Package org.mt4j.util.math

Examples of org.mt4j.util.math.Vertex

    Vertex[] vertices = geometryInfo.getVertices();
    //Gen texcoord array
    float[][] texCoords = new float[vertices.length][2];
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
      Vertex v = vertices[i];
      texCoords[i][0] = v.getTexCoordU();
      texCoords[i][1] = v.getTexCoordV();
    //Gen or get indices array
    int[] indices = null;
    if (!geometryInfo.isIndexed()){
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          //Get the vertexdata at the index, the face points to
          VertexData myVertexData   = vertexDatas.get(vertexPointer);
          Vertex newVertex = new Vertex(
//          Create texcoords and add to vertex
          float[] tex = new float[2];
          if (originalTexCoords.length > 0){
            tex[0] = originalTexCoords[texturePointer][0];
            tex[1] = originalTexCoords[texturePointer][1];
            if (flipTextureY){
              tex[1] = 1.0f-tex[1];
            if (flipTextureX){
              tex[0] = 1.0f-tex[0];

          //Check if the vertex data at the pointer is empty thats the case before first time a vertex is added to it here
          if (myVertexData.getVertex() == null){
            logger.debug("vdP" + j + " vertex in vertexData not initialzied -> set it");
//            logger.debug("vdP0 is empty -> adding first vertex, texture tuple");
          }else{//Vertex data at index already contains one or more vertices
            //Check if the vertex data at the index contains a vertex that is equal to the new vertex and its texture information
            //-> if true, just add the vertex to that vertexdata and the face it also is in
            //-> if false, check if a duplicate vertexdata is registered in the vertexdata the face points to
            //    -> if true, add the vertex to the duplicate, change face index to the duplicates index
            //    -> if false, create new vertexdata at end of list, add the vertex and texcoords of the vertex, and register
            //      it as a duplicate in the original vertexdata, change the face index to the new duplicates index
            if (myVertexData.equalsVertex(newVertex)){
              //Register das face mit dem vertex data
              logger.debug("vdP" + j + "already CONTAINS a vertex with same coords and texture information -> do nothing, just a the current face to its neighborlist");
              //Check if already duplicates were created, maybe with the same vertex and texture information,
              //then we have to add the vertex to that vertexdata rather than creating a new one
              int duplicateIndex = myVertexData.getVertDuplicateSameVertDiffTextureCoordListIndex(newVertex);
              if (duplicateIndex != -1){ //Es gibt schon ein duplicate mit gleichen tex coords wie dieses hier, adde bei duplicateIndex
                //Change face pointer of p0 to the duplicates index
                if      (j == 0myFace.p0 = duplicateIndex;
                else if(j == 1) myFace.p1 = duplicateIndex;
                else if(j == 2myFace.p2 = duplicateIndex;
                //wenn wir orginal hinzuf�gen wird auch allen duplicates neighbor face zugef�gt.
                logger.debug("vdP" + j + "has different texture coordiantes but a already created duplicate has the same -> change this face pointer to the duplicate one");
              }else{//there was no duplicate created with the same texture coords yet -> create one!
                //Neuen Vertex machen, an original vertices list anh�ngen, neuen index in face auf diesen setzen, face adden
                VertexData newVertexData = new VertexData();
                //Add the vertex information to the newly created vertexdata
                //Get new index at end of vertex list
                int newIndexOfNewVertexData = vertexDatas.size();
                //Change the index of the face to the index the new Vdata is created at
                if      (j == 0myFace.p0 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(j == 1) myFace.p1 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(j == 2myFace.p2 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                //Tell the vertexdata the index it is in the overall data
                //Add new vertex data at the end of the list of all vertexdatas
                //Inform the original vertexdata, that a duplicate with diff tex coords was created and register it
                //Adde face zu orginal face -> damit wird auch duplicates und dem neuen hinzugef�gt,
                //wenn wir es vorher mit registerDuplicate am orginal registiert haben!
                //copy the face list the vertex is contained in of the original
                //to the duplicate (for normal generation later, so they are still neighbors)!
                logger.debug("vdP" + j + "isnt empty but DOESENT CONTAIN (also no duplicate contains) a vertex with same coords and texture information -> creating new V.D. at: " + newIndexOfNewVertexData);
              }//end if duplicate exists
            }//end if vertexdata already contains Vnew
          }//end if vertexdata is empty
        }//end for p0,p1,p2
        //Calculate the face's normal vector
        myFace.index = faces.size();
        //Add face to facelist
      logger.debug("-> Processed duplicate vertex/texture points.");
      //Create arrays
      Vertex[] newVertices   = new Vertex[vertexDatas.size()];
      Vector3D[] normals    = new Vector3D[vertexDatas.size()];
      int[] newIndices    = new int[faces.size()*3];
       * Go through the final faces list and fill vertex/newIndices/normal arrays
      for (int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
        MyFace myFace = faces.get(j);
        //Get vertex pointers of face to newVertices in newVertices list
        int indexP0 = myFace.p0;
        int indexP1 = myFace.p1;
        int indexP2 = myFace.p2;
        //Use pointers as newIndices and fill newIndices array
        newIndices[j*3]    = indexP0;
        newIndices[j*3+1= indexP1;
        newIndices[j*3+2= indexP2;
        //Get the vertexdatas out of the list with the pointers
        VertexData vdP0 = vertexDatas.get(indexP0);
        VertexData vdP1 = vertexDatas.get(indexP1);
        VertexData vdP2 = vertexDatas.get(indexP2);
        //Get the vertex out of the vdata
        Vertex v0 = vdP0.getVertex();
        Vertex v1 = vdP1.getVertex();
        Vertex v2 = vdP2.getVertex();
        //Put newVertices from vertexdata list in vertex array for the geometry array
        newVertices[indexP0] = v0;
        newVertices[indexP1] = v1;
        newVertices[indexP2] = v2;
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      float creaseAngleRad = (float)Math.toRadians(creaseAngle);
//      float creaseAngleRad =
      float creaseCosinus = (float)Math.cos(creaseAngle);
      nullVect   = new Vertex(0,0,0, -1, -1);
      ArrayList<VertexData>   vertexDatas = new ArrayList<VertexData>();
      ArrayList<MyFace>     faces     = new ArrayList<MyFace>();
      //Init and fill vertexdata list with as many as vertices
      for (int i = 0; i < originalVertices.length; i++) {
        //Vertex v = vertices[i];
        VertexData vd = new VertexData();
      //GO through indices array and create a face for every three indices (must be triangle array!)
      int pp0 = 0;
      int pp1 = 0;
      int pp2 = 0;
      int tIndexPP0 = 0;
      int tIndexPP1 = 0;
      int tIndexPP2 = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < originalIndices.length/3; i++) {
        //int currentIndex = indices[i];
        //Next 3 vertex indices as the new faces pointers for our face
        pp0 = originalIndices[i*3];
        pp1 = originalIndices[i*3+1];
        pp2 = originalIndices[i*3+2];
        if (originalTexCoords.length > 0){
          //Next 3 texture texture indices //(vertex and texture indices indexed in the same order)
          tIndexPP0 = originalTexIndices[i*3];
          tIndexPP1 = originalTexIndices[i*3+1];
          tIndexPP2 = originalTexIndices[i*3+2];
        MyFace myFace = new MyFace();
        myFace.p0 = pp0;
        myFace.p1 = pp1;
        myFace.p2 = pp2;
        int vertexPointer = pp0;
        int texturePointer = tIndexPP0;
        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
          if      (j == 0)  {
            vertexPointer   = pp0;
            texturePointer  = tIndexPP0;
          else if(j == 1){
            vertexPointer   = pp1;
            texturePointer  = tIndexPP1;
          else if(j == 2){
            vertexPointer   = pp2;
            texturePointer  = tIndexPP2;
          //Get the vertexdata at the index, the face points to
          VertexData myVertexData   = vertexDatas.get(vertexPointer);
          Vertex newVertex = new Vertex(
          //Create texcoords and add to vertex
          float[] tex = new float[2];
          if (originalTexCoords.length > 0){
            tex[0] = originalTexCoords[texturePointer][0];
            tex[1] = originalTexCoords[texturePointer][1];
            if (flipTextureY){
              tex[1] = 1.0f-tex[1];
            if (flipTextureX){
              tex[0] = 1.0f-tex[0];

          //Check if the vertex data at the pointer is empty thats the case before first time a vertex is added to it here
          if (myVertexData.getVertex() == null){
            logger.debug("vdP" + j + " vertex in vertexData not initialized -> set it: " + newVertex);
          }else{//Vertex data at index already contains one or more vertices
            //Check if the vertex data at the index contains a vertex that is equal to the new vertex and its texture information
            //-> if true, just add the vertex to that vertexdata and the face it also is in
            //-> if false, check if a duplicate vertexdata is registered in the vertexdata the face points to
            //    -> if true, add the vertex to the duplicate, change face index to the duplicates index
            //    -> if false, create new vertexdata at end of list, add the vertex and texcoords of the vertex, and register
            //      it as a duplicate in the original vertexdata, change the face index to the new duplicates index
            if (myVertexData.equalsVertex(newVertex)){
              //Register das face mit dem vertex data
              logger.debug("vdP" + j + "already CONTAINS a vertex with same coords and texture information -> do nothing, just add the current face to its neighborlist");
              //Check if already duplicates were created, maybe with the same vertex and texture information,
              //then we have to add the vertex to that vertexdata rather than creating a new one
              int duplicateIndex = myVertexData.getVertDuplicateSameVertDiffTextureCoordListIndex(newVertex);
              if (duplicateIndex != -1){ //Es gibt schon ein duplicate mit gleichen tex coords wie dieses hier, adde bei duplicateIndex
                //Change face pointer of p0 to the duplicates index
                if      (j == 0myFace.p0 = duplicateIndex;
                else if(j == 1) myFace.p1 = duplicateIndex;
                else if(j == 2myFace.p2 = duplicateIndex;
                //wenn wir orginal hinzuf�gen wird auch allen duplicates neighbor face zugef�gt.
                logger.debug("vdP" + j + "has different texture coordiantes but a already created duplicate has the same -> change this face pointer to the duplicate one");
              }else{//there was no duplicate created with the same texture coords yet -> create one!
                //Neuen Vertex machen, an original vertices list anh�ngen, neuen index in face auf diesen setzen, face adden
                VertexData newVertexData = new VertexData();
                //Add the vertex information to the newly created vertexdata
                //Get new index at end of vertex list
                int newIndexOfNewVertexData = vertexDatas.size();
                //Change the index of the face to the index the new Vdata is created at
                if      (j == 0myFace.p0 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(j == 1) myFace.p1 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(j == 2myFace.p2 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                //Tell the vertexdata the index it is in the overall data
                //Add new vertex data at the end of the list of all vertexdatas
                //Inform the original vertexdata, that a duplicate with diff tex coords was created and register it
                //Adde face zu orginal face -> damit wird auch duplicates und dem neuen hinzugef�gt,
                //wenn wir es vorher mit registerDuplicate am orginal registiert haben!
                //copy the face list the vertex is contained in of the original
                //to the duplicate (for normal generation later, so they are still neighbors)!
                logger.debug("vdP" + j + "isnt empty but DOESENT CONTAIN (also no duplicate contains) a vertex with same coords and texture information -> creating new V.D. at: " + newIndexOfNewVertexData);
              }//end if duplicate exists
            }//end if vertexdata already contains Vnew
          }//end if vertexdata is empty
        }//end for p0,p1,p2
        //Calculate the face's normal vector
        myFace.index = faces.size();
        //Add face to facelist
      logger.debug("-> Processed duplicate vertex/texture points.");
      if (creaseAngleRad != 0.0) {
        //Durch alle selbst kreierten faces gehen, und schauen ob ein vertex des faces mit einem seiner
        //nachbar faces einen "sharp edge" hat oder smooth ist.
        //wenn smooth -> als smooth neighbor des face pointers hinzuf�gen
        for (int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
          MyFace currentFace = faces.get(j);
          //Get vertex pointers of face to vertices in vertices list
          int indexP0 = currentFace.p0;
          int indexP1 = currentFace.p1;
          int indexP2 = currentFace.p2;
          //Get the vertexdatas out of the list with the pointers
          VertexData vdP0 = vertexDatas.get(indexP0);
          VertexData vdP1 = vertexDatas.get(indexP1);
          VertexData vdP2 = vertexDatas.get(indexP2);
          int[] currentFaceVertIndices = currentFace.getVertexIndices();
          //Go through all 3 vertexdata entries in the current face and check for its smooth neighbors
          for (int faceVD = 0; faceVD < currentFaceVertIndices.length /*currentFace.getVertexIndices().length*/; faceVD++) {
            VertexData currentFaceVertexData = null;
            if      (faceVD == 0)  {currentFaceVertexData   = vdP0; /*logger.debug("Face: " + j + " - P0");*/}
            else if(faceVD == 1)   {currentFaceVertexData   = vdP1; /*logger.debug("Face: " + j + " - P1");*/}
            else if(faceVD == 2)  {currentFaceVertexData   = vdP2; /*logger.debug("Face: " + j + " - P2");*/}
            ArrayList<MyFace> facesVDIsIn = currentFaceVertexData.getFacesContainedIn();
            //Go through all neighbor faces that the vertex(data) is a part of
            for (int k = 0; k < facesVDIsIn.size(); k++) {
              MyFace anotherFaceVDisIn = facesVDIsIn.get(k);
              //Check that we are not considering the same face as the currentFace
              if (!anotherFaceVDisIn.equals(currentFace)){
                boolean onSameSurface = isOnSameSurfaceRadians(currentFace, anotherFaceVDisIn, creaseAngleRad);
//                boolean onSameSurface = isOnSameSurfaceCosAngle(currentFace, anotherFaceVDisIn, creaseCosinus);
                //Check if the current face and the other face VD are connected
                //by an angle < cos_angle degrees,
                //if so, add the faces to the vds smooth neighbor list (for later normal generation)
                //if NOT so, create new VertexData, as a copy of the current one at the end of
                //the vertexdata list, adjust the face pointers of the current face to the new one
                //(we need another vertex so we have two different normals for them if the two faces arent smoothly connected)
                if (onSameSurface){
                  if      (faceVD == 0)  {
                    logger.debug("Face: " + (currentFace.index) + " (P0:" + currentFace.p0 + " P1:" + currentFace.p1 + " P2:" + currentFace.p2 + ")" + " is smooth with face: " + (anotherFaceVDisIn.index) + " (P0:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p0 + " P1:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p1 + " P2:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p2 + ") at currentFaces' pointer: " +  currentFace.p0 + " (" + vdP0.getVertex()+ " )");
                  else if(faceVD == 1)   {
                    logger.debug("Face: " + (currentFace.index) + " (P0:" + currentFace.p0 + " P1:" + currentFace.p1 + " P2:" + currentFace.p2 + ")" + " is smooth with face: " + (anotherFaceVDisIn.index) + " (P0:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p0 + " P1:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p1 + " P2:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p2 + ") at currentFaces' pointer: " +  currentFace.p1+ " (" + vdP1.getVertex()+ " )");
                  else if(faceVD == 2)  {
                    logger.debug("Face: " + (currentFace.index) + " (P0:" + currentFace.p0 + " P1:" + currentFace.p1 + " P2:" + currentFace.p2 + ")" + " is smooth with face: " + (anotherFaceVDisIn.index) + " (P0:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p0 + " P1:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p1 + " P2:" + anotherFaceVDisIn.p2 + ") at currentFaces' pointer: " +  currentFace.p2+ " (" + vdP2.getVertex()+ " )");

                  if      (faceVD == 0)  {
                  else if(faceVD == 1)   {
                  else if(faceVD == 2)  {
                }//if smooth
              }//if not checking against this same face
            }//for loop through all faces the current vertex is in
          }//for loop through all 3 vertexdatas of the current face
        }//for loop through all previously created faces
      }//end if creaseAngle != 0.0

  /////////////////  //moved to the next loop
//      //Vertex normalen berechnen
//      for (int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
//        MyFace currentFace = faces.get(j);
//        currentFace.calcVertexNormals(useNormailizedNormalsForAdding);
//      }
      // /|\
      // combine?
      // \|/
      //Die vertex normalen wurden pro face und pro pointer auf ein vertex in den faces berechnet
      //Jetzt f�gen wir den VertexDatas, die die vertices representieren diese vertex normalen hinzu.
      //Wenn in mehreren faces auf den gleichen vertex gezeigt wird, aber in dem face f�r diesen vertex eine
      //andere normale berechnet wurde (weil face mit anderen smooth ist) m�ssen wir evtl das Vertex(data) duplizieren
      //und diesem die andere normale hinzuf�gen
      for (int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
        MyFace currentFace = faces.get(j);
        int[] faceVertexPointer = currentFace.getVertexIndices();
        //Go trough all (3) vertexpointer p0..2 of the current face
        for (int i = 0; i < faceVertexPointer.length; i++) {
          int currentVertexPointer = faceVertexPointer[i];
          logger.debug("-> Processing face[" + j + "].P" + i + " Vertex: " + vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer).getVertex());
          //Hole vertexdata auf das das currentFace an dem aktuellen zeiger (p0,p1,p2) zeigt
          VertexData currentVertexDataP0OrP1OrP2 = vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer);
          //Get normal saved in the vertexdata at position Face.Px
          Vector3D currentFacesCurrentVDNormal = currentVertexDataP0OrP1OrP2.getUniqueVertexNormal();
          //Get vertex normal array calculated and saved in the face for each point Px
          Vector3D[] vertexNormalsCurrentFace = currentFace.getVertexNormals();
          //Check if the vertexnormal data at the pointer is null -> thats the case before first time a vertexnormal is set here
          if (currentFacesCurrentVDNormal == null){
            logger.debug("Face " + j + ", vdP" + i + " (Vertex: " + vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer).getVertex() + ")" + " normal not yet set -> set it: " + vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i]);
          }else{//Vertexdata at index already contains a vertexnormal -> check if its the equal to this faces currentVD's
            if (currentFacesCurrentVDNormal.equalsVectorWithTolerance(vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i], ToolsMath.ZERO_TOLERANCE)){
              logger.debug("Face " + j + ", vdP" + i +  " (Vertex: " + vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer).getVertex() + ")" + " already CONTAINS a normal with the same values as the normal of this faces point ->  we can leave the index and normal at the same place: N:" + vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i]);
              int duplicateIndexOfSameVertDiffNormal = currentVertexDataP0OrP1OrP2.getVertDuplicateSameVertDiffNormalListIndex(vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i]);
              if (duplicateIndexOfSameVertDiffNormal != -1){ //Es gibt schon ein duplicate mit gleichen tex coords wie dieses hier, adde bei duplicateIndex
                //Change face pointer of p0 to the duplicates index
                if      (i == 0currentFace.p0 = duplicateIndexOfSameVertDiffNormal;
                else if(i == 1) currentFace.p1 = duplicateIndexOfSameVertDiffNormal;
                else if(i == 2currentFace.p2 = duplicateIndexOfSameVertDiffNormal;
                logger.debug("Face " + j + " vdP" + i  + " (Vertex: " + vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer).getVertex() + ")" " vertexnormal is conform with a duplicate of the original vertex -> point to that duplicate: N:"  + vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i]);
              }else{//duplicate index == -1 -> neither the orignal faces point has the same vertexnormal nor a duplicate with different normal has that normal -> create new VD with the different normal and same vertex
                //Neuen Vertex machen, an original vertices list anh�ngen, neuen index in face auf diesen setzen
                VertexData newVertexData = new VertexData();
                //Add the vertex information to the newly created vertexdata
                //Set the vertex normal for the new vertexdata  as the vertex normal of the current face' calced normal for that vertex
                //Get new index at end of vertex list
                int newIndexOfNewVertexData = vertexDatas.size();
                //Change the index of the face to the index the new Vdata is created at
                if      (i == 0currentFace.p0 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(i == 1) currentFace.p1 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                else if(i == 2currentFace.p2 = newIndexOfNewVertexData;
                //Tell the vertexdata the index it is in the overall data
                //Add new vertex data at the end of the list of all vertexdatas
                //Inform the original vertexdata, that a duplicate with diff tex coords was created and register it
                logger.debug("Face " + j + ", vdP" + i  + " (Vertex: " + vertexDatas.get(currentVertexPointer).getVertex() + ")" " has a different vertexnormal and DOESENT CONTAIN a link to a duplicate vertex with same normal information -> creating new VD at: " + newIndexOfNewVertexData + " N:" + vertexNormalsCurrentFace[i]);
              }//end if duplicate exists
            }//end if vertexdata already contains Vnew
          }//end if vertexdata is empty
      //Create arrays
      Vertex[] newVertices   = new Vertex[vertexDatas.size()];
      Vector3D[] normals    = new Vector3D[vertexDatas.size()];
      int[] newIndices    = new int[faces.size()*3];
       * Go through the final faces list and fill vertex/newIndices/normal arrays
      for (int j = 0; j < faces.size(); j++) {
        MyFace myFace = faces.get(j);
        //Get vertex pointers of face to newVertices in newVertices list
        int indexP0 = myFace.p0;
        int indexP1 = myFace.p1;
        int indexP2 = myFace.p2;
        //Use pointers as newIndices and fill newIndices array
        newIndices[j*3]    = indexP0;
        newIndices[j*3+1= indexP1;
        newIndices[j*3+2= indexP2;
        //Get the vertexdatas out of the list with the pointers
        VertexData vdP0 = vertexDatas.get(indexP0);
        VertexData vdP1 = vertexDatas.get(indexP1);
        VertexData vdP2 = vertexDatas.get(indexP2);
        //Get the vertex out of the vdata
        Vertex v0 = vdP0.getVertex();
        Vertex v1 = vdP1.getVertex();
        Vertex v2 = vdP2.getVertex();
        //Put newVertices from vertexdata list in vertex array for the geometry array
        newVertices[indexP0] = v0;
        newVertices[indexP1] = v1;
        newVertices[indexP2] = v2;
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  private  float[] calcBounds(MTComponent currentComp, float[] bounds){
    if (currentComp instanceof AbstractShape){
      AbstractShape shape = (AbstractShape)currentComp;
      Vertex[] globalVecs = shape.getVerticesGlobal();
      for (int j = 0; j < globalVecs.length; j++) {
        Vertex v = globalVecs[j];
        if (v.x < bounds[0])
          bounds[0] = v.x;
        if (v.x > bounds[1])
          bounds[1] = v.x;
        if (v.y < bounds[2])
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   * @return true, if successful
  private boolean hasVertexColors(GeometryInfo geometryInfo){
    Vertex[] verts = geometryInfo.getVertices();
    for (int i = 0; i < verts.length; i++) {
      Vertex vertex = verts[i];
      if (vertex.getR() != Vertex.DEFAULT_RED_COLOR_COMPONENT ||
        vertex.getG() != Vertex.DEFAULT_GREEN_COLOR_COMPONENT ||
        vertex.getB() != Vertex.DEFAULT_BLUE_COLOR_COMPONENT ||
        vertex.getA() != Vertex.DEFAULT_ALPHA_COLOR_COMPONENT
        return true;
    return false;
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    Vertex[] vertices = this.getVerticesLocal();
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++) {
      Vertex v = vertices[i];
      //FIXME TEST
      if (this.hasVertexColor){
        g.fill(v.getR(), v.getG(), v.getB(), v.getA()); //takes vertex colors into account 
      if (this.isTextureEnabled())
        g.vertex(v.x, v.y, v.z, v.getTexCoordU(), v.getTexCoordV());
        if (v.getType() == Vector3D.BEZIERVERTEX){
          BezierVertex b = (BezierVertex)v;
              b.getFirstCtrlPoint().x,  b.getFirstCtrlPoint().y,  b.getFirstCtrlPoint().z,
              b.getSecondCtrlPoint().x, b.getSecondCtrlPoint().y, b.getSecondCtrlPoint().z,
              b.x, b.y, b.z  );
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   * @return the round rect verts
  private Vertex[] getRoundRectVerts(float x, float y, float z, float width, float height, float arcWidth, float arcHeight, int segments, boolean createTexCoords){
    //Draw first lines
    Vertex upperLineP1   = new Vertex(x + arcWidth, y, 0);
    Vertex upperLineP2   = new Vertex(x + width - arcWidth , y, 0);
//    Vertex upperLineP2   = new Vertex(x + arcWidth + width - 2*arcWidth , y, 0);
    Vertex rLinep1 = new Vertex(x + width, y + arcHeight      , 0);
    Vertex rLinep2 = new Vertex(x + width, y + height  - arcHeight, 0);
    //Draw the first arc
    List<Vertex> upperRightCorner = ToolsGeometry.arcTo(upperLineP2.x,upperLineP2.y, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, false,true, rLinep1.x,rLinep1.y, arcSegments);
    Vertex lowerLinep1 = new Vertex(x + width - arcWidth  , y + height, 0);
    Vertex lowerLinep2 = new Vertex(x  + arcWidth        , y + height, 0);
    List<Vertex> lowerRightCorner = ToolsGeometry.arcTo(rLinep2.x,rLinep2.y, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, false,true, lowerLinep1.x,lowerLinep1.y, arcSegments);
    Vertex lLinep1 = new Vertex(x , y + height - arcHeight, 0);
    Vertex lLinep2 = new Vertex(x , y + arcHeight, 0);
    List<Vertex> lowerLeftCorner = ToolsGeometry.arcTo(lowerLinep2.x,lowerLinep2.y, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, false,true, lLinep1.x,lLinep1.y, arcSegments);
    List<Vertex> upperLeftCorner = ToolsGeometry.arcTo(lLinep2.x,lLinep2.y, arcWidth, arcHeight, 0, false,true, upperLineP1.x,upperLineP1.y, arcSegments);
    ArrayList<Vertex> verts = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
//    verts.add(upperLineP2);
//    verts.add(rLinep2);
//    verts.add(lowerLinep2);
//    verts.add(lLinep2);
    Vertex[] newVertices = verts.toArray(new Vertex[verts.size()]);
    //Set texture coordinates
    if (createTexCoords){
      for (int i = 0; i < newVertices.length; i++) {
        Vertex vertex = newVertices[i];
        //System.out.println("TexU:" + vertex.getTexCoordU() + " TexV:" + vertex.getTexCoordV());
    return newVertices;
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      float x = (float) (centerPoint.x - (radiusX * Math.cos(t) * cosTheta)
          + (radiusY * Math.sin(t) * sinTheta) );
      float y = (float) (centerPoint.y - (radiusX * Math.cos(t) * sinTheta)
          - (radiusY * Math.sin(t) * cosTheta) );
      verts[i] = new Vertex(x, y, centerPoint.z, fillColor.getR(), fillColor.getG(), fillColor.getB(), fillColor.getAlpha());
    verts[verts.length-1] = (Vertex) verts[0].getCopy(); //NEED TO USE COPY BECAUSE TEX COORDS MAY GET SCALED DOUBLE IF SAME VERTEX OBJECT!
//    System.out.println("Points: " + verts.length);
    //Create tex coords
    float width = radiusX*2;
    float height = radiusY*2;
    float upperLeftX = centerPoint.x-radiusX;
    float upperLeftY = centerPoint.y-radiusY;
    for (int i = 0; i < verts.length; i++) {
      Vertex vertex = verts[i];
//      System.out.println("TexU:" + vertex.getTexCoordU() + " TexV:" + vertex.getTexCoordV());
    return verts;
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   * @param bgImage the bg image
   * @param tiled the tiled
  public MTBackgroundImage(MTApplication mtApp, PImage bgImage, boolean tiled) {
    super(new Vertex[]{
        new Vertex(0,0,0 , 0,0),
        new Vertex(mtApp.width,0,0, 1,0),
        new Vertex(mtApp.width,mtApp.height,0, 1,1),
        new Vertex(0,mtApp.height,0, 0,1)}, mtApp);
    boolean pot = Tools3D.isPowerOfTwoDimension(bgImage);
    if (tiled){
      //Generate texture coordinates to repeat the texture over the whole background (works only with OpenGL)
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   * @param svgImage the svg image
   * @param stretchToFitWidth the stretch to fit width
   * @param stretchToFitHeight the stretch to fit height
  public MTBackgroundImage(PApplet pApplet, MTSvg svgImage, boolean stretchToFitWidth, boolean stretchToFitHeight) {
    super(new Vertex[]{new Vertex(0,0,0 , 0,0),new Vertex(pApplet.width,0,0, 1,0),new Vertex(pApplet.width,pApplet.height,0, 1,1),new Vertex(0,pApplet.height,0, 0,1)}, pApplet);
    this.svgImage = svgImage;
    //Actually dont draw this polygon - only its children (this.setVisible(false) would not draw the children)
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Related Classes of org.mt4j.util.math.Vertex

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