Package org.infinispan.tx.dld

Examples of org.infinispan.tx.dld.ControlledRpcManager

   public void testScenario6() throws Exception {
      assertClusterSize("Wrong cluster size.", 2);
      final Object key = "key_s6";
      ownerCheckAndInit(cache(1), key, "v");
      final ControlledRpcManager rpcManager = replaceRpcManager(cache(0));
      final BlockingLocalTopologyManager topologyManager = replaceTopologyManager(manager(0));
      final int currentTopologyId = currentTopologyId(cache(0));


      NewNode joiner = addNode(LatchType.CONSISTENT_HASH_UPDATE);

      //consistency check. trigger the remote get.
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));
      Future<Object> remoteGetFuture = remoteGet(cache(0), key);

      //wait until the consistent_hash_update arrives in old owner
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(1));
      awaitUntilNotInDataContainer(cache(1), key);

      //check the value returned and make sure that the requestor is in the correct topology id (consistency check)
      assertEquals("Wrong value from remote get.", "v", remoteGetFuture.get());
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));

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   public void testScenario6_1() throws Exception {
      assertClusterSize("Wrong cluster size.", 2);
      final Object key = "key_s6";
      ownerCheckAndInit(cache(1), key, "v");
      final ControlledRpcManager rpcManager = replaceRpcManager(cache(0));
      final BlockingLocalTopologyManager topologyManager = replaceTopologyManager(manager(0));
      final int currentTopologyId = currentTopologyId(cache(0));


      NewNode joiner = addNode();

      //consistency check. trigger the remote get.
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));
      Future<Object> remoteGetFuture = remoteGet(cache(0), key);

      //wait until the consistent_hash_update arrives in old owner
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(1));
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(2));
      awaitUntilNotInDataContainer(cache(1), key);

      //check the value returned and make sure that the requestor is in the correct topology id (consistency check)
      assertEquals("Wrong value from remote get.", "v", remoteGetFuture.get());
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));

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      //0: remote get target list obtained in topology i+1. reply obtained in topology i+2
      //1: remote get received in topology i+2 (no longer a owner)
      assertClusterSize("Wrong cluster size.", 2);
      final Object key = "key_s7";
      ownerCheckAndInit(cache(1), key, "v");
      final ControlledRpcManager rpcManager = replaceRpcManager(cache(0));
      final BlockingLocalTopologyManager topologyManager = replaceTopologyManager(manager(0));
      final int currentTopologyId = currentTopologyId(cache(0));


      NewNode joiner = addNode(LatchType.CONSISTENT_HASH_UPDATE);

      //consistency check. trigger the remote get.
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));
      Future<Object> remoteGetFuture = remoteGet(cache(0), key);


      //wait until the consistent_hash_update arrives in old owner and in the requestor.
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(1));
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(0));
      awaitUntilNotInDataContainer(cache(1), key);

      //check the value returned and make sure that the requestor is in the correct topology id (consistency check)
      assertEquals("Wrong value from remote get.", "v", remoteGetFuture.get());
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(0));
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      //0: remote get target list obtained in topology i+1. reply obtained in topology i+2
      //1: remote get received in topology i+2 (no longer a owner)
      assertClusterSize("Wrong cluster size.", 2);
      final Object key = "key_s7";
      ownerCheckAndInit(cache(1), key, "v");
      final ControlledRpcManager rpcManager = replaceRpcManager(cache(0));
      final BlockingLocalTopologyManager topologyManager = replaceTopologyManager(manager(0));
      final int currentTopologyId = currentTopologyId(cache(0));


      NewNode joiner = addNode();

      //consistency check. trigger the remote get.
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 1, cache(0));
      Future<Object> remoteGetFuture = remoteGet(cache(0), key);


      //wait until the consistent_hash_update arrives in old owner and in the requestor.
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(1));
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(0));
      awaitForTopology(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(2));
      awaitUntilNotInDataContainer(cache(1), key);

      //check the value returned and make sure that the requestor is in the correct topology id (consistency check)
      assertEquals("Wrong value from remote get.", "v", remoteGetFuture.get());
      assertTopologyId(currentTopologyId + 2, cache(0));
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      return localTopologyManager;

   private ControlledRpcManager replaceRpcManager(Cache cache) {
      RpcManager manager = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, RpcManager.class);
      ControlledRpcManager controlledRpcManager = new ControlledRpcManager(manager);
      TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, RpcManager.class, controlledRpcManager, true);
      return controlledRpcManager;
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      assertEquals(op.getValue(), cache1.get(key));

   private ControlledRpcManager blockStateResponseCommand(final Cache cache) throws InterruptedException {
      RpcManager rpcManager = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, RpcManager.class);
      ControlledRpcManager controlledRpcManager = new ControlledRpcManager(rpcManager);
      TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, RpcManager.class, controlledRpcManager, true);
      return controlledRpcManager;
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      int preJoinTopologyId = primaryOwnerCache.getComponentRegistry().getStateTransferManager().getCacheTopology().getTopologyId();

      // Block any state response commands on cache0
      CheckPoint checkPoint = new CheckPoint();
      ControlledRpcManager blockingRpcManager0 = blockStateResponseCommand(primaryOwnerCache);

      // Block the rebalance confirmation on cache0
      blockRebalanceConfirmation(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager(), checkPoint);

      assertEquals(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getCoordinator(), primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());

      // Remove the leaver
      log.trace("Stopping the cache");

      int rebalanceTopologyId = preJoinTopologyId + 2;

      // Wait for the write CH to contain the joiner everywhere
      eventually(new Condition() {
         public boolean isSatisfied() throws Exception {
            return primaryOwnerCache.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2 &&
                  nonOwnerCache.getRpcManager().getMembers().size() == 2;

      assertEquals(primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getCoordinator(), primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress());

      // Wait for cache0 to collect the state to send to cache1 (including our previous value).

      // Every PutKeyValueCommand will be blocked before committing the entry on cache1
      CyclicBarrier beforeCommitCache1Barrier = new CyclicBarrier(2);
      BlockingInterceptor blockingInterceptor1 = new BlockingInterceptor(beforeCommitCache1Barrier,
                                                                         op.getCommandClass(), true);
      nonOwnerCache.addInterceptorAfter(blockingInterceptor1, EntryWrappingInterceptor.class);

      // Put/Replace/Remove from cache0 with cache0 as primary owner, cache1 will become a backup owner for the retry
      // The put command will be blocked on cache1 just before committing the entry.
      Future<Object> future = fork(new Callable<Object>() {
         public Object call() throws Exception {
            return op.perform(primaryOwnerCache, key);

      // Wait for the entry to be wrapped on cache1
      beforeCommitCache1Barrier.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

      // Remove the interceptor so we don't mess up any other state transfer puts

      // Allow the state to be applied on cache1 (writing the old value for our entry)

      // Wait for second in line to finish applying the state, but don't allow the rebalance confirmation to be processed.
      // (It would change the topology and it would trigger a retry for the command.)
      checkPoint.awaitStrict("pre_rebalance_confirmation_" + rebalanceTopologyId + "_from_" +
                                   primaryOwnerCache.getCacheManager().getAddress(), 10, SECONDS);
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      assertEquals(op.getValue(), nonOwnerCache.get(key));

   private ControlledRpcManager blockStateResponseCommand(final Cache cache) throws InterruptedException {
      RpcManager rpcManager = TestingUtil.extractComponent(cache, RpcManager.class);
      ControlledRpcManager controlledRpcManager = new ControlledRpcManager(rpcManager);
      TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, RpcManager.class, controlledRpcManager, true);
      return controlledRpcManager;
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      return c;

   public void testAtomicMapPutDuringJoin() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
      Cache cache = cache(0, "atomic");
      ControlledRpcManager crm = new ControlledRpcManager(cache.getAdvancedCache().getRpcManager());
      TestingUtil.replaceComponent(cache, RpcManager.class, crm, true);

      MagicKey atomicMapKey = new MagicKey("atomicMapKey", cache);
      AtomicMap atomicMap = AtomicMapLookup.getAtomicMap(cache, atomicMapKey);
      atomicMap.put("key1", "value1");


      ConfigurationBuilder c = getConfigurationBuilder();
      final EmbeddedCacheManager joiner = addClusterEnabledCacheManager(c);
      Future<Cache> future = fork(new Callable<Cache>() {
         public Cache call() throws Exception {
            return joiner.getCache("atomic");


      // Now we know state transfer will try to create an AtomicMap(key1=value1) on cache2
      // Insert another key in the atomic map, and check that cache2 has both keys after the state transfer
      atomicMap.put("key2", "value2");

      Cache cache2 = future.get();

      AtomicMap atomicMap2 = AtomicMapLookup.getAtomicMap(cache2, atomicMapKey);
      assertEquals(new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("key1", "key2")), atomicMap2.keySet());
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   public void testNoEntryInL1PutReplacedNullValueConcurrently() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException {
      final Cache<Object, String> nonOwnerCache = getFirstNonOwner(key);
      final Cache<Object, String> ownerCache = getFirstOwner(key);

      RpcManager rm = TestingUtil.extractComponent(nonOwnerCache, RpcManager.class);
      ControlledRpcManager crm = new ControlledRpcManager(rm);
      // Make our node block and not return the get yet
      TestingUtil.replaceComponent(nonOwnerCache, RpcManager.class, crm, true);

      try {
         Future<String> future = nonOwnerCache.putIfAbsentAsync(key, firstValue);

         // Now wait for the get to return and block it for now
         crm.waitForCommandToBlock(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

         // Owner should have the new value
         assertEquals(firstValue, ownerCache.remove(key));

         // Now let owner key->updateValue go through

         // This should be originalValue still as we did the get
         assertNull(future.get(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

         // Remove the interceptor now since we don't want to block ourselves - if using phaser this isn't required
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Related Classes of org.infinispan.tx.dld.ControlledRpcManager

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