Package weave.config

Examples of weave.config.DataConfig$EntityType

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void processRow(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException {
        long memberId;
        EntityType memberType;
        String memberRole;
        RelationMember relationMember;
    memberId = resultSet.getLong("member_id");
    memberType = memberTypeParser.parse(resultSet.getString("member_type"));
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    // Entities may have been made read-only at some point in the pipeline.
    // We want a writeable instance so that we can update the tags.
    EntityContainer writeableEntityContainer = entityContainer.getWriteableInstance();
    Entity entity = entityContainer.getEntity();
    Collection<Tag> entityTags = entity.getTags();
    EntityType entityType = entity.getType();

    // Store the tags in a map keyed by tag key.
    Map<String, String> tagMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Tag tag : entity.getTags()) {
      tagMap.put(tag.getKey(), tag.getValue());
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            List<RelationMember> nodes = new ArrayList<RelationMember>();
            for (int j = 0; j < i.getMemidsCount(); j++) {
                long mid = lastMid + i.getMemids(j);
                lastMid = mid;
                String role = getStringById(i.getRolesSid(j));
                EntityType etype = null;

                if (i.getTypes(j) == Osmformat.Relation.MemberType.NODE) {
                    etype = EntityType.Node;
                } else if (i.getTypes(j) == Osmformat.Relation.MemberType.WAY) {
                    etype = EntityType.Way;
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   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void begin(Attributes attributes) {
    long id;
    EntityType type;
    String role;
    id = Long.parseLong(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ID));
    type = memberTypeParser.parse(attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_TYPE));
    role = attributes.getValue(ATTRIBUTE_NAME_ROLE);
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      new LongLongIndexElement(relationId, objectOffset)
    // Write the relation id to indexes keyed by each of the relation members.
    for (RelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) {
      EntityType memberType;
      memberType = member.getMemberType();
      if (memberType.equals(EntityType.Node)) {
        nodeRelationIndexWriter.write(new LongLongIndexElement(member.getMemberId(), relationId));
      } else if (memberType.equals(EntityType.Way)) {
        wayRelationIndexWriter.write(new LongLongIndexElement(member.getMemberId(), relationId));
      } else if (memberType.equals(EntityType.Relation)) {
        relationRelationIndexWriter.write(new LongLongIndexElement(member.getMemberId(), relationId));
      } else {
        throw new OsmosisRuntimeException("Member type " + memberType + " is not recognised.");
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        filteredRelation = filteredRelationContainer.getEntity();
        // Remove members for entities that are unavailable.
        for (Iterator<RelationMember> i = filteredRelation.getMembers().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          RelationMember member =;
          EntityType memberType;
          long memberId;
          memberType = member.getMemberType();
          memberId = member.getMemberId();
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      String[] configColumnNames, String[] sqlColumnNames, String sqlSchema, String sqlTable,
      boolean ignoreKeyColumnQueries, int[] filterColumnIndices, DataEntityMetadata tableImportInfo, boolean configAppend)
    throws RemoteException
      int table_id = DataConfig.NULL; 
    DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
    if (sqlColumnNames == null || sqlColumnNames.length == 0)
      throw new RemoteException("No columns were found.");
    ConnectionInfo connInfo = getConnectionConfig().getConnectionInfo(connectionName);
    if (connInfo == null)
      throw new RemoteException(String.format("Connection named \"%s\" does not exist.", connectionName));
    String failMessage = String.format("Failed to add DataTable \"%s\" to the configuration.\n", configDataTableName);
    String query = null;
      Connection conn = connInfo.getStaticReadOnlyConnection();
      // If key column is actually the name of a column, put quotes around it.  Otherwise, don't.
      String q_sqlKeyColumn;
      if (ListUtils.findString(sqlKeyColumn, sqlColumnNames) >= 0)
        q_sqlKeyColumn = SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, sqlKeyColumn);
        q_sqlKeyColumn = sqlKeyColumn;
      String q_sqlSecondKeyColumn = secondKeyColumnIndex >= 0
          ? SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, sqlColumnNames[secondKeyColumnIndex])
          : null;

      // Write SQL statements into sqlconfig.
      // generate and test each query before modifying config file
      List<ColumnInfo> columnInfoList = new Vector<ColumnInfo>();
      boolean foundMatchingColumnIds = false;
      SQLResult filteredValues = null;
      if (filterColumnIndices != null && filterColumnIndices.length > 0)
        // get a list of unique combinations of filter values
        String columnList = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < filterColumnIndices.length; i++)
          if (i > 0)
            columnList += ",";
          columnList += SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, sqlColumnNames[filterColumnIndices[i]]);
        query = String.format(
            "select distinct %s from %s order by %s",
            SQLUtils.quoteSchemaTable(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable),
        filteredValues = SQLUtils.getResultFromQuery(conn, query, null, true);
        // System.out.println(query);
        // System.out.println(filteredValues);
      String queryFormat = "SELECT %s,%s FROM %s";
      if (SQLUtils.isOracleServer(conn))
        // workaround for ambiguous column name when filtering by rownum
        queryFormat = "SELECT %s thekey, %s thevalue FROM %s";
      for (int iCol = 0; iCol < sqlColumnNames.length; iCol++)
        String q_sqlColumn = sqlColumnNames[iCol];
        // System.out.println("columnName: " + columnName +
        // "\tkeyColumnName: " + keyColumnName + "\toriginalKeyCol: " +
        // originalKeyColumName);
        if (ignoreKeyColumnQueries && sqlKeyColumn.equals(q_sqlColumn))
        q_sqlColumn = SQLUtils.quoteSymbol(conn, q_sqlColumn);

        // hack
        if (secondKeyColumnIndex >= 0)
          q_sqlColumn += "," + q_sqlSecondKeyColumn;

        // generate column query
        query = String.format(
            SQLUtils.quoteSchemaTable(conn, sqlSchema, sqlTable)

        DataEntityMetadata metaQuery = new DataEntityMetadata();
        // we don't search public metadata because that would be a separate sql query
        // and we only know the entityType.
            PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, connectionName,
            PrivateMetadata.SQLQUERY, query
        if (filteredValues != null)
          String filteredQuery = buildFilteredQuery(conn, query, filteredValues.columnNames);
          metaQuery.setPrivateValues(PrivateMetadata.SQLQUERY, filteredQuery);
          // generate one query per unique filter value combination
          for (int iRow = 0; iRow < filteredValues.rows.length; iRow++)
            ColumnInfo info = new ColumnInfo();
            info.schema = sqlSchema;
            info.table = sqlTable;
            info.column = sqlColumnNames[iCol];
            info.sqlParamsArray = filteredValues.rows[iRow];
            info.sqlParamsStr = CSVParser.defaultParser.createCSVRow(info.sqlParamsArray, true);
            info.title = buildFilteredColumnTitle(configColumnNames[iCol], info.sqlParamsArray);
            info.query = filteredQuery;
            testQueryAndGetDataType(conn, info);
            if (configAppend)
              // try to find a matching column using private metadata: connection, sqlQuery, and sqlParams
              metaQuery.setPrivateValues(PrivateMetadata.SQLPARAMS, info.sqlParamsStr);
              info.existingColumnId = ListUtils.getFirstSortedItem(
                  dataConfig.searchPrivateMetadata(metaQuery.privateMetadata, null),
              if (info.existingColumnId != DataConfig.NULL)
                foundMatchingColumnIds = true;
          ColumnInfo info = new ColumnInfo();
          info.schema = sqlSchema;
          info.table = sqlTable;
          info.column = sqlColumnNames[iCol];
          info.title = configColumnNames[iCol];
          info.query = query;
          testQueryAndGetDataType(conn, info);
          if (configAppend)
            // try to find a matching column using private metadata: connection and sqlQuery
            info.existingColumnId = ListUtils.getFirstSortedItem(
                dataConfig.searchPrivateMetadata(metaQuery.privateMetadata, null),
            if (info.existingColumnId != DataConfig.NULL)
              foundMatchingColumnIds = true;
      // done generating column info
      // determine if columns should be appended to an existing table
      int existingTableId = DataConfig.NULL;
      if (foundMatchingColumnIds)
        // get the set of all matching column ids
        Set<Integer> columnIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (ColumnInfo info : columnInfoList)
        // find first matching parent table id
        for (Relationship r : dataConfig.getRelationships(columnIds))
          String parentType = dataConfig.getEntityTypes(Arrays.asList(r.parentId)).get(r.parentId);
          if (Strings.equal(parentType, EntityType.TABLE))
            existingTableId = r.parentId;
      DataEntityMetadata tableInfo = tableImportInfo == null ? new DataEntityMetadata() : tableImportInfo;
      tableInfo.setPublicValues(PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.TABLE);
            PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, connectionName,
            PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA, sqlSchema,
            PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLE, sqlTable,
            PrivateMetadata.SQLKEYCOLUMN, sqlKeyColumn
          if (existingTableId == DataConfig.NULL)
            // only set title if creating a new table
            tableInfo.setPublicValues(PublicMetadata.TITLE, configDataTableName);
        table_id = dataConfig.newEntity(tableInfo, DataConfig.NULL, DataConfig.NULL);
            table_id = existingTableId;
            // update private metadata only
            dataConfig.updateEntity(table_id, tableInfo);
      for (int i = 0; i < columnInfoList.size(); i++)
        ColumnInfo info = columnInfoList.get(i);
        DataEntityMetadata newMeta = new DataEntityMetadata();
        // only set title on new columns
        if (existingTableId == DataConfig.NULL || info.existingColumnId == DataConfig.NULL)
          newMeta.setPublicValues(PublicMetadata.TITLE, info.title);
          PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN,
          PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE, keyType,
          PublicMetadata.DATATYPE, info.dataType,
          PublicMetadata.PROJECTION, info.projection
          PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, connectionName,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLQUERY, info.query,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA, info.schema,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLE, info.table,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLKEYCOLUMN, sqlKeyColumn,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLCOLUMN, info.column
        if (filteredValues != null)
            PrivateMetadata.SQLPARAMS, info.sqlParamsStr,
            PrivateMetadata.SQLFILTERCOLUMNS, CSVParser.defaultParser.createCSVRow(ListUtils.getItems(sqlColumnNames, filterColumnIndices), true)

        // if not updating an existing column, create a new one
        if (existingTableId == DataConfig.NULL || info.existingColumnId == DataConfig.NULL)
          dataConfig.newEntity(newMeta, table_id, DataConfig.NULL);
          dataConfig.updateEntity(info.existingColumnId, newMeta);
    catch (SQLException e)
      throw new RemoteException(failMessage, e);
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      String sqlSchema, String sqlTablePrefix, boolean sqlOverwrite, String configTitle,
      String configKeyType, String projectionSRS, String[] nullValues, boolean importDBFData, boolean append)
    throws RemoteException
    ConnectionInfo connInfo = getConnectionInfo(configConnectionName, password);
    DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
    if (Strings.isEmpty(sqlSchema))
      throw new RemoteException("SQL schema must be specified.");
    if (Strings.isEmpty(sqlTablePrefix))
      throw new RemoteException("SQL table prefix must be specified.");
    // use lower case sql table names (fix for mysql linux problems)
    sqlTablePrefix = sqlTablePrefix.toLowerCase();

    if (sqlOverwrite && !connInfo.is_superuser)
      throw new RemoteException(String.format(
          "User \"%s\" does not have permission to overwrite SQL tables.", configConnectionName));

    String dbfTableName = sqlTablePrefix + "_dbfdata";
    Connection conn = null;
        int tableId = -1;
      conn = connInfo.getConnection();
      // store dbf data to database
      if (importDBFData)
            configConnectionName, password, fileNameWithoutExtension, sqlSchema, dbfTableName,
            sqlOverwrite, nullValues);

      GeometryStreamConverter converter = new GeometryStreamConverter(new SQLGeometryStreamDestination(
          conn, sqlSchema, sqlTablePrefix, sqlOverwrite));
      for (String file : fileNameWithoutExtension)
        // convert shape data to streaming sql format
        String shpfile = getUploadPath() + file + ".shp";
        SHPGeometryStreamUtils.convertShapefile(converter, shpfile, Arrays.asList(keyColumns));
    catch (Exception e)
      throw new RemoteException("Shapefile import failed", e);

        DataEntityMetadata tableInfo = new DataEntityMetadata();
          PrivateMetadata.IMPORTMETHOD, "importSHP",
          PrivateMetadata.FILENAME, CSVParser.defaultParser.createCSVRow(fileNameWithoutExtension, true),
          PrivateMetadata.KEYCOLUMN, CSVParser.defaultParser.createCSVRow(keyColumns, true),
          PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, configConnectionName,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA, sqlSchema,
          PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLEPREFIX, sqlTablePrefix
    if (importDBFData)
      // get key column SQL code
      String keyColumnsString;
      if (keyColumns.length == 1)
        keyColumnsString = keyColumns[0];
        keyColumnsString = "CONCAT(";
        for (int i = 0; i < keyColumns.length; i++)
          if (i > 0)
            keyColumnsString += ",";
          keyColumnsString += "CAST(" + keyColumns[i] + " AS CHAR)";
        keyColumnsString += ")";

      // add SQL statements to sqlconfig
      String[] columnNames = getSQLColumnNames(configConnectionName, password, sqlSchema, dbfTableName);
      tableId = addConfigDataTable(
          configTitle, configConnectionName,
          configKeyType, keyColumnsString, -1, columnNames, columnNames,
          sqlSchema, dbfTableName, false, null, tableInfo, append);
        PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.TABLE,
        PublicMetadata.TITLE, configTitle
            tableId = dataConfig.newEntity(tableInfo, DataConfig.NULL, DataConfig.NULL);

      // prepare metadata for existing column check
      DataEntityMetadata geomInfo = new DataEntityMetadata();
      // we don't search public metadata because that would require two sql queries
        PrivateMetadata.CONNECTION, configConnectionName,
        PrivateMetadata.SQLSCHEMA, sqlSchema,
        PrivateMetadata.SQLTABLEPREFIX, sqlTablePrefix
      // check for existing geometry column using private metadata only
      int existingGeomId = ListUtils.getFirstSortedItem(
          dataConfig.searchPrivateMetadata(geomInfo.privateMetadata, null),
      if (existingGeomId != DataConfig.NULL)
        // see if the existing geometry column has the same parent table
        boolean foundSameTableId = false;
        for (int parentId : dataConfig.getParentIds(existingGeomId))
          if (parentId == tableId)
            foundSameTableId = true;
        // if it does not have the same parent table, clear the existingGeomId
        // so a new column entity will be created under the new table
        if (!foundSameTableId)
          existingGeomId = DataConfig.NULL;
      // set the new public metadata
          PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN,
          PublicMetadata.DATATYPE, DataType.GEOMETRY,
          PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE, configKeyType,
          PublicMetadata.PROJECTION, projectionSRS
      if (existingGeomId == DataConfig.NULL)
        // we only update the title if the column doesn't already exist
        geomInfo.setPublicValues(PublicMetadata.TITLE, configTitle);
        // create new column
        dataConfig.newEntity(geomInfo, tableId, 0);
        // update existing column
        dataConfig.updateEntity(existingGeomId, geomInfo);
    catch (IOException e)
      throw new RemoteException("Unexpected error",e);
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  public DataEntity[] testAllQueries(String user, String password, int table_id)
    throws RemoteException
    authenticate(user, password);
    DataConfig config = getDataConfig();
    Collection<Integer> ids = config.getChildIds(table_id);
    DataEntity[] columns = config.getEntities(ids, true).toArray(new DataEntity[0]);
    String query = null;
    for (DataEntity entity : columns)
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  // Row query
  public WeaveRecordList getRows(String keyType, String[] keysArray) throws RemoteException
    DataConfig dataConfig = getDataConfig();
    DataEntityMetadata params = new DataEntityMetadata();
        PublicMetadata.ENTITYTYPE, EntityType.COLUMN,
        PublicMetadata.KEYTYPE, keyType
    List<Integer> columnIds = new ArrayList<Integer>( dataConfig.searchPublicMetadata(params.publicMetadata, null) );

    if (columnIds.size() > MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT)
      columnIds = columnIds.subList(0, MAX_COLUMN_REQUEST_COUNT);
    return DataService.getFilteredRows(ListUtils.toIntArray(columnIds), null, keysArray);
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Related Classes of weave.config.DataConfig$EntityType

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