Package org.ejml.simple

Examples of org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix

   * Applies tanh to each of the entries in the matrix.  Returns a new matrix.
  public static SimpleMatrix elementwiseApplyTanh(SimpleMatrix input) {
    SimpleMatrix output = new SimpleMatrix(input);
    for (int i = 0; i < output.numRows(); ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < output.numCols(); ++j) {
        output.set(i, j, Math.tanh(output.get(i, j)));
    return output;
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   * Applies the derivative of tanh to each of the elements in the vector.  Returns a new matrix.
  public static SimpleMatrix elementwiseApplyTanhDerivative(SimpleMatrix input) {
    SimpleMatrix output = new SimpleMatrix(input.numRows(), input.numCols());
    output = output.minus(input.elementMult(input));
    return output;
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      size += vector.numRows();
    // one extra for the bias

    SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(size, 1);
    int index = 0;
    for (SimpleMatrix vector : vectors) {
      result.insertIntoThis(index, 0, vector);
      index += vector.numRows();
    result.set(index, 0, 1.0);
    return result;
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    int size = 0;
    for (SimpleMatrix vector : vectors) {
      size += vector.numRows();

    SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(size, 1);
    int index = 0;
    for (SimpleMatrix vector : vectors) {
      result.insertIntoThis(index, 0, vector);
      index += vector.numRows();
    return result;
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   * Returns a vector with random Gaussian values, mean 0, std 1
  public static SimpleMatrix randomGaussian(int numRows, int numCols, Random rand) {
    SimpleMatrix result = new SimpleMatrix(numRows, numCols);
    for (int i = 0; i < numRows; ++i) {
      for (int j = 0; j < numCols; ++j) {
        result.set(i, j, rand.nextGaussian());
    return result;
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     * Creates a random SVD that is highly unlikely to be in the correct order.  Adjust its order
     * and see if it produces the same matrix.
    private void testDescendingOrder(int numRows, int numCols, boolean compact, boolean testArray ) {
        SimpleMatrix U,W,V;

        int minLength = Math.min(numRows,numCols);
        double singularValues[] = new double[minLength];

        if( compact ) {
            U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numRows,minLength,rand));
            W = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createDiagonal(minLength,minLength,0,1,rand));
            V = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numCols,minLength,rand));
        } else {
            U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numRows,numRows,rand));
            W = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createDiagonal(numRows,numCols,0,1,rand));
            V = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numCols,numCols,rand));

        // Compute A
        SimpleMatrix A=U.mult(W).mult(V.transpose());

        // extract array of singular values
        for( int i = 0; i < singularValues.length; i++ )
            singularValues[i] = W.get(i,i);
        // put into descending order
        if( testArray ) {
            // put back into W
            for( int i = 0; i < singularValues.length; i++ )
        } else {

        // see if it changed the results
        SimpleMatrix A_found = U.mult(W).mult(V.transpose());


        // make sure singular values are descending
        if( testArray ) {
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     * Use the transpose flags and see what happens
    private void testDescendingInputTransposed(int numRows, int numCols,
                                               boolean tranU , boolean tranV , boolean testArray ) {
        SimpleMatrix U,S,V;

        int minLength = Math.min(numRows,numCols);
        double singularValues[] = new double[minLength];

        U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numRows,minLength,rand));
        S = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createDiagonal(minLength,minLength,0,1,rand));
        V = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numCols,minLength,rand));

        // Compute A
        SimpleMatrix A=U.mult(S).mult(V.transpose());

        // extract array of singular values
        for( int i = 0; i < singularValues.length; i++ )
            singularValues[i] = S.get(i,i);

        // put into ascending order
        if( tranU ) U = U.transpose();
        if( tranV ) V = V.transpose();

        // put into descending order
        if( testArray ) {
            // put back into S
            for( int i = 0; i < singularValues.length; i++ )
        } else {

        // see if it changed the results
        if( tranU ) U = U.transpose();
        if( tranV ) V = V.transpose();
        SimpleMatrix A_found = U.mult(S).mult(V.transpose());


        // make sure singular values are descending
        if( testArray ) {
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    public void descendingOrder_NaN() {
        int numRows = 5;
        int numCols = 7;
        int minLength = Math.min(numRows,numCols);

        SimpleMatrix U,S,V;

        U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numRows,minLength,rand));
        S = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createDiagonal(minLength,minLength,0,1,rand));
        V = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createOrthogonal(numCols,minLength,rand));

        // put in a NaN


        assertTrue( Double.isNaN(S.get(minLength-1,minLength-1)));

        // put in an Inf


        assertTrue( Double.isInfinite(S.get(0,0)));
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    public void nullVector() {
        for( int numRows = 2; numRows < 10; numRows++ ) {
            for( int numCols = 2; numCols < 10; numCols++ ) {
                // construct a matrix with a null space by decomposition a random matrix
                // and setting one of its singular values to zero
                SimpleMatrix A = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createRandom(numRows,numCols,rand));

                SingularValueDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> svd = DecompositionFactory.svd(A.numRows(), A.numCols(),true,true,false);

                SimpleMatrix U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getU(null,false));
                SimpleMatrix S = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getW(null));
                SimpleMatrix Vt = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getV(null,true));

                // pick an element inconveniently in the middle to be the null space
                svd.getSingularValues()[1] = 0;


                // Find the right null space
                SimpleMatrix v = SimpleMatrix.wrap(SingularOps.nullVector(svd, true , null));

                // see if the returned vector really is the null space
                SimpleMatrix ns = A.mult(v);

                for( int i = 0; i < ns.numRows(); i++ ) {

                // Find the left null space
                v = SimpleMatrix.wrap(SingularOps.nullVector(svd, false , null));

                // see if the returned vector really is the null space
                ns = v.transpose().mult(A);

                for( int i = 0; i < ns.numRows(); i++ ) {
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        for( int numRows = 2; numRows < 5; numRows++ ) {
            for( int numCols = 2; numCols < 5; numCols++ ) {

                // construct a matrix with a null space by decomposition a random matrix
                // and setting one of its singular values to zero
                SimpleMatrix A = SimpleMatrix.wrap(RandomMatrices.createRandom(numRows,numCols,rand));

                SingularValueDecomposition<DenseMatrix64F> svd = DecompositionFactory.svd(A.numRows(), A.numCols(),true,true,false);

                SimpleMatrix U = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getU(null,false));
                SimpleMatrix S = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getW(null));
                SimpleMatrix Vt = SimpleMatrix.wrap(svd.getV(null,true));

                // pick an element inconveniently in the middle to be the null space
                svd.getSingularValues()[1] = 0;


                // now find the null space
                SimpleMatrix ns = SimpleMatrix.wrap(SingularOps.nullSpace(svd,null,1e-15));

                // make sure the null space is not all zero
                assertTrue( Math.abs(CommonOps.elementMaxAbs(ns.getMatrix())) > 0 );

                // check the null space's size

                // see if the results are null
                SimpleMatrix found = A.mult(ns);
                assertTrue( Math.abs(CommonOps.elementMaxAbs(found.getMatrix())) <= 1e-15 );
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Related Classes of org.ejml.simple.SimpleMatrix

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