Examples of URLPatternParser

Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

   public String build(final UrlMapping urlMapping, final boolean encodeUrl, final List<UIParameter> parameters)
      String result = "";
      if (urlMapping != null)
         URLPatternParser parser = urlMapping.getPatternParser();
         List<String> pathParams = new ArrayList<String>();
         List<QueryParameter> queryParams = new ArrayList<QueryParameter>();

         if(parameters != null)
            // TODO this logic should be in the components, not in the builder
            if (parameters.size() == 1)
               UIParameter firstParam = parameters.get(0);
               if (((firstParam.getValue() != null)) && (firstParam.getName() == null))
                  if (firstParam.getValue() instanceof List<?>)
                     URL url = parser.getMappedURL(firstParam.getValue());
                     return url.toURL();
                  else if (firstParam.getValue().getClass().isArray())
                     // The Object[] cast here is required, otherwise Java treats
                     // getValue() as a single Object.
                     List<Object> list = Arrays.asList((Object[]) firstParam.getValue());
                     URL url = parser.getMappedURL(list);
                     return url.toURL();
            for (UIParameter parameter : parameters)
               String name = parameter.getName();
               Object value = parameter.getValue();
               if ((name == null) && (value != null))
                  List<?> values = null;
                  if ((value != null) && value.getClass().isArray())
                     values = Arrays.asList((Object[]) value);
                  else if (value instanceof List<?>)
                     values = (List<?>) value;
                  else if (value != null)
                     values = Arrays.asList(value);
                  if (values != null)
                     for (Object object : values)
                        String tempValue = null;
                        if (object != null)
                           tempValue = object.toString();
                        queryParams.add(new QueryParameter(name, tempValue));
                     queryParams.add(new QueryParameter(name, null));

         // build URL object for given path parameter set
         URL mappedURL = parser.getMappedURL(pathParams.toArray());
         // create encoded/unicode URL
         String url = encodeUrl ? mappedURL.encode().toURL() : mappedURL.toURL();
         // append query string
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

   public URLPatternParser getPatternParser()
      if ((parser == null) && (pattern != null))
         this.parser = new URLPatternParser(pattern);
      return parser;
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

      Object value = null;
         FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

         URLPatternParser parser = mapping.getPatternParser();
         List<PathParameter> parameters = parser.getPathParameters();
         List<String> parameterValues = new ArrayList<String>();
         for (PathParameter injection : parameters)
            // read value of the path parameter
            expression = injection.getExpression().getELExpression();
            value = elUtils.getValue(context, expression);
            if (value == null)
               throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: Exception occurred while building URL for MappingId < "
                        + mapping.getId() + " >, Required value " + " < " + expression + " > was null");

            // convert the value to a string using the correct converter
            Converter converter = context.getApplication().createConverter(value.getClass());
            if (converter != null)
               String convertedValue = converter.getAsString(context, new NullComponent(), value);
               if (convertedValue == null)
                  throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: The converter <" + converter.getClass().getName()
                           + "> returned null while converting the object <" + value.toString() + ">!");
               value = convertedValue;


         result = parser.getMappedURL(parameterValues).encode();
      catch (ELException e)
         throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: Exception occurred while building URL for MappingId < "
                  + mapping.getId() + " >, Error occurred while extracting values from backing bean" + " < "
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser


   public void testGetPatternParser()
      URLPatternParser parser = m.getPatternParser();
      assertEquals(1, parser.getParameterCount());
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

   public URLPatternParser getPatternParser()
      if (((parser == null) || dirty) && (pattern != null))
         this.parser = new URLPatternParser(pattern);
      return parser;
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

   public String build(final UrlMapping urlMapping, final boolean encodeUrl, final List<UIParameter> parameters)
      String result = "";
      if (urlMapping != null)
         URLPatternParser parser = new URLPatternParser(urlMapping.getPattern());
         List<String> pathParams = new ArrayList<String>();
         List<QueryParameter> queryParams = new ArrayList<QueryParameter>();

         if(parameters != null)
            // TODO this logic should be in the components, not in the builder
            if (parameters.size() == 1)
               UIParameter firstParam = parameters.get(0);
               if (((firstParam.getValue() != null)) && (firstParam.getName() == null))
                  if (firstParam.getValue() instanceof List<?>)
                     URL url = parser.getMappedURL(firstParam.getValue());
                     return url.toURL();
                  else if (firstParam.getValue().getClass().isArray())
                     // The Object[] cast here is required, otherwise Java treats
                     // getValue() as a single Object.
                     List<Object> list = Arrays.asList((Object[]) firstParam.getValue());
                     URL url = parser.getMappedURL(list);
                     return url.toURL();
            for (UIParameter parameter : parameters)
               String name = parameter.getName();
               Object value = parameter.getValue();
               if ((name == null) && (value != null))
                  List<?> values = null;
                  if ((value != null) && value.getClass().isArray())
                     values = Arrays.asList((Object[]) value);
                  else if (value instanceof List<?>)
                     values = (List<?>) value;
                  else if (value != null)
                     values = Arrays.asList(value);
                  if (values != null)
                     for (Object object : values)
                        String tempValue = null;
                        if (object != null)
                           tempValue = object.toString();
                        queryParams.add(new QueryParameter(name, tempValue));
                     queryParams.add(new QueryParameter(name, null));

         // build URL object for given path parameter set
         URL mappedURL = parser.getMappedURL(pathParams.toArray());
         // create encoded/unicode URL
         String url = encodeUrl ? mappedURL.encode().toURL() : mappedURL.toURL();
         // append query string
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Examples of com.ocpsoft.pretty.faces.url.URLPatternParser

      Object value = null;
         FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

         URLPatternParser parser = new URLPatternParser(mapping.getPattern());
         List<PathParameter> parameters = parser.getPathParameters();
         List<String> parameterValues = new ArrayList<String>();
         for (PathParameter injection : parameters)
            // read value of the path parameter
            expression = injection.getExpression().getELExpression();
            value = elUtils.getValue(context, expression);
            if (value == null)
               throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: Exception occurred while building URL for MappingId < "
                        + mapping.getId() + " >, Required value " + " < " + expression + " > was null");

            // convert the value to a string using the correct converter
            Converter converter = context.getApplication().createConverter(value.getClass());
            if (converter != null)
               String valueAsString = converter.getAsString(context, new NullComponent(), value);
               if (valueAsString == null)
                  throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: The converter <" + converter.getClass().getName()
                        + "> returned null while converting the object <" + value.toString() + ">!");

         result = parser.getMappedURL(parameterValues);
      catch (ELException e)
         throw new PrettyException("PrettyFaces: Exception occurred while building URL for MappingId < "
                  + mapping.getId() + " >, Error occurred while extracting values from backing bean" + " < "
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