Package org.drools.rule

Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration


    public boolean available(Rule rule,
                             final String name) {
        for ( int i = this.buildStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
            final Declaration declaration = buildStack.get( i ).getInnerDeclarations().get( name );
            if ( declaration != null ) {
                return true;
        if ( (name) ) ) {
            return true;
        // look at parent rules
        if ( rule != null && rule.getParent() != null ) {
            // recursive algorithm for each parent
            //     -> lhs.getInnerDeclarations()
            Declaration parentDeclaration = getExtendedDeclaration( rule.getParent(),
                                                                    name );
            if ( null != parentDeclaration ) {
                return true;
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            return true;
        for ( int i = this.buildStack.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
            final RuleConditionElement rce = buildStack.get( i );
            final Declaration declaration = rce.getInnerDeclarations().get( name );
            if ( declaration != null ) {
                // if it is an OR and it is duplicated, we can stop looking for duplication now
                // as it is a separate logical branch
                return !((rce instanceof GroupElement) && ((GroupElement) rce).isOr());
        // look at parent rules
        if ( rule != null && rule.getParent() != null ) {
            // recursive algorithm for each parent
            //     -> lhs.getInnerDeclarations()
            Declaration parentDeclaration = getExtendedDeclaration( rule.getParent(),
                                                                    name );
            if ( null != parentDeclaration ) {
                return true;
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    public Object get(String identifier) {
        if ( factHandles == null ) {
            this.factHandles = this.leftTuple.toFactHandles();
        Declaration declr = this.rule.getDeclaration( identifier );
        if ( declr == null ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The identifier '" + identifier + "' does not exist as a bound varirable for this query" );
        InternalFactHandle factHandle = getFactHandle( declr );
        return declr.getValue( null, factHandle.getObject() );
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    public FactHandle getFactHandle(String identifier) {
        if ( factHandles == null ) {
            this.factHandles = this.leftTuple.toFactHandles();
        Declaration declr = this.rule.getDeclaration( identifier );
        if ( declr == null ) {
            throw new RuntimeException("The identifier '" + identifier + "' does not exist as a bound varirable for this query" );
        InternalFactHandle factHandle = getFactHandle( declr );
        return factHandle;
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    private String extractDeclarations(final Activation activation,  final WorkingMemory workingMemory) {
        final StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        final Tuple tuple = activation.getTuple();
        final Map<?, ?> declarations = activation.getSubRule().getOuterDeclarations();
        for ( Iterator<?> it = declarations.values().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            final Declaration declaration = (Declaration);
            final FactHandle handle = tuple.get( declaration );
            if ( handle instanceof InternalFactHandle ) {
                final InternalFactHandle handleImpl = (InternalFactHandle) handle;
                if ( handleImpl.getId() == -1 ) {
                    // This handle is now invalid, probably due to an fact retraction
                final Object value = declaration.getValue( (InternalWorkingMemory) workingMemory, handleImpl.getObject() );

                result.append( declaration.getIdentifier() );
                result.append( "=" );
                if ( value == null ) {
                    // this should never occur
                    result.append( "null" );
                } else {
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                          args.length );

        int[] declIndexes = this.queryElement.getDeclIndexes();

        for ( int i = 0, length = declIndexes.length; i < length; i++ ) {
            Declaration declr = (Declaration) argTemplate[declIndexes[i]];

            Object tupleObject = leftTuple.get( declr ).getObject();

            Object o;

            if ( tupleObject instanceof DroolsQuery ) {
                // If the query passed in a Variable, we need to use it
                ArrayElementReader arrayReader = (ArrayElementReader) declr.getExtractor();
                if ( ((DroolsQuery) tupleObject).getVariables()[arrayReader.getIndex()] != null ) {
                    o = Variable.v;
                } else {
                    o = declr.getValue( workingMemory,
                                        tupleObject );
            } else {
                o = declr.getValue( workingMemory,
                                    tupleObject );

            args[declIndexes[i]] = o;
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                          args.length );

        int[] declIndexes = this.queryElement.getDeclIndexes();

        for ( int i = 0, length = declIndexes.length; i < length; i++ ) {
            Declaration declr = (Declaration) argTemplate[declIndexes[i]];

            Object tupleObject = leftTuple.get( declr ).getObject();

            Object o;

            if ( tupleObject instanceof DroolsQuery ) {
                // If the query passed in a Variable, we need to use it
                ArrayElementReader arrayReader = (ArrayElementReader) declr.getExtractor();
                if ( ((DroolsQuery) tupleObject).getVariables()[arrayReader.getIndex()] != null ) {
                    o = Variable.v;
                } else {
                    o = declr.getValue( workingMemory,
                                        tupleObject );
            } else {
                o = declr.getValue( workingMemory,
                                    tupleObject );

            args[declIndexes[i]] = o;
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                                 List<Declaration> requiredDeclarations,
                                 InternalReadAccessor arrayReader,
                                 Pattern pattern,
                                 BindingDescr bind,
                                 ConstraintConnectiveDescr result ) {
        Declaration declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(),
                                                                             bind.getVariable() );
        if ( declr != null ) {
            // check right maps to a slot, otherwise we can't reverse this and should error
            int pos = getPos( bind.getExpression(),
                              params );
            if ( pos >= 0 ) {
                // slot exist, reverse and continue
                String slot = bind.getExpression();
                String var = bind.getVariable();
                bind.setVariable( slot );
                bind.setExpression( var );
            } else {
                // else error, we cannot find the slot to unify against

        // left does not already exist, is it a slot?
        int pos = getPos( bind.getVariable(),
                          params );
        if ( pos >= 0 ) {
            // it's an input on a slot, is the input using bindings?
            declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( context.getRule(),
                                                                     bind.getExpression() );
            if ( declr != null ) {
                arguments.set( pos,
                               declr );
                declrIndexes.add( pos );
                requiredDeclarations.add( declr );
            } else {
                // it must be a literal/expression
                // it's an expression and thus an input
                DrlExprParser parser = new DrlExprParser();
                ConstraintConnectiveDescr bresult = parser.parse( bind.getExpression() );
                if ( parser.hasErrors() ) {
                    for ( DroolsParserException error : parser.getErrors() ) {
                        context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                                      "Unable to parser pattern expression:\n" + error.getMessage() ) );

                MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext mvelCtx = new MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext();
                String expr = context.getCompilerFactory().getExpressionProcessor().dump( bresult,
                                                                                          mvelCtx );
                try {
                    MVELDialectRuntimeData data = ( MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData( "mvel" );
                    ParserConfiguration conf = data.getParserConfiguration();
                    conf.setClassLoader( context.getPackageBuilder().getRootClassLoader() );

                    arguments.set( pos,
                            MVEL.executeExpression( MVEL.compileExpression( expr, new ParserContext( conf ) ) ) );
                } catch ( Exception e ) {
                    context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                                  "Unable to compile expression:\n" + expr ) );
        } else {
            // this is creating a new output binding
            // we know it doesn't exist, as we already checked for left == var                   
            declr = pattern.addDeclaration( bind.getVariable() );

            pos = getPos( bind.getExpression(),
                          params );
            if ( pos < 0 ) {
                // error this must be a binding on a slot
                context.addError( new DescrBuildError( context.getParentDescr(),
                                                              "named argument does not exist:\n" + bind.getExpression() ) );

            // this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the declaration.
            ArrayElementReader reader = new ArrayElementReader( arrayReader,
                                                                params[pos].getExtractor().getExtractToClass() );

            // Should the reader be registered like the others? Probably yes...
            // PatternBuilder.registerReadAccessor(  );

            declr.setReadAccessor( reader );

            varIndexes.add( pos );
            arguments.set( pos,
                           Variable.v );
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                                                          "Unable to parse query '" + query.getName() + "', as postion " + (position-1) + " for expression '" + expression + "' does not exist on query size " + arguments.size()) );
        if ( isVariable( expression ) ) {
            // is this already bound?
            Declaration declr = context.getDeclarationResolver().getDeclaration( query,
                                                                                 expression );
            if ( declr != null ) {
                // it exists, so it's an input
                arguments.set( position,
                               declr );
                declrIndexes.add( position );
                requiredDeclarations.add( declr );
            } else {
                // it doesn't exist, so it's an output
                arguments.set( position,
                               Variable.v );
                varIndexes.add( position );
                declr = pattern.addDeclaration( expression );

                // this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the declaration.
                ArrayElementReader reader = new ArrayElementReader( arrayReader,
                                                                    params[position].getExtractor().getExtractToClass() );

                declr.setReadAccessor( reader );
        } else {
            // it's an expression and thus an input
            MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext mvelCtx = new MVELDumper.MVELDumperContext();
            String rewrittenExpr = context.getCompilerFactory().getExpressionProcessor().dump( result, mvelCtx );
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                                   int index,
                                   InternalReadAccessor arrayReader,
                                   AccumulateFunctionCallDescr fc,
                                   AccumulateFunction function ) {
        // bind function result on the result pattern
        Declaration declr = pattern.addDeclaration( fc.getBind() );

        Class< ? > type = function instanceof TypedAccumulateFunction ? ((TypedAccumulateFunction) function).getResultType() : Object.class;

        // this bit is different, notice its the ArrayElementReader that we wire up to, not the declaration.
        ArrayElementReader reader = new ArrayElementReader( arrayReader,
                                                            type );
        declr.setReadAccessor( reader );
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Related Classes of org.drools.rule.Declaration

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