Package org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb

Examples of org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb.Command

    protected static final String protocol = "jdbc:derby:";

    public void logDeposit(int id, String account, float amount) throws RemoteException {
        DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());
        Command insert = das.createCommand("insert into acctLog (id, accountNumber, actionType, amount) values (?,?,?,?)");
        insert.setParameter(1, new Integer(id));
        insert.setParameter(2, account);
        insert.setParameter(3, ACCT_ACTION_TYPE_DEPOSIT);
        insert.setParameter(4, new Float(amount));

         * performLog("insert into acctLog (id, accountNumber, actionType, amount) values (" + id + ", '" + account + "', '" +
         * ACCT_ACTION_TYPE_DEPOSIT + "', " + amount + ")");
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    public void logWithdrawal(int id, String account, float amount) throws RemoteException {
        DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());
        Command insert = das.createCommand("insert into acctLog (id, accountNumber, actionType, amount) values (?,?,?,?)");
        insert.setParameter(1, new Integer(id));
        insert.setParameter(2, account);
        insert.setParameter(3, ACCT_ACTION_TYPE_WITHDRAW);
        insert.setParameter(4, new Float(amount));

         * performLog("insert into acctLog (id ,accountNumber, actionType, amount) values (" + id + ", '" + account + "', '" +
         * ACCT_ACTION_TYPE_WITHDRAW + "', " + amount + ")");
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    public void logPurchaseStock(int id, StockSummary stock) throws RemoteException {
        DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());
        Command insert = das.createCommand("insert into stockLog (id, Symbol, quantity, actionType, purchaseLotNumber) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
        insert.setParameter(1, new Integer(id));
        insert.setParameter(2, stock.getSymbol());
        insert.setParameter(3, new Integer(stock.getQuantity()));
        insert.setParameter(4, STOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PURCHASE);
        insert.setParameter(5, new Integer(stock.getPurchaseLotNumber()));

         * performLog("insert into stockLog (id, Symbol, quantity, actionType, purchaseLotNumber) values (" + id + ", '" + stock.getSymbol() + "', " +
         * stock.getQuantity() + ", '" + STOCK_ACTION_TYPE_PURCHASE + ", " + stock.getPurchaseLotNumber() + ")");
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    public void logSellStock(int id, StockSummary stock, int quantity) throws RemoteException {

        String symbol = ((stock.getSymbol() != null) ? stock.getSymbol() : "null");
        DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(getConnection());
        Command insert = das.createCommand("insert into stockLog (id, Symbol, quantity, actionType, purchaseLotNumber) values (?,?,?,?,?)");
        insert.setParameter(1, new Integer(id));
        insert.setParameter(2, symbol);
        insert.setParameter(3, new Integer(quantity));
        insert.setParameter(4, STOCK_ACTION_TYPE_SELL);
        insert.setParameter(5, new Integer(stock.getPurchaseLotNumber()));

         * performLog("insert into stockLog (id, Symbol, quantity, actionType, purchaseLotNumber) values (" + id + ", '" + stock.getSymbol() + "', " +
         * quantity + ", '" + STOCK_ACTION_TYPE_SELL + ", " + stock.getPurchaseLotNumber() + ")");
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            final AccountLog accountLog = accountFactory.createAccountLog();
            InputStream mapping = createConfigStream();

            Connection conn = getConnection();
            DAS das = DAS.FACTORY.createDAS(mapping, conn);
            Command select = das.createCommand("SELECT logSeqNo, accountNumber, actionType, amount FROM acctLog where id = ?");

            select.setParameter(1, customerID);

            DataObject root = select.executeQuery();

            select = das.createCommand("SELECT logSeqNo, Symbol, quantity, actionType, purchaseLotNumber  FROM stockLog where id = ?");
            select.setParameter(1, customerID);
            root = select.executeQuery();


            return accountLog;
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    public void testRead() throws Exception {

        CommandGroup commandGroup = CommandGroup.FACTORY.createCommandGroup(getConfig("CustomersOrdersConfig.xml"));

        Command read = commandGroup.getCommand("all customers");
        DataObject root = read.executeQuery();

        assertEquals(5, root.getList("CUSTOMER").size());

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    public void testReadWithParmmarker() throws Exception {

        CommandGroup commandGroup = CommandGroup.FACTORY.createCommandGroup(getConfig("CustOrdersConnectionProps.xml"));

        Command read = commandGroup.getCommand("order by id with ?");
        read.setParameterValue(1, new Integer(1));
        DataObject root = read.executeQuery();

        assertEquals("recombobulator", root.getString("ANORDER[1]/PRODUCT"));

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    public void testReadWithConnectionProperties() throws Exception {

        CommandGroup commandGroup = CommandGroup.FACTORY.createCommandGroup(getConfig("CustOrdersConnectionProps.xml"));

        Command read = commandGroup.getCommand("all customers");
        DataObject root = read.executeQuery();

        assertEquals(5, root.getList("CUSTOMER").size());

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    public void testUpdate() throws Exception {

        CommandGroup commandGroup = CommandGroup.FACTORY.createCommandGroup(getConfig("CustOrdersConnectionProps.xml"));

        Command read = commandGroup.getCommand("all customers");
        DataObject root = read.executeQuery();
        // Verify precondition
        int id = root.getInt("CUSTOMER[1]/ID");

        Command update = commandGroup.getCommand("update customer");
        update.setParameterValue("ID", new Integer(id));

        // Verify update - reuse select command
        root = read.executeQuery();
        assertEquals("Pavick", root.get("CUSTOMER[1]/LASTNAME"));

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        // Create the group and set common connection
        CommandGroup commandGroup = CommandGroup.FACTORY.createCommandGroup(getConfig("CustomersOrdersConfig.xml"));

        // Read all customers and remember the first one
        Command read = commandGroup.getCommand("all customers");
        DataObject root = read.executeQuery();
        Integer id = (Integer) root.get("CUSTOMER[1]/ID");

        // Read the specific Customer from above and its related orders
        Command custOrders = commandGroup.getCommand("customer and orders");
        custOrders.setParameterValue("ID", id);
        root = custOrders.executeQuery();

        // Modify the first order and flush this change back to the database
        root.setString("CUSTOMER[1]/orders[1]/PRODUCT", "Defibrillator");
        Integer orderId = (Integer) root.get("CUSTOMER[1]/orders[1]/ID");
        ApplyChangesCommand flush = commandGroup.getApplyChangesCommand();

        // Verify
        Command orderByID = commandGroup.getCommand("order by id");
        orderByID.setParameterValue("ID", orderId);
        assertEquals("Defibrillator", root.getString("ANORDER[1]/PRODUCT"));

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Related Classes of org.apache.tuscany.das.rdb.Command

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