Package org.hsqldb

Examples of org.hsqldb.Table$RowStore

        if (adjust <= 0 && colindex != -1) {
            oldtype = ((Table) other.getTable()).getColumnTypes()[colindex];

        RowIterator it    = other.rowIterator();
        Table       table = (Table) this.table;

        try {
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                Row      row      = it.getNextRow();
                Object[] olddata  = row.getData();
                Object[] data     = table.getEmptyRowData();
                Object   oldvalue = null;

                if (adjust == 0 && colindex != -1) {
                    oldvalue = olddata[colindex];
                    colvalue = newtype.convertToType(session, oldvalue,

                if (colvalue != null && newtype.isLobType()) {
                    session.sessionData.adjustLobUsageCount(colvalue, +1);

                if (oldvalue != null && oldtype != null
                        && oldtype.isLobType()) {
                    session.sessionData.adjustLobUsageCount(oldvalue, -1);

                ArrayUtil.copyAdjustArray(olddata, data, colvalue, colindex,
                table.systemSetIdentityColumn(session, data);
                table.enforceTypeLimits(session, data);
                table.enforceRowConstraints(session, data);

                // get object without RowAction
                Row newrow = (Row) getNewCachedObject(null, data);

                indexRow(null, newrow);
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     * @return Table
    Table VIEW_TABLE_USAGE(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[VIEW_TABLE_USAGE];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[VIEW_TABLE_USAGE]);

            addColumn(t, "VIEW_CATALOG", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "VIEW_SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "VIEW_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);     // not null
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_CATALOG", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);    // not null

            // false PK, as VIEW_CATALOG, VIEW_SCHEMA, TABLE_CATALOG, and/or
            // TABLE_SCHEMA may be NULL
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[VIEW_TABLE_USAGE].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
            }, false);

            return t;

        // Column number mappings
        final int view_catalog  = 0;
        final int view_schema   = 1;
        final int view_name     = 2;
        final int table_catalog = 3;
        final int table_schema  = 4;
        final int table_name    = 5;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);
        Iterator        tables;
        Table           table;
        Object[]        row;

        // Initialization
        tables =

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if (table.isView()
                    && session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(
                        table.getName())) {

                // fall through
            } else {

            OrderedHashSet references = table.getReferences();

            for (int i = 0; i < references.size(); i++) {
                HsqlName refName = (HsqlName) references.get(i);

                if (!session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(refName)) {

                if (refName.type != SchemaObject.TABLE) {

                row                = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[view_catalog= database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[view_schema]   = table.getSchemaName().name;
                row[view_name]     = table.getName().name;
                row[table_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[table_name]    =;

                try {
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     *        <code>View</code> objects accessible to
     *        the user.
    Table VIEWS(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[VIEWS];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[VIEWS]);

            addColumn(t, "TABLE_CATALOG", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);               // not null
            addColumn(t, "VIEW_DEFINITION", CHARACTER_DATA);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "CHECK_OPTION", CHARACTER_DATA);             // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_UPDATABLE", YES_OR_NO);                  // not null
            addColumn(t, "INSERTABLE_INTO", YES_OR_NO);               // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_TRIGGER_UPDATABLE", YES_OR_NO);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_TRIGGER_DELETABLE", YES_OR_NO);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_TRIGGER_INSERTABLE_INTO", YES_OR_NO);    // not null

            // order TABLE_NAME
            // added for unique: TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_CATALOG
            // false PK, as TABLE_SCHEMA and/or TABLE_CATALOG may be null
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[VIEWS].name, false, SchemaObject.INDEX);

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                1, 2, 0
            }, false);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);
        Iterator        tables;
        Table           table;
        Object[]        row;
        final int       table_catalog              = 0;
        final int       table_schema               = 1;
        final int       table_name                 = 2;
        final int       view_definition            = 3;
        final int       check_option               = 4;
        final int       is_updatable               = 5;
        final int       insertable_into            = 6;
        final int       is_trigger_updatable       = 7;
        final int       is_trigger_deletable       = 8;
        final int       is_trigger_insertable_into = 9;

        tables = allTables();

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            if ((table.getSchemaName() != SqlInvariants
                    .INFORMATION_SCHEMA_HSQLNAME && !table
                        .isView()) || !isAccessibleTable(session, table)) {

            row                = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[table_catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[table_schema= table.getSchemaName().name;
            row[table_name]    = table.getName().name;

            String check = Tokens.T_NONE;

            if (table instanceof View) {
                if (session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(
                        table.getName())) {
                    row[view_definition] = ((View) table).getStatement();

                switch (((View) table).getCheckOption()) {

                    case SchemaObject.ViewCheckModes.CHECK_NONE :

                    case SchemaObject.ViewCheckModes.CHECK_LOCAL :
                        check = Tokens.T_LOCAL;

                    case SchemaObject.ViewCheckModes.CHECK_CASCADE :
                        check = Tokens.T_CASCADED;

            row[check_option]         = check;
            row[is_updatable]         = table.isUpdatable() ? Tokens.T_YES
                                                            : Tokens.T_NO;
            row[insertable_into]      = table.isInsertable() ? Tokens.T_YES
                                                             : Tokens.T_NO;
            row[is_trigger_updatable] = null;    // only applies to INSTEAD OF triggers
            row[is_trigger_deletable]       = null;
            row[is_trigger_insertable_into] = null;

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     * @return Table

        Table t = sysTables[ROLE_AUTHORIZATION_DESCRIPTORS];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(

            addColumn(t, "ROLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "GRANTEE", SQL_IDENTIFIER);      // not null
            addColumn(t, "GRANTOR", SQL_IDENTIFIER);      // not null
            addColumn(t, "IS_GRANTABLE", YES_OR_NO);      // not null

            // true PK
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[ROLE_AUTHORIZATION_DESCRIPTORS].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                0, 1
            }, true);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

        // Intermediate holders
        String   grantorName = SqlInvariants.SYSTEM_AUTHORIZATION_NAME;
        Iterator grantees;
        Grantee  granteeObject;
        String   granteeName;
        Iterator roles;
        String   roleName;
        String   isGrantable;
        Object[] row;

        // Column number mappings
        final int role_name    = 0;
        final int grantee      = 1;
        final int grantor      = 2;
        final int is_grantable = 3;

        // Initialization
        grantees = session.getGrantee().visibleGrantees().iterator();

        while (grantees.hasNext()) {
            granteeObject = (Grantee);
            granteeName   = granteeObject.getNameString();
            roles         = granteeObject.getDirectRoles().iterator();
            isGrantable   = granteeObject.isAdmin() ? Tokens.T_YES
                                                    : Tokens.T_NO;;

            while (roles.hasNext()) {
                Grantee role = (Grantee);

                row               = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[role_name]    = role.getNameString();
                row[grantee]      = granteeName;
                row[grantor]      = grantorName;
                row[is_grantable] = isGrantable;

                t.insertSys(store, row);

        return t;
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     * @return a description of the current state of all row caching
     *      objects associated with the accessible tables of the database
    Table SYSTEM_CACHEINFO(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_CACHEINFO];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_CACHEINFO]);

            addColumn(t, "CACHE_FILE", CHARACTER_DATA);          // not null
            addColumn(t, "MAX_CACHE_COUNT", CARDINAL_NUMBER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "MAX_CACHE_BYTES", CARDINAL_NUMBER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "CACHE_SIZE", CARDINAL_NUMBER);         // not null
            addColumn(t, "CACHE_BYTES", CARDINAL_NUMBER);        // not null
            addColumn(t, "FILE_FREE_BYTES", CARDINAL_NUMBER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "FILE_FREE_COUNT", CARDINAL_NUMBER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "FILE_FREE_POS", CARDINAL_NUMBER);      // not null

            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_CACHEINFO].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[]{ 0 }, true);

            return t;

        // column number mappings
        final int icache_file      = 0;
        final int imax_cache_sz    = 1;
        final int imax_cache_bytes = 2;
        final int icache_size      = 3;
        final int icache_length    = 4;
        final int ifree_bytes      = 5;
        final int ifree_count      = 6;
        final int ifree_pos        = 7;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);
        DataFileCache   cache = null;
        Object[]        row;
        HashSet         cacheSet;
        Iterator        caches;
        Iterator        tables;
        Table           table;
        int             iFreeBytes;
        int             iLargestFreeItem;
        long            lSmallestFreeItem;

        // Initialization
        cacheSet = new HashSet();

        // dynamic system tables are never cached
        tables =

        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            PersistentStore currentStore = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

            if (session.getGrantee().isFullyAccessibleByRole(
                    table.getName())) {
                if (currentStore != null) {
                    cache = currentStore.getCache();

                if (cache != null) {
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        return t;

    Table SYSTEM_COMMENTS(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_COMMENTS];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_COMMENTS]);

            addColumn(t, "OBJECT_CATALOG", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "OBJECT_SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "OBJECT_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "OBJECT_TYPE", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "COLUMN_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "COMMENT", CHARACTER_DATA);

            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_COMMENTS].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                0, 1, 2, 3, 4
            }, false);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

        // column number mappings
        final int catalog     = 0;
        final int schema      = 1;
        final int name        = 2;
        final int type        = 3;
        final int column_name = 4;
        final int remark      = 5;
        Iterator  it;
        Object[]  row;

        DITableInfo ti = new DITableInfo();

        it = allTables();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Table table = (Table);

            if (!session.getGrantee().isAccessible(table)) {


            int colCount = table.getColumnCount();

            for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
                ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(i);

                if (column.getName().comment == null) {

                row              = t.getEmptyRowData();
                row[catalog]     = database.getCatalogName().name;
                row[schema]      = table.getSchemaName().name;
                row[name]        = table.getName().name;
                row[type]        = "COLUMN";
                row[column_name] = column.getName().name;
                row[remark]      = column.getName().comment;

                t.insertSys(store, row);

            if (table.getTableType() != Table.SYSTEM_TABLE
                    && table.getName().comment == null) {

            row          = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[catalog] = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[schema= table.getSchemaName().name;
            row[name]    = table.getName().name;
            row[type] = table.isView()
                        || table.getTableType() == Table.SYSTEM_TABLE ? "VIEW"
                                                                      : "TABLE";
            row[column_name] = null;
            row[remark]      = ti.getRemark();

            t.insertSys(store, row);
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     * @return table describing database and session operating parameters
     *      and capabilities
    Table SYSTEM_PROPERTIES(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_PROPERTIES];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_PROPERTIES]);

            addColumn(t, "PROPERTY_SCOPE", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "PROPERTY_NAMESPACE", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "PROPERTY_NAME", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "PROPERTY_VALUE", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "PROPERTY_CLASS", CHARACTER_DATA);

            // true PK
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_PROPERTIES].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                0, 1, 2
            }, true);

            return t;

        // column number mappings
        final int iscope = 0;
        final int ins    = 1;
        final int iname  = 2;
        final int ivalue = 3;
        final int iclass = 4;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

        // calculated column values
        String scope;
        String nameSpace;

        // intermediate holders
        Object[]               row;
        HsqlDatabaseProperties props;

        // First, we want the names and values for
        // all JDBC capabilities constants
        scope     = "SESSION";
        props     = database.getProperties();
        nameSpace = "";

        // boolean properties
        Iterator it = props.getUserDefinedPropertyData().iterator();

        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Object[] metaData = (Object[]);

            row         = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[iscope] = scope;
            row[ins]    = nameSpace;
            row[iname= metaData[HsqlProperties.indexName];
            row[ivalue] = props.getProperty((String) row[iname]);
            row[iclass] = metaData[HsqlProperties.indexClass];

            t.insertSys(store, row);

        row         = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[iscope] = scope;
        row[ins]    = nameSpace;
        row[iname= "SCRIPT FORMAT";

        try {
            row[ivalue] =
        } catch (Exception e) {}

        row[iclass] = "String";

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        // write delay
        row         = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[iscope] = scope;
        row[ins]    = nameSpace;
        row[iname= "WRITE DELAY";
        row[ivalue] = "" + database.logger.getWriteDelay();
        row[iclass] = "Integer";

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        // referential integrity
        row         = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[iscope] = scope;
        row[ins]    = nameSpace;
        row[iname= "REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY";
        row[ivalue] = database.isReferentialIntegrity() ? "true"
                                                        : "false";
        row[iclass] = "Boolean";

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        return t;
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     *        attributes of the connection associated
     *        with the current execution context
    Table SYSTEM_SESSIONINFO(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_SESSIONINFO];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_SESSIONINFO]);

            addColumn(t, "KEY", CHARACTER_DATA);      // not null
            addColumn(t, "VALUE", CHARACTER_DATA);    // not null

            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_SESSIONINFO].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[]{ 0 }, true);

            return t;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);
        Object[]        row;

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "SESSION ID";
        row[1] = String.valueOf(session.getId());

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "AUTOCOMMIT";
        row[1] = session.isAutoCommit() ? Tokens.T_TRUE
                                        : Tokens.T_FALSE;

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "USER";
        row[1] = session.getUsername();

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "SESSION READONLY";
        row[1] = session.isReadOnlyDefault() ? Tokens.T_TRUE
                                             : Tokens.T_FALSE;

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "DATABASE READONLY";
        row[1] = database.isReadOnly() ? Tokens.T_TRUE
                                       : Tokens.T_FALSE;

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "DATABASE";
        row[1] = database.getURI();

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "IDENTITY";
        row[1] = String.valueOf(session.getLastIdentity());

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        row    = t.getEmptyRowData();
        row[0] = "CURRENT SCHEMA";
        row[1] = String.valueOf(session.getSchemaName(null));

        t.insertSys(store, row);

        return t;
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     * @return a <code>Table</code> object describing all visible
     *      sessions
    Table SYSTEM_SESSIONS(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_SESSIONS];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_SESSIONS]);

            addColumn(t, "SESSION_ID", CARDINAL_NUMBER);
            addColumn(t, "CONNECTED", TIME_STAMP);
            addColumn(t, "USER_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "IS_ADMIN", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
            addColumn(t, "AUTOCOMMIT", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
            addColumn(t, "READONLY", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);

            // Note: some sessions may have a NULL LAST_IDENTITY value
            addColumn(t, "LAST_IDENTITY", CARDINAL_NUMBER);
            addColumn(t, "TRANSACTION_SIZE", CARDINAL_NUMBER);
            addColumn(t, "SCHEMA", SQL_IDENTIFIER);

            // order:  SESSION_ID
            // true primary key
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_SESSIONS].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[]{ 0 }, true);

            return t;

        // column number mappings
        final int isid      = 0;
        final int ict       = 1;
        final int iuname    = 2;
        final int iis_admin = 3;
        final int iautocmt  = 4;
        final int ireadonly = 5;
        final int ilast_id  = 6;
        final int it_size   = 7;
        final int it_schema = 8;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

        // intermediate holders
        Session[] sessions;
        Session   s;
        Object[]  row;

        // Initialisation
        sessions = database.sessionManager.getVisibleSessions(session);

        // Do it.
        for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) {
            s              = sessions[i];
            row            = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[isid]      = ValuePool.getLong(s.getId());
            row[ict]       = new TimestampData(s.getConnectTime() / 1000);
            row[iuname]    = s.getUsername();
            row[iis_admin] = ValuePool.getBoolean(s.isAdmin());
            row[iautocmt= ValuePool.getBoolean(s.isAutoCommit());
            row[ireadonly] = ValuePool.getBoolean(s.isReadOnlyDefault());
            row[ilast_id] =
                ValuePool.getLong(((Number) s.getLastIdentity()).longValue());
            row[it_size]   = ValuePool.getLong(s.getTransactionSize());
            row[it_schema] = s.getCurrentSchemaHsqlName().name;

            t.insertSys(store, row);

        return t;
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     * of the accessible text tables defined within this database
    Table SYSTEM_TEXTTABLES(Session session) {

        Table t = sysTables[SYSTEM_TEXTTABLES];

        if (t == null) {
            t = createBlankTable(sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_TEXTTABLES]);

            addColumn(t, "TABLE_CAT", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_SCHEM", SQL_IDENTIFIER);
            addColumn(t, "TABLE_NAME", SQL_IDENTIFIER);    // not null
            addColumn(t, "DATA_SOURCE_DEFINTION", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "FILE_PATH", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "FILE_ENCODING", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "FIELD_SEPARATOR", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "VARCHAR_SEPARATOR", CHARACTER_DATA);
            addColumn(t, "IS_IGNORE_FIRST", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
            addColumn(t, "IS_ALL_QUOTED", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
            addColumn(t, "IS_QUOTED", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);
            addColumn(t, "IS_DESC", Type.SQL_BOOLEAN);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------
            HsqlName name = HsqlNameManager.newInfoSchemaObjectName(
                sysTableHsqlNames[SYSTEM_TEXTTABLES].name, false,

            t.createPrimaryKeyConstraint(name, new int[] {
                0, 1, 2,
            }, false);

            return t;

        // column number mappings
        final int itable_cat   = 0;
        final int itable_schem = 1;
        final int itable_name  = 2;
        final int idsd         = 3;
        final int ifile_path   = 4;
        final int ifile_enc    = 5;
        final int ifs          = 6;
        final int ivfs         = 7;
        final int ilvfs        = 8;
        final int iif          = 9;
        final int iiq          = 10;
        final int iiaq         = 11;
        final int iid          = 12;

        PersistentStore store = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

        // intermediate holders
        Iterator tables;
        Table    table;
        Object[] row;

        // Initialization
        tables =

        // Do it.
        while (tables.hasNext()) {
            table = (Table);

            PersistentStore currentStore = session.sessionData.getRowStore(t);

            if (!table.isText() || !isAccessibleTable(session, table)) {

            row               = t.getEmptyRowData();
            row[itable_cat]   = database.getCatalogName().name;
            row[itable_schem] = table.getSchemaName().name;
            row[itable_name= table.getName().name;
            row[idsd]         = ((TextTable) table).getDataSource();

            TextCache cache = (TextCache) currentStore.getCache();

            if (cache != null) {
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