Package org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart

Examples of org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartItem

    protected static Integer findPromoItem(GenericValue productPromoAction, ShoppingCart cart) {
        List<ShoppingCartItem> cartItems = cart.items();

        for (int i = 0; i < cartItems.size(); i++) {
            ShoppingCartItem checkItem = cartItems.get(i);

            if (checkItem.getIsPromo()) {
                // found a promo item, see if it has a matching adjustment on it
                Iterator<GenericValue> checkOrderAdjustments = UtilMisc.toIterator(checkItem.getAdjustments());
                while (checkOrderAdjustments != null && checkOrderAdjustments.hasNext()) {
                    GenericValue checkOrderAdjustment =;
                    if (productPromoAction.getString("productPromoId").equals(checkOrderAdjustment.get("productPromoId")) &&
                        productPromoAction.getString("productPromoRuleId").equals(checkOrderAdjustment.get("productPromoRuleId")) &&
                        productPromoAction.getString("productPromoActionSeqId").equals(checkOrderAdjustment.get("productPromoActionSeqId"))) {
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            Map<String, GenericValue> products = FastMap.newInstance();

            Iterator<ShoppingCartItem> cartiter = cart.iterator();

            while (cartiter != null && cartiter.hasNext()) {
                ShoppingCartItem item =;
                // Collection upgradeProducts = delegator.findByAndCache("ProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", item.getProductId(), "productAssocTypeId", "PRODUCT_UPGRADE"), null);
                List<GenericValue> complementProducts = delegator.findByAndCache("ProductAssoc", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", item.getProductId(), "productAssocTypeId", "PRODUCT_COMPLEMENT"), null);
                // since ProductAssoc records have a fromDate and thruDate, we can filter by now so that only assocs in the date range are included
                complementProducts = EntityUtil.filterByDate(complementProducts);

                List<GenericValue> productsCategories = delegator.findByAndCache("ProductCategoryMember", UtilMisc.toMap("productId", item.getProductId()), null);
                productsCategories = EntityUtil.filterByDate(productsCategories, true);
                if (productsCategories != null) {
                    for(GenericValue productsCategoryMember : productsCategories) {
                        GenericValue productsCategory = productsCategoryMember.getRelatedOneCache("ProductCategory");
                        if ("CROSS_SELL_CATEGORY".equals(productsCategory.getString("productCategoryTypeId"))) {
                            List<GenericValue> curPcms = productsCategory.getRelatedCache("ProductCategoryMember");
                            if (curPcms != null) {
                                for(GenericValue curPcm : curPcms) {
                                    if (!products.containsKey(curPcm.getString("productId"))) {
                                        GenericValue product = curPcm.getRelatedOneCache("Product");
                                        products.put(product.getString("productId"), product);

                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(complementProducts)) {
                    for(GenericValue productAssoc : complementProducts) {
                        if (!products.containsKey(productAssoc.getString("productIdTo"))) {
                            GenericValue product = productAssoc.getRelatedOneCache("AssocProduct");
                            products.put(product.getString("productId"), product);

            // remove all products that are already in the cart
            cartiter = cart.iterator();
            while (cartiter != null && cartiter.hasNext()) {
                ShoppingCartItem item =;

            // if desired check view allow category
            if (checkViewAllow) {
                String currentCatalogId = CatalogWorker.getCurrentCatalogId(request);
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                cartIdInt = Integer.valueOf(items[i]);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logWarning(e, UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"OrderIllegalCharacterInSelectedItemField", cart.getLocale()), module);
            if (cartIdInt != null) {
                ShoppingCartItem item = cart.findCartItem(cartIdInt.intValue());
                if (allowPromo || !item.getIsPromo()) {
                    Debug.logInfo("Adding cart item to shopping list [" + shoppingListId + "], allowPromo=" + allowPromo + ", item.getIsPromo()=" + item.getIsPromo() + ", item.getProductId()=" + item.getProductId() + ", item.getQuantity()=" + item.getQuantity(), module);
                    Map<String, Object> serviceResult = null;
                    try {
                        Map<String, Object> ctx = UtilMisc.<String, Object>toMap("userLogin", userLogin, "shoppingListId", shoppingListId, "productId", item.getProductId(), "quantity", item.getQuantity());
                        ctx.put("reservStart", item.getReservStart());
                        ctx.put("reservLength", item.getReservLength());
                        ctx.put("reservPersons", item.getReservPersons());
                  //    ctx.put("accommodationMapId", item.getAccommodationMapId());
                  //    ctx.put("accommodationSpotId", item.getAccommodationSpotId());
                        if (item.getConfigWrapper() != null) {
                            ctx.put("configId", item.getConfigWrapper().getConfigId());
                        serviceResult = dispatcher.runSync("createShoppingListItem", ctx);
                    } catch (GenericServiceException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e, "Problems creating ShoppingList item entity", module);
                        errMsg = UtilProperties.getMessage(resource_error,"shoppinglistevents.error_adding_item_to_shopping_list", cart.getLocale());
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        // add in the new product
        try {
            if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(cart.getOrderType())) {
                GenericValue supplierProduct = cart.getSupplierProduct(productId, quantity, dispatcher);
                ShoppingCartItem item = null;
                if (supplierProduct != null) {
                    item = ShoppingCartItem.makePurchaseOrderItem(null, productId, null, quantity, null, null, prodCatalogId, null, orderItemTypeId, null, dispatcher, cart, supplierProduct, itemDesiredDeliveryDate, itemDesiredDeliveryDate, null);
                    cart.addItem(0, item);
                } else {
                    throw new CartItemModifyException("No supplier information found for product [" + productId + "] and quantity quantity [" + quantity + "], cannot add to cart.");

                if (basePrice != null) {

                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(item, item.getQuantity(), shipGroupIdx);
            } else {
                ShoppingCartItem item = ShoppingCartItem.makeItem(null, productId, null, quantity, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, prodCatalogId, null, null, null, dispatcher, cart, null, null, null, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE);
                if (basePrice != null && overridePrice != null) {
                    // special hack to make sure we re-calc the promos after a price change
                    item.setQuantity(quantity.add(BigDecimal.ONE), dispatcher, cart, false);
                    item.setQuantity(quantity, dispatcher, cart, false);

                // set the item in the selected ship group
                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(item, item.getQuantity(), shipGroupIdx);
        } catch (CartItemModifyException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
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            itemTotals.put(itemInfo[0], tally);

        // set the items amount/price
        for(String itemSeqId : itemTotals.keySet()) {
            ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);

            if (cartItem != null) {
                BigDecimal qty = itemTotals.get(itemSeqId);
                BigDecimal priceSave = cartItem.getBasePrice();

                // set quantity
                try {
                    cartItem.setQuantity(qty, dispatcher, cart, false, false); // trigger external ops, don't reset ship groups (and update prices for both PO and SO items)
                } catch (CartItemModifyException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
                Debug.logInfo("Set item quantity: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + qty, module);

                if (cartItem.getIsModifiedPrice()) // set price

                if (overridePriceMap.containsKey(itemSeqId)) {
                    String priceStr = itemPriceMap.get(itemSeqId);
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priceStr)) {
                        BigDecimal price = null;
                        try {
                            price = (BigDecimal) ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(priceStr, "BigDecimal", null, locale);
                        } catch (GeneralException e) {
                            Debug.logError(e, module);
                            return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
                        price = price.setScale(orderDecimals, orderRounding);
                        Debug.logInfo("Set item price: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + price, module);


                // Update the item description
                if (itemDescriptionMap != null && itemDescriptionMap.containsKey(itemSeqId)) {
                    String description = itemDescriptionMap.get(itemSeqId);
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(description)) {
                        Debug.logInfo("Set item description: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + description, module);
                    } else {
                        return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
                                "OrderItemDescriptionCannotBeEmpty", locale));

                // update the order item attributes
                if (itemAttributesMap != null) {
                    String attrValue = null;
                    for (String attrName : attributeNames) {
                        attrValue = itemAttributesMap.get(attrName + ":" + itemSeqId);
                        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(attrName)) {
                            cartItem.setOrderItemAttribute(attrName, attrValue);
                            Debug.logInfo("Set item attribute Name: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + attrName + " , Value:" + attrValue, module);

            } else {
                Debug.logInfo("Unable to locate shopping cart item for seqId #" + itemSeqId, module);
        // Create Estimated Delivery dates
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : itemEstimatedDeliveryDateMap.entrySet()) {
            String itemSeqId =  entry.getKey();

            // ignore internationalised variant of dates
            if (!itemSeqId.endsWith("_i18n")) {
                String estimatedDeliveryDate = entry.getValue();
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(estimatedDeliveryDate)) {
                    Timestamp deliveryDate = Timestamp.valueOf(estimatedDeliveryDate);
                    ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);

        // Create Estimated ship dates
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : itemEstimatedShipDateMap.entrySet()) {
            String itemSeqId =  entry.getKey();

            // ignore internationalised variant of dates
            if (!itemSeqId.endsWith("_i18n")) {
                String estimatedShipDate = entry.getValue();
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(estimatedShipDate)) {
                    Timestamp shipDate = Timestamp.valueOf(estimatedShipDate);
                    ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);

        // update the group amounts
        for(String key : itemQtyMap.keySet()) {
            String quantityStr = itemQtyMap.get(key);
            BigDecimal groupQty = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            try {
                groupQty = (BigDecimal) ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(quantityStr, "BigDecimal", null, locale);
            } catch (GeneralException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());

            String[] itemInfo = key.split(":");
            int groupIdx = -1;
            try {
                groupIdx = Integer.parseInt(itemInfo[1]);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());

            // set the group qty
            ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemInfo[0]);
            if (cartItem != null) {
                Debug.logInfo("Shipping info (before) for group #" + (groupIdx-1) + " [" + cart.getShipmentMethodTypeId(groupIdx-1) + " / " + cart.getCarrierPartyId(groupIdx-1) + "]", module);
                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(cartItem, groupQty, groupIdx - 1);
                Debug.logInfo("Set ship group qty: [" + itemInfo[0] + " / " + itemInfo[1] + " (" + (groupIdx-1) + ")] " + groupQty, module);
                Debug.logInfo("Shipping info (after) for group #" + (groupIdx-1) + " [" + cart.getShipmentMethodTypeId(groupIdx-1) + " / " + cart.getCarrierPartyId(groupIdx-1) + "]", module);
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                                                                           null, null, null,
                                                                           null, null, null,
                                                                           null, dispatcher);
                                    ShoppingCartItem sci = cart.findCartItem(itemIndex);
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(UtilProperties.getMessage(resource,
                                            UtilMisc.toMap("orderId", orderId, "errorString", e.getMessage()),
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        // set the items amount/price
        Iterator iai = itemTotals.keySet().iterator();
        while (iai.hasNext()) {
            String itemSeqId = (String);
            ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);

            if (cartItem != null) {
                BigDecimal qty = (BigDecimal) itemTotals.get(itemSeqId);
                BigDecimal priceSave = cartItem.getBasePrice();

                // set quantity
                try {
                    cartItem.setQuantity(qty, dispatcher, cart, false, false); // trigger external ops, don't reset ship groups (and update prices for both PO and SO items)
                } catch (CartItemModifyException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, module);
                    return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
                Debug.logInfo("Set item quantity: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + qty, module);

                if (cartItem.getIsModifiedPrice()) // set price

                if (overridePriceMap.containsKey(itemSeqId)) {
                    String priceStr = (String) itemPriceMap.get(itemSeqId);
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(priceStr)) {
                        BigDecimal price = new BigDecimal("-1");
                        price = new BigDecimal(priceStr).setScale(orderDecimals, orderRounding);
                        Debug.logInfo("Set item price: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + price, module);


                // Update the item description
                if (itemDescriptionMap != null && itemDescriptionMap.containsKey(itemSeqId)) {
                    String description = (String) itemDescriptionMap.get(itemSeqId);
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(description)) {
                        Debug.logInfo("Set item description: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + description, module);
                    } else {
                        return ServiceUtil.returnError("Item description must not be empty");

                // update the order item attributes
                if (itemAttributesMap != null) {
                    String attrValue = null;
                    for (String attrName : attributeNames) {
                        attrValue = (String) itemAttributesMap.get(attrName + ":" + itemSeqId);
                        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(attrName)) {
                            cartItem.setOrderItemAttribute(attrName, attrValue);
                            Debug.logInfo("Set item attribute Name: [" + itemSeqId + "] " + attrName + " , Value:" + attrValue, module);

            } else {
                Debug.logInfo("Unable to locate shopping cart item for seqId #" + itemSeqId, module);
        // Create Estimated Delivery dates
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : itemEstimatedDeliveryDateMap.entrySet()) {
            String itemSeqId =  entry.getKey();
            String estimatedDeliveryDate = entry.getValue();
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(estimatedDeliveryDate)) {
                Timestamp deliveryDate = Timestamp.valueOf(estimatedDeliveryDate);
                ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);

        // Create Estimated ship dates
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : itemEstimatedShipDateMap.entrySet()) {
            String itemSeqId =  entry.getKey();
            String estimatedShipDate = entry.getValue();
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(estimatedShipDate)) {
                Timestamp shipDate = Timestamp.valueOf(estimatedShipDate);
                ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemSeqId);


        // update the group amounts
        Iterator gai = itemQtyMap.keySet().iterator();
        while (gai.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String);
            String quantityStr = (String) itemQtyMap.get(key);
            BigDecimal groupQty = BigDecimal.ZERO;
            try {
                groupQty = new BigDecimal(quantityStr);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());

            String[] itemInfo = key.split(":");
            int groupIdx = -1;
            try {
                groupIdx = Integer.parseInt(itemInfo[1]);
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
                return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());

            // set the group qty
            ShoppingCartItem cartItem = cart.findCartItem(itemInfo[0]);
            if (cartItem != null) {
                Debug.logInfo("Shipping info (before) for group #" + (groupIdx-1) + " [" + cart.getShipmentMethodTypeId(groupIdx-1) + " / " + cart.getCarrierPartyId(groupIdx-1) + "]", module);
                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(cartItem, groupQty, groupIdx - 1);
                Debug.logInfo("Set ship group qty: [" + itemInfo[0] + " / " + itemInfo[1] + " (" + (groupIdx-1) + ")] " + groupQty, module);
                Debug.logInfo("Shipping info (after) for group #" + (groupIdx-1) + " [" + cart.getShipmentMethodTypeId(groupIdx-1) + " / " + cart.getCarrierPartyId(groupIdx-1) + "]", module);
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                                                                           null, null, null,
                                                                           null, null, null,
                                                                           null, dispatcher);
                                    ShoppingCartItem sci = cart.findCartItem(itemIndex);
                                    // TODO: we should consider also the ship group in the association between sales and purchase orders
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    return ServiceUtil.returnError("The following error occurred creating drop shipments for order [" + orderId + "]: " + e.getMessage());
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                    // only keep the orderitem with the related product.
                    List cartItems = cart.items();
                    Iterator ci = cartItems.iterator();
                    while (ci.hasNext()) {
                        ShoppingCartItem shoppingCartItem = (ShoppingCartItem);
                        if (!subscription.get("productId").equals(shoppingCartItem.getProductId())) {
                            cart.removeCartItem(shoppingCartItem, dispatcher);

                    CheckOutHelper helper = new CheckOutHelper(dispatcher, delegator, cart);
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        // add in the new product
        try {
            if ("PURCHASE_ORDER".equals(cart.getOrderType())) {
                GenericValue supplierProduct = cart.getSupplierProduct(productId, quantity, dispatcher);
                ShoppingCartItem item = null;
                if (supplierProduct != null) {
                    item = ShoppingCartItem.makePurchaseOrderItem(null, productId, null, quantity, null, null, prodCatalogId, null, null, null, dispatcher, cart, supplierProduct, itemDesiredDeliveryDate, itemDesiredDeliveryDate, null);
                    cart.addItem(0, item);
                } else {
                    throw new CartItemModifyException("No supplier information found for product [" + productId + "] and quantity quantity [" + quantity + "], cannot add to cart.");

                if (basePrice != null) {

                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(item, item.getQuantity(), shipGroupIdx);
            } else {
                ShoppingCartItem item = ShoppingCartItem.makeItem(null, productId, null, quantity, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, prodCatalogId, null, null, null, dispatcher, cart, null, null, null, Boolean.FALSE, Boolean.FALSE);
                if (basePrice != null && overridePrice != null) {
                    // special hack to make sure we re-calc the promos after a price change
                    item.setQuantity(quantity.add(BigDecimal.ONE), dispatcher, cart, false);
                    item.setQuantity(quantity, dispatcher, cart, false);

                // set the item in the selected ship group
                cart.setItemShipGroupQty(item, item.getQuantity(), shipGroupIdx);
        } catch (CartItemModifyException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, module);
            return ServiceUtil.returnError(e.getMessage());
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) {
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Related Classes of org.ofbiz.order.shoppingcart.ShoppingCartItem

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