Package org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common

Examples of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle

    private void insertGeneratedAppearance( PDAnnotationWidget fieldWidget, OutputStream output,
        PDFont pdFont, List tokens, PDAppearanceStream appearanceStream ) throws IOException
        PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter( output, true );
        float fontSize = 0.0f;
        PDRectangle boundingBox = null;
        boundingBox = appearanceStream.getBoundingBox();
        if( boundingBox == null )
            boundingBox = fieldWidget.getRectangle().createRetranslatedRectangle();
        printWriter.println( "BT" );
        if( defaultAppearance != null )
            String daString = defaultAppearance.getString();
            PDFStreamParser daParser = new PDFStreamParser(new ByteArrayInputStream( daString.getBytes("ISO-8859-1") ), null );
            List<Object> daTokens = daParser.getTokens();
            fontSize = calculateFontSize( pdFont, boundingBox, tokens, daTokens );
            int fontIndex = daTokens.indexOf( PDFOperator.getOperator( "Tf" ) );
            if(fontIndex != -1 )
                daTokens.set( fontIndex-1, new COSFloat( fontSize ) );
            ContentStreamWriter daWriter = new ContentStreamWriter(output);
            daWriter.writeTokens( daTokens );
        printWriter.println( getTextPosition( boundingBox, pdFont, fontSize, tokens ) );
        int q = getQ();
        if( q == PDTextbox.QUADDING_LEFT )
            //do nothing because left is default
        else if( q == PDTextbox.QUADDING_CENTERED ||
                 q == PDTextbox.QUADDING_RIGHT )
            float fieldWidth = boundingBox.getWidth();
            float stringWidth = (pdFont.getStringWidth( value )/1000)*fontSize;
            float adjustAmount = fieldWidth - stringWidth - 4;

            if( q == PDTextbox.QUADDING_CENTERED )
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        return retval;

    private PDRectangle getSmallestDrawnRectangle( PDRectangle boundingBox, List tokens )
        PDRectangle smallest = boundingBox;
        for( int i=0; i<tokens.size(); i++ )
            Object next = tokens.get( i );
            if( next == PDFOperator.getOperator( "re" ) )
                COSNumber x = (COSNumber)tokens.get( i-4 );
                COSNumber y = (COSNumber)tokens.get( i-3 );
                COSNumber width = (COSNumber)tokens.get( i-2 );
                COSNumber height = (COSNumber)tokens.get( i-1 );
                PDRectangle potentialSmallest = new PDRectangle();
                potentialSmallest.setLowerLeftX( x.floatValue() );
                potentialSmallest.setLowerLeftY( y.floatValue() );
                potentialSmallest.setUpperRightX( x.floatValue() + width.floatValue() );
                potentialSmallest.setUpperRightY( y.floatValue() + height.floatValue() );
                if( smallest == null ||
                    smallest.getLowerLeftX() < potentialSmallest.getLowerLeftX() ||
                    smallest.getUpperRightY() > potentialSmallest.getUpperRightY() )
                    smallest = potentialSmallest;

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                throw new IOException( "Error: Don't know how to calculate the position for non-simple fonts" );
        PDRectangle innerBox = getSmallestDrawnRectangle( boundingBox, tokens );
        float xInset = 2+ 2*(boundingBox.getWidth() - innerBox.getWidth());
        return Math.round(xInset) + " "+ pos + " Td";
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     * @return The bounding box for this appearance.
    public PDRectangle getBoundingBox()
        PDRectangle box = null;
        COSArray bbox = (COSArray)stream.getDictionaryObject( COSName.BBOX );
        if( bbox != null )
            box = new PDRectangle( bbox );
        return box;
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            throw new IllegalArgumentException("First page of pdf is 1, not " + page);

        List<?> pages = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAllPages();
        PDPage firstPage =(PDPage) pages.get(page - 1);
        PDRectangle mediaBox = firstPage.findMediaBox();
        this.pageWidth = mediaBox.getWidth();

        float x = this.pageWidth;
        float y = 0;
        this.pageWidth = this.pageWidth + y;
        float tPercent = (100 * y / (x + y));
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        // Distinction of case for visual and non-visual signature
        if (visualSignature == null) // non-visual signature
            // Set rectangle for non-visual signature to 0 0 0 0
            signatureField.getWidget().setRectangle(new PDRectangle())// rectangle array [ 0 0 0 0 ]
            // Clear AcroForm / Set DefaultRessource
            acroFormDict.setItem(COSName.DR, null);
            // Set empty Appearance-Dictionary
            PDAppearanceDictionary ap = new PDAppearanceDictionary();
            COSStream apsStream = getDocument().createCOSStream();
            PDAppearanceStream aps = new PDAppearanceStream(apsStream);
            COSDictionary cosObject = (COSDictionary)aps.getCOSObject();
            cosObject.setItem(COSName.SUBTYPE, COSName.FORM);
            cosObject.setItem(COSName.BBOX, new PDRectangle());
        else // visual signature
            // Obtain visual signature object
            List<COSObject> cosObjects = visualSignature.getObjects();
            boolean annotNotFound = true;
            boolean sigFieldNotFound = true;

            for ( COSObject cosObject : cosObjects )
                if (!annotNotFound && !sigFieldNotFound)
                COSBase base = cosObject.getObject();
                if (base != null && base instanceof COSDictionary)
                    COSBase ft = ((COSDictionary)base).getItem(COSName.FT);
                    COSBase type = ((COSDictionary)base).getItem(COSName.TYPE);
                    COSBase apDict = ((COSDictionary)base).getItem(COSName.AP);
                    // Search for signature annotation
                    if (annotNotFound && COSName.ANNOT.equals(type))
                        COSDictionary cosBaseDict = (COSDictionary)base;
                        // Read and set the Rectangle for visual signature
                        COSArray rectAry = (COSArray)cosBaseDict.getItem(COSName.RECT);
                        PDRectangle rect = new PDRectangle(rectAry);
                        annotNotFound = false;
                    // Search for Signature-Field
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    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PDVisibleSigBuilder.class);

    public void createPage(PDVisibleSignDesigner properties)
        PDPage page = new PDPage();
        page.setMediaBox(new PDRectangle(properties.getPageWidth(), properties.getPageHeight()));
        pdfStructure.setPage(page);"PDF page has been created");
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    public void createSignatureRectangle(PDSignatureField signatureField, PDVisibleSignDesigner properties)
            throws IOException

        PDRectangle rect = new PDRectangle();
        rect.setUpperRightX(properties.getxAxis() + properties.getWidth());
        rect.setUpperRightY(properties.getTemplateHeight() - properties.getyAxis());
        rect.setLowerLeftY(properties.getTemplateHeight() - properties.getyAxis() - properties.getHeight());
        pdfStructure.setSignatureRectangle(rect);"rectangle of signature has been created");
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    public void createFormaterRectangle(byte[] params)

        PDRectangle formrect = new PDRectangle();

        pdfStructure.setFormaterRectangle(formrect);"Formater rectangle has been created");

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        if (0 <= i && i < pages.size())
                PDPage page = pages.get(i);
                PDRectangle cropBox = page.findCropBox();
                PageDrawer drawer = new PageDrawer();
                drawer.drawPage( graphics, page, cropBox.createDimension() );
                return PAGE_EXISTS;
            catch( IOException io )
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Related Classes of org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.PDRectangle

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