Package org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository

Examples of org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDescriptor

        if ( componentDescriptors != null )
            for ( Iterator i = componentDescriptors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                ComponentDescriptor descriptor = (ComponentDescriptor);

                String roleHint = descriptor.getRoleHint();

                Object component = lookup( role, roleHint, realm );

                components.add( component );
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        return getComponentDescriptor( role, hint, getLookupRealm() );

    public ComponentDescriptor getComponentDescriptor( String role, String hint, ClassRealm classRealm )
        ComponentDescriptor result = componentRepository.getComponentDescriptor( role, hint, classRealm );

        ClassRealm tmpRealm = classRealm.getParentRealm();

        while ( result == null && tmpRealm != null )
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        if ( object instanceof LogEnabled )
            LoggerManager loggerManager = componentManager.getContainer().getLoggerManager();

            ComponentDescriptor descriptor = componentManager.getComponentDescriptor();
            loggerManager.returnComponentLogger( descriptor.getRole(), descriptor.getRoleHint() );
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        if ( object instanceof LogEnabled )
            LoggerManager loggerManager = componentManager.getContainer().getLoggerManager();

            ComponentDescriptor descriptor = componentManager.getComponentDescriptor();

            Logger logger = loggerManager.getLoggerForComponent( descriptor.getRole(), descriptor.getRoleHint() );

            ( (LogEnabled) object ).enableLogging( logger );
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                if ( componentDescriptors != null )
                    for ( Iterator k = componentDescriptors.iterator(); k.hasNext(); )
                        ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = (ComponentDescriptor);

                        componentDescriptor.setComponentSetDescriptor( componentSet );

                        // If the user has already defined a component descriptor for this particular
                        // component then do not let the discovered component descriptor override
                        // the user defined one.

                        // Use the parent realm to search for the original descriptor. It won't
                        // be in the current realm (yet).
                        ComponentDescriptor orig = container.getComponentDescriptor(
                            realm );

                        // System.out.println("Found new descriptor: " + componentDescriptor.getHumanReadableKey() + "
                        // realm="+ componentDescriptor.getRealmId() );
                        // System.out.println(" Existing descriptor: " + (orig == null ? "none":
                        // orig.getHumanReadableKey() + " realm= " + orig.getRealmId() ) );

                        if ( orig == null )
                            container.addComponentDescriptor( componentDescriptor );

                            // We only want to add components that have not yet been
                            // discovered in a parent realm. We don't quite have fine
                            // grained control over this right now but this is for
                            // dynamic additions which are only happening from maven
                            // at the moment. And plugins have a parent realm and
                            // a grand parent realm so if the component has been
                            // discovered it's most likely in those realms.

                            // I actually need to keep track of what realm a component
                            // was discovered in so that i can accurately search the
                            // parents.

                            discoveredComponentDescriptors.add( componentDescriptor );
                        else if ( override )
                            if ( orig.getRealmId() != null
                                && !orig.getRealmId().equals( componentDescriptor.getRealmId() ) )
                                if ( container.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                                        "Duplicate component found, merging:" + "\n  Original: " + orig.getRealmId()
                                            + ": " + orig.getRole() + " [" + orig.getRoleHint() + "] impl="
                                            + orig.getImplementation() + "\n  Config: " + orig.getConfiguration()
                                            + "\n  New:      " + componentDescriptor.getRealmId() + ": "
                                            + componentDescriptor.getRole() + " [" + orig.getRoleHint() + "] impl="
                                            + componentDescriptor.getImplementation() + "\n  Config: "
                                            + orig.getConfiguration() );
                                PlexusComponentDescriptorMerger.merge( componentDescriptor, orig );
                            else if ( orig.getRealmId() != null
                                && orig.getRealmId().equals( componentDescriptor.getRealmId() ) )
                                // two decls for the same component in the same realm.
                                // Use classpath order - first one wins.

                                if ( container.getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                                        "Duplicate component found, not replacing:" + "\n  Original: "
                                            + orig.getRealmId() + ": " + orig.getRole() + " [" + orig.getRoleHint()
                                            + "] impl=" + orig.getImplementation() + "\n  Config: "
                                            + orig.getConfiguration() + "\n  New:      "
                                            + componentDescriptor.getRealmId() + ": " + componentDescriptor.getRole()
                                            + " [" + orig.getRoleHint() + "] impl="
                                            + componentDescriptor.getImplementation() + "\n  Config: "
                                            + orig.getConfiguration() );
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                "This is highly irregular, your plexus JAR is most likely corrupt.";

            throw new ContainerInitializationException( msg );

        ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = new ComponentDescriptor();

        componentDescriptor.setRole( role );

        componentDescriptor.setImplementation( implementation );

        componentDescriptor.setRealmId( container.getContainerRealm().getId() );

        PlexusConfiguration configuration = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "containerConfiguration" );

        configuration.addChild( c );

            configurator.configureComponent( container, configuration, container.getContainerRealm() );
        catch ( ComponentConfigurationException e )
            // TODO: don't like rewrapping the same exception, but better than polluting this all through the config code
            String message = "Error configuring component: " + componentDescriptor.getHumanReadableKey();
            throw new ContainerInitializationException( message, e );

        return componentDescriptor;
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        // component manager manager to create a component manager for us. Also if we are reloading
        // components then we'll also get a new component manager.

        if ( container.isReloadingEnabled() || componentManager == null )
            ComponentDescriptor descriptor = container.getComponentRepository().getComponentDescriptor( componentRole,
                                                                                                        realm );

            if ( descriptor == null )
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        if ( componentDescriptors != null )
            for ( Iterator i = componentDescriptors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                ComponentDescriptor descriptor = (ComponentDescriptor);

                String roleHint = descriptor.getRoleHint();

                Object component = lookup( role, roleHint, realm );

                components.add( component );
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            for ( int i = 0; i < componentConfigurations.length; i++ )
                PlexusConfiguration componentConfiguration = componentConfigurations[i];

                ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor = null;

                    componentDescriptor = PlexusTools.buildComponentDescriptor( componentConfiguration );
                catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e )
                    throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Cannot build component descriptor from resource found in:\n" +
                                         Arrays.asList( classRealm.getURLs() ), e );

                componentDescriptor.setComponentType( "plexus" );

                componentDescriptor.setRealmId( classRealm.getId() );

                componentDescriptors.add( componentDescriptor );

            componentSetDescriptor.setComponents( componentDescriptors );
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        for ( int i = 0; i < componentConfigurations.length; i++ )
            PlexusConfiguration componentConfiguration = componentConfigurations[i];

            ComponentDescriptor componentDescriptor;

                componentDescriptor = PlexusTools.buildComponentDescriptor( componentConfiguration );
            catch ( PlexusConfigurationException e )
                throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Cannot process component descriptor: " + source, e );

            componentDescriptor.setComponentType( "plexus" );

            componentDescriptors.add( componentDescriptor );

        componentSetDescriptor.setComponents( componentDescriptors );
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Related Classes of org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDescriptor

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