Package org.apache.phoenix.schema

Examples of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName


    // For testing so that the extractedNodes can be verified
    public static Expression pushKeyExpressionsToScan(StatementContext context, FilterableStatement statement,
            Expression whereClause, Set<Expression> extractNodes) {
        PName tenantId = context.getConnection().getTenantId();
        PTable table = context.getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable();
        if (whereClause == null && (tenantId == null || !table.isMultiTenant())) {
            return whereClause;
        if (LiteralExpression.isFalse(whereClause)) {
            return null;
        KeyExpressionVisitor visitor = new KeyExpressionVisitor(context, table);
        KeyExpressionVisitor.KeySlots keySlots = null;
        if (whereClause != null) {
            // TODO:: When we only have one where clause, the keySlots returns as a single slot object,
            // instead of an array of slots for the corresponding column. Change the behavior so it
            // becomes consistent.
            keySlots = whereClause.accept(visitor);
            if (keySlots == null && (tenantId == null || !table.isMultiTenant())) {
                return whereClause;
            // If a parameter is bound to null (as will be the case for calculating ResultSetMetaData and
            // ParameterMetaData), this will be the case. It can also happen for an equality comparison
            // for unequal lengths.
            if (keySlots == KeyExpressionVisitor.DEGENERATE_KEY_PARTS) {
                return null;
        if (keySlots == null) {
            keySlots = KeyExpressionVisitor.DEGENERATE_KEY_PARTS;
        if (extractNodes == null) {
            extractNodes = new HashSet<Expression>(table.getPKColumns().size());

        int pkPos = 0;
        int nPKColumns = table.getPKColumns().size();
        int[] slotSpan = new int[nPKColumns];
        List<Expression> removeFromExtractNodes = null;
        Integer nBuckets = table.getBucketNum();
        RowKeySchema schema = table.getRowKeySchema();
        List<List<KeyRange>> cnf = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(schema.getMaxFields());
        KeyRange minMaxRange = keySlots.getMinMaxRange();
        boolean hasMinMaxRange = (minMaxRange != null);
        int minMaxRangeOffset = 0;
        byte[] minMaxRangePrefix = null;
        Iterator<KeyExpressionVisitor.KeySlot> iterator = keySlots.iterator();
        // Add placeholder for salt byte ranges
        if (nBuckets != null) {
            // Increment the pkPos, as the salt column is in the row schema
            // Do not increment the iterator, though, as there will never be
            // an expression in the keySlots for the salt column
        // Add tenant data isolation for tenant-specific tables
        if (tenantId != null && table.isMultiTenant()) {
            byte[] tenantIdBytes = tenantId.getBytes();
            KeyRange tenantIdKeyRange = KeyRange.getKeyRange(tenantIdBytes);
            if (hasMinMaxRange) {
                minMaxRangePrefix = new byte[tenantIdBytes.length + MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexIdDataType().getByteSize() + 1];
                System.arraycopy(tenantIdBytes, 0, minMaxRangePrefix, 0, tenantIdBytes.length);
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    public PhoenixConnection(ConnectionQueryServices services, String url, Properties info, PMetaData metaData) throws SQLException {
        this.url = url;
        // Copy so client cannot change = info == null ? new Properties() : PropertiesUtil.deepCopy(info);
        final PName tenantId = JDBCUtil.getTenantId(url, info);
        if ( && tenantId == null) {
   = services;
        } else {
            // Create child services keyed by tenantId to track resource usage for
            // a tenantId for all connections on this JVM.
            if (tenantId != null) {
                services = services.getChildQueryServices(tenantId.getBytesPtr());
            // TODO: we could avoid creating another wrapper if the only property
            // specified was for the tenant ID
            Map<String, String> existingProps = services.getProps().asMap();
            final Map<String, String> tmpAugmentedProps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingProps.size() + info.size());
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                throws SQLException {
            if (!dynColumns.isEmpty()) {
                List<PColumn> allcolumns = new ArrayList<PColumn>();
                int position = allcolumns.size();
                PName defaultFamilyName = PNameFactory.newName(SchemaUtil.getEmptyColumnFamily(theTable.getColumnFamilies()));
                for (ColumnDef dynColumn : dynColumns) {
                    PName familyName = defaultFamilyName;
                    PName name = PNameFactory.newName(dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getColumnName());
                    String family = dynColumn.getColumnDefName().getFamilyName();
                    if (family != null) {
                        theTable.getColumnFamily(family); // Verifies that column family exists
                        familyName = PNameFactory.newName(family);
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        // Create PTable based on KeyValues from scan
        KeyValue keyValue = results.get(0);
        byte[] keyBuffer = keyValue.getBuffer();
        int keyLength = keyValue.getRowLength();
        int keyOffset = keyValue.getRowOffset();
        PName schemaName = newPName(keyBuffer, keyOffset, keyLength);
        int schemaNameLength = schemaName.getBytes().length;
        int tableNameLength = keyLength-schemaNameLength-1;
        byte[] tableNameBytes = new byte[tableNameLength];
        System.arraycopy(keyBuffer, keyOffset+schemaNameLength+1, tableNameBytes, 0, tableNameLength);
        PName tableName = PNameFactory.newName(tableNameBytes);
        int offset = schemaNameLength + tableNameLength + 2;
        // This will prevent the client from continually looking for the current
        // table when we know that there will never be one since we disallow updates
        // unless the table is the latest
        // If we already have a table newer than the one we just found and
        // the client timestamp is less that the existing table time stamp,
        // bump up the timeStamp to right before the client time stamp, since
        // we know it can't possibly change.
        long timeStamp = keyValue.getTimestamp();
//        long timeStamp = tableTimeStamp > keyValue.getTimestamp() &&
//                         clientTimeStamp < tableTimeStamp
//                         ? clientTimeStamp-1
//                         : keyValue.getTimestamp();

        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while (i < results.size() && j < TABLE_KV_COLUMNS.size()) {
            KeyValue kv = results.get(i);
            KeyValue searchKv = TABLE_KV_COLUMNS.get(j);
            int cmp = Bytes.compareTo(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength(),
                    searchKv.getBuffer(), searchKv.getQualifierOffset(), searchKv.getQualifierLength());
            if (cmp == 0) {
                timeStamp = Math.max(timeStamp, kv.getTimestamp()); // Find max timestamp of table header row
                tableKeyValues[j++] = kv;
            } else if (cmp > 0) {
                tableKeyValues[j++] = null;
            } else {
                i++; // shouldn't happen - means unexpected KV in system table header row
        // TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_SEQ_NUM and COLUMN_COUNT are required.
        if (tableKeyValues[TABLE_TYPE_INDEX] == null || tableKeyValues[TABLE_SEQ_NUM_INDEX] == null
                || tableKeyValues[COLUMN_COUNT_INDEX] == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Didn't find expected key values for table row in metadata row");
        KeyValue tableTypeKv = tableKeyValues[TABLE_TYPE_INDEX];
        PTableType tableType = PTableType.fromSerializedValue(tableTypeKv.getBuffer()[tableTypeKv.getValueOffset()]);
        KeyValue tableSeqNumKv = tableKeyValues[TABLE_SEQ_NUM_INDEX];
        long tableSeqNum = PDataType.LONG.getCodec().decodeLong(tableSeqNumKv.getBuffer(), tableSeqNumKv.getValueOffset(), null);
        KeyValue columnCountKv = tableKeyValues[COLUMN_COUNT_INDEX];
        int columnCount = PDataType.INTEGER.getCodec().decodeInt(columnCountKv.getBuffer(), columnCountKv.getValueOffset(), null);
        KeyValue pkNameKv = tableKeyValues[PK_NAME_INDEX];
        PName pkName = pkNameKv != null ? newPName(pkNameKv.getBuffer(), pkNameKv.getValueOffset(), pkNameKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue saltBucketNumKv = tableKeyValues[SALT_BUCKETS_INDEX];
        Integer saltBucketNum = saltBucketNumKv != null ? (Integer)PDataType.INTEGER.getCodec().decodeInt(saltBucketNumKv.getBuffer(), saltBucketNumKv.getValueOffset(), null) : null;
        KeyValue dataTableNameKv = tableKeyValues[DATA_TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
        PName dataTableName = dataTableNameKv != null ? newPName(dataTableNameKv.getBuffer(), dataTableNameKv.getValueOffset(), dataTableNameKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue indexStateKv = tableKeyValues[INDEX_STATE_INDEX];
        PIndexState indexState = indexStateKv == null ? null : PIndexState.fromSerializedValue(indexStateKv.getBuffer()[indexStateKv.getValueOffset()]);
        KeyValue immutableRowsKv = tableKeyValues[IMMUTABLE_ROWS_INDEX];
        boolean isImmutableRows = immutableRowsKv == null ? false : (Boolean)PDataType.BOOLEAN.toObject(immutableRowsKv.getBuffer(), immutableRowsKv.getValueOffset(), immutableRowsKv.getValueLength());
        List<PColumn> columns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(columnCount);
        List<PTable> indexes = new ArrayList<PTable>();
        while (true) {
            if (results.isEmpty()) {
            KeyValue colKv = results.get(0);
            int colKeyLength = colKv.getRowLength();
            PName colName = newPName(colKv.getBuffer(), colKv.getRowOffset() + offset, colKeyLength-offset);
            int colKeyOffset = offset + colName.getBytes().length + 1;
            PName famName = newPName(colKv.getBuffer(), colKv.getRowOffset() + colKeyOffset, colKeyLength-colKeyOffset);
            if (colName.getString().isEmpty() && famName != null) {
                addIndexToTable(schemaName, famName, tableName, clientTimeStamp, indexes);               
            } else {
                addColumnToTable(results, colName, famName, colKeyValues, columns);
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        return i;
    public static String findExistingColumn(PTable table, List<PColumn> columns) {
        for (PColumn column : columns) {
            PName familyName = column.getFamilyName();
            if (familyName == null) {
                try {
                    return table.getPKColumn(column.getName().getString()).getName().getString();
                } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
            } else {
                try {
                    return table.getColumnFamily(familyName.getString()).getColumn(column.getName().getString()).getName().getString();
                } catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {
                    continue; // Shouldn't happen
                } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
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     * @throws SQLException if the table or any columns no longer exist
    private long[] validate() throws SQLException {
        int i = 0;
        Long scn = connection.getSCN();
        PName tenantId = connection.getTenantId();
        MetaDataClient client = new MetaDataClient(connection);
        long[] timeStamps = new long[this.mutations.size()];
        for (Map.Entry<TableRef, Map<ImmutableBytesPtr,Map<PColumn,byte[]>>> entry : mutations.entrySet()) {
            TableRef tableRef = entry.getKey();
            long serverTimeStamp = tableRef.getTimeStamp();
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        return i;
    public static String findExistingColumn(PTable table, List<PColumn> columns) {
        for (PColumn column : columns) {
            PName familyName = column.getFamilyName();
            if (familyName == null) {
                try {
                    return table.getPKColumn(column.getName().getString()).getName().getString();
                } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
            } else {
                try {
                    return table.getColumnFamily(familyName.getString()).getColumn(column.getName().getString()).getName().getString();
                } catch (ColumnFamilyNotFoundException e) {
                    continue; // Shouldn't happen
                } catch (ColumnNotFoundException e) {
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        PIndexState newState =  PIndexState.fromSerializedValue(ptr.get()[ptr.getOffset()]);
        byte[] tenantIdBytes = rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TENANT_ID_INDEX];
        String schemaName = Bytes.toString(rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.SCHEMA_NAME_INDEX]);
        String indexName = Bytes.toString(rowKeyMetadata[PhoenixDatabaseMetaData.TABLE_NAME_INDEX]);
        String indexTableName = SchemaUtil.getTableName(schemaName, indexName);
        PName tenantId = tenantIdBytes.length == 0 ? null : PNameFactory.newName(tenantIdBytes);
        PTable index = metaData.getTable(new PTableKey(tenantId, indexTableName));
        index = PTableImpl.makePTable(index,newState == PIndexState.USABLE ? PIndexState.ACTIVE : newState == PIndexState.UNUSABLE ? PIndexState.INACTIVE : newState);
        return new MetaDataMutationResult(MutationCode.TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, 0, index);
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        // Create PTable based on KeyValues from scan
        KeyValue keyValue = results.get(0);
        byte[] keyBuffer = keyValue.getBuffer();
        int keyLength = keyValue.getRowLength();
        int keyOffset = keyValue.getRowOffset();
        PName tenantId = newPName(keyBuffer, keyOffset, keyLength);
        int tenantIdLength = tenantId.getBytes().length;
        if (tenantIdLength == 0) {
            tenantId = null;
        PName schemaName = newPName(keyBuffer, keyOffset+tenantIdLength+1, keyLength);
        int schemaNameLength = schemaName.getBytes().length;
        int tableNameLength = keyLength-schemaNameLength-1-tenantIdLength-1;
        byte[] tableNameBytes = new byte[tableNameLength];
        System.arraycopy(keyBuffer, keyOffset+schemaNameLength+1+tenantIdLength+1, tableNameBytes, 0, tableNameLength);
        PName tableName = PNameFactory.newName(tableNameBytes);
        int offset = tenantIdLength + schemaNameLength + tableNameLength + 3;
        // This will prevent the client from continually looking for the current
        // table when we know that there will never be one since we disallow updates
        // unless the table is the latest
        // If we already have a table newer than the one we just found and
        // the client timestamp is less that the existing table time stamp,
        // bump up the timeStamp to right before the client time stamp, since
        // we know it can't possibly change.
        long timeStamp = keyValue.getTimestamp();
//        long timeStamp = tableTimeStamp > keyValue.getTimestamp() &&
//                         clientTimeStamp < tableTimeStamp
//                         ? clientTimeStamp-1
//                         : keyValue.getTimestamp();

        int i = 0;
        int j = 0;
        while (i < results.size() && j < TABLE_KV_COLUMNS.size()) {
            KeyValue kv = results.get(i);
            KeyValue searchKv = TABLE_KV_COLUMNS.get(j);
            int cmp = Bytes.compareTo(kv.getBuffer(), kv.getQualifierOffset(), kv.getQualifierLength(),
                    searchKv.getBuffer(), searchKv.getQualifierOffset(), searchKv.getQualifierLength());
            if (cmp == 0) {
                timeStamp = Math.max(timeStamp, kv.getTimestamp()); // Find max timestamp of table header row
                tableKeyValues[j++] = kv;
            } else if (cmp > 0) {
                tableKeyValues[j++] = null;
            } else {
                i++; // shouldn't happen - means unexpected KV in system table header row
        // TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_SEQ_NUM and COLUMN_COUNT are required.
        if (tableKeyValues[TABLE_TYPE_INDEX] == null || tableKeyValues[TABLE_SEQ_NUM_INDEX] == null
                || tableKeyValues[COLUMN_COUNT_INDEX] == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Didn't find expected key values for table row in metadata row");
        KeyValue tableTypeKv = tableKeyValues[TABLE_TYPE_INDEX];
        PTableType tableType = PTableType.fromSerializedValue(tableTypeKv.getBuffer()[tableTypeKv.getValueOffset()]);
        KeyValue tableSeqNumKv = tableKeyValues[TABLE_SEQ_NUM_INDEX];
        long tableSeqNum = PDataType.LONG.getCodec().decodeLong(tableSeqNumKv.getBuffer(), tableSeqNumKv.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
        KeyValue columnCountKv = tableKeyValues[COLUMN_COUNT_INDEX];
        int columnCount = PDataType.INTEGER.getCodec().decodeInt(columnCountKv.getBuffer(), columnCountKv.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
        KeyValue pkNameKv = tableKeyValues[PK_NAME_INDEX];
        PName pkName = pkNameKv != null ? newPName(pkNameKv.getBuffer(), pkNameKv.getValueOffset(), pkNameKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue saltBucketNumKv = tableKeyValues[SALT_BUCKETS_INDEX];
        Integer saltBucketNum = saltBucketNumKv != null ? (Integer)PDataType.INTEGER.getCodec().decodeInt(saltBucketNumKv.getBuffer(), saltBucketNumKv.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault()) : null;
        KeyValue dataTableNameKv = tableKeyValues[DATA_TABLE_NAME_INDEX];
        PName dataTableName = dataTableNameKv != null ? newPName(dataTableNameKv.getBuffer(), dataTableNameKv.getValueOffset(), dataTableNameKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue indexStateKv = tableKeyValues[INDEX_STATE_INDEX];
        PIndexState indexState = indexStateKv == null ? null : PIndexState.fromSerializedValue(indexStateKv.getBuffer()[indexStateKv.getValueOffset()]);
        KeyValue immutableRowsKv = tableKeyValues[IMMUTABLE_ROWS_INDEX];
        boolean isImmutableRows = immutableRowsKv == null ? false : (Boolean)PDataType.BOOLEAN.toObject(immutableRowsKv.getBuffer(), immutableRowsKv.getValueOffset(), immutableRowsKv.getValueLength());
        KeyValue defaultFamilyNameKv = tableKeyValues[DEFAULT_COLUMN_FAMILY_INDEX];
        PName defaultFamilyName = defaultFamilyNameKv != null ? newPName(defaultFamilyNameKv.getBuffer(), defaultFamilyNameKv.getValueOffset(), defaultFamilyNameKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue viewStatementKv = tableKeyValues[VIEW_STATEMENT_INDEX];
        String viewStatement = viewStatementKv != null ? (String)PDataType.VARCHAR.toObject(viewStatementKv.getBuffer(), viewStatementKv.getValueOffset(), viewStatementKv.getValueLength()) : null;
        KeyValue disableWALKv = tableKeyValues[DISABLE_WAL_INDEX];
        boolean disableWAL = disableWALKv == null ? PTable.DEFAULT_DISABLE_WAL : Boolean.TRUE.equals(PDataType.BOOLEAN.toObject(disableWALKv.getBuffer(), disableWALKv.getValueOffset(), disableWALKv.getValueLength()));
        KeyValue multiTenantKv = tableKeyValues[MULTI_TENANT_INDEX];
        boolean multiTenant = multiTenantKv == null ? false : Boolean.TRUE.equals(PDataType.BOOLEAN.toObject(multiTenantKv.getBuffer(), multiTenantKv.getValueOffset(), multiTenantKv.getValueLength()));
        KeyValue viewTypeKv = tableKeyValues[VIEW_TYPE_INDEX];
        ViewType viewType = viewTypeKv == null ? null : ViewType.fromSerializedValue(viewTypeKv.getBuffer()[viewTypeKv.getValueOffset()]);
        KeyValue viewIndexIdKv = tableKeyValues[VIEW_INDEX_ID_INDEX];
        Short viewIndexId = viewIndexIdKv == null ? null : (Short)MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexIdDataType().getCodec().decodeShort(viewIndexIdKv.getBuffer(), viewIndexIdKv.getValueOffset(), SortOrder.getDefault());
        List<PColumn> columns = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(columnCount);
        List<PTable> indexes = new ArrayList<PTable>();
        List<PName> physicalTables = new ArrayList<PName>();
        while (true) {
            if (results.isEmpty()) {
            KeyValue colKv = results.get(LINK_TYPE_INDEX);
            int colKeyLength = colKv.getRowLength();
            PName colName = newPName(colKv.getBuffer(), colKv.getRowOffset() + offset, colKeyLength-offset);
            int colKeyOffset = offset + colName.getBytes().length + 1;
            PName famName = newPName(colKv.getBuffer(), colKv.getRowOffset() + colKeyOffset, colKeyLength-colKeyOffset);
            if (colName.getString().isEmpty() && famName != null) {
                LinkType linkType = LinkType.fromSerializedValue(colKv.getBuffer()[colKv.getValueOffset()]);
                if (linkType == LinkType.INDEX_TABLE) {
                    addIndexToTable(tenantId, schemaName, famName, tableName, clientTimeStamp, indexes);
                } else if (linkType == LinkType.PHYSICAL_TABLE) {
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    // For testing so that the extractedNodes can be verified
    public static Expression pushKeyExpressionsToScan(StatementContext context, FilterableStatement statement,
            Expression whereClause, Set<Expression> extractNodes) {
        PName tenantId = context.getConnection().getTenantId();
        PTable table = context.getResolver().getTables().get(0).getTable();
        if (whereClause == null && (tenantId == null || !table.isMultiTenant()) && table.getViewIndexId() == null) {
            return whereClause;
        if (LiteralExpression.isFalse(whereClause)) {
            return null;
        KeyExpressionVisitor visitor = new KeyExpressionVisitor(context, table);
        KeyExpressionVisitor.KeySlots keySlots = null;
        if (whereClause != null) {
            // TODO:: When we only have one where clause, the keySlots returns as a single slot object,
            // instead of an array of slots for the corresponding column. Change the behavior so it
            // becomes consistent.
            keySlots = whereClause.accept(visitor);
            if (keySlots == null && (tenantId == null || !table.isMultiTenant()) && table.getViewIndexId() == null) {
                return whereClause;
            // If a parameter is bound to null (as will be the case for calculating ResultSetMetaData and
            // ParameterMetaData), this will be the case. It can also happen for an equality comparison
            // for unequal lengths.
            if (keySlots == KeyExpressionVisitor.EMPTY_KEY_SLOTS) {
                return null;
        if (keySlots == null) {
            keySlots = KeyExpressionVisitor.EMPTY_KEY_SLOTS;
        if (extractNodes == null) {
            extractNodes = new HashSet<Expression>(table.getPKColumns().size());

        int pkPos = 0;
        int nPKColumns = table.getPKColumns().size();
        int[] slotSpan = new int[nPKColumns];
        List<Expression> removeFromExtractNodes = null;
        Integer nBuckets = table.getBucketNum();
        RowKeySchema schema = table.getRowKeySchema();
        List<List<KeyRange>> cnf = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(schema.getMaxFields());
        KeyRange minMaxRange = keySlots.getMinMaxRange();
        boolean hasMinMaxRange = (minMaxRange != null);
        int minMaxRangeOffset = 0;
        byte[] minMaxRangePrefix = null;
        Iterator<KeyExpressionVisitor.KeySlot> iterator = keySlots.iterator();
        // Add placeholder for salt byte ranges
        if (nBuckets != null) {
            // Increment the pkPos, as the salt column is in the row schema
            // Do not increment the iterator, though, as there will never be
            // an expression in the keySlots for the salt column
        // Add tenant data isolation for tenant-specific tables
        if (tenantId != null && table.isMultiTenant()) {
            byte[] tenantIdBytes = tenantId.getBytes();
            KeyRange tenantIdKeyRange = KeyRange.getKeyRange(tenantIdBytes);
            if (hasMinMaxRange) {
                minMaxRangePrefix = new byte[tenantIdBytes.length + MetaDataUtil.getViewIndexIdDataType().getByteSize() + 1];
                System.arraycopy(tenantIdBytes, 0, minMaxRangePrefix, 0, tenantIdBytes.length);
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Related Classes of org.apache.phoenix.schema.PName

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