Package org.h2.test.db

Examples of org.h2.test.db.Db

        FileSystem.getInstance("split:").delete("split:" + getBaseDir() + "/openClose2.h2.db");
        Connection conn;
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:split:18:" + getBaseDir() + "/openClose2");
        conn.createStatement().execute("create table test(id int, name varchar) as select 1, space(1000000)");
        FileObject f = FileSystem.getInstance(getBaseDir()).openFileObject(getBaseDir() + "/openClose2.h2.db.1.part", "rw");
        f.setFileLength(f.length() * 2);
        assertThrows(ErrorCode.IO_EXCEPTION_2, this).
                getConnection("jdbc:h2:split:18:" + getBaseDir() + "/openClose2");
        FileSystem.getInstance("split:").delete("split:" + getBaseDir() + "/openClose2.h2.db");
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        return buff.toString();

    private void testInSelect() {
        Db db = new Db(conn);
        db.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(A INT, B INT)");
        db.execute("CREATE INDEX IDX ON TEST(A)");
        db.execute("INSERT INTO TEST SELECT X/4, MOD(X, 4) FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1, 16)");
        db.execute("UPDATE TEST SET A = NULL WHERE A = 0");
        db.execute("UPDATE TEST SET B = NULL WHERE B = 0");
        Random random = new Random();
        long seed = random.nextLong();
        println("seed: " + seed);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            String column = random.nextBoolean() ? "A" : "B";
            String value = new String[] { "NULL", "0", "A", "B" }[random.nextInt(4)];
            String compare = random.nextBoolean() ? "A" : "B";
            int x = random.nextInt(3);
            String sql1 = "SELECT * FROM TEST T WHERE " + column + "+0 " +
                "IN(SELECT " + value + " FROM TEST I WHERE I." + compare + "=?) ORDER BY 1, 2";
            String sql2 = "SELECT * FROM TEST T WHERE " + column + " " +
                "IN(SELECT " + value + " FROM TEST I WHERE I." + compare + "=?) ORDER BY 1, 2";
            List<Map<String, Object>> a = db.prepare(sql1).set(x).query();
            List<Map<String, Object>> b = db.prepare(sql2).set(x).query();
            assertTrue("seed: " + seed + " sql: " + sql1 + " a: " + a + " b: " + b, a.equals(b));
        db.execute("DROP TABLE TEST");
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        db.execute("DROP TABLE TEST");

    private void testGroupSorted() {
        Db db = new Db(conn);
        db.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(A INT, B INT, C INT)");
        Random random = new Random();
        long seed = random.nextLong();
        println("seed: " + seed);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            Prepared p = db.prepare("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(?, ?, ?)");
            p.set(new String[] { null, "0", "1", "2" }[random.nextInt(4)]);
            p.set(new String[] { null, "0", "1", "2" }[random.nextInt(4)]);
            p.set(new String[] { null, "0", "1", "2" }[random.nextInt(4)]);
        int len = getSize(1000, 3000);
        for (int i = 0; i < len / 10; i++) {
            int jLen = 1 + random.nextInt(2);
            for (int j = 0; j < jLen; j++) {
                String x = "CREATE INDEX IDX" + j + " ON TEST_INDEXED(";
                int kLen = 1 + random.nextInt(2);
                for (int k = 0; k < kLen; k++) {
                    if (k > 0) {
                        x += ",";
                    x += new String[] { "A", "B", "C" }[random.nextInt(3)];
                db.execute(x + ")");
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
                String x = "SELECT ";
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
                    if (k > 0) {
                        x += ",";
                    x += new String[] { "SUM(A)", "MAX(B)", "AVG(C)", "COUNT(B)" }[random.nextInt(4)];
                    x += " S" + k;
                x += " FROM ";
                String group = " GROUP BY ";
                int kLen = 1 + random.nextInt(2);
                for (int k = 0; k < kLen; k++) {
                    if (k > 0) {
                        group += ",";
                    group += new String[] { "A", "B", "C" }[random.nextInt(3)];
                group += " ORDER BY 1, 2, 3";
                List<Map<String, Object>> a = db.query(x + "TEST" + group);
                List<Map<String, Object>> b = db.query(x + "TEST_INDEXED" + group);
                assertEquals(a.toString(), b.toString());
            db.execute("DROP TABLE TEST_INDEXED");
        db.execute("DROP TABLE TEST");
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        select * from test1 where
        b in(null, 0) and a in(2, null, null)
        order by 1, 2, 3;
    private void testIn() throws SQLException {
        Db db = new Db(conn);
        db.execute("create table test0(a int, b int, c int)");
        db.execute("create index idx_1 on test0(a)");
        db.execute("create index idx_2 on test0(b, a)");
        db.execute("create table test1(a int, b int, c int)");
        db.execute("insert into test0 select x / 100, mod(x / 10, 10), mod(x, 10) from system_range(0, 999)");
        db.execute("update test0 set a = null where a = 9");
        db.execute("update test0 set b = null where b = 9");
        db.execute("update test0 set c = null where c = 9");
        db.execute("insert into test1 select * from test0");

        // this failed at some point
        Prepared p = db.prepare("select * from test0 where b in(" +
                "select a from test1 where a <? and a not in(" +
                "select c from test1 where b <=10 and a in(" +
                "select a from test1 where b =1 or b =2 and b not in(2))) or c <>a) " +
                "and c in(0, 10) and c in(10, 0, 0) order by 1, 2, 3");

        Random seedGenerator = new Random();
        String[] columns = new String[] { "a", "b", "c" };
        String[] values = new String[] { null, "0", "0", "1", "2", "10", "a", "?" };
        String[] compares = new String[] { "in(", "not in(", "=", "=", ">",
                "<", ">=", "<=", "<>", "in(select", "not in(select" };
        int size = getSize(100, 1000);
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            long seed = seedGenerator.nextLong();
            println("seed: " + seed);
            Random random = new Random(seed);
            ArrayList<String> params = New.arrayList();
            String condition = getRandomCondition(random, params, columns, compares, values);
            //   System.out.println(condition + " " + params);
            PreparedStatement prep0 = conn.prepareStatement(
                    "select * from test0 where " + condition
                    + " order by 1, 2, 3");
            PreparedStatement prep1 = conn.prepareStatement(
                    "select * from test1 where " + condition
                    + " order by 1, 2, 3");
            for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) {
                prep0.setString(j + 1, params.get(j));
                prep1.setString(j + 1, params.get(j));
            ResultSet rs0 = prep0.executeQuery();
            ResultSet rs1 = prep1.executeQuery();
            assertEquals("seed: " + seed + " " + condition, rs0, rs1);
            if (params.size() > 0) {
                for (int j = 0; j < params.size(); j++) {
                    String value = values[random.nextInt(values.length - 2)];
                    params.set(j, value);
                    prep0.setString(j + 1, value);
                    prep1.setString(j + 1, value);
                assertEquals("seed: " + seed + " " + condition, rs0, rs1);
        db.execute("drop table test0, test1");
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        // mvcc & row level locking
        new TestMvcc1().runTest(this);
        new TestMvcc2().runTest(this);
        new TestMvcc3().runTest(this);
        new TestMvccMultiThreaded().runTest(this);
        new TestRowLocks().runTest(this);

        // synth
        new TestBtreeIndex().runTest(this);
        new TestCrashAPI().runTest(this);
        new TestFuzzOptimizations().runTest(this);
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        new TestDataSource().runTest(this);
        new TestXA().runTest(this);
        new TestXASimple().runTest(this);

        // server
        new TestAutoServer().runTest(this);
        new TestNestedLoop().runTest(this);
        new TestWeb().runTest(this);

        // mvcc & row level locking
        new TestMvcc1().runTest(this);
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        new TestEncryptedDb().runTest(this);
        new TestExclusive().runTest(this);
        new TestFullText().runTest(this);
        new TestFunctionOverload().runTest(this);
        new TestFunctions().runTest(this);
        new TestInit().runTest(this);
        new TestIndex().runTest(this);
        new TestLargeBlob().runTest(this);
        new TestLinkedTable().runTest(this);
        new TestListener().runTest(this);
        new TestLob().runTest(this);
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        new TestXA().runTest(this);
        new TestXASimple().runTest(this);

        // server
        new TestAutoServer().runTest(this);
        new TestNestedLoop().runTest(this);
        new TestWeb().runTest(this);

        // mvcc & row level locking
        new TestMvcc1().runTest(this);
        new TestMvcc2().runTest(this);
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        new TestXASimple().runTest(this);

        // server
        new TestAutoServer().runTest(this);
        new TestNestedLoop().runTest(this);
        new TestWeb().runTest(this);

        // mvcc & row level locking
        new TestMvcc1().runTest(this);
        new TestMvcc2().runTest(this);
        new TestMvcc3().runTest(this);
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                new TestRandomSQL().runTest(test);
            } else if ("join".equals(args[0])) {
                new TestJoin().runTest(test);
                test.endless = true;
            } else if ("btree".equals(args[0])) {
                new TestBtreeIndex().runTest(test);
            } else if ("all".equals(args[0])) {
            } else if ("codeCoverage".equals(args[0])) {
                test.codeCoverage = true;
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Related Classes of org.h2.test.db.Db

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