Examples of UnicodeDecompressor

Examples of com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeDecompressor


    /** Decompress the two segments */
    private String decompressTest(byte [] segment1, byte [] segment2) {
        StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer();
        UnicodeDecompressor myDecompressor = new UnicodeDecompressor();

        int [] bytesRead = new int[1];
        char [] charBuffer = new char [2*(segment1.length + segment2.length)];
        int count1 = 0, count2 = 0;

        count1 = myDecompressor.decompress(segment1, 0, segment1.length,
                                           charBuffer, 0, charBuffer.length);
        logln("Segment 1 (" + segment1.length + " bytes) " +
                "decompressed into " + count1  + " chars");
        logln("Bytes consumed: " + bytesRead[0]);

        logln("Got chars: ");
        logln(charBuffer, 0, count1);
        s.append(charBuffer, 0, count1);

        count2 = myDecompressor.decompress(segment2, 0, segment2.length,
                                           charBuffer, count1,
        logln("Segment 2 (" + segment2.length + " bytes) " +
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Examples of com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeDecompressor

            myTest(fTestCases[i].toCharArray(), fTestCases[i].length());
    private void myTest(char[] chars, int len) {
        UnicodeCompressor myCompressor = new UnicodeCompressor();
        UnicodeDecompressor myDecompressor = new UnicodeDecompressor();
        // variables for my compressor
        int myByteCount = 0;
        int myCharCount = 0;
        int myCompressedSize = Math.max(512, 3*len);
        byte[] myCompressed = new byte[myCompressedSize];
        int myDecompressedSize = Math.max(2, 2 * len);
        char[] myDecompressed = new char[myDecompressedSize];
        int[] unicharsRead = new int[1];
        int[] bytesRead = new int[1];
        myByteCount = myCompressor.compress(chars, 0, len, unicharsRead,
                myCompressed, 0, myCompressedSize);

        myCharCount = myDecompressor.decompress(myCompressed, 0, myByteCount,
                bytesRead, myDecompressed, 0, myDecompressedSize);

        if (logDiffs(chars, len, myDecompressed, myCharCount) == false) {
            logln(len + " chars ===> "
                    + myByteCount + " bytes ===> "
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Examples of com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeDecompressor

            myMultipassTest(fTestCases[i].toCharArray(), fTestCases[i].length());
    private void myMultipassTest(char [] chars, int len) throws Exception {
        UnicodeCompressor myCompressor = new UnicodeCompressor();
        UnicodeDecompressor myDecompressor = new UnicodeDecompressor();
        // variables for my compressor
        // for looping
        int byteBufferSize = 4;//Math.max(4, len / 4);
        byte[] byteBuffer = new byte [byteBufferSize];
        // real target
        int compressedSize = Math.max(512, 3 * len);
        byte[] compressed = new byte[compressedSize];

        // for looping
        int unicharBufferSize = 2;//byteBufferSize;
        char[] unicharBuffer = new char[unicharBufferSize];
        // real target
        int decompressedSize = Math.max(2, 2 * len);
        char[] decompressed = new char[decompressedSize];

        int bytesWritten = 0;
        int unicharsWritten = 0;

        int[] unicharsRead = new int[1];
        int[] bytesRead = new int[1];
        int totalCharsCompressed = 0;
        int totalBytesWritten = 0;

        int totalBytesDecompressed  = 0;
        int totalCharsWritten = 0;

        // not used boolean err = false;

        // perform the compression in a loop
        do {
            // do the compression
            bytesWritten = myCompressor.compress(chars, totalCharsCompressed,
                   len, unicharsRead, byteBuffer, 0, byteBufferSize);

            // copy the current set of bytes into the target buffer
            System.arraycopy(byteBuffer, 0, compressed,
                   totalBytesWritten, bytesWritten);
            // update the no. of characters compressed
            totalCharsCompressed += unicharsRead[0];
            // update the no. of bytes written
            totalBytesWritten += bytesWritten;
            /*System.out.logln("Compression pass complete.  Compressed "
                               + unicharsRead[0] + " chars into "
                               + bytesWritten + " bytes.");*/
        } while(totalCharsCompressed < len);

        if (totalCharsCompressed != len) {
            errln("ERROR: Number of characters compressed("
                    + totalCharsCompressed + ") != len(" + len + ")");
        } else {
            logln("MP: " + len + " chars ===> " + totalBytesWritten + " bytes.");
        // perform the decompression in a loop
        do {
            // do the decompression
            unicharsWritten = myDecompressor.decompress(compressed,
                    totalBytesDecompressed, totalBytesWritten,
                    bytesRead, unicharBuffer, 0, unicharBufferSize);

            // copy the current set of chars into the target buffer
            System.arraycopy(unicharBuffer, 0, decompressed,
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