Examples of PositionLengthAttribute

Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

        return nonTokenChars.indexOf(chr) < 0;
    final CharTermAttribute termAtt = grams.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
    final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = grams.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
    final PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = grams.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
    final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = grams.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
    for (int start = 0; start < codePoints.length; ++start) {
      for (int end = start + minGram; end <= start + maxGram && end <= codePoints.length; ++end) {
        if (edgesOnly && start > 0 && isTokenChar(nonTokenChars, codePoints[start - 1])) {
          // not on an edge
          continue nextGram;
        for (int j = start; j < end; ++j) {
          if (!isTokenChar(nonTokenChars, codePoints[j])) {
            continue nextGram;
        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, start, end), toCodePoints(termAtt));
        assertEquals(1, posIncAtt.getPositionIncrement());
        assertEquals(1, posLenAtt.getPositionLength());
        assertEquals(offsets[start], offsetAtt.startOffset());
        assertEquals(offsets[end], offsetAtt.endOffset());
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

  public List<LookupResult> lookup(final CharSequence key, int num) throws IOException {
    TokenStream ts = queryAnalyzer.tokenStream("", key.toString());
    try {
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = ts.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
      PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
      PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
      BytesRef[] lastTokens = new BytesRef[grams];
      //System.out.println("lookup: key='" + key + "'");
      // Run full analysis, but save only the
      // last 1gram, last 2gram, etc.:
      BytesRef tokenBytes = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();
      int maxEndOffset = -1;
      boolean sawRealToken = false;
      while(ts.incrementToken()) {
        sawRealToken |= tokenBytes.length > 0;
        // TODO: this is somewhat iffy; today, ShingleFilter
        // sets posLen to the gram count; maybe we should make
        // a separate dedicated att for this?
        int gramCount = posLenAtt.getPositionLength();
        assert gramCount <= grams;
        // Safety: make sure the recalculated count "agrees":
        if (countGrams(tokenBytes) != gramCount) {
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

  public List<LookupResult> lookup(final CharSequence key, int num) throws IOException {
    TokenStream ts = queryAnalyzer.tokenStream("", key.toString());
    try {
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = ts.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
      PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
      PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
      BytesRef[] lastTokens = new BytesRef[grams];
      //System.out.println("lookup: key='" + key + "'");
      // Run full analysis, but save only the
      // last 1gram, last 2gram, etc.:
      BytesRef tokenBytes = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();
      int maxEndOffset = -1;
      boolean sawRealToken = false;
      while(ts.incrementToken()) {
        sawRealToken |= tokenBytes.length > 0;
        // TODO: this is somewhat iffy; today, ShingleFilter
        // sets posLen to the gram count; maybe we should make
        // a separate dedicated att for this?
        int gramCount = posLenAtt.getPositionLength();
        assert gramCount <= grams;
        // Safety: make sure the recalculated count "agrees":
        if (countGrams(tokenBytes) != gramCount) {
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

    final Automaton a = new Automaton();
    boolean deterministic = true;

    final TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = in.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
    final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
    final PositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);

    final BytesRef term = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();


    // Only temporarily holds states ahead of our current
    // position:

    final RollingBuffer<Position> positions = new Positions();

    int pos = -1;
    Position posData = null;

    while (in.incrementToken()) {
      int posInc = posIncAtt.getPositionIncrement();
      assert pos > -1 || posInc > 0;

      if (posInc > 0) {

        // New node:
        pos += posInc;

        posData = positions.get(pos);
        assert posData.leaving == null;

        if (posData.arriving == null) {
          // No token ever arrived to this position
          if (pos == 0) {
            // OK: this is the first token
            posData.leaving = a.getInitialState();
          } else {
            // This means there's a hole (eg, StopFilter
            // does this):
            posData.leaving = new State();
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
        } else {
          posData.leaving = new State();
          posData.arriving.addTransition(new Transition(POS_SEP, posData.leaving));
          if (posInc > 1) {
            // A token spanned over a hole; add holes
            // "under" it:
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
      } else {
        // note: this isn't necessarily true. its just that we aren't surely det.
        // we could optimize this further (e.g. buffer and sort synonyms at a position)
        // but thats probably overkill. this is cheap and dirty
        deterministic = false;

      final int endPos = pos + posLengthAtt.getPositionLength();

      final BytesRef term2 = changeToken(term);
      final Position endPosData = positions.get(endPos);
      if (endPosData.arriving == null) {
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

    TokenStream ts = queryAnalyzer.tokenStream("", key.toString());
    try {
      TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = ts.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
      OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = ts.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
      PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
      PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = ts.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
      BytesRef[] lastTokens = new BytesRef[grams];
      //System.out.println("lookup: key='" + key + "'");
      // Run full analysis, but save only the
      // last 1gram, last 2gram, etc.:
      BytesRef tokenBytes = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();
      int maxEndOffset = -1;
      boolean sawRealToken = false;
      while(ts.incrementToken()) {
        sawRealToken |= tokenBytes.length > 0;
        // TODO: this is somewhat iffy; today, ShingleFilter
        // sets posLen to the gram count; maybe we should make
        // a separate dedicated att for this?
        int gramCount = posLenAtt.getPositionLength();
        assert gramCount <= grams;
        // Safety: make sure the recalculated count "agrees":
        if (countGrams(tokenBytes) != gramCount) {
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

        public int getPositionIncrement() {
          return 0;
      posLenAtt = new PositionLengthAttribute() {
        public void setPositionLength(int positionLength) {}       
        public int getPositionLength() {
          return 0;
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

        return nonTokenChars.indexOf(chr) < 0;
    final CharTermAttribute termAtt = grams.addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);
    final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = grams.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
    final PositionLengthAttribute posLenAtt = grams.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
    final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = grams.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
    for (int start = 0; start < codePoints.length; ++start) {
      for (int end = start + minGram; end <= start + maxGram && end <= codePoints.length; ++end) {
        if (edgesOnly && start > 0 && isTokenChar(nonTokenChars, codePoints[start - 1])) {
          // not on an edge
          continue nextGram;
        for (int j = start; j < end; ++j) {
          if (!isTokenChar(nonTokenChars, codePoints[j])) {
            continue nextGram;
        assertArrayEquals(Arrays.copyOfRange(codePoints, start, end), toCodePoints(termAtt));
        assertEquals(1, posIncAtt.getPositionIncrement());
        assertEquals(1, posLenAtt.getPositionLength());
        assertEquals(offsets[start], offsetAtt.startOffset());
        assertEquals(offsets[end], offsetAtt.endOffset());
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

    final Automaton a = new Automaton();
    boolean deterministic = true;

    final TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = in.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
    final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
    final PositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
    final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = in.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);

    final BytesRef term = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();


    // Only temporarily holds states ahead of our current
    // position:

    final RollingBuffer<Position> positions = new Positions();

    int pos = -1;
    Position posData = null;
    int maxOffset = 0;
    while (in.incrementToken()) {
      int posInc = posIncAtt.getPositionIncrement();
      if (!preservePositionIncrements && posInc > 1) {
        posInc = 1;
      assert pos > -1 || posInc > 0;

      if (posInc > 0) {

        // New node:
        pos += posInc;

        posData = positions.get(pos);
        assert posData.leaving == null;

        if (posData.arriving == null) {
          // No token ever arrived to this position
          if (pos == 0) {
            // OK: this is the first token
            posData.leaving = a.getInitialState();
          } else {
            // This means there's a hole (eg, StopFilter
            // does this):
            posData.leaving = new State();
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
        } else {
          posData.leaving = new State();
          posData.arriving.addTransition(new Transition(POS_SEP, posData.leaving));
          if (posInc > 1) {
            // A token spanned over a hole; add holes
            // "under" it:
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
      } else {
        // note: this isn't necessarily true. its just that we aren't surely det.
        // we could optimize this further (e.g. buffer and sort synonyms at a position)
        // but thats probably overkill. this is cheap and dirty
        deterministic = false;

      final int endPos = pos + posLengthAtt.getPositionLength();

      final BytesRef term2 = changeToken(term);
      final Position endPosData = positions.get(endPos);
      if (endPosData.arriving == null) {
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

        public int getPositionIncrement() {
          return 0;
      posLenAtt = new PositionLengthAttribute() {
        public void setPositionLength(int positionLength) {}       
        public int getPositionLength() {
          return 0;
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Examples of org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PositionLengthAttribute

    final Automaton a = new Automaton();
    boolean deterministic = true;

    final TermToBytesRefAttribute termBytesAtt = in.addAttribute(TermToBytesRefAttribute.class);
    final PositionIncrementAttribute posIncAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionIncrementAttribute.class);
    final PositionLengthAttribute posLengthAtt = in.addAttribute(PositionLengthAttribute.class);
    final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = in.addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);

    final BytesRef term = termBytesAtt.getBytesRef();


    // Only temporarily holds states ahead of our current
    // position:

    final RollingBuffer<Position> positions = new Positions();

    int pos = -1;
    Position posData = null;
    int maxOffset = 0;
    while (in.incrementToken()) {
      int posInc = posIncAtt.getPositionIncrement();
      assert pos > -1 || posInc > 0;

      if (posInc > 0) {

        // New node:
        pos += posInc;

        posData = positions.get(pos);
        assert posData.leaving == null;

        if (posData.arriving == null) {
          // No token ever arrived to this position
          if (pos == 0) {
            // OK: this is the first token
            posData.leaving = a.getInitialState();
          } else {
            // This means there's a hole (eg, StopFilter
            // does this):
            posData.leaving = new State();
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
        } else {
          posData.leaving = new State();
          posData.arriving.addTransition(new Transition(POS_SEP, posData.leaving));
          if (posInc > 1) {
            // A token spanned over a hole; add holes
            // "under" it:
            addHoles(a.getInitialState(), positions, pos);
      } else {
        // note: this isn't necessarily true. its just that we aren't surely det.
        // we could optimize this further (e.g. buffer and sort synonyms at a position)
        // but thats probably overkill. this is cheap and dirty
        deterministic = false;

      final int endPos = pos + posLengthAtt.getPositionLength();

      final BytesRef term2 = changeToken(term);
      final Position endPosData = positions.get(endPos);
      if (endPosData.arriving == null) {
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