Package org.apache.commons.logging

Examples of org.apache.commons.logging.Log.trace()

        PageControl pcAvail = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "a");
        PageControl pcPending = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "p");

        log.trace("available page control: " + pcAvail);
        log.trace("pending page control: " + pcPending);
        log.trace("getting group [" + groupId + "]");

         * pending resources are those on the right side of the "add to list" widget that are awaiting association with
         * the group when the form's "ok" button is clicked.
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        PageControl pcAvail = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "a");
        PageControl pcPending = WebUtility.getPageControl(request, "p");

        log.trace("available page control: " + pcAvail);
        log.trace("pending page control: " + pcPending);
        log.trace("getting group [" + groupId + "]");

         * pending resources are those on the right side of the "add to list" widget that are awaiting association with
         * the group when the form's "ok" button is clicked.
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        ResourceManagerLocal resourceManager = LookupUtil.getResourceManager();
        ResourceGroupManagerLocal resourceGroupManager = LookupUtil.getResourceGroupManager();

        log.trace("getting pending resources for group [" + groupId + "]");
        // pass true so that the parent is each resource is connected
        PageList<Resource> pendingResources = resourceManager.findResourceByIds(user, pendingResourceIds, true,

        PageList<DisambiguationReport<Resource>> disambiguatedpeningResources =
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        request.setAttribute(Constants.NUM_PENDING_RESOURCES_ATTR, disambiguatedpeningResources.size());

         * available resources are all resources in the system that are not associated with the user and are not pending
        log.trace("getting available resources for group [" + groupId + "]");

        String nameFilter = RequestUtils.getStringParameter(request, "nameFilter", null);
        ResourceGroup resourceGroup = resourceGroupManager.getResourceGroupById(user, groupId, null);

        PageList<Resource> availableResources = null;
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        ActionForward forward = checkSubmit(request, mapping, form, Constants.USER_PARAM, user.getId());
        if (forward != null) {
            BaseValidatorForm spiderForm = (BaseValidatorForm) form;

            if (spiderForm.isCancelClicked() || spiderForm.isResetClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR);
            } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) {
                log.trace("adding to pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.addToList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableResources());
            } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) {
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            if (spiderForm.isCancelClicked() || spiderForm.isResetClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR);
            } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) {
                log.trace("adding to pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.addToList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableResources());
            } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing from pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.removeFromList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR, addForm
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                SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR);
            } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) {
                log.trace("adding to pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.addToList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableResources());
            } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing from pending resources list");
                SessionUtils.removeFromList(session, Constants.PENDING_RESOURCES_SES_ATTR, addForm

            return forward;
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            return forward;

        log.trace("getting pending resources list");
        List<String> pendingResourceIds = SessionUtils.getListAsListStr(request.getSession(),

        StringBuffer resourcesAsString = new StringBuffer();
        int count = 0;
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        if (forward != null) {
            BaseValidatorForm spiderForm = (BaseValidatorForm) form;

            if (spiderForm.isCancelClicked() || spiderForm.isResetClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing pending user list");
                SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_USERS_SES_ATTR);
            } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) {
                log.trace("adding to pending user list");
                SessionUtils.addToList(session, Constants.PENDING_USERS_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableUsers());
            } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) {
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            if (spiderForm.isCancelClicked() || spiderForm.isResetClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing pending user list");
                SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_USERS_SES_ATTR);
            } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) {
                log.trace("adding to pending user list");
                SessionUtils.addToList(session, Constants.PENDING_USERS_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableUsers());
            } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) {
                log.trace("removing from pending user list");
                SessionUtils.removeFromList(session, Constants.PENDING_USERS_SES_ATTR, addForm.getPendingUsers());
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