Examples of UniDynArray

Examples of asjava.uniclientlibs.UniDynArray

            parentApplet.appOutput("   UniSelectList.readList()\n");
            // read the list into a string and then output it
            UniString result = parentApplet.demoSelect.readList();
            parentApplet.appOutput("   " + result.toString() + "\n");
            UniDynArray dynResult = new UniDynArray(result);
            parentApplet.appOutput("   The English version!\n");
            // output the select list in a formatted form
            for (int i = 0; i < dynResult.count(); i++) {
               parentApplet.appOutput("    " + dynResult.extract(i).toString() + ",");
               if (((i + 1) % 10) == 0) {
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Examples of asjava.uniclientlibs.UniDynArray

         parentApplet.appOutput("   UniSubroutine.call()\n");

         // Execute the specified subroutine
         String outputStr = subroutine.getArg(0);
         UniDynArray outputDyn = subroutine.getArgDynArray(0);

         parentApplet.appOutput("   UniSubroutine.getArg(0) = " + outputStr + "\n");
         // Display the results of the subroutine
         parentApplet.appOutput("   The English version of the subroutine return argument!\n");
         if (dbType.equals("UNIVERSE")) {
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Month=" + outputDyn.extract(0) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Day of Month=" + outputDyn.extract(1) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Year=" + outputDyn.extract(2) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Minutes since midnight=" + outputDyn.extract(3) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Seconds into the minute=" + outputDyn.extract(4) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Ticks of last second since midnight=" + outputDyn.extract(5) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   CPU second used since entering UniVerse=" + outputDyn.extract(6) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Ticks of last second used since login=" + outputDyn.extract(7) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Disk I/O seconds used since entering UniVerse=" + outputDyn.extract(8) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Ticks of last disk I/O second used since login=" + outputDyn.extract(9) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Number of ticks per second=" + outputDyn.extract(10) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   User number=" + outputDyn.extract(11) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Login ID=" + outputDyn.extract(12) + "\n");
         } else {
            String time[] = outputDyn.extract(4).toString().split(":");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Month=" + outputDyn.extract(1) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Day of Month=" + outputDyn.extract(2) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Year=" + outputDyn.extract(3) + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Hours=" + time[0] + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Minutes=" + time[1] + "\n");
            parentApplet.appOutput("   Seconds=" + time[2] + "\n");
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