Examples of timerString()

Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()


                        Node curChild = docElement.getFirstChild();
                        if (curChild != null) {
                            utilTimer.timerString("[ModelGroupReader.getGroupCache] Before start of entity loop");
                            do {
                                if (curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && "entity-group".equals(curChild.getNodeName())) {
                                    Element curEntity = (Element) curChild;
                                    String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(curEntity.getAttribute("entity")).intern();
                                    String groupName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(curEntity.getAttribute("group")).intern();
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

                            } while ((curChild = curChild.getNextSibling()) != null);
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("[ModelGroupReader.getGroupCache] No child nodes found.", module);
                    utilTimer.timerString("[ModelGroupReader.getGroupCache] FINISHED - Total Entity-Groups: " + i + " FINISHED");
        return this.groupCache;
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

                        ModelInfo def = new ModelInfo();
                        int i = 0;

                        if (curChild != null) {
                            utilTimer.timerString("Before start of entity loop in " + entityResourceHandler.toString());
                            do {
                                boolean isEntity = "entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());
                                boolean isViewEntity = "view-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());
                                boolean isExtendEntity = "extend-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

                            } while ((curChild = curChild.getNextSibling()) != null);
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("No child nodes found.", module);
                        utilTimer.timerString("Finished " + entityResourceHandler.toString() + " - Total Entities: " + i + " FINISHED");

                    // all entity elements in, now go through extend-entity elements and add their stuff
                    for (Element extendEntityElement: tempExtendEntityElementList) {
                        String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(extendEntityElement.getAttribute("entity-name"));
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

    public void checkDb(Map<String, ModelEntity> modelEntities, List<String> colWrongSize, List<String> messages, boolean checkPks, boolean checkFks, boolean checkFkIdx, boolean addMissing) {
        if (isLegacy) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Cannot run checkDb on a legacy database connection; configure a database helper (entityengine.xml)");
        UtilTimer timer = new UtilTimer();
        timer.timerString("Start - Before Get Database Meta Data");

        // get ALL tables from this database
        TreeSet<String> tableNames = this.getTableNames(messages);
        TreeSet<String> fkTableNames = tableNames == null ? null : new TreeSet<String>(tableNames);
        TreeSet<String> indexTableNames = tableNames == null ? null : new TreeSet<String>(tableNames);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

            String message = "Could not get table name information from the database, aborting.";
            if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
            Debug.logError(message, module);
        timer.timerString("After Get All Table Names");

        // get ALL column info, put into hashmap by table name
        Map<String, Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo>> colInfo = this.getColumnInfo(tableNames, checkPks, messages);
        if (colInfo == null) {
            String message = "Could not get column information from the database, aborting.";
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

            String message = "Could not get column information from the database, aborting.";
            if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
            Debug.logError(message, module);
        timer.timerString("After Get All Column Info");

        // -make sure all entities have a corresponding table
        // -list all tables that do not have a corresponding entity
        // -display message if number of table columns does not match number of entity fields
        // -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

        // -display message if number of table columns does not match number of entity fields
        // -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
        // -make sure each corresponding column is of the correct type
        // -list all fields that do not have a corresponding column

        timer.timerString("Before Individual Table/Column Check");

        ArrayList<ModelEntity> modelEntityList = new ArrayList<ModelEntity>(modelEntities.values());
        // sort using compareTo method on ModelEntity
        int curEnt = 0;
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()


        timer.timerString("After Individual Table/Column Check");

        // -list all tables that do not have a corresponding entity
        for (String tableName: tableNames) {
            String message = "Table named [" + tableName + "] exists in the database but has no corresponding entity";
            Debug.logWarning(message, module);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilTimer.timerString()

            if (numIndicesCreated > 0 && Debug.infoOn()) Debug.logInfo("Created " + numIndicesCreated + " indices", module);


        timer.timerString("Finished Checking Entity Database");

    /** Creates a list of ModelEntity objects based on meta data from the database */
    public List<ModelEntity> induceModelFromDb(Collection<String> messages) {
        // get ALL tables from this database
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