Examples of screenYD()

Examples of fr.soleil.comete.swing.image.ijviewer.IJCanvas.screenYD()

                    Point2D.Double point = viewer.getAxisPosition();
                    IJCanvas canvas = viewer.getImageCanvas();
                    if ((point != null) && (canvas != null)) {
                        // XXX strange IJ hack that should be done in ImageViewer
                        int x = (canvas.screenXD(point.x));
                        int y = (canvas.screenYD(point.y));
                        f.addRoi("MyRoi" + ++index + ",point,1," + x + "," + y + "," + 5 + "," + 5 + ",GREEN");
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Examples of fr.soleil.comete.swing.image.ijviewer.IJCanvas.screenYD()

                    Point2D.Double point = viewer.getAxisPosition();
                    IJCanvas canvas = viewer.getImageCanvas();
                    if ((point != null) && (canvas != null)) {
                        // XXX strange IJ hack that should be done in ImageViewer
                        int x = (canvas.screenXD(point.x));
                        int y = (canvas.screenYD(point.y));
                        f.addRoi("MyRoi" + ++index + ",point,1," + x + "," + y + "," + 5 + "," + 5 + ",GREEN");
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Examples of fr.soleil.comete.swing.image.ijviewer.IJCanvas.screenYD()

                    Point2D.Double point = viewer.getAxisPosition();
                    IJCanvas canvas = viewer.getImageCanvas();
                    if ((point != null) && (canvas != null)) {
                        // XXX strange IJ hack that should be done in ImageViewer
                        int x = (canvas.screenXD(point.x));
                        int y = (canvas.screenYD(point.y));
                        f.addRoi("MyRoi" + ++index + ",point,1," + x + "," + y + "," + 5 + "," + 5 + ",GREEN");
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