Package org.apache.uima.cas

Examples of org.apache.uima.cas.StringArrayFS

    Feature classesFeat = entityType.getFeatureByBaseName("classes");
    Iterator<FeatureStructure> iter = cas2.getIndexRepository().getIndex("testEntityIndex").iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      FeatureStructure fs =;
      StringArrayFS arrayFS = (StringArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(classesFeat);
      for (int i = 0; i < arrayFS.size(); i++) {
    Type annotArrayTestType = cas2.getTypeSystem().getType("org.apache.uima.testTypeSystem.AnnotationArrayTest");
    Feature annotArrayFeat = annotArrayTestType.getFeatureByBaseName("arrayOfAnnotations");
    Iterator<AnnotationFS> iter2 = cas2.getAnnotationIndex(annotArrayTestType).iterator();
    while (iter2.hasNext()) {
      FeatureStructure fs =;
      ArrayFS arrayFS = (ArrayFS) fs.getFeatureValue(annotArrayFeat);
      for (int i = 0; i < arrayFS.size(); i++) {
    // test that lenient mode does not report errors
    CAS cas3 = CasCreationUtils.createCas(new TypeSystemDescription_impl(),
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      assertTrue(tIndex.size() == 5); //doc annot plus 4 annots
      FeatureStructure entityFS = cas1.createFS(entityType);
      StringArrayFS strArrayFS = cas1.createStringArrayFS(5);
      strArrayFS.set(0, "class1");
      entityFS.setFeatureValue(classesFeat, strArrayFS);
      //create listFS and set the link feature
      FeatureStructure emptyNode = cas1.createFS(emptyFsListType);
      FeatureStructure secondNode = cas1.createFS(nonEmptyFsListType);
      secondNode.setFeatureValue(headFeat, anAnnot2);
      secondNode.setFeatureValue(tailFeat, emptyNode);
      FeatureStructure firstNode = cas1.createFS(nonEmptyFsListType);
      firstNode.setFeatureValue(headFeat, anAnnot1);
      firstNode.setFeatureValue(tailFeat, secondNode);
      entityFS.setFeatureValue(linksFeat, firstNode);
      // create a view w/o setting document text
      CAS view1 = cas1.createView("View1");
      // create another view
      CAS preexistingView = cas1.createView("preexistingView");
      String preexistingViewText = "John Smith blah blah blah";
      AnnotationFS person1Annot = createPersonAnnot(preexistingView, 0, 10);
      person1Annot.setStringValue(componentIdFeat, "deltacas1");
      AnnotationFS person2Annot = createPersonAnnot(preexistingView, 0, 5);
      AnnotationFS orgAnnot = preexistingView.createAnnotation(orgType, 16, 24);
      AnnotationFS ownerAnnot = preexistingView.createAnnotation(ownerType, 0, 24);
      FeatureStructure relArgs = cas1.createFS(relArgsType);
      relArgs.setFeatureValue(domainFeat, person1Annot);
      ownerAnnot.setFeatureValue(argsFeat, relArgs);
      //serialize complete 
      XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData = new XmiSerializationSharedData();
      String xml = serialize(cas1, sharedData);
      int maxOutgoingXmiId = sharedData.getMaxXmiId();
      //System.out.println("CAS1 " + xml);
      //System.out.println("MaxOutgoingXmiId " + maxOutgoingXmiId);
      //deserialize into cas2
      XmiSerializationSharedData sharedData2 = new XmiSerializationSharedData();     
      this.deserialize(xml, cas2, sharedData2, true, -1);
      CasComparer.assertEquals(cas1, cas2);
      //create Marker, add/modify fs and serialize in delta xmi format.
      Marker marker = cas2.createMarker();
      FSIndex cas2tIndex = cas2.getAnnotationIndex();
      CAS cas2preexistingView = cas2.getView("preexistingView");
      FSIndex cas2personIndex = cas2preexistingView.getAnnotationIndex(personType);
      FSIndex cas2orgIndex = cas2preexistingView.getAnnotationIndex(orgType);
      FSIndex cas2ownerIndex = cas2preexistingView.getAnnotationIndex(ownerType);
      // create an annotation and add to index
      AnnotationFS cas2anAnnot5 = cas2.createAnnotation(cas2.getAnnotationType(), 6, 8);
      assertTrue(cas2tIndex.size() == 6); // prev annots and this new one
      // set document text of View1
      CAS cas2view1 = cas2.getView("View1");
      cas2view1.setDocumentText("This is the View1 document.");
      //create an annotation in View1
      AnnotationFS cas2view1Annot = cas2view1.createAnnotation(cas2.getAnnotationType(), 1, 5);
      FSIndex cas2view1Index = cas2view1.getAnnotationIndex();
      assertTrue(cas2view1Index.size() == 2); //document annot and this annot
      //modify an existing annotation
      Iterator<FeatureStructure> tIndexIter = cas2tIndex.iterator();
      AnnotationFS docAnnot = (AnnotationFS); //doc annot
      AnnotationFS modAnnot1 = (AnnotationFS);
      AnnotationFS delAnnot = (;
      //modify language feature
      Feature languageF = cas2.getDocumentAnnotation().getType().getFeatureByBaseName(CAS.FEATURE_BASE_NAME_LANGUAGE);
      docAnnot.setStringValue(languageF, "en");
      //index update - reindex
      Feature endF = cas2.getAnnotationType().getFeatureByBaseName(CAS.FEATURE_BASE_NAME_END);
      modAnnot1.setIntValue(endF, 4);
      //index update - remove annotation from index
      //modify FS - string feature and FS feature.
      Iterator<FeatureStructure> personIter = cas2personIndex.iterator();    
      AnnotationFS cas2person1 = (AnnotationFS);
      AnnotationFS cas2person2 = (AnnotationFS);
      cas2person1.setFloatValue(confidenceFeat, (float) 99.99);
      cas2person1.setStringValue(mentionTypeFeat, "FULLNAME");
      cas2person2.setStringValue(componentIdFeat, "delataCas2");
      cas2person2.setStringValue(mentionTypeFeat, "FIRSTNAME");
      Iterator<FeatureStructure> orgIter = cas2orgIndex.iterator();
      AnnotationFS cas2orgAnnot = (AnnotationFS);
      cas2orgAnnot.setStringValue(mentionTypeFeat, "ORGNAME");
      //modify FS feature
      Iterator<FeatureStructure> ownerIter = cas2ownerIndex.iterator();
      AnnotationFS cas2ownerAnnot = (AnnotationFS);
      FeatureStructure cas2relArgs = cas2ownerAnnot.getFeatureValue(argsFeat);
      cas2relArgs.setFeatureValue(rangeFeat, cas2orgAnnot);
    //Test modification of a nonshared multivalued feature.
      //This should serialize the encompassing FS.
      Iterator<FeatureStructure> iter = cas2.getIndexRepository().getIndex("testEntityIndex").iterator();
      FeatureStructure cas2EntityFS = (FeatureStructure);
      StringArrayFS cas2strarrayFS = (StringArrayFS) cas2EntityFS.getFeatureValue(classesFeat);
      cas2strarrayFS.set(1, "class2");
      cas2strarrayFS.set(2, "class3");
      cas2strarrayFS.set(3, "class4");
      cas2strarrayFS.set(4, "class5");
      //add to FSList
      FeatureStructure cas2linksFS = cas2EntityFS.getFeatureValue(linksFeat);
      FeatureStructure cas2secondNode = cas2linksFS.getFeatureValue(tailFeat);
      FeatureStructure cas2emptyNode = cas2secondNode.getFeatureValue(tailFeat);
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        assertTrue(tIndex.size() == 5); //doc annot plus 4 annots
        FeatureStructure entityFS = cas1.createFS(entityType);
        StringArrayFS strArrayFS = cas1.createStringArrayFS(5);
        strArrayFS.set(0, "class1");
        entityFS.setFeatureValue(classesFeat, strArrayFS);
        //create listFS and set the link feature
        FeatureStructure emptyNode = cas1.createFS(emptyFsListType);
        FeatureStructure secondNode = cas1.createFS(nonEmptyFsListType);
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      array.set(slot, Float.parseFloat(value));
    } else if (arrayFS instanceof DoubleArrayFS) {
      DoubleArrayFS array = (DoubleArrayFS) arrayFS;
      array.set(slot, Double.parseDouble(value));
    } else if (arrayFS instanceof StringArrayFS) {
      StringArrayFS array = (StringArrayFS) arrayFS;
      array.set(slot, value);
    } else {
      throw new CasEditorError("Unkown array type!");
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      return array.get(slot);
    } else if (arrayFS instanceof DoubleArrayFS) {
      DoubleArrayFS array = (DoubleArrayFS) arrayFS;
      return array.get(slot);
    } else if (arrayFS instanceof StringArrayFS) {
      StringArrayFS array = (StringArrayFS) arrayFS;

      String value = array.get(slot);

      if (value == null) {
        value = "";

      return value;
    } else if (arrayFS instanceof ArrayFS) {
      ArrayFS array = (ArrayFS) arrayFS;
      return array.get(slot);
    } else {
      throw new CasEditorError("Unkown array type!");
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      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        assertEquals(fs1.getIntValue(feat1), fs2.getIntValue(feat2));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        assertEquals(fs1.getFloatValue(feat1), fs2.getFloatValue(feat2), 0);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        StringArrayFS arrayFS1 = (StringArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        StringArrayFS arrayFS2 = (StringArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        if ((arrayFS1 == null) && (arrayFS2 == null)) {
          // ok
        } else {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
          for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
            // Temporary workaround for UIMA-2490 - null and "" string values
            String s1 = arrayFS1.get(j);
            String s2 = arrayFS2.get(j);
            if ((s1 == null) && (s2 != null) && (s2.length() == 0)) {
            if ((s2 == null) && (s1 != null) && (s1.length() == 0)) {
            assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS1 = (IntArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        IntArrayFS arrayFS2 = (IntArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        if ((arrayFS1 == null) && (arrayFS2 == null)) {
          // ok
        } else {
          assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
          for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
            assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS1 = (FloatArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS2 = (FloatArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        if ((arrayFS1 == null) && (arrayFS2 == null)) {
          // ok
        } else {
          assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
          for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
            assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j), 0);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        ArrayFS arrayFS1 = (ArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        ArrayFS arrayFS2 = (ArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        if ((arrayFS1 == null) && (arrayFS2 == null)) {
          // ok
        } else {
          assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
          for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
            assertFsEqual(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else // single feature value
        FeatureStructure fsVal1 = fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
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      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
                .addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", Float.toString(aFS
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        StringArrayFS arrayFS = (StringArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", "null");
        } else {
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
          String[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
          if (vals.length > 0) {
            buf.append(vals[vals.length - 1]);
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", buf.toString());
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS = (IntArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", "null");
        } else {
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
          int[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
          if (vals.length > 0) {
            buf.append(vals[vals.length - 1]);
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", buf.toString());
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS = (FloatArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", "null");
        } else {
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
          float[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
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      } else if (feat.getRange().isArray() && feat.getRange().getComponentType().isPrimitive())
        //TODO: there should be a better way to get any array value as a string array
        String[] vals = null;
        if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          StringArrayFS arrayFS = (StringArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          IntArrayFS arrayFS = (IntArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          FloatArrayFS arrayFS = (FloatArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_BOOLEAN_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          BooleanArrayFS arrayFS = (BooleanArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_BYTE_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          ByteArrayFS arrayFS = (ByteArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_SHORT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          ShortArrayFS arrayFS = (ShortArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_LONG_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          LongArrayFS arrayFS = (LongArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_DOUBLE_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
          DoubleArrayFS arrayFS = (DoubleArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
          if (arrayFS != null)
            vals = arrayFS.toStringArray();
        String attrVal;
        if (vals == null) {
          attrVal = "null";
        } else {
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      // intarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(intArrayFS);
      CAS intArrayView =this.cas.createView("intArraySofaData");
      intArrayView.setSofaDataArray(intArrayFS, "integers");

      // create a string array fs
      StringArrayFS stringArrayFS =this.cas.createStringArrayFS(5);
      stringArrayFS.set(0, "This");
      stringArrayFS.set(1, "beer");
      stringArrayFS.set(2, "is");
      stringArrayFS.set(3, "really");
      stringArrayFS.set(4, "good");
      CAS stringArrayView =this.cas.createView("stringArraySofaData");
      stringArrayView.setSofaDataArray(stringArrayFS, "strings");

      // create a float array fs
      FloatArrayFS floatArrayFS =this.cas.createFloatArrayFS(5);
      floatArrayFS.set(0, (float) 0.1);
      floatArrayFS.set(1, (float) 0.2);
      floatArrayFS.set(2, (float) 0.3);
      floatArrayFS.set(3, (float) 0.4);
      floatArrayFS.set(4, (float) 0.5);
      // create a sofa and set the SofaArray feature to the float array
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("floatArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS floatarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id,"text");
      // floatarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(floatArrayFS);
      CAS floatArrayView =this.cas.createView("floatArraySofaData");
      floatArrayView.setSofaDataArray(floatArrayFS, "floats");

      // create a short array fs
      ShortArrayFS shortArrayFS =this.cas.createShortArrayFS(5);
      shortArrayFS.set(0, (short) 128);
      shortArrayFS.set(1, (short) 127);
      shortArrayFS.set(2, (short) 126);
      shortArrayFS.set(3, (short) 125);
      shortArrayFS.set(4, (short) 124);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature to an int array FS.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("shortArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS shortarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // shortarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(shortArrayFS);
      CAS shortArrayView =this.cas.createView("shortArraySofaData");
      shortArrayView.setSofaDataArray(shortArrayFS, "shorts");

      // create a byte array fs
      ByteArrayFS byteArrayFS =this.cas.createByteArrayFS(5);
      byteArrayFS.set(0, (byte) 8);
      byteArrayFS.set(1, (byte) 16);
      byteArrayFS.set(2, (byte) 64);
      byteArrayFS.set(3, (byte) 128);
      byteArrayFS.set(4, (byte) 255);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("byteArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS bytearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // bytearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(byteArrayFS);
      CAS byteArrayView =this.cas.createView("byteArraySofaData");
      byteArrayView.setSofaDataArray(byteArrayFS, "bytes");

      // create a long array fs
      LongArrayFS longArrayFS =this.cas.createLongArrayFS(5);
      longArrayFS.set(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
      longArrayFS.set(1, Long.MAX_VALUE - 1);
      longArrayFS.set(2, Long.MAX_VALUE - 2);
      longArrayFS.set(3, Long.MAX_VALUE - 3);
      longArrayFS.set(4, Long.MAX_VALUE - 4);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("longArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS longarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // longarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(longArrayFS);
      CAS longArrayView =this.cas.createView("longArraySofaData");
      longArrayView.setSofaDataArray(longArrayFS, "longs");

      DoubleArrayFS doubleArrayFS =this.cas.createDoubleArrayFS(5);
      doubleArrayFS.set(0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(1, Double.MIN_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(2, Double.parseDouble("1.5555"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(3, Double.parseDouble("99.000000005"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(4, Double.parseDouble("4.44444444444444444"));
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("doubleArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS doublearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // doublearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(doubleArrayFS);
      CAS doubleArrayView =this.cas.createView("doubleArraySofaData");
      doubleArrayView.setSofaDataArray(doubleArrayFS, "doubles");

      // create remote sofa and set the SofaURI feature
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("remoteSofaData");
      // SofaFS remoteSofa = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // remoteSofa.setRemoteSofaURI("file:.\\Sofa.xcas");
      CAS remoteView =this.cas.createView("remoteSofaData");
      String sofaFileName = "./Sofa.xcas";
      remoteView.setSofaDataURI("file:" + sofaFileName, "text");
      PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(sofaFileName);
      out.print("this beer is good");
      // read sofa data
      // InputStream is = strSofa.getSofaDataStream();
      InputStream is = stringView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      byte[] dest = new byte[1];
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      while ( != -1) {
        buf.append((char) dest[0]);
      assertTrue(buf.toString().equals("this beer is good"));

      dest = new byte[4];
      // is = intarraySofaFS.getSofaDataStream();
      is = intArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      int i = 0;
      while ( != -1) {
        assertTrue(ByteBuffer.wrap(dest).getInt() == intArrayFS.get(i++));

      is = stringArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
      i = 0;
      while (br.ready()) {

      // is = floatarraySofaFS.getSofaDataStream();
      is = floatArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
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    loadCas(casSrc, mSrc);
    ReuseInfo[] ri = serializeDeserialize(casSrc, remoteCas, null, null);
    MarkerImpl marker = (MarkerImpl) remoteCas.createMarker();
    lfs = getIndexedFSs(remoteCas, m);
    FeatureStructure fs = lfs.get(10);
    StringArrayFS sa = (StringArrayFS) maybeGetFeatureKind(fs, m, "Astring");
    sa.set(0, "change2");
    verifyDelta(marker, ri);
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.cas.StringArrayFS

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