Package org.opentripplanner.routing.graph

Examples of org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph

public class StreetfulStopLinkerTest {
    public final void testStreetfulStopLinker() {
        final double speed = new RoutingRequest().walkSpeed;

        Graph graph = new Graph();

        Stop stopA = new Stop();
        Stop stopB = new Stop();
        Stop stopC = new Stop();
        Stop stopD = new Stop();
        Stop stopE = new Stop();

        stopA.setId(new AgencyAndId("Stop", "A"));
        stopB.setId(new AgencyAndId("Stop", "B"));
        stopC.setId(new AgencyAndId("Stop", "C"));
        stopD.setId(new AgencyAndId("Stop", "D"));
        stopE.setId(new AgencyAndId("Stop", "E"));

        TransitStop transitStopA = new TransitStop(graph, stopA);
        TransitStop transitStopB = new TransitStop(graph, stopB);
        TransitStop transitStopC = new TransitStop(graph, stopC);
        TransitStop transitStopD = new TransitStop(graph, stopD);
        TransitStop transitStopE = new TransitStop(graph, stopE);

        IntersectionVertex intersectionA = new IntersectionVertex(graph, "Intersection A", 1, 1);
        IntersectionVertex intersectionB = new IntersectionVertex(graph, "Intersection B", 1, 2);
        IntersectionVertex intersectionC = new IntersectionVertex(graph, "Intersection C", 2, 2);
        IntersectionVertex intersectionD = new IntersectionVertex(graph, "Intersection D", 2, 1);

        intersectionA.freeFlowing = (true);
        intersectionB.freeFlowing = (true);
        intersectionC.freeFlowing = (true);
        intersectionD.freeFlowing = (true);

        new StreetTransitLink(transitStopA, intersectionA, true);
        new StreetTransitLink(intersectionB, transitStopB, true);
        new StreetTransitLink(intersectionC, transitStopC, true);
        new StreetTransitLink(intersectionD, transitStopD, true);
        new StreetTransitLink(intersectionA, transitStopE, true);

        PackedCoordinateSequence coordinatesAB = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(
                new double[]{1, 1, 1, 2}, 2);
        PackedCoordinateSequence coordinatesBC = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(
                new double[]{1, 2, 2, 2}, 2);
        PackedCoordinateSequence coordinatesCD = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(
                new double[]{2, 2, 2, 1}, 2);
        PackedCoordinateSequence coordinatesAD = new PackedCoordinateSequence.Double(
                new double[]{1, 1, 2, 1}, 2);

        GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory();

        LineString lineStringAB = new LineString(coordinatesAB, geometryFactory);
        LineString lineStringBC = new LineString(coordinatesBC, geometryFactory);
        LineString lineStringCD = new LineString(coordinatesCD, geometryFactory);
        LineString lineStringAD = new LineString(coordinatesAD, geometryFactory);

        // Powers of 2 avoid complications related to floating point arithmetic
        new StreetEdge(intersectionA, intersectionB, lineStringAB, "Edge AB", 2 * speed,
                StreetTraversalPermission.ALL, false);
        new StreetEdge(intersectionB, intersectionC, lineStringBC, "Edge BC", 4 * speed,
                StreetTraversalPermission.ALL, false);
        new StreetEdge(intersectionC, intersectionD, lineStringCD, "Edge CD", 8 * speed,
                StreetTraversalPermission.ALL, false);
        new StreetEdge(intersectionA, intersectionD, lineStringAD, "Edge AD", 16 * speed,
                StreetTraversalPermission.ALL, false);

        StreetfulStopLinker streetfulStopLinker = new StreetfulStopLinker();

        assertEquals(9, graph.countVertices());
        assertEquals(9, graph.countEdges());

        // The duration of the shortest path (A => E) is 2 seconds
        streetfulStopLinker.maxDuration = 1;
        streetfulStopLinker.buildGraph(graph, null);
        assertEquals(9, graph.countEdges());

        // The duration of the longest path (A => D) is 16 seconds
        streetfulStopLinker.maxDuration = 18;
        streetfulStopLinker.buildGraph(graph, null);
        assertEquals(13, graph.countEdges());
        assertEquals(9, graph.countVertices());

        final double results[] = new double[4];
        for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges()) {
            if (edge instanceof SimpleTransfer) {
                assertEquals(transitStopA, edge.getFromVertex());
                assertNotSame(transitStopA, edge.getToVertex());
                double EPSILON_D = 0.1;
                if (edge.getToVertex().equals(transitStopB)) {
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    public void testBannedStopGroup() throws ParameterException {
        // Create StopMatcher instance
        StopMatcher stopMatcher = StopMatcher.parse("TriMet:2106,TriMet:65-tc");
        // Find stops in graph
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;

        Stop stop65_tc = ((TransitStationStop) graph.getVertex("TriMet:65-tc")).getStop();

        Stop stop12921 = ((TransitStationStop) graph.getVertex("TriMet:12921")).getStop();

        Stop stop13132 = ((TransitStationStop) graph.getVertex("TriMet:13132")).getStop();

        Stop stop2106 = ((TransitStationStop) graph.getVertex("TriMet:2106")).getStop();

        Stop stop2107 = ((TransitStationStop) graph.getVertex("TriMet:2107")).getStop();

        // Match stop with id 65-tc
        // Match stop with id 12921 that has TriMet:65-tc as a parent
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        TestPlanner planner = new TestPlanner(
                "portland", "45.5264892578125,-122.60479259490967", "45.511622,-122.645564");

        // Replace the transfer table with an empty table
        TransferTable table = new TransferTable();
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;

        // Do the planning
        Response response = planner.getItineraries();
        Itinerary itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
        // Check the ids of the first two busses
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        TestPlanner planner = new TestPlanner(
                "portland", "45.5264892578125,-122.60479259490967", "45.511622,-122.645564");

        // Replace the transfer table with an empty table
        TransferTable table = new TransferTable();
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;

        // Do the planning
        Response response = planner.getItineraries();
        Itinerary itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
        // Check the ids of the first two busses
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        TestPlanner planner = new TestPlanner(
                "portland", "45.506077,-122.621139", "45.464637,-122.706061");

        // Replace the transfer table with an empty table
        TransferTable table = new TransferTable();
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;

        // Do the planning
        Response response = planner.getItineraries();
        Itinerary itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
        // Check the ids of the first two busses
        assertEquals("751W1320", itinerary.legs.get(1).tripId);
        assertEquals("91W1350", itinerary.legs.get(3).tripId);

        // Now add a timed transfer between two other busses
        addTripToTripTransferTimeToTable(table, "7528", "9756", "75", "12", "750W1300", "120W1320"
                , StopTransfer.TIMED_TRANSFER);
        // Don't forget to also add a TimedTransferEdge
        Vertex fromVertex = graph.getVertex("TriMet:7528_arrive");
        Vertex toVertex = graph.getVertex("TriMet:9756_depart");
        TimedTransferEdge timedTransferEdge = new TimedTransferEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);

        // Do the planning again
        response = planner.getItineraries();
        itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
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    public void testBasic() throws Exception {

        GtfsContext context = GtfsLibrary.readGtfs(new File(ConstantsForTests.CALTRAIN_GTFS));

        Graph gg = new Graph();
        GTFSPatternHopFactory factory = new GTFSPatternHopFactory(context);;
        gg.putService(CalendarServiceData.class, GtfsLibrary.createCalendarServiceData(context.getDao()));
        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        ShortestPathTree spt;
        GraphPath path = null;

        options.dateTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/Los_Angeles", 2009, 8, 7, 12, 0, 0);
        options.setRoutingContext(gg, "Caltrain:Millbrae Caltrain", "Caltrain:Mountain View Caltrain");
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        path = spt.getPath(gg.getVertex("Caltrain:Mountain View Caltrain"), true);

        long endTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/Los_Angeles", 2009, 8, 7, 13, 29, 0);

        assertEquals(path.getEndTime(), endTime);

        /* test backwards traversal */
        options.dateTime = endTime;
        options.setRoutingContext(gg, "Caltrain:Millbrae Caltrain", "Caltrain:Mountain View Caltrain");
        spt = aStar.getShortestPathTree(options);
        path = spt.getPath(gg.getVertex("Caltrain:Millbrae Caltrain"), true);

        long expectedStartTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/Los_Angeles", 2009, 8, 7, 12, 39, 0);

        assertTrue(path.getStartTime() - expectedStartTime <= 1);

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        TestPlanner planner = new TestPlanner(
                "portland", "45.506077,-122.621139", "45.464637,-122.706061");

        // Replace the transfer table with an empty table
        TransferTable table = new TransferTable();
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;

        // Do the planning
        Response response = planner.getItineraries();
        Itinerary itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
        // Check the ids of the first two busses
        assertEquals("751W1320", itinerary.legs.get(1).tripId);
        assertEquals("91W1350", itinerary.legs.get(3).tripId);

        // Now add a timed transfer between two other busses
        addStopToStopTransferTimeToTable(table, "7528", "9756", StopTransfer.TIMED_TRANSFER);
        // Don't forget to also add a TimedTransferEdge
        Vertex fromVertex = graph.getVertex("TriMet:7528_arrive");
        Vertex toVertex = graph.getVertex("TriMet:9756_depart");
        TimedTransferEdge timedTransferEdge = new TimedTransferEdge(fromVertex, toVertex);

        // Do the planning again
        response = planner.getItineraries();
        itinerary = response.getPlan().itinerary.get(0);
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    public void testMaxTime() {

        Graph graph = ConstantsForTests.getInstance().getPortlandGraph();
        Vertex start = graph.getVertex("TriMet:8371");
        Vertex end = graph.getVertex("TriMet:8374");

        RoutingRequest options = new RoutingRequest();
        long startTime = TestUtils.dateInSeconds("America/Los_Angeles", 2009, 11, 1, 12, 34, 25);
        options.dateTime = startTime;
        // one hour is more than enough time
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     * Apply an update to a table trip pattern and check whether the update was applied correctly
    private void applyUpdateToTripPattern(TripPattern pattern, String tripId, String stopId,
            int stopSeq, int arrive, int depart, ScheduleRelationship scheduleRelationship,
            int timestamp, ServiceDate serviceDate) throws ParseException {
        Graph graph = Context.getInstance().graph;
        TimetableResolver snapshot = graph.timetableSnapshotSource.getTimetableSnapshot();
        Timetable timetable = snapshot.resolve(pattern, serviceDate);
        TimeZone timeZone = new SimpleTimeZone(-7, "PST");
        long today = serviceDate.getAsDate(timeZone).getTime() / 1000;
        TripDescriptor.Builder tripDescriptorBuilder = TripDescriptor.newBuilder();
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    private AlertPatchServiceImpl getAlertPatchServiceImpl() {
        AlertPatchServiceImpl alertPatchService = new AlertPatchServiceImpl(new Graph());
        return alertPatchService;
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Related Classes of org.opentripplanner.routing.graph.Graph

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