namespaceURI + "\",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

        // El programador tiene la oportunidad de unir ambos nodos de texto (por ejemplo con normalize o eliminado el siguiente y cambiando el valor del que queda)

        NodeLocationImpl parentLoc = clientDoc.getNodeLocation(parent,true);
        NodeLocationImpl nextSiblingLoc = clientDoc.getNodeLocationRelativeToParent(nextSibling);
        // Hay que tener en cuenta que nextSibling puede ser nulo
        return "itsNatDoc.setTextData2(" + parentLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + "," + nextSiblingLoc.toJSNodeLocation(false) + "," + value + ");\n"; // nextSiblingLoc puede ser una referencia nula

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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

    public String setAttributeOnlyCode(Attr attr,String attrName,String jsValue,NodeJSRefImpl nodeRef,boolean newElem)
        if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
            NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
            return "itsNatDoc.setAttribute2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
            String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
            return "itsNatDoc.setAttribute(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + attrName + "\"," + jsValue + ");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

    protected String removeAttributeOnlyCode(Attr attr,String attrName,Element elem,NodeJSRefImpl nodeRef)
        if (nodeRef.getNodeRef() instanceof NodeLocationImpl)
            NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = (NodeLocationImpl)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
            return "itsNatDoc.removeAttribute2(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
            String elemVarName = (String)nodeRef.getNodeRef();
            return "itsNatDoc.removeAttribute(" + elemVarName + ",\"" + attrName + "\");\n";
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Examples of org.itsnat.impl.core.path.NodeLocationImpl.toJSNodeLocation()

        NodeLocationImpl nodeLoc = clientDoc.getNodeLocation((Node)nodeTarget,true);
        // El target en eventos est�ndar DOM NO puede ser nulo
        if (needsAddListenerReturnElement())
            code.append( "var elem = ");
        code.append( "itsNatDoc.addDOMEventListener(" + nodeLoc.toJSNodeLocation(true) + ",\"" + type + "\",\"" + listenerId + "\"," + functionVarName + "," + useCapture + "," + commMode + "," + eventTimeout + "," + eventTypeCode + ");\n" );
        // El "elem" es utilizado por clases derivadas, elem puede ser window
        return code.toString();

    protected String removeItsNatDOMStdEventListenerCode(ItsNatDOMStdEventListenerWrapperImpl itsNatListener,ClientDocumentStfulImpl clientDoc)
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