Package org.apache.xerces.impl.xs

Examples of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl

      xobj = xsnamedmap.item(0);
      assertEquals("HelloObjArray", xobj.getName());
      assertTrue("HelloObjArray is a complex type?",xobj instanceof XSComplexTypeDefinition);
      XSComplexTypeDefinition complexType = (XSComplexTypeDefinition) xobj;
      XSModelGroupImpl sequence = (XSModelGroupImpl) complexType.getParticle().getTerm();
      XSElementDecl valueElement = (XSElementDecl) ((XSParticleDecl) sequence.getParticles().item(0)).getTerm();
      String name = valueElement.getTypeDefinition().getName();

      //System.out.println("FIXME: JBWS-357");
      assertEquals("HelloObj", name);

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                                         Document document,
                                         Element schemaDeclDomNode)
                                         throws DOMException {
      // iterating global element declarations in the Schema
      for (int elemIdx = 0; elemIdx < globalElemDecls.size(); elemIdx++) {
         XSElementDecl elemDecl = (XSElementDecl) globalElemDecls.item(elemIdx);
         addElementDeclToSchemaComponent(document, schemaDeclDomNode,
                                         elemDecl, null, null, true);
    } // end of, processGolabElementDecl
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            XSParticle compositorParticle = (XSParticle) seqItem;
            String minOccursParticle = getMinOccursVal(compositorParticle);
            String maxOccursParticle = getMaxOccursVal(compositorParticle);
            XSTerm partclTerm = compositorParticle.getTerm();           
            if (partclTerm instanceof XSElementDeclaration) {
               XSElementDecl elemDecl = (XSElementDecl) partclTerm;
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    public void addElement (XSElementDecl element, boolean isOptional) {

        // resize arrays if necessary
        if (fNumElements >= fAllElements.length) {
            XSElementDecl newAllElements[] = new XSElementDecl [2*fAllElements.length];
            boolean newIsOptionalElements[] =
                                      new boolean[2*fIsOptionalElement.length];
            System.arraycopy(fAllElements, 0, newAllElements, 0,
            System.arraycopy(fIsOptionalElement, 0, newIsOptionalElements, 0,
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        QName refAtt = (QName) attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_REF];
        XInt  minAtt = (XIntattrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_MINOCCURS];
        XInt  maxAtt = (XIntattrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_MAXOCCURS];

        XSElementDecl element = null;
        if (refAtt != null) {
            element = (XSElementDecl)fSchemaHandler.getGlobalDecl(schemaDoc, XSDHandler.ELEMENT_TYPE, refAtt);

            Element child = DOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(elmDecl);
            if (child != null && DOMUtil.getLocalName(child).equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
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                                 XSDocumentInfo schemaDoc,
                                 SchemaGrammar grammar) {

        // General Attribute Checking
        Object[] attrValues = fAttrChecker.checkAttributes(elmDecl, true, schemaDoc);
        XSElementDecl element = traverseNamedElement(elmDecl, attrValues, schemaDoc, grammar, true);
        fAttrChecker.returnAttrArray(attrValues, schemaDoc);

        return element;
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        Boolean nillableAtt  = (Boolean) attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_NILLABLE];
        QName   subGroupAtt  = (QName)   attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_SUBSGROUP];
        QName   typeAtt      = (QName)   attrValues[XSAttributeChecker.ATTIDX_TYPE];

        // Step 1: get declaration information
        XSElementDecl element = new XSElementDecl();

        // get 'name'
        if (nameAtt != null)
            element.fName = fSymbolTable.addSymbol(nameAtt);

        // get 'target namespace'
        if (isGlobal) {
            element.fTargetNamespace = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
        else if (formAtt != null) {
            if (formAtt.intValue() == SchemaSymbols.FORM_QUALIFIED)
                element.fTargetNamespace = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
                element.fTargetNamespace = null;
        } else if (schemaDoc.fAreLocalElementsQualified) {
            element.fTargetNamespace = schemaDoc.fTargetNamespace;
        } else {
            element.fTargetNamespace = null;

        // get 'block', 'final', 'nillable', 'abstract'
        element.fBlock = blockAtt == null ? schemaDoc.fBlockDefault : blockAtt.shortValue();
        element.fFinal = finalAtt == null ? schemaDoc.fFinalDefault : finalAtt.shortValue();
        if (nillableAtt.booleanValue())
        if (abstractAtt != null && abstractAtt.booleanValue())

        // get 'value constraint'
        if (fixedAtt != null) {
            element.fDefault = fixedAtt;
        } else if (defaultAtt != null) {
            element.fDefault = defaultAtt;
        } else {

        // get 'substitutionGroup affiliation'
        // REVISIT: allow mutual-substitution
        //          we need to back-patch both fSubGroup and fType
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         * The modification drastically reduces computation time of
         * "(a, (b, a+, (c, (b, a+)+, a+, (d,  (c, (b, a+)+, a+)+, (b, a+)+, a+)+)+)+)+"

        fElementDecl = new XSElementDecl();
        ((XSElementDecl)fElementDecl).fName = fEOCString;
        XSCMLeaf nodeEOC = new XSCMLeaf((XSElementDecl)fElementDecl);
        fHeadNode = new XSCMBinOp(
            , syntaxTree
            , nodeEOC

        //  And handle specially the EOC node, which also must be numbered
        //  and counted as a non-epsilon leaf node. It could not be handled
        //  in the above tree build because it was created before all that
        //  started. We save the EOC position since its used during the DFA
        //  building loop.
        fEOCPos = fLeafCount;

        //  Ok, so now we have to iterate the new tree and do a little more
        //  work now that we know the leaf count. One thing we need to do is
        //  to calculate the first and last position sets of each node. This
        //  is cached away in each of the nodes.
        //  Along the way we also set the leaf count in each node as the
        //  maximum state count. They must know this in order to create their
        //  first/last pos sets.
        //  We also need to build an array of references to the non-epsilon
        //  leaf nodes. Since we iterate it in the same way as before, this
        //  will put them in the array according to their position values.
        fLeafList = new XSCMLeaf[fLeafCount];
        fLeafListType = new int[fLeafCount];
        postTreeBuildInit(fHeadNode, 0);

        //  And, moving onward... We now need to build the follow position
        //  sets for all the nodes. So we allocate an array of state sets,
        //  one for each leaf node (i.e. each DFA position.)
        fFollowList = new CMStateSet[fLeafCount];
        for (int index = 0; index < fLeafCount; index++)
            fFollowList[index] = new CMStateSet(fLeafCount);
        //  And finally the big push... Now we build the DFA using all the
        //  states and the tree we've built up. First we set up the various
        //  data structures we are going to use while we do this.
        //  First of all we need an array of unique element names in our
        //  content model. For each transition table entry, we need a set of
        //  contiguous indices to represent the transitions for a particular
        //  input element. So we need to a zero based range of indexes that
        //  map to element types. This element map provides that mapping.
        fElemMap = new Object [fLeafCount];
        fElemMapType = new int[fLeafCount];
        fElemMapSize = 0;
        for (int outIndex = 0; outIndex < fLeafCount; outIndex++) {
            // optimization from Henry Zongaro:
            //fElemMap[outIndex] = new Object ();
            fElemMap[outIndex] = null;

            int inIndex = 0;
            final Object decl = fLeafList[outIndex].getDecl();
            // REVISIT: shouldn't we always compare the decls by reference?
            //          if we ever combine two different element decls with
            //          the same name and namespace, then this content model
            //          violates UPA.
            //          Comparing by name/namespace was inherited from Xerces1,
            //          where we only store name and uri, and couldn't compare
            //          whether two decls are the same.
            //          After we support UPA, change the following big "if"
            //          to the following 4 lines.
            //for (; inIndex < fElemMapSize; inIndex++) {
            //    if (decl == fElemMap[inIndex])
            //        break;
            if (fLeafListType[outIndex] == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
                for (; inIndex < fElemMapSize; inIndex++) {
                    if (decl == fElemMap[inIndex])
            } else {
                // Get the current leaf's element
                final XSElementDecl element = (XSElementDecl)decl;
                // See if the current leaf node's element index is in the list
                for (; inIndex < fElemMapSize; inIndex++) {
                    if (fElemMapType[inIndex] == fLeafListType[outIndex] &&
                        ((XSElementDecl)fElemMap[inIndex]).fTargetNamespace == element.fTargetNamespace &&
                        ((XSElementDecl)fElemMap[inIndex]).fName == element.fName)

            // If it was not in the list, then add it, if not the EOC node
            if (inIndex == fElemMapSize) {
                fElemMap[fElemMapSize] = decl;
                fElemMapType[fElemMapSize] = fLeafListType[outIndex];

        // the last entry in the element map must be the EOC element.
        // remove it from the map.
        if (DEBUG) {
            if (((XSElementDecl)fElemMap[fElemMapSize-1]).fName != fEOCString)
                System.err.println("interal error in DFA: last element is not EOC.");

        // set up the fLeafNameTypeVector object if there is one.
        /**** but apparently there never will be since this was commented out for some reason...
        if (fLeafNameTypeVector != null) {
            fLeafNameTypeVector.setValues(fElemMap, fElemMapType, fElemMapSize);

         * Optimization(Jan, 2001); We sort fLeafList according to
         * elemIndex which is *uniquely* associated to each leaf.
         * We are *assuming* that each element appears in at least one leaf.

        int[] fLeafSorter = new int[fLeafCount + fElemMapSize];
        int fSortCount = 0;

        for (int elemIndex = 0; elemIndex < fElemMapSize; elemIndex++) {
            final Object decl = fElemMap[elemIndex];
            for (int leafIndex = 0; leafIndex < fLeafCount; leafIndex++) {
                // REVISIT: shouldn't we always compare the decls by reference?
                //          if we ever combine two different element decls with
                //          the same name and namespace, then this content model
                //          violates UPA.
                //          Comparing by name/namespace was inherited from Xerces1,
                //          where we only store name and uri, and couldn't compare
                //          whether two decls are the same.
                //          After we support UPA, change the following 2 "if"s
                //          to the following 2 lines.
                //if (decl == fLeafList[leafIndex].getDecl())
                //    fLeafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
                if (fElemMapType[elemIndex] != fLeafListType[leafIndex])

                if (fLeafListType[leafIndex] == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_WILDCARD) {
                    if (decl == fLeafList[leafIndex].getDecl())
                        fLeafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
                } else {
                    final XSElementDecl leaf = (XSElementDecl)fLeafList[leafIndex].getDecl();
                    final XSElementDecl element = (XSElementDecl)decl;
                    if (leaf.fTargetNamespace == element.fTargetNamespace &&
                        leaf.fName == element.fName ) {
                        fLeafSorter[fSortCount++] = leafIndex;
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         else if (nodeCur.type() == XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT) {
            //  Put this node in the leaf list at the current index if its
            //  a non-epsilon leaf.
            final XSElementDecl elementDecl = (XSElementDecl)((XSCMLeaf)nodeCur).getDecl();
            if (elementDecl.fName != fEpsilonString) {
                fLeafList[curIndex] = (XSCMLeaf)nodeCur;
                fLeafListType[curIndex] = XSParticleDecl.PARTICLE_ELEMENT;
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    // convenient method: to find a matching element decl
    XSElementDecl findMatchingElemDecl(QName elementName, SubstitutionGroupHandler subGroupHandler) {
        for (int i = 1; i < fNumElements; i++) {
            final XSElementDecl matchingDecl = subGroupHandler.getMatchingElemDecl(elementName, fElements[i], Constants.SCHEMA_VERSION_1_1);
            if (matchingDecl != null) {
                return matchingDecl;
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Related Classes of org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.XSElementDecl

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