Package org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult

        a.addDependency( "c", "2.0", Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE );

        Artifact modifiedC = createArtifactSpec( "c", "3.0", Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE ).artifact;

        ArtifactResolutionResult res = collect( createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, c.artifact } ) );
        assertEquals( "Check artifact list", createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, modifiedC } ), res.getArtifacts() );
        Artifact artifact = getArtifact( "c", res.getArtifacts() );
        // local wins now, and irrelevant if not local as test/provided aren't transitive
        // assertEquals( "Check artifactScope", Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, artifact.getArtifactScope() );
        assertEquals( "Check artifactScope", Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, artifact.getScope() );
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        a.addDependency( "c", "2.0", Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME );

        Artifact modifiedC = createArtifactSpec( "c", "3.0", Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME ).artifact;

        ArtifactResolutionResult res = collect( createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, c.artifact } ) );
        assertEquals( "Check artifact list", createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, modifiedC } ), res.getArtifacts() );
        Artifact artifact = getArtifact( "c", res.getArtifacts() );
        // local wins now, and irrelevant if not local as test/provided aren't transitive
        // assertEquals( "Check artifactScope", Artifact.SCOPE_RUNTIME, artifact.getArtifactScope() );
        assertEquals( "Check artifactScope", Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, artifact.getScope() );
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        ArtifactSpec a = createArtifactSpec( "a", "1.0", Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );
        ArtifactSpec b = createArtifactSpec( "b", "1.0" );
        b.addDependency( "c", "3.0", Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED );

        ArtifactResolutionResult res = collect( createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, b.artifact } ) );
        assertEquals( "Check artifact list", createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, b.artifact } ), res.getArtifacts() );
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        ArtifactSpec a = createArtifactSpec( "a", "1.0" );
        ArtifactSpec b = createArtifactSpec( "b", "1.0" );
        b.addDependency( "c", "3.0", true );

        ArtifactResolutionResult res = collect( createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, b.artifact } ) );
        assertEquals( "Check artifact list", createSet( new Object[] { a.artifact, b.artifact } ), res.getArtifacts() );
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                    Map managedVersions =
                        createManagedVersionMap( getArtifactFactory(), project.getId(),
                                                 project.getDependencyManagement() );

                    ArtifactResolutionResult artifactResolutionResult = null;


                        List listeners = new ArrayList();

                        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                            listeners.add( new DebugResolutionListener( logger ) );

                        listeners.add( new WarningResolutionListener( logger ) );

                        artifactResolutionResult =
                            artifactCollector.collect( getProjectArtifacts(), project.getArtifact(), managedVersions,
                                                       localRepo, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(),
                                                       getArtifactMetadataSource(), null, listeners );
                    catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
                        getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
                                        Messages.getString( "artifactresolution", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                            e.getGroupId(), e.getArtifactId(), e.getVersion(),
                                                                e.getMessage() } ) );

                        // if we are here artifactResolutionResult is null, create a project without dependencies but
                        // don't fail
                        // (this could be a reactor projects, we don't want to fail everything)
                        // Causes MECLIPSE-185. Not sure if it should be handled this way??
                        return new IdeDependency[0];

                    // keep track of added reactor projects in order to avoid duplicates
                    Set emittedReactorProjectId = new HashSet();

                    for ( Iterator i = artifactResolutionResult.getArtifactResolutionNodes().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )

                        ResolutionNode node = (ResolutionNode);
                        int dependencyDepth = node.getDepth();
                        Artifact art = node.getArtifact();
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                             String version,
                             Artifact filteredArtifact) throws ArtifactNotFoundException, ArtifactResolutionException {
        Artifact providerArtifact =
            artifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact("org.apache.maven.surefire", provider, VersionRange
                .createFromVersion(version), "jar", null, Artifact.SCOPE_TEST);
        ArtifactResolutionResult result = resolveArtifact(filteredArtifact, providerArtifact);

        for (Iterator i = result.getArtifacts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Artifact artifact = (Artifact);

            String key = ArtifactUtils.versionlessKey(artifact);
            if("junit:junit".equals(key) || "jnuit:junit-dep".equals(key)) {
                // Skip junit as it will be pulled from the test case dependencies
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    private void addArtifact(OSGiSurefireBooter surefireBooter, Artifact surefireArtifact)
        throws ArtifactNotFoundException, ArtifactResolutionException {
        ArtifactResolutionResult result = resolveArtifact(null, surefireArtifact);

        for (Iterator i = result.getArtifacts().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            Artifact artifact = (Artifact);

            getLog().debug("Adding to surefire booter test classpath: " + artifact.getFile().getAbsolutePath());

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                                 null, // Artifact.SCOPE_TEST,
                                 new ScopeArtifactFilter(Artifact.SCOPE_TEST)));
        ArtifactResolutionResult result =
        return pomProject;
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            catch ( ProjectBuildingException e )
                // this can't happen, it would have blowed up at artifactMetadataSource.retrieve()

            ArtifactResolutionResult result = artifactResolver.resolveTransitively( dependencies, pluginArtifact,
                                                                                    localRepository, repositories,
                                                                                    artifactFilter );

            Set resolved = result.getArtifacts();

            for ( Iterator it = resolved.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Artifact artifact = (Artifact);
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        Set resolvedArtifacts;
            ArtifactResolutionResult result = artifactResolver.resolveTransitively( project.getDependencyArtifacts(),
                                                                                artifactMetadataSource, filter );
            resolvedArtifacts = result.getArtifacts();
        catch (MultipleArtifactsNotFoundException me)
            /*only do this if we are an aggregating plugin: MNG-2277
            if the dependency doesn't yet exist but is in the reactor, then
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult

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