Package org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines

Examples of org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.RSABlindedEngine

    static public class noneRSA
        extends JDKDigestSignature
        public noneRSA()
            super(new NullDigest(), new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine()));
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                                            * Encode the pms and send it to the server.
                                            * Prepare an PKCS1Encoding with good random
                                            * padding.
                                            RSABlindedEngine rsa = new RSABlindedEngine();
                                            PKCS1Encoding encoding = new PKCS1Encoding(rsa);
                                            encoding.init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(this.serverRsaKey, this.random));
                                            byte[] encrypted = null;
                                                encrypted = encoding.processBlock(pms, 0, pms.length);
                                            catch (InvalidCipherTextException e)
                                                * This should never happen, only during decryption.
                                                this.failWithError(AL_fatal, AP_internal_error);

                                            * Send the encrypted pms.
                                            ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint8(HP_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, bos);
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint24(encrypted.length + 2, bos);
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint16(encrypted.length, bos);
                                            byte[] message = bos.toByteArray();

                                            rs.writeMessage((short)RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.length);
                                        case TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_RSA:
                                            * Send the Client Key Exchange message for
                                            * DHE key exchange.
                                            byte[] YcByte = this.Yc.toByteArray();
                                            ByteArrayOutputStream DHbos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint8(HP_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE, DHbos);
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint24(YcByte.length + 2, DHbos);
                                            TlsUtils.writeUint16(YcByte.length, DHbos);
                                            byte[] DHmessage = DHbos.toByteArray();

                                            rs.writeMessage((short)RL_HANDSHAKE, DHmessage, 0, DHmessage.length);

                                            * Proble during handshake, we don't know
                                            * how to thandle this key exchange method.
                                            this.failWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);


                                    connection_state = CS_CLIENT_KEY_EXCHANGE_SEND;

                                    * Now, we send change cipher state
                                    byte[] cmessage = new byte[1];
                                    cmessage[0] = 1;
                                    rs.writeMessage((short)RL_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC, cmessage, 0, cmessage.length);

                                    connection_state = CS_CLIENT_CHANGE_CIPHER_SPEC_SEND;

                                    * Calculate the ms
                           = new byte[48];
                                    byte[] random = new byte[clientRandom.length + serverRandom.length];
                                    System.arraycopy(clientRandom, 0, random, 0, clientRandom.length);
                                    System.arraycopy(serverRandom, 0, random, clientRandom.length, serverRandom.length);
                                    TlsUtils.PRF(pms, "master secret".getBytes(), random,;

                                    * Initialize our cipher suite
                                    rs.writeSuite = this.choosenCipherSuite;
                                    rs.writeSuite.init(, clientRandom, serverRandom);

                                    * Send our finished message.
                                    byte[] checksum = new byte[12];
                                    byte[] md5andsha1 = new byte[16 + 20];
                                    rs.hash1.doFinal(md5andsha1, 0);
                                    TlsUtils.PRF(, "client finished".getBytes(), md5andsha1, checksum);

                                    ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                    TlsUtils.writeUint8(HP_FINISHED, bos);
                                    TlsUtils.writeUint24(12, bos);
                                    byte[] message = bos.toByteArray();

                                    rs.writeMessage((short)RL_HANDSHAKE, message, 0, message.length);

                                    this.connection_state = CS_CLIENT_FINISHED_SEND;
                                    read = true;
                                    this.failWithError(AL_fatal, AP_handshake_failure);
                        case HP_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGE:
                            switch (connection_state)
                                case CS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_RECEIVED:
                                    * Check that we are doing DHE key exchange
                                    if (this.choosenCipherSuite.getKeyExchangeAlgorithm() != TlsCipherSuite.KE_DHE_RSA)
                                        this.failWithError(AL_fatal, AP_unexpected_message);

                                    * Parse the Structure
                                    int pLength = TlsUtils.readUint16(is);
                                    byte[] pByte = new byte[pLength];
                                    TlsUtils.readFully(pByte, is);

                                    int gLength = TlsUtils.readUint16(is);
                                    byte[] gByte = new byte[gLength];
                                    TlsUtils.readFully(gByte, is);

                                    int YsLength = TlsUtils.readUint16(is);
                                    byte[] YsByte = new byte[YsLength];
                                    TlsUtils.readFully(YsByte, is);

                                    int sigLength = TlsUtils.readUint16(is);
                                    byte[] sigByte = new byte[sigLength];
                                    TlsUtils.readFully(sigByte, is);


                                    * Verify the Signature.
                                    * First, calculate the hash.
                                    CombinedHash sigDigest = new CombinedHash();
                                    ByteArrayOutputStream signedData = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                                    TlsUtils.writeUint16(pLength, signedData);
                                    TlsUtils.writeUint16(gLength, signedData);
                                    TlsUtils.writeUint16(YsLength, signedData);
                                    byte[] signed = signedData.toByteArray();

                                    sigDigest.update(this.clientRandom, 0, this.clientRandom.length);
                                    sigDigest.update(this.serverRandom, 0, this.serverRandom.length);
                                    sigDigest.update(signed, 0, signed.length);
                                    byte[] hash = new byte[sigDigest.getDigestSize()];
                                    sigDigest.doFinal(hash, 0);

                                    * Now, do the RSA operation
                                    RSABlindedEngine rsa = new RSABlindedEngine();
                                    PKCS1Encoding encoding = new PKCS1Encoding(rsa);
                                    encoding.init(false, this.serverRsaKey);

                                    * The data which was signed
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        switch (encAlgorithm)
        case PGPPublicKey.RSA_ENCRYPT:
        case PGPPublicKey.RSA_GENERAL:
            c = new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine());
        case PGPPublicKey.ELGAMAL_ENCRYPT:
        case PGPPublicKey.ELGAMAL_GENERAL:
            c = new PKCS1Encoding(new ElGamalEngine());
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class TlsRSASigner
    extends GenericSigner
        super(new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine()), new CombinedHash());
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                                            * Encode the pms and send it to the server.
                                            * Prepare an PKCS1Encoding with good random
                                            * padding.
                                            RSABlindedEngine rsa = new RSABlindedEngine();
                                            PKCS1Encoding encoding = new PKCS1Encoding(rsa);
                                            encoding.init(true, new ParametersWithRandom(this.serverPublicKey, this.random));
                                            byte[] encrypted = null;
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        if (digest == null)
            throw new NoSuchPaddingException("no match on OAEP constructor for digest algorithm: "+ mgfParams.getDigestAlgorithm());

        cipher = new OAEPEncoding(new RSABlindedEngine(), digest, ((PSource.PSpecified)pSpec.getPSource()).getValue());
        paramSpec = pSpec;
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        String pad = Strings.toUpperCase(padding);

        if (pad.equals("NOPADDING"))
            cipher = new RSABlindedEngine();
        else if (pad.equals("PKCS1PADDING"))
            cipher = new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine());
        else if (pad.equals("ISO9796-1PADDING"))
            cipher = new ISO9796d1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine());
        else if (pad.equals("OAEPWITHMD5ANDMGF1PADDING"))
            initFromSpec(new OAEPParameterSpec("MD5", "MGF1", new MGF1ParameterSpec("MD5"), PSource.PSpecified.DEFAULT));
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                if (mgfDigest == null)
                    throw new InvalidAlgorithmParameterException("no match on MGF digest algorithm: "+ mgfParams.getDigestAlgorithm());
                cipher = new OAEPEncoding(new RSABlindedEngine(), digest, mgfDigest, ((PSource.PSpecified)spec.getPSource()).getValue());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown parameter type.");
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    static public class NoPadding
        extends JCERSACipher
        public NoPadding()
            super(new RSABlindedEngine());
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    static public class PKCS1v1_5Padding
        extends JCERSACipher
        public PKCS1v1_5Padding()
            super(new PKCS1Encoding(new RSABlindedEngine()));
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Related Classes of org.bouncycastle.crypto.engines.RSABlindedEngine

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