Package org.apache.qpid.client

Examples of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQAnyDestination

                                               "{exchange : 'amq.topic', key : 'a.#'}" +
                                              "]," +
                            "}" +
        AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        // Even if the consumer is closed the queue and the bindings should be intact.
        assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));             
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),"test", null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),null, null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),"a.#", null));  
        Map<String,Object> args = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),null, args));
        MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        MessageConsumer cons2 = jmsSession.createConsumer(jmsSession.createQueue("ADDR:my-queue"));
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                                 createExchangeArgsString(withExchangeArgs, useNonsenseArguments) +
                             "}" +
                        "}" +
        AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);

        MessageConsumer cons;
            cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
                fail("Expected execution exception during exchange declare did not occur");
        catch(JMSException e)
            if(useNonsenseArguments && e.getCause().getMessage().contains(ExecutionErrorCode.NOT_IMPLEMENTED.toString()))
                //expected because we used an argument which the broker doesn't have functionality
                //for. We can't do the rest of the test as a result of the exception, just stop.
                fail("Unexpected exception whilst creating consumer: " + e);
        assertTrue("Exchange not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isExchangeExist(dest, (ExchangeNode)dest.getTargetNode() , true));
        // The existence of the queue is implicitly tested here
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getQueueName(),"hello", Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()));
        // The client should be able to query and verify the existence of my-exchange (QPID-2774)
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-exchange; {create: never}");
        cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
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                                           "]" +
                           "}" +

        AMQDestination dest1 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-queue/hello; {create: receiver, " +addr);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest1);
        AMQDestination dest2 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-queue2/hello; {create: sender, " +addr);
        MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest2);
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        Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(address);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        for (int i=0; i< 15; i++)
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    public void testOverridingSubject() throws Exception
        Session jmsSession = _connection.createSession(false,Session.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        AMQDestination topic1 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/topic1; {link:{name: queue1}}");
        MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(topic1);
        Message m = jmsSession.createTextMessage("Hello");
        m.setStringProperty("qpid.subject", "topic2");
        MessageConsumer consForTopic1 = jmsSession.createConsumer(topic1);
        MessageConsumer consForTopic2 = jmsSession.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/topic2; {link:{name: queue2}}"));
        Message msg = consForTopic1.receive(1000);
        assertNull("message shouldn't have been sent to topic1",msg);
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    public void testDefaultSubjects() throws Exception
        Session ssn = _connection.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
        MessageConsumer queueCons = ssn.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination(""));
        MessageConsumer topicCons = ssn.createConsumer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic"));
        MessageProducer queueProducer = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination(""));
        MessageProducer topicProducer1 = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/"));
        MessageProducer topicProducer2 = ssn.createProducer(new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:amq.topic/sales"));
        assertNotNull("The consumer subscribed to " +
            "with empty binding key should have received the message ",queueCons.receive(1000));
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        MessageConsumer cons;
        // default (create never, assert never) -------------------
        // create never --------------------------------------------
        String addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue1";
        AMQDestination  dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
            cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue1' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
            prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getCause().getCause().getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue1' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
        assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest, (QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode() ,true));
        // create always -------------------------------------------
        addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue1; { create: always }";
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
        cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));             
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
        // create receiver -----------------------------------------
        addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue2; { create: receiver }";
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
            prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getCause().getCause().getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue2' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
        assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
        cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));             
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
        // create never --------------------------------------------
        addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue3; { create: never }";
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
            cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
            prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getCause().getCause().getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
        assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
        // create sender ------------------------------------------
        addr1 = "ADDR:testQueue3; { create: sender }";
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr1);
            cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        catch(JMSException e)
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("The name 'testQueue3' supplied in the address " +
                    "doesn't resolve to an exchange or a queue"));
        assertFalse("Queue should not be created",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));
        prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest);
        assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));             
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), dest.getSourceNode().getDeclareArgs()));
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                                               "{exchange : 'amq.topic', key : 'a.#'}" +
                                              "]," +
                            "}" +
        AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        assertTrue("Queue not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isQueueExist(dest,(QueueNode)dest.getSourceNode(), true));             
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),dest.getAddressName(), null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),"test", null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),null, null));
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),"a.#", null));  
        Map<String,Object> args = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getAddressName(),null, args));
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                                 "}" +
                             "}" +
                        "}" +
        AMQDestination dest = new AMQAnyDestination(addr);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
        assertTrue("Exchange not created as expected",(
                (AMQSession_0_10)jmsSession).isExchangeExist(dest, (ExchangeNode)dest.getTargetNode() , true));
        // The existence of the queue is implicitly tested here
        assertTrue("Queue not bound as expected",(
                    dest.getQueueName(),"hello", Collections.<String, Object>emptyMap()));
        // The client should be able to query and verify the existence of my-exchange (QPID-2774)
        dest = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-exchange; {create: never}");
        cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest);
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                                           "]" +
                           "}" +

        AMQDestination dest1 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-queue/hello; {create: receiver, " +addr);
        MessageConsumer cons = jmsSession.createConsumer(dest1);
        AMQDestination dest2 = new AMQAnyDestination("ADDR:my-queue2/hello; {create: sender, " +addr);
        MessageProducer prod = jmsSession.createProducer(dest2);
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Related Classes of org.apache.qpid.client.AMQAnyDestination

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