Package org.apache.uima.cas

Examples of org.apache.uima.cas.IntArrayFS

        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS1 = (IntArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        IntArrayFS arrayFS2 = (IntArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS1 = (FloatArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS2 = (FloatArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j), 0);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        ArrayFS arrayFS1 = (ArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        ArrayFS arrayFS2 = (ArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j), visited);
      } else // single feature value
        FeatureStructure fsVal1 = fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        FeatureStructure fsVal2 = fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
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                  return convertToString(returnFS.toStringArray());
         case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_INTARRAY: {
            IntArrayFS returnFS = (IntArrayFS) featurePathValue.getFs();
            if (returnFS == null) {
               return null;
            } else {
               // check if we have a built-in function
               if (this.builtInFunction > NO_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
                  return evaluateBuiltInFunction(returnFS);
               } else {
                  return convertToString(returnFS.toStringArray());
         case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_LONGARRAY: {
            LongArrayFS returnFS = (LongArrayFS) featurePathValue.getFs();
            if (returnFS == null) {
               return null;
            } else {
               // check if we have a built-in function
               if (this.builtInFunction > NO_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
                  return evaluateBuiltInFunction(returnFS);
               } else {
                  return convertToString(returnFS.toStringArray());
         case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_SHORTARRAY: {
            ShortArrayFS returnFS = (ShortArrayFS) featurePathValue.getFs();
            if (returnFS == null) {
               return null;
            } else {
               // check if we have a built-in function
               if (this.builtInFunction > NO_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
                  return evaluateBuiltInFunction(returnFS);
               } else {
                  return convertToString(returnFS.toStringArray());
         case LowLevelCAS.TYPE_CLASS_STRINGARRAY: {
            StringArrayFS returnFS = (StringArrayFS) featurePathValue.getFs();
            if (returnFS == null) {
               return null;
            } else {
               // check if we have a built-in function
               if (this.builtInFunction > NO_BUILT_IN_FUNCTION) {
                  return evaluateBuiltInFunction(returnFS);
               } else {
                  return convertToString(returnFS.toStringArray());
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      // strSofa.setLocalSofaData("this beer is good");
      CAS stringView =this.cas.createView("StringSofaData");
      stringView.setDocumentText("this beer is good");

      // create a int array fs
      IntArrayFS intArrayFS =this.cas.createIntArrayFS(5);
      intArrayFS.set(0, 1);
      intArrayFS.set(1, 2);
      intArrayFS.set(2, 3);
      intArrayFS.set(3, 4);
      intArrayFS.set(4, 5);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature to an int array FS.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("intArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS intarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // intarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(intArrayFS);
      CAS intArrayView =this.cas.createView("intArraySofaData");
      intArrayView.setSofaDataArray(intArrayFS, "integers");

      // create a string array fs
      StringArrayFS stringArrayFS =this.cas.createStringArrayFS(5);
      stringArrayFS.set(0, "This");
      stringArrayFS.set(1, "beer");
      stringArrayFS.set(2, "is");
      stringArrayFS.set(3, "really");
      stringArrayFS.set(4, "good");
      CAS stringArrayView =this.cas.createView("stringArraySofaData");
      stringArrayView.setSofaDataArray(stringArrayFS, "strings");

      // create a float array fs
      FloatArrayFS floatArrayFS =this.cas.createFloatArrayFS(5);
      floatArrayFS.set(0, (float) 0.1);
      floatArrayFS.set(1, (float) 0.2);
      floatArrayFS.set(2, (float) 0.3);
      floatArrayFS.set(3, (float) 0.4);
      floatArrayFS.set(4, (float) 0.5);
      // create a sofa and set the SofaArray feature to the float array
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("floatArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS floatarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id,"text");
      // floatarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(floatArrayFS);
      CAS floatArrayView =this.cas.createView("floatArraySofaData");
      floatArrayView.setSofaDataArray(floatArrayFS, "floats");

      // create a short array fs
      ShortArrayFS shortArrayFS =this.cas.createShortArrayFS(5);
      shortArrayFS.set(0, (short) 128);
      shortArrayFS.set(1, (short) 127);
      shortArrayFS.set(2, (short) 126);
      shortArrayFS.set(3, (short) 125);
      shortArrayFS.set(4, (short) 124);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature to an int array FS.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("shortArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS shortarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // shortarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(shortArrayFS);
      CAS shortArrayView =this.cas.createView("shortArraySofaData");
      shortArrayView.setSofaDataArray(shortArrayFS, "shorts");

      // create a byte array fs
      ByteArrayFS byteArrayFS =this.cas.createByteArrayFS(5);
      byteArrayFS.set(0, (byte) 8);
      byteArrayFS.set(1, (byte) 16);
      byteArrayFS.set(2, (byte) 64);
      byteArrayFS.set(3, (byte) 128);
      byteArrayFS.set(4, (byte) 255);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("byteArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS bytearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // bytearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(byteArrayFS);
      CAS byteArrayView =this.cas.createView("byteArraySofaData");
      byteArrayView.setSofaDataArray(byteArrayFS, "bytes");

      // create a long array fs
      LongArrayFS longArrayFS =this.cas.createLongArrayFS(5);
      longArrayFS.set(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
      longArrayFS.set(1, Long.MAX_VALUE - 1);
      longArrayFS.set(2, Long.MAX_VALUE - 2);
      longArrayFS.set(3, Long.MAX_VALUE - 3);
      longArrayFS.set(4, Long.MAX_VALUE - 4);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("longArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS longarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // longarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(longArrayFS);
      CAS longArrayView =this.cas.createView("longArraySofaData");
      longArrayView.setSofaDataArray(longArrayFS, "longs");

      DoubleArrayFS doubleArrayFS =this.cas.createDoubleArrayFS(5);
      doubleArrayFS.set(0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(1, Double.MIN_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(2, Double.parseDouble("1.5555"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(3, Double.parseDouble("99.000000005"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(4, Double.parseDouble("4.44444444444444444"));
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("doubleArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS doublearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // doublearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(doubleArrayFS);
      CAS doubleArrayView =this.cas.createView("doubleArraySofaData");
      doubleArrayView.setSofaDataArray(doubleArrayFS, "doubles");

      // create remote sofa and set the SofaURI feature
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("remoteSofaData");
      // SofaFS remoteSofa = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // remoteSofa.setRemoteSofaURI("file:.\\Sofa.xcas");
      CAS remoteView =this.cas.createView("remoteSofaData");
      String sofaFileName = "./Sofa.xcas";
      remoteView.setSofaDataURI("file:" + sofaFileName, "text");

      // read sofa data
      // InputStream is = strSofa.getSofaDataStream();
      InputStream is = stringView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      byte[] dest = new byte[1];
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      while ( != -1) {
        buf.append((char) dest[0]);
      assertTrue(buf.toString().equals("this beer is good"));

      dest = new byte[4];
      // is = intarraySofaFS.getSofaDataStream();
      is = intArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      int i = 0;
      while ( != -1) {
        assertTrue(ByteBuffer.wrap(dest).getInt() == intArrayFS.get(i++));

      is = stringArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
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  public void testNoInitialSofa() throws Exception {
    CAS cas = CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystem, new TypePriorities_impl(),
            new FsIndexDescription[0]);
    // create non-annotation type so as not to create the _InitialView Sofa
    IntArrayFS intArrayFS = cas.createIntArrayFS(5);
    intArrayFS.set(0, 1);
    intArrayFS.set(1, 2);
    intArrayFS.set(2, 3);
    intArrayFS.set(3, 4);
    intArrayFS.set(4, 5);

    // serialize the CAS
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    XMLSerializer xmlSer = new XMLSerializer(sw, false);
    XmiCasSerializer xmiSer = new XmiCasSerializer(cas.getTypeSystem());
    xmiSer.serialize(cas, xmlSer.getContentHandler());
    String xml = sw.getBuffer().toString();

    // deserialize into another CAS
    CAS cas2 = CasCreationUtils.createCas(typeSystem, new TypePriorities_impl(),
            new FsIndexDescription[0]);

    XmiCasDeserializer deser2 = new XmiCasDeserializer(cas2.getTypeSystem());
    ContentHandler deserHandler2 = deser2.getXmiCasHandler(cas2);
    SAXParserFactory fact = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
    SAXParser parser = fact.newSAXParser();
    XMLReader xmlReader = parser.getXMLReader();
    xmlReader.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xml)));

    //test that index is correctly populated
    Type intArrayType = cas2.getTypeSystem().getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY);
    Iterator<FeatureStructure> iter = cas2.getIndexRepository().getAllIndexedFS(intArrayType);
    IntArrayFS intArrayFS2 = (IntArrayFS);
    assertEquals(5, intArrayFS2.size());
    assertEquals(1, intArrayFS2.get(0));
    assertEquals(2, intArrayFS2.get(1));
    assertEquals(3, intArrayFS2.get(2));
    assertEquals(4, intArrayFS2.get(3));
    assertEquals(5, intArrayFS2.get(4));

    // test that serializing the new CAS produces the same XML
    sw = new StringWriter();
    xmlSer = new XMLSerializer(sw, false);
    xmiSer = new XmiCasSerializer(cas2.getTypeSystem());
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          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", buf.toString());
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS = (IntArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", "null");
        } else {
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
          int[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
          if (vals.length > 0) {
            buf.append(vals[vals.length - 1]);
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", buf.toString());
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS = (FloatArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
          attrs.addAttribute("", featName, featName, "CDATA", "null");
        } else {
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
          float[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
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        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS1 = (IntArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        IntArrayFS arrayFS2 = (IntArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j));
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS1 = (FloatArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS2 = (FloatArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j), 0);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FS_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        ArrayFS arrayFS1 = (ArrayFS) fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        ArrayFS arrayFS2 = (ArrayFS) fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
        Assert.assertEquals(arrayFS1.size(), arrayFS2.size());
        for (int j = 0; j < arrayFS1.size(); j++) {
          assertEquals(arrayFS1.get(j), arrayFS2.get(j), visited);
      } else // single feature value
        FeatureStructure fsVal1 = fs1.getFeatureValue(feat1);
        FeatureStructure fsVal2 = fs2.getFeatureValue(feat2);
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            aOut.print(vals[vals.length - 1]);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_INTEGER_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        IntArrayFS arrayFS = (IntArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
        } else {
          int[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
          if (vals.length > 0) {
            aOut.print(vals[vals.length - 1]);
      } else if (CAS.TYPE_NAME_FLOAT_ARRAY.equals(rangeTypeName)) {
        FloatArrayFS arrayFS = (FloatArrayFS) aFS.getFeatureValue(feat);
        if (arrayFS == null) {
        } else {
          float[] vals = arrayFS.toArray();
          for (int i = 0; i < vals.length - 1; i++) {
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        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof IntArrayFS) {
      IntArrayFS arrayFs = (IntArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      IntArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createIntArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof ByteArrayFS) {
      ByteArrayFS arrayFs = (ByteArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      ByteArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createByteArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof ShortArrayFS) {
      ShortArrayFS arrayFs = (ShortArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      ShortArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createShortArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof LongArrayFS) {
      LongArrayFS arrayFs = (LongArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      LongArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createLongArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof FloatArrayFS) {
      FloatArrayFS arrayFs = (FloatArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      FloatArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createFloatArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof DoubleArrayFS) {
      DoubleArrayFS arrayFs = (DoubleArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      DoubleArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createDoubleArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof BooleanArrayFS) {
      BooleanArrayFS arrayFs = (BooleanArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      BooleanArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createBooleanArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        destFS.set(i, arrayFs.get(i));
      return destFS;
    if (aSrcFs instanceof ArrayFS) {
      ArrayFS arrayFs = (ArrayFS) aSrcFs;
      int len = arrayFs.size();
      ArrayFS destFS = mDestCas.createArrayFS(len);
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        FeatureStructure srcElem = arrayFs.get(i);
        if (srcElem != null) {
          FeatureStructure copyElem = copyFs(arrayFs.get(i));
          destFS.set(i, copyElem);
      return destFS;
    assert false; // the set of array types should be exhaustive, so we should never get here
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      // strSofa.setLocalSofaData("this beer is good");
      CAS stringView =this.cas.createView("StringSofaData");
      stringView.setDocumentText("this beer is good");

      // create a int array fs
      IntArrayFS intArrayFS =this.cas.createIntArrayFS(5);
      intArrayFS.set(0, 1);
      intArrayFS.set(1, 2);
      intArrayFS.set(2, 3);
      intArrayFS.set(3, 4);
      intArrayFS.set(4, 5);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature to an int array FS.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("intArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS intarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // intarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(intArrayFS);
      CAS intArrayView =this.cas.createView("intArraySofaData");
      intArrayView.setSofaDataArray(intArrayFS, "integers");

      // create a float array fs
      FloatArrayFS floatArrayFS =this.cas.createFloatArrayFS(5);
      floatArrayFS.set(0, (float) 0.1);
      floatArrayFS.set(1, (float) 0.2);
      floatArrayFS.set(2, (float) 0.3);
      floatArrayFS.set(3, (float) 0.4);
      floatArrayFS.set(4, (float) 0.5);
      // create a sofa and set the SofaArray feature to the float array
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("floatArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS floatarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id,"text");
      // floatarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(floatArrayFS);
      CAS floatArrayView =this.cas.createView("floatArraySofaData");
      floatArrayView.setSofaDataArray(floatArrayFS, "floats");

      // create a short array fs
      ShortArrayFS shortArrayFS =this.cas.createShortArrayFS(5);
      shortArrayFS.set(0, (short) 128);
      shortArrayFS.set(1, (short) 127);
      shortArrayFS.set(2, (short) 126);
      shortArrayFS.set(3, (short) 125);
      shortArrayFS.set(4, (short) 124);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature to an int array FS.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("shortArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS shortarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // shortarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(shortArrayFS);
      CAS shortArrayView =this.cas.createView("shortArraySofaData");
      shortArrayView.setSofaDataArray(shortArrayFS, "shorts");

      // create a byte array fs
      ByteArrayFS byteArrayFS =this.cas.createByteArrayFS(5);
      byteArrayFS.set(0, (byte) 8);
      byteArrayFS.set(1, (byte) 16);
      byteArrayFS.set(2, (byte) 64);
      byteArrayFS.set(3, (byte) 128);
      byteArrayFS.set(4, (byte) 255);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("byteArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS bytearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // bytearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(byteArrayFS);
      CAS byteArrayView =this.cas.createView("byteArraySofaData");
      byteArrayView.setSofaDataArray(byteArrayFS, "bytes");

      // create a long array fs
      LongArrayFS longArrayFS =this.cas.createLongArrayFS(5);
      longArrayFS.set(0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
      longArrayFS.set(1, Long.MAX_VALUE - 1);
      longArrayFS.set(2, Long.MAX_VALUE - 2);
      longArrayFS.set(3, Long.MAX_VALUE - 3);
      longArrayFS.set(4, Long.MAX_VALUE - 4);
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("longArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS longarraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // longarraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(longArrayFS);
      CAS longArrayView =this.cas.createView("longArraySofaData");
      longArrayView.setSofaDataArray(longArrayFS, "longs");

      DoubleArrayFS doubleArrayFS =this.cas.createDoubleArrayFS(5);
      doubleArrayFS.set(0, Double.MAX_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(1, Double.MIN_VALUE);
      doubleArrayFS.set(2, Double.parseDouble("1.5555"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(3, Double.parseDouble("99.000000005"));
      doubleArrayFS.set(4, Double.parseDouble("4.44444444444444444"));
      // create a Sofa and set the SofaArray feature.
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("doubleArraySofaData");
      // SofaFS doublearraySofaFS = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // doublearraySofaFS.setLocalSofaData(doubleArrayFS);
      CAS doubleArrayView =this.cas.createView("doubleArraySofaData");
      doubleArrayView.setSofaDataArray(doubleArrayFS, "doubles");

      // create remote sofa and set the SofaURI feature
      // id = new SofaID_impl();
      // id.setSofaID("remoteSofaData");
      // SofaFS remoteSofa = cas.createSofa(id, "text");
      // remoteSofa.setRemoteSofaURI("file:.\\Sofa.xcas");
      CAS remoteView =this.cas.createView("remoteSofaData");
      String sofaFileName = "./Sofa.xcas";
      remoteView.setSofaDataURI("file:" + sofaFileName, "text");

      // read sofa data
      // InputStream is = strSofa.getSofaDataStream();
      InputStream is = stringView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      byte[] dest = new byte[1];
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
      while ( != -1) {
        buf.append((char) dest[0]);
      assertTrue(buf.toString().equals("this beer is good"));

      dest = new byte[4];
      // is = intarraySofaFS.getSofaDataStream();
      is = intArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
      assertTrue(is != null);
      int i = 0;
      while ( != -1) {
        assertTrue(ByteBuffer.wrap(dest).getInt() == intArrayFS.get(i++));

      // is = floatarraySofaFS.getSofaDataStream();
      is = floatArrayView.getSofaDataStream();
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  public void testArraysOfArrays() {
    Type annotationType = this.ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_ANNOTATION);
    AnnotationFS annot = this.cas.createAnnotation(annotationType, 0, 5);
    IntArrayFS intArray = this.cas.createIntArrayFS(3);
    intArray.set(0, 1);
    intArray.set(1, 2);
    intArray.set(2, -10);
    ArrayFS subArray1 = this.cas.createArrayFS(1);
    ArrayFS subArray2 = this.cas.createArrayFS(2);
    subArray1.set(0, subArray2);
    subArray2.set(1, annot);
    ArrayFS superArray = this.cas.createArrayFS(3);
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Related Classes of org.apache.uima.cas.IntArrayFS

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