Examples of blue()

Examples of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFColor.blue()

                  - ((0.3f * sc.red() + 0.59f * sc.green() + 0.11f * sc.blue())
                     * 100f));
        int fillshade =
                  - ((0.3f * fc.red() + 0.59f * fc.green() + 0.11f * fc.blue())
                     * 100f));

        int xpos = xoffset + (x / 100);
        if (xpos < 0) {
            xpos = 0;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFColor.blue()


    int  lineshade = (int)(100 - ((0.3f * sc.red() + 0.59f * sc.green() + 0.11f * sc.blue()) * 100f));
    int  fillshade = (int)(100 - ((0.3f * fc.red() + 0.59f * fc.green() + 0.11f * fc.blue()) * 100f));

    int xpos = xoffset + (x / 100);
    if ( xpos < 0 )
      xpos = 0;
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Examples of org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFColor.blue()


    int  lineshade = (int)(100 - ((0.3f * sc.red() + 0.59f * sc.green() + 0.11f * sc.blue()) * 100f));
    int  fillshade = (int)(100 - ((0.3f * fc.red() + 0.59f * fc.green() + 0.11f * fc.blue()) * 100f));
if ( debug )
System.out.println("TXTRenderer.addRect(" + x + ", " + y + ", " + w + ", " + h + ", " + stroke + ", " + fill + ") fillshade=" + fillshade);
    char  fillchar = ' ';
    if ( fillshade >= 75 )
      fillchar = '#';
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Examples of org.jrebirth.af.core.resource.color.RGB01Color.blue()

        final Color color = colorItem.get();
        final RGB01Color wc = (RGB01Color) ResourceBuilders.COLOR_BUILDER.getParam(colorItem);

        assertEquals(color.getRed(), wc.red(), 0.000001);
        assertEquals(color.getGreen(), wc.green(), 0.000001);
        assertEquals(color.getBlue(), wc.blue(), 0.000001);

        assertEquals(color.getOpacity(), wc.opacity(), 0.1);

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Examples of org.jrebirth.af.core.resource.color.RGB255Color.blue()

        final Color color = colorItem.get();
        final RGB255Color wc = (RGB255Color) ResourceBuilders.COLOR_BUILDER.getParam(colorItem);

        assertEquals(color.getRed(), convert255To1(wc.red()), 0.000001);
        assertEquals(color.getGreen(), convert255To1(wc.green()), 0.000001);
        assertEquals(color.getBlue(), convert255To1(wc.blue()), 0.000001);

        assertEquals(color.getOpacity(), wc.opacity(), 0.1);

    private double convertHexToDouble(final String hexaSingleColor) {
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Examples of toxi.color.TColor.blue()

    public void testCopy() {
        TColor c = TColor.newRandom();
        TColor d = c.copy();
        assertEquals(c.red(), d.red());
        assertEquals(c.green(), d.green());
        assertEquals(c.blue(), d.blue());
        assertEquals(c.hue(), d.hue());
        assertEquals(c.saturation(), d.saturation());
        assertEquals(c.brightness(), d.brightness());
        assertEquals(c.cyan(), d.cyan());
        assertEquals(c.magenta(), d.magenta());
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