Examples of RandomNumberGenerator

Examples of com.insightfullogic.lambdabehave.impl.generators.RandomNumberGenerator

    private final List<Class<?>> specifications;
    private final SourceGenerator generator;
    private final Report report = new Report();

    public BehaveRunner() {
        this(new RandomNumberGenerator());
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Examples of com.insightfullogic.lambdabehave.impl.generators.RandomNumberGenerator


    public BehaveRunner(final List<Class<?>> specifications) {
        this(specifications, new RandomNumberGenerator());
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Examples of com.insightfullogic.lambdabehave.impl.generators.RandomNumberGenerator

public class Runner {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final TreeGenerator<Integer> generator = new TreeGenerator<>(integersUpTo(10), 10);

        final Node<Integer> tree = generator.generate(new RandomNumberGenerator());

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Examples of com.insightfullogic.lambdabehave.impl.generators.RandomNumberGenerator

     * method.
     * @return the source generator
    public static SourceGenerator randomNumbers() {
        return new RandomNumberGenerator();
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Examples of com.insightfullogic.lambdabehave.impl.generators.RandomNumberGenerator

     * @param seed the seed for the random number generator
     * @return the source generator
    public static SourceGenerator deterministicNumbers(final long seed) {
        return new RandomNumberGenerator(seed);
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Examples of com.opengamma.analytics.math.random.RandomNumberGenerator

  public Function1D<StandardOptionDataBundle, Double> getPricingFunction(final OptionDefinition definition) {
    Validate.notNull(definition, "definition");
    final OptionPayoffFunction<StandardOptionDataBundle> payoffFunction = definition.getPayoffFunction();
    final int steps = getSteps();
    final int n = getN();
    final RandomNumberGenerator randomNumbers = getGenerator();
    final StochasticProcess<OptionDefinition, StandardOptionDataBundle> process = getProcess();
    final Function2D<Double, Double> accumulator = process.getPathAccumulationFunction();
    return new Function1D<StandardOptionDataBundle, Double>() {

      public Double evaluate(final StandardOptionDataBundle data) {
        Validate.notNull(data, "data");
        final Function1D<Double, Double> generator = process.getPathGeneratingFunction(definition, data, steps);
        double[] e;
        final double s0 = process.getInitialValue(definition, data);
        double st;
        double sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          e = randomNumbers.getVector(steps);
          st = s0;
          for (int j = 0; j < steps; j++) {
            st = accumulator.evaluate(generator.evaluate(e[j]), st);
          sum += payoffFunction.getPayoff(data.withSpot(process.getFinalValue(st)), 0.);
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Examples of mydatagenerator.core.database.generators.numeric.RandomNumberGenerator

        if(numericGeneratorType == null || stringGeneratorType == null || datetimeGeneratorType == null)
           throw new Exception("Generators not initialized correctly !");
        /* Create and Initialize the necessary generators */       
        RandomNumberGenerator randomNumberGenerator = null;
        /* create random number in a small range, used for TINYINT data type */
        RandomNumberGenerator smallRandomNumberGenerator = null;
        Random randomInt = new Random();
        RandomWordGenerator randomWordGenerator = null;       
        DateTimeGenerator dateTimeGenerator = null;
        // Number generator       
           smallRandomNumberGenerator = new RandomNumberGenerator(); //used for TINYINT type
           randomNumberGenerator = new RandomNumberGenerator()//increase the range to prevent duplicate values in case of little entry  
        // String generator       
           randomWordGenerator = new RandomWordGenerator();
        // DateTime generator       
           dateTimeGenerator = new DateTimeGenerator();  
        //**** Query building and database filling ****
        /* The current table and his current column. Field used like a cursor moved forward during the filling operation */
    String currentFieldName = null;
    String currentTable = null;
      DatabaseTableUtils databaseTableUtils = new DatabaseTableUtils();
        List<String> tableNames = databaseTableUtils.getTableNamesOrdered();      
      // 1) obtain a native jdbc connection to use for insert generated data      
      conn = DatabaseConnectionFactory.getDataSource().getConnection()
       * TIPS: set the mysql variable "wait_timeout" to an high value for long operation if the connection is closed automatically
       * It is "The number of seconds the server waits for activity on a no interactive connection before closing it"
       * SET GLOBAL wait_timeout = 28800;  value 1  to 2147483
             * show global variables like 'wait_timeout' ;
      Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
      // 1b) If required, prepare the file where write the sql statement(s)
      if(!this.outputSqlFile.equalsIgnoreCase("") && this.outputSqlFile !=null)
        outputFile = new File(this.outputSqlFile);
        outputFile.createNewFile(); //create a new file
        fileWriter = new FileWriter(outputFile);
        out = new BufferedWriter(fileWriter);
        saveToFile = true;
        // a fix header message
        out.write("---- NOTE: the following query don't have the insert part for the auto-increment field(s) \n")
      // 2 for each table get informations about the fields and the FK constraints (if any)
      for(int i=0; i<tableNames.size(); i++)
        currentTable = tableNames.get(i);
           logger.info("----- Starting filling of table: "+currentTable);
        if(saveToFile)  {
           out.write("---- Table: "+currentTable+" ----"+"\n")
        ArrayList<MetadataTableInfoBean> tableFieldsInfoList = databaseTableUtils.getFieldsInfo(currentTable);       
        // All the FK relations of the current table (ie which table references)
        ArrayList<TableFKconstraintsBean> tableFKinfoList = databaseTableUtils.getFkInformation(currentTable);       
        /* Flag to indicates if the current field references another field in a child table */
        boolean fieldHasChild = false
        /* Start the query Building */
        for(int k=0;k<recordToInsert;k++)
          /* The current table column names to use in the sql insert query */
          String columnNameList = "";
          /* The list of values place in the sql query that we are building */
          String valuesList = "'";
          // 3 for each field, depending on his data type choose the right generator type to use
          for(int j=0;j<tableFieldsInfoList.size();j++)
            MetadataTableInfoBean field = tableFieldsInfoList.get(j);           
            currentFieldName = field.getFieldName();
            fieldHasChild = false
            // the type of the current field ( eg varchar(10) bigint(10) )
            String fieldType = field.getFieldType();
            String childColumn = null;
            String childTable = null;
               logger.debug("Current field: "+currentFieldName +" of Type:"+fieldType);
            // check if the current field has child
            for(TableFKconstraintsBean fkInfoList:tableFKinfoList)
              //true if the current field point another table
              if(fkInfoList.getParentColumnName().equalsIgnoreCase(currentFieldName)) {
                fieldHasChild = true;
                //get who is the referenced column+table pair
                childColumn = fkInfoList.getReferencedColumnName();               
                childTable = fkInfoList.getReferencedTableName();
             * Note the child table is already filled because our table list is in the filling order
            if(fieldHasChild && childTable !=null && childColumn !=null)
                 logger.info("- Table "+currentTable+"("+currentFieldName+") references the Table:"+childTable+"("+childColumn+") ");
              /* the fields with "auto_increment" option don't appear in the insert query: is mysql that generate his value */
              if(!field.getExtraInfo().equalsIgnoreCase("auto_increment")) {
                  columnNameList += field.getFieldName()+",";
                // Get the allowed values for the current field from the child column
                ArrayList<String> allowedValues = databaseTableUtils.getColumnValue(childTable,childColumn);
                String chosenValue = allowedValues.get(k); //use the 'k' index because all the table have the same total row
                valuesList +=chosenValue+"','";
                fieldHasChild = false// current field has no child to other tables
                   logger.info("The field: "+currentFieldName+" has no references to other tables");
                //TODO: next release improve the field type above....
                /* fields with "auto_increment" option don't appear in the insert query: is mysql that generate their value */
                  columnNameList += field.getFieldName()+",";
                  /* PREMISE: the dimension of a some field is not mandatory, depends on the field type */
                  if(fieldType.startsWith("tinyint")){  //tinyint(x) values 0-255 (or -128 to 127) 
                     logger.trace("* Case tinyint");
                   //String dimension = fieldType.substring(8, fieldType.length() - 1);
                   valuesList += smallRandomNumberGenerator.getNexIntValue(127)+"','";
                  }else if(fieldType.contains("smallint") || fieldType.contains("SMALLINT")){  //int, smallint, mediumint, bingint
                     logger.trace("* Case int");
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Examples of org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator


    public static String issueRandomAPIToken() {
        // we need to see our tokens with a random value so the same one isn't generated
        // for the same user each time.
        RandomNumberGenerator rng = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();
        Object randomNumber = rng.nextBytes();

        // we also use a user agent as a validation factor
        // so when we later validate the token, we also validate the user agent
        String secret = generateRandomString();
        String salt = secret.concat(randomNumber.toString());
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Examples of org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator

    public void testSaltGenerator() {
        RandomNumberGenerator numGen = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();
        ByteSource src = numGen.nextBytes();
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Examples of org.apache.shiro.crypto.RandomNumberGenerator



            RandomNumberGenerator numberGenerator = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator();
            ByteSource salt = numberGenerator.nextBytes();

            String hashedPassword = new Sha256Hash("haxx", salt, 1024).toBase64();

            Password newPassword = new Password(newUser.getId(), hashedPassword, salt.getBytes());
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