Package org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.internal

Examples of org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.internal.ISqlJetMemoryPointer

        SqlJetBtreeCursor pCur = this;

        SqlJetMemPage pPage = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage];
        int idx;
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer pCell;
        int pgnoChild = 0;
        SqlJetBtree p = pCur.pBtree;
        SqlJetBtreeShared pBt = p.pBt;

        assert (pCur.holdsMutex());
        assert (pPage.isInit);
        assert (pBt.inTransaction == TransMode.WRITE);
        assert (!pBt.readOnly);

        if (pCur.eState == CursorState.FAULT) {
            throw new SqlJetException(pCur.error);
        if (pCur.aiIdx[pCur.iPage] >= pPage.nCell) {
            /* The cursor is not pointing to anything */
            throw new SqlJetException(SqlJetErrorCode.ERROR);
        assert (pCur.wrFlag);
        if (pCur.pBtree.checkReadLocks(pCur.pgnoRoot, pCur, {
            /* The table pCur points to has a read lock */
            throw new SqlJetException(SqlJetErrorCode.LOCKED);

         * Restore the current cursor position (a no-op if the cursor is not in*
         * CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK state) and save the positions of any other cursors
         * * open on the same table. Then call sqlite3PagerWrite() on the page*
         * that the entry will be deleted from.
        pBt.saveAllCursors(pCur.pgnoRoot, pCur);

         * Locate the cell within its page and leave pCell pointing to the*
         * data. The clearCell() call frees any overflow pages associated with
         * the* cell. The cell itself is still intact.
        idx = pCur.aiIdx[pCur.iPage];
        pCell = pPage.findCell(idx);
        if (!pPage.leaf) {
            pgnoChild = get4byte(pCell);

        if (!pPage.leaf) {
             * * The entry we are about to delete is not a leaf so if we do not
             * do something we will leave a hole on an internal page. We have to
             * fill the hole by moving in a cell from a leaf. The next Cell
             * after the one to be deleted is guaranteed to exist and to be a
             * leaf so we can use it.
            SqlJetBtreeCursor leafCur;
            SqlJetMemPage pLeafPage = null;

            ISqlJetMemoryPointer pNext;
            boolean notUsed;
            ISqlJetMemoryPointer tempCell = null;
            assert (!pPage.intKey);
            leafCur = pCur.getTempCursor();
            notUsed =;
            assert (leafCur.aiIdx[leafCur.iPage] == 0);
            pLeafPage = leafCur.apPage[leafCur.iPage];
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        int[] szNew = new int[NB + 2];
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer[] apCell = null; /* All cells begin balanced */
        int[] szCell; /* Local size of all cells in apCell[] */
        /* Space for holding data of apCopy[] */
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer[] aCopy = new ISqlJetMemoryPointer[NB];
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer aSpace1; /*
                                       * Space for copies of dividers cells
                                       * before balance
        /* Space for overflow dividers cells after balance */
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer aSpace2 = null;
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer aFrom = null;

        pPage = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage];
        assert (pPage.pBt.mutex.held());

        /* Find the parent page. */
        assert (pCur.iPage > 0);
        assert (pPage.isInit);
        assert (pPage.pDbPage.isWriteable() || pPage.nOverflow == 1);
        pBt = pPage.pBt;
        pParent = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage - 1];
        assert (pParent != null);

        boolean ignore_clean = false;

        try {


            TRACE("BALANCE: begin page %d child of %d\n", pPage.pgno, pParent.pgno);

             * A special case: If a new entry has just been inserted into a
             * table (that is, a btree with integer keys and all data at the
             * leaves) and the new entry is the right-most entry in the tree (it
             * has the largest key) then use the special balance_quick() routine
             * for balancing. balance_quick() is much faster and results in a
             * tighter packing of data in the common case.
            if (pPage.leaf && pPage.intKey && pPage.nOverflow == 1 && pPage.aOvfl[0].idx == pPage.nCell
                    && pParent.pgno != 1 && get4byte(pParent.aData, pParent.hdrOffset + 8) == pPage.pgno) {
                assert (pPage.intKey);
                ignore_clean = true;
                 * * TODO: Check the siblings to the left of pPage. It may be
                 * that* they are not full and no new page is required.


             * * Find the cell in the parent page whose left child points back
             * to pPage. The "idx" variable is the index of that cell. If pPage
             * is the rightmost child of pParent then set idx to pParent->nCell
            idx = pCur.aiIdx[pCur.iPage - 1];
            pParent.assertParentIndex(idx, pPage.pgno);

             * Find sibling pages to pPage and the cells in pParent that divide
             * the siblings. An attempt is made to find NN siblings on either
             * side of pPage. More siblings are taken from one side, however, if
             * pPage there are fewer than NN siblings on the other side. If
             * pParent has NB or fewer children then all children of pParent are
             * taken.
            nxDiv = idx - NN;
            if (nxDiv + NB > pParent.nCell) {
                nxDiv = pParent.nCell - NB + 1;
            if (nxDiv < 0) {
                nxDiv = 0;
            nDiv = 0;
            for (i = 0, k = nxDiv; i < NB; i++, k++) {
                if (k < pParent.nCell) {
                    apDiv[i] = pParent.findCell(k);
                    assert (!pParent.leaf);
                    pgnoOld[i] = get4byte(apDiv[i]);
                } else if (k == pParent.nCell) {
                    pgnoOld[i] = get4byte(pParent.aData, pParent.hdrOffset + 8);
                } else {
                apOld[i] = pBt.getAndInitPage(pgnoOld[i]);
                /* apOld[i]->idxParent = k; */
                apCopy[i] = null;
                assert (i == nOld);
                nMaxCells += 1 + apOld[i].nCell + apOld[i].nOverflow;

             * Make nMaxCells a multiple of 4 in order to preserve 8-byte*
             * alignment
            // nMaxCells = (nMaxCells + 3)&~3;
             * * Allocate space for memory structures

            apCell = new ISqlJetMemoryPointer[nMaxCells];
            szCell = new int[nMaxCells];
            aSpace1 = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(pBt.pageSize);
            if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                aFrom = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(nMaxCells);
            aSpace2 = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(pBt.pageSize);

             * Make copies of the content of pPage and its siblings into
             * aOld[].The rest of this function will use data from the copies
             * rather that the original pages since the original pages will be
             * in the process of being overwritten.
            for (i = 0; i < nOld; i++) {
                SqlJetMemPage p = apCopy[i] = (SqlJetMemPage) memcpy(apOld[i]);
                p.aData = aCopy[i] = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(pBt.pageSize);
                memcpy(p.aData, apOld[i].aData, pBt.pageSize);

             * Load pointers to all cells on sibling pages and the divider cells
             * into the local apCell[] array. Make copies of the divider cells
             * into space obtained form aSpace1[] and remove the the divider
             * Cells* from pParent.
             * If the siblings are on leaf pages, then the child pointers of the
             * divider cells are stripped from the cells before they are copied
             * into aSpace1[]. In this way, all cells in apCell[] are without
             * child pointers. If siblings are not leaves, then all cell in
             * apCell[] include child pointers. Either way, all cells in
             * apCell[] are alike.
             * leafCorrection: 4 if pPage is a leaf. 0 if pPage is not a leaf.
             * leafData: 1 if pPage holds key+data and pParent holds only keys.
            nCell = 0;
            leafCorrection = (pPage.leaf ? 1 : 0) * 4;
            leafData = pPage.hasData;
            for (i = 0; i < nOld; i++) {
                SqlJetMemPage pOld = apCopy[i];
                int limit = pOld.nCell + pOld.nOverflow;
                for (j = 0; j < limit; j++) {
                    assert (nCell < nMaxCells);
                    apCell[nCell] = pOld.findOverflowCell(j);
                    szCell[nCell] = pOld.cellSizePtr(apCell[nCell]);
                    if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                        int a;
                        SqlJetUtility.putUnsignedByte(aFrom, nCell, (byte) i);
                        assert (i >= 0 && i < 6);
                        for (a = 0; a < pOld.nOverflow; a++) {
                            if (pOld.aOvfl[a].pCell == apCell[nCell]) {
                                SqlJetUtility.putUnsignedByte(aFrom, nCell, (byte) 0xFF);
                if (i < nOld - 1) {
                    int sz = pParent.cellSizePtr(apDiv[i]);
                    if (leafData) {
                         * With the LEAFDATA flag, pParent cells hold only
                         * INTKEYs that are duplicates of keys on the child
                         * pages. We need to remove the divider cells from
                         * pParent, but the dividers cells are not added to
                         * apCell[] because they are duplicates of child cells.
                        pParent.dropCell(nxDiv, sz);
                    } else {
                        ISqlJetMemoryPointer pTemp;
                        assert (nCell < nMaxCells);
                        szCell[nCell] = sz;
                        pTemp = pointer(aSpace1, iSpace1);
                        iSpace1 += sz;
                        assert (sz <= pBt.pageSize / 4);
                        assert (iSpace1 <= pBt.pageSize);
                        memcpy(pTemp, apDiv[i], sz);
                        apCell[nCell] = pointer(pTemp, leafCorrection);
                        if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                            SqlJetUtility.putUnsignedByte(aFrom, nCell, (byte) 0xFF);
                        pParent.dropCell(nxDiv, sz);
                        assert (leafCorrection == 0 || leafCorrection == 4);
                        szCell[nCell] -= leafCorrection;
                        assert (get4byte(pTemp) == pgnoOld[i]);
                        if (!pOld.leaf) {
                            assert (leafCorrection == 0);
                             * The right pointer of the child page pOld becomes
                             * the left pointer of the divider cell
                            memcpy(apCell[nCell], 0, pOld.aData, pOld.hdrOffset + 8, 4);
                        } else {
                            assert (leafCorrection == 4);
                            if (szCell[nCell] < 4) {
                                /* Do not allow any cells smaller than 4 bytes. */
                                szCell[nCell] = 4;

             * Figure out the number of pages needed to hold all nCell cells.
             * Store this number in "k". Also compute szNew[] which is the total
             * size of all cells on the i-th page and cntNew[] which is the
             * index in apCell[] of the cell that divides page i from page i+1.
             * cntNew[k] should equal nCell.
             * Values computed by this block: <p> k: The total number of sibling
             * pages. </p> <p> szNew[i]: Spaced used on the i-th sibling page.
             * </p> <p> cntNew[i]: Index in apCell[] and szCell[] for the first
             * cell to the right of the i-th sibling page.</p> <p> usableSpace:
             * Number of bytes of space available on each sibling.</p>
            usableSpace = pBt.usableSize - 12 + leafCorrection;
            for (subtotal = k = i = 0; i < nCell; i++) {
                assert (i < nMaxCells);
                subtotal += szCell[i] + 2;
                if (subtotal > usableSpace) {
                    szNew[k] = subtotal - szCell[i];
                    cntNew[k] = i;
                    if (leafData) {
                    subtotal = 0;
            szNew[k] = subtotal;
            cntNew[k] = nCell;

             * The packing computed by the previous block is biased toward the
             * siblings on the left side. The left siblings are always nearly
             * full, while the right-most sibling might be nearly empty. This
             * block of code attempts to adjust the packing of siblings to get a
             * better balance.
             * This adjustment is more than an optimization. The packing above
             * might be so out of balance as to be illegal. For example, the
             * right-most sibling might be completely empty. This adjustment is
             * not optional.
            for (i = k - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                int szRight = szNew[i]; /* Size of sibling on the right */
                int szLeft = szNew[i - 1]; /* Size of sibling on the left */
                int r; /* Index of right-most cell in left sibling */
                int d; /* Index of first cell to the left of right sibling */

                r = cntNew[i - 1] - 1;
                d = r + 1 - (leafData ? 1 : 0);
                assert (d < nMaxCells);
                assert (r < nMaxCells);
                while (szRight == 0 || szRight + szCell[d] + 2 <= szLeft - (szCell[r] + 2)) {
                    szRight += szCell[d] + 2;
                    szLeft -= szCell[r] + 2;
                    cntNew[i - 1]--;
                    r = cntNew[i - 1] - 1;
                    d = r + 1 - (leafData ? 1 : 0);
                szNew[i] = szRight;
                szNew[i - 1] = szLeft;

             * Either we found one or more cells (cntnew[0])>0) or we are the* a
             * virtual root page. A virtual root page is when the real root*
             * page is page 1 and we are the only child of that page.
            assert (cntNew[0] > 0 || (pParent.pgno == 1 && pParent.nCell == 0));

             * * Allocate k new pages. Reuse old pages where possible.
            assert (pPage.pgno > 1);
            pageFlags = SqlJetUtility.getUnsignedByte(pPage.aData, 0);
            int[] ipgnoNew = new int[1];
            for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
                SqlJetMemPage pNew;
                if (i < nOld) {
                    pNew = apNew[i] = apOld[i];
                    pgnoNew[i] = pgnoOld[i];
                    apOld[i] = null;
                } else {
                    assert (i > 0);
                    ipgnoNew[0] = pgnoNew[i];
                    pNew = pBt.allocatePage(ipgnoNew, pgnoNew[i - 1], false);
                    pgnoNew[i] = ipgnoNew[0];
                    apNew[i] = pNew;

             * Free any old pages that were not reused as new pages.
            while (i < nOld) {
                apOld[i] = null;

             * Put the new pages in accending order. This helps to keep entries
             * in the disk file in order so that a scan of the table is a linear
             * scan through the file. That in turn helps the operating system to
             * deliver pages from the disk more rapidly.
             * An O(n^2) insertion sort algorithm is used, but since n is never
             * more than NB (a small constant), that should not be a problem.
             * When NB==3, this one optimization makes the database about 25%
             * faster for large insertions and deletions.
            for (i = 0; i < k - 1; i++) {
                int minV = pgnoNew[i];
                int minI = i;
                for (j = i + 1; j < k; j++) {
                    if (pgnoNew[j] < minV) {
                        minI = j;
                        minV = pgnoNew[j];
                if (minI > i) {
                    int t;
                    SqlJetMemPage pT;
                    t = pgnoNew[i];
                    pT = apNew[i];
                    pgnoNew[i] = pgnoNew[minI];
                    apNew[i] = apNew[minI];
                    pgnoNew[minI] = t;
                    apNew[minI] = pT;
            TRACE("BALANCE: old: %d %d %d  new: %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)\n", pgnoOld[0],
                    nOld >= 2 ? pgnoOld[1] : 0, nOld >= 3 ? pgnoOld[2] : 0, pgnoNew[0], szNew[0],
                    nNew >= 2 ? pgnoNew[1] : 0, nNew >= 2 ? szNew[1] : 0, nNew >= 3 ? pgnoNew[2] : 0,
                    nNew >= 3 ? szNew[2] : 0, nNew >= 4 ? pgnoNew[3] : 0, nNew >= 4 ? szNew[3] : 0,
                    nNew >= 5 ? pgnoNew[4] : 0, nNew >= 5 ? szNew[4] : 0);

             * Evenly distribute the data in apCell[] across the new pages.
             * Insert divider cells into pParent as necessary.
            j = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < nNew; i++) {
                /* Assemble the new sibling page. */
                SqlJetMemPage pNew = apNew[i];
                assert (j < nMaxCells);
                assert (pNew.pgno == pgnoNew[i]);
                pNew.assemblePage(cntNew[i] - j, apCell, j, szCell, j);
                assert (pNew.nCell > 0 || (nNew == 1 && cntNew[0] == 0));
                assert (pNew.nOverflow == 0);

                 * If this is an auto-vacuum database, update the pointer map
                 * entries that point to the siblings that were rearranged.
                 * These can be: left children of cells, the right-child of the
                 * page, or overflow pages pointed to by cells.
                if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                    for (k = j; k < cntNew[i]; k++) {
                        assert (k < nMaxCells);
                        if (SqlJetUtility.getUnsignedByte(aFrom, k) == 0xFF
                                || apCopy[SqlJetUtility.getUnsignedByte(aFrom, k)].pgno != pNew.pgno) {
                            pNew.ptrmapPutOvfl(k - j);
                            if (leafCorrection == 0) {
                                pBt.ptrmapPut(get4byte(apCell[k]), SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_BTREE, pNew.pgno);

                j = cntNew[i];

                 * If the sibling page assembled above was not the right-most
                 * sibling, insert a divider cell into the parent page.
                if (i < nNew - 1 && j < nCell) {
                    ISqlJetMemoryPointer pCell;
                    ISqlJetMemoryPointer pTemp;
                    int sz;

                    assert (j < nMaxCells);
                    pCell = apCell[j];
                    sz = szCell[j] + leafCorrection;
                    pTemp = pointer(aSpace2, iSpace2);
                    if (!pNew.leaf) {
                        memcpy(pNew.aData, 8, pCell, 0, 4);
                        if (pBt.autoVacuum
                                && (SqlJetUtility.getUnsignedByte(aFrom, j) == 0xFF || apCopy[SqlJetUtility
                                        .getUnsignedByte(aFrom, j)].pgno != pNew.pgno)) {
                            pBt.ptrmapPut(get4byte(pCell), SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_BTREE, pNew.pgno);
                    } else if (leafData) {
                         * If the tree is a leaf-data tree, and the siblings are
                         * leaves, then there is no divider cell in apCell[].
                         * Instead, the divider cell consists of the integer key
                         * for the right-most cell of the sibling-page assembled
                         * above only.
                        SqlJetBtreeCellInfo info = pNew.parseCellPtr(apCell[j]);
                        pCell = pTemp;
                        sz = pParent.fillInCell(pCell, null, info.nKey, null, 0, 0);
                        pTemp = null;
                    } else {
                        final int c = pCell.getBuffer().getSize() - pCell.getPointer();
                        ISqlJetMemoryPointer p = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(c + 4);
                        movePtr(p, 4);
                        SqlJetUtility.memcpy(p, pCell, c);
                        pCell = p;
                        movePtr(pCell, -4);
                         * Obscure case for non-leaf-data trees: If the cell at
                         * pCell was previously stored on a leaf node, and its
                         * reported size was 4 bytes, then it may actually be
                         * smaller than this (see sqlite3BtreeParseCellPtr(), 4
                         * bytes is the minimum size of any cell). But it is
                         * important to pass the correct size to insertCell(),
                         * so reparse the cell now.
                         * Note that this can never happen in an SQLite data
                         * file, as all cells are at least 4 bytes. It only
                         * happens in b-trees used to evaluate "IN (SELECT ...)"
                         * and similar clauses.
                        if (szCell[j] == 4) {
                            assert (leafCorrection == 4);
                            sz = pParent.cellSizePtr(pCell);
                    iSpace2 += sz;
                    assert (sz <= pBt.pageSize / 4);
                    assert (iSpace2 <= pBt.pageSize);
                    pParent.insertCell(nxDiv, pCell, sz, pTemp, (byte) 4);
                    assert (pParent.pDbPage.isWriteable());
                    put4byte(pParent.findOverflowCell(nxDiv), pNew.pgno);

                     * If this is an auto-vacuum database, and not a leaf-data
                     * tree, then update the pointer map with an entry for the
                     * overflow page that the cell just inserted points to (if
                     * any).
                    if (pBt.autoVacuum && !leafData) {

                /* Set the pointer-map entry for the new sibling page. */
                if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                    pBt.ptrmapPut(pNew.pgno, SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_BTREE, pParent.pgno);
            assert (j == nCell);
            assert (nOld > 0);
            assert (nNew > 0);
            if ((pageFlags & SqlJetMemPage.PTF_LEAF) == 0) {
                final ISqlJetMemoryPointer zChild = pointer(apCopy[nOld - 1].aData, 8);
                memcpy(apNew[nNew - 1].aData, 8, zChild, 0, 4);
                if (pBt.autoVacuum) {
                    pBt.ptrmapPut(get4byte(zChild), SqlJetBtreeShared.PTRMAP_BTREE, apNew[nNew - 1].pgno);
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    private void balance_quick() throws SqlJetException {
        SqlJetBtreeCursor pCur = this;

        SqlJetMemPage pNew = null;
        int[] pgnoNew = new int[1];
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer pCell;
        int szCell;
        SqlJetBtreeCellInfo info = new SqlJetBtreeCellInfo();
        SqlJetMemPage pPage = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage];
        SqlJetMemPage pParent = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage - 1];
        SqlJetBtreeShared pBt = pPage.pBt;
        /* pParent new divider cell index */
        int parentIdx = pParent.nCell;
        /* Size of new divider cell */
        int parentSize;
        /* Space for the new divider cell */
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer parentCell = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr(64);

        assert (pPage.pBt.mutex.held());

        try {
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        SqlJetMemPage pPage; /* Pointer to the root page */
        SqlJetMemPage pChild; /* Pointer to a new child page */
        int[] pgnoChild = new int[1]; /* Page number of the new child page */
        SqlJetBtreeShared pBt; /* The BTree */
        int usableSize; /* Total usable size of a page */
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer data; /* Content of the parent page */
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer cdata; /* Content of the child page */
        int hdr; /* Offset to page header in parent */
        int cbrk; /* Offset to content of first cell in parent */

        assert (pCur.iPage == 0);
        assert (pCur.apPage[0].nOverflow > 0);
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        int szNew;
        int idx;
        SqlJetMemPage pPage;
        SqlJetBtree p = pCur.pBtree;
        SqlJetBtreeShared pBt = p.pBt;
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer oldCell;
        ISqlJetMemoryPointer newCell = null;

        assert (cursorHoldsMutex(pCur));
        assert (pBt.inTransaction == TransMode.WRITE);
        assert (!pBt.readOnly);
        assert (pCur.wrFlag);
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            throws SqlJetException {

        pBuf = SqlJetUtility.pointer(pBuf);
        final SqlJetBtreeCursor pCur = this;

        ISqlJetMemoryPointer aPayload;
        int nKey;
        int iIdx = 0;
        /* Btree page of current entry */
        SqlJetMemPage pPage = pCur.apPage[pCur.iPage];
        /* Btree this cursor belongs to */
        SqlJetBtreeShared pBt = pCur.pBt;

        assert (pPage != null);
        assert (pCur.eState == CursorState.VALID);
        assert (pCur.aiIdx[pCur.iPage] < pPage.nCell);
        assert (cursorHoldsMutex(pCur));

        aPayload = pointer(,;
        nKey = (pPage.intKey ? 0 : (int);

        if (skipKey != 0) {
            offset += nKey;
        if (offset + amt > nKey +
                || (aPayload.getPointer() + > (pPage.aData.getPointer() + pBt.usableSize)) {
            /* Trying to read or write past the end of the data is an error */
            throw new SqlJetException(SqlJetErrorCode.CORRUPT);

        /* Check if data must be read/written to/from the btree page itself. */
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             * is* all that is required. Otherwise, if pCur is not open on an
             * intKey* table, then malloc space for and store the pCur->nKey
             * bytes of key* data.
            if (!pCur.apPage[0].intKey) {
                ISqlJetMemoryPointer pKey = SqlJetUtility.allocatePtr((int) pCur.nKey);
                pCur.key(0, (int) pCur.nKey, pKey);
                pCur.pKey = pKey;
            assert (!pCur.apPage[0].intKey || pCur.pKey == null);

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    public void testVarint() throws SqlJetException {
        final byte[] b = new byte[9];
        final long l = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        final ISqlJetMemoryPointer p = SqlJetUtility.wrapPtr(b);
        SqlJetUtility.putVarint(p, l);
        final long[] v = new long[] { 0 };
        SqlJetUtility.getVarint(p, v);
        Assert.assertEquals(l, v[0]);
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Related Classes of org.tmatesoft.sqljet.core.internal.ISqlJetMemoryPointer

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