Package org.apache.ace.client.repository.object

Examples of org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.ArtifactObject

        m_artifactRepository.addHelper("myMime", new MockHelper());
        m_artifactRepository.addHelper(BundleHelper.MIMETYPE, new BundleHelperImpl());

        createArtifact(BundleHelper.MIMETYPE, "normalBundle", "normalBundle", null);

        ArtifactObject resourceProcessor1 = createArtifact(BundleHelper.MIMETYPE, "resourceProcessor1", "resourceProcessor1", "somePID");
        ArtifactObject resourceProcessor2 = createArtifact(BundleHelper.MIMETYPE, "resourceProcessor2", "resourceProcessor2", "someOtherPID");

        ArtifactObject myArtifact = createArtifact("myMime", "myArtifact", null, null);

        assert m_artifactRepository.get().size() == 2 : "We expect to find two artifacts, but we find " + m_artifactRepository.get().size();

        List<ArtifactObject> list = m_artifactRepository.get(m_artifactRepository.createFilter("(!(" + BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME + "=normalBundle))"));
        assert (list.size() == 1) && list.contains(myArtifact) : "We expect to find one artifact when filtering, but we find " + list.size();
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        assertTrue("After initial checkout, the repository is current.", m_repositoryAdmin.isCurrent());
        assertFalse("Immediately after login, the repository cannot be modified.", m_repositoryAdmin.isModified());
        assertContainsRefreshCause(events, "checkout");

        ArtifactObject b1 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<ArtifactObject>() {
            public ArtifactObject call() throws Exception {
                return createBasicBundleObject("bundle1");
        }, false, ArtifactObject.TOPIC_ADDED, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_STATUSCHANGED);

        assertTrue("After initial checkout, the repository is current.", m_repositoryAdmin.isCurrent());
        assertTrue("We have added a bundle, so the repository is modified.", m_repositoryAdmin.isModified());
        assertEquals(1, m_artifactRepository.get().size());
        assertEquals("We expect the working state of our bundle to be New;", WorkingState.New, m_repositoryAdmin.getWorkingState(b1));
        assertEquals("We expect one bundle object in working state New;", 1, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.New));
        assertEquals("We expect 0 bundle objects in working state Changed;", 0, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.Changed));
        assertEquals("We expect 0 bundle objects in working state Unchanged;", 0, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.Unchanged));

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_LOGOUT);


        assertEquals(0, m_artifactRepository.get().size());

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_LOGIN);

        assertTrue("There has not been another commit in between, so we are still current.", m_repositoryAdmin.isCurrent());
        assertTrue("We have made changes since the last commit, so the repository must be modified.", m_repositoryAdmin.isModified());
        assertEquals(1, m_artifactRepository.get().size());
        assertEquals("We expect the working state of our bundle to be New;", WorkingState.New, m_repositoryAdmin.getWorkingState(b1));
        assertEquals("We expect one bundle object in working state New;", 1, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.New));
        assertEquals("We expect 0 bundle objects in working state Changed;", 0, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.Changed));
        assertEquals("We expect 0 bundle objects in working state Unchanged;", 0, m_repositoryAdmin.getNumberWithWorkingState(ArtifactObject.class, WorkingState.Unchanged));


        assertTrue("After a commit, the repository must be current.", m_repositoryAdmin.isCurrent());
        assertFalse("After a commit, the repository cannot be modified.", m_repositoryAdmin.isModified());

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_LOGOUT);


        final RepositoryAdminLoginContext loginContext2 = m_repositoryAdmin.createLoginContext(user2);

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_LOGIN);

        assertEquals(0, m_artifactRepository.get().size());

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_REFRESH);

        assertEquals("We expect to find 1 bundle after checkout;", 1, m_artifactRepository.get().size());
        assertTrue("After a checkout, without changing anything, the repository must be current.", m_repositoryAdmin.isCurrent());
        assertFalse("After a checkout, without changing anything, the repository cannot be modified.", m_repositoryAdmin.isModified());

        ArtifactObject b2 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<ArtifactObject>() {
            public ArtifactObject call() throws Exception {
                return createBasicBundleObject("bundle2");
        }, false, ArtifactObject.TOPIC_ADDED, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_STATUSCHANGED);
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        // Empty tag map to be reused througout test
        final Map<String, String> tags = new HashMap<String, String>();

        // First, create a bundle and two artifacts, but do not provide a processor for the artifacts.
        ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle1");
        Map<String, String> attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_URL, "http://myobject");
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_PROCESSOR_PID, "");
        attr.put(ArtifactHelper.KEY_MIMETYPE, "mymime");

        ArtifactObject a1 = m_artifactRepository.create(attr, tags);

        attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_URL, "http://myotherobject");
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_PROCESSOR_PID, "");
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_RESOURCE_ID, "mymime");
        attr.put(ArtifactHelper.KEY_MIMETYPE, "mymime");

        ArtifactObject a2 = m_artifactRepository.create(attr, tags);

        FeatureObject g = createBasicFeatureObject("feature");
        DistributionObject l = createBasicDistributionObject("distribution");

        attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put(TargetObject.KEY_ID, "myTarget");

        StatefulTargetObject sgo = m_statefulTargetRepository.preregister(attr, tags);

        m_artifact2featureRepository.create(b1, g);
        m_artifact2featureRepository.create(a1, g);
        m_artifact2featureRepository.create(a2, g);
        m_feature2distributionRepository.create(g, l);
        m_distribution2targetRepository.create(l, sgo.getTargetObject());

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
            public Void call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);
        assertEquals("Store state for target should still be new, because the resource processor is missing.", StoreState.New, sgo.getStoreState());
        // Now, add a processor for the artifact.
        attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_URL, "http://myprocessor");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_RESOURCE_PROCESSOR_PID, "");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME, "my.processor.bundle");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION, "1.0.0");
        attr.put(ArtifactHelper.KEY_MIMETYPE, BundleHelper.MIMETYPE);

        ArtifactObject b2 = m_artifactRepository.create(attr, tags);

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
            public Void call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);       

        DeploymentVersionObject dep = m_deploymentVersionRepository.getMostRecentDeploymentVersion(sgo.getID());

        DeploymentArtifact[] toDeploy = dep.getDeploymentArtifacts();

        assertEquals("We expect to find four artifacts to deploy;", 4, toDeploy.length);
        DeploymentArtifact bundle1 = toDeploy[0];
        assertEquals(b1.getURL(), bundle1.getUrl());
        DeploymentArtifact bundle2 = toDeploy[1];
        assertEquals(b2.getURL(), bundle2.getUrl());
        assertEquals("true", bundle2.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_ISCUSTOMIZER));
        DeploymentArtifact artifact1 = toDeploy[2];
        assertEquals(a1.getURL(), artifact1.getUrl());
        assertEquals("", artifact1.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_KEY_PROCESSORID));
        DeploymentArtifact artifact2 = toDeploy[3];
        assertEquals(a2.getURL(), artifact2.getUrl());
        assertEquals("", artifact2.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_KEY_PROCESSORID));
        assertEquals(a2.getResourceId(), artifact2.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_KEY_RESOURCE_ID));
        // Now, add a new version of the processor (ACE-373)
        assertFalse("There should be no changes.", sgo.needsApprove());

        attr = new HashMap<String, String>();
        attr.put(ArtifactObject.KEY_URL, "http://myprocessor/v2");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_RESOURCE_PROCESSOR_PID, "");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME, "my.processor.bundle");
        attr.put(BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION, "2.0.0");
        attr.put(ArtifactHelper.KEY_MIMETYPE, BundleHelper.MIMETYPE);

        ArtifactObject b3 = m_artifactRepository.create(attr, tags);

        assertTrue("By adding a resource processor, we should have triggered a change that needs to be approved.", sgo.needsApprove());


        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
            public Void call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);

        dep = m_deploymentVersionRepository.getMostRecentDeploymentVersion(sgo.getID());

        toDeploy = dep.getDeploymentArtifacts();

        assertEquals("We expect to find four artifacts to deploy;", 4, toDeploy.length);
        boolean foundBundle = false;
        boolean foundProcessor = false;
        boolean foundArtifact1 = false;
        boolean foundArtifact2 = false;
        for (DeploymentArtifact a : toDeploy) {
            String url = a.getUrl();
            if (url.equals(b1.getURL())) {
                foundBundle = true;
            else if (url.equals(b3.getURL())) {
                assertEquals("true", a.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_ISCUSTOMIZER));
                foundProcessor = true;
            else if (url.equals(a1.getURL())) {
                assertEquals("", a.getDirective(DeploymentArtifact.DIRECTIVE_KEY_PROCESSORID));
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        File simpleTemplateFile = createFileWithContents("template", ".xml", xmlHeader + simpleTemplate + xmlFooter);

        // create some tree from artifacts to a target
        FeatureObject go = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<FeatureObject>() {
            public FeatureObject call() throws Exception {
                ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("myBundle");
                createBasicBundleObject("myProcessor", "1.0.0", "org.osgi.deployment.rp.autoconf");
                FeatureObject go = createBasicFeatureObject("myfeature");
                DistributionObject lo = createBasicDistributionObject("mydistribution");
                TargetObject gwo = createBasicTargetObject("templatetarget2");
                m_artifact2featureRepository.create(b1, go);
                // note that we do not associate b2: this is a resource processor, so it will be packed
                // implicitly. It should not be available to a preprocessor either.
                m_feature2distributionRepository.create(go, lo);
                m_distribution2targetRepository.create(lo, gwo);
                return go;
        }, false, TOPIC_ADDED);

        ArtifactObject a1 = m_artifactRepository.importArtifact(noTemplateFile.toURI().toURL(), true);
        Artifact2FeatureAssociation a2g = m_artifact2featureRepository.create(a1, go);

        final StatefulTargetObject sgo = findStatefulTarget("templatetarget2");

        // create a deploymentversion
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        String targetId = "templatetarget";

        createBasicBundleObject("myProcessor", "1.0.0", "");
        final ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("myBundle");
        final ArtifactObject a1 = createBasicArtifactObject("myArtifact", "mymime", "");
        final FeatureObject go = createBasicFeatureObject("myfeature");
        final DistributionObject lo = createBasicDistributionObject("mydistribution");
    final TargetObject gwo = createBasicTargetObject(targetId);

        // create some tree from artifacts to a target
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        assertTrue("Without any deployment versions, and no information in the shop, we should not need to approve.", !sgo.needsApprove());
        assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be Registered;", RegistrationState.Registered, sgo.getRegistrationState());
        assertEquals("We expect the registration state to be New;", StoreState.New, sgo.getStoreState());
        assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());

        final ArtifactObject b11 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle1", "1", null);

        FeatureObject g1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");
        FeatureObject g2 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature2"); // note that this feature is not associated to a
                                                                 // bundle.
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        }, false, TargetObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_ADDED);

        assertEquals(UNKNOWN_VERSION, sgo.getCurrentVersion());

        final ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle1", "1", null, "10");
        final ArtifactObject b2 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle2", "1", null);
        final ArtifactObject b3 = createBasicBundleObject("bundle3", "1", null, "foo");

        FeatureObject f1 = createBasicFeatureObject("feature1");

        createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b1, f1);
        createDynamicBundle2FeatureAssociation(b2, f1);
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import org.osgi.service.useradmin.User;

public class RepositoryAdminTest extends BaseRepositoryAdminTest {

    public void testAssociationsWithMovingEndpoints() throws Exception {
        final ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("thebundle", "1", null);
        final FeatureObject g1 = createBasicFeatureObject("thefeature");

        final Artifact2FeatureAssociation bg = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Artifact2FeatureAssociation>() {
            public Artifact2FeatureAssociation call() throws Exception {
                Map<String, String> properties = new HashMap<String, String>();
                properties.put(BundleHelper.KEY_ASSOCIATION_VERSIONSTATEMENT, "[1,3)");
                return m_artifact2featureRepository.create(b1, properties, g1, null);
        }, false, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED);

        assertTrue("The left side of the association should now be b1; we find "
            + bg.getLeft().size() + " bundles on the left side of the association.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The right side of the association should now be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertEquals("b1 should be assocated with g1", g1, b1.getFeatures().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be assocated with b1", b1, g1.getArtifacts().get(0));

        final ArtifactObject b2 = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<ArtifactObject>() {
            public ArtifactObject call() throws Exception {
                return createBasicBundleObject("thebundle", "2", null);
        }, false, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_CHANGED);

        assertTrue("The left side of the association should no longer be b1; we find "
            + bg.getLeft().size() + " bundles.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should now be b2.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b2));
        assertTrue("The right side of the association should now be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertEquals("b1 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("b2 should now be assocation with g1", g1, b2.getFeatures().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be assocation with b2", b2, g1.getArtifacts().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be associated with one bundle", 1, g1.getArtifacts().size());

        ArtifactObject b3 = createBasicBundleObject("thebundle", "3", null);

        assertTrue("The left side of the association should no longer be b1.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should now be b2.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b2));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should not be b3.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b3));
        assertTrue("The right side of the association should now be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertEquals("b1 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("b2 should now be assocation with g1", g1, b2.getFeatures().get(0));
        assertEquals("b3 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b3.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("g1 should be assocation with b2", b2, g1.getArtifacts().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be associated with one bundle", 1, g1.getArtifacts().size());

        ArtifactObject b15 = createBasicBundleObject("thebundle", "1.5", null);

        assertTrue("The left side of the association should no longer be b1.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should not be b15.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b15));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should now be b2.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b2));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should not be b3.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b3));
        assertTrue("The right side of the association should now be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertEquals("b1 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("b15 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b15.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("b2 should now be assocation with g1", g1, b2.getFeatures().get(0));
        assertEquals("b3 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b3.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("g1 should be assocation with b2", b2, g1.getArtifacts().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be associated with one bundle", 1, g1.getArtifacts().size());

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_CHANGED);

        // note that we cannot test anything for b2: this has been removed, and now has no
        // defined state.
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should no longer be b1.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should now be b15.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b15));
        assertTrue("The left side of the association should not be b3.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && !bg.getLeft().contains(b3));
        assertTrue("The right side of the association should now be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertEquals("b1 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("b15 should now be assocation with g1", g1, b15.getFeatures().get(0));
        assertEquals("b3 should not be associated with any feature.", 0, b3.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("g1 should be assocation with b15", b15, g1.getArtifacts().get(0));
        assertEquals("g1 should be associated with one bundle", 1, g1.getArtifacts().size());

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                m_bundleContext.createFilter("(" + TargetObject.KEY_ID + "=" + "testAutoApproveTarget)")).get(0);

        // Set up some deployment information for the target.
        final FeatureObject g = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<FeatureObject>() {
            public FeatureObject call() throws Exception {
                ArtifactObject b = createBasicBundleObject("myBundle", "1.0", null);
                FeatureObject g = createBasicFeatureObject("myFeature");
                DistributionObject l = createBasicDistributionObject("myDistribution");
                m_artifact2featureRepository.create(b, g);
                m_feature2distributionRepository.create(g, l);
                m_distribution2targetRepository.create(l, sgo.getTargetObject());
                return g;
        }, false, ArtifactObject.TOPIC_ADDED, FeatureObject.TOPIC_ADDED, DistributionObject.TOPIC_ADDED,
            Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, Feature2DistributionAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED,
            Distribution2TargetAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED);

        assertTrue("We added some deployment information, so the target should need approval.", sgo.needsApprove());


        assertTrue("Turning on the autoapprove should not automatically approve whatever was waiting.", sgo.needsApprove());


        List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Void>() {
            public Void call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, events, DeploymentVersionObject.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED, RepositoryAdmin.TOPIC_REFRESH);

        assertFalse("We approved the new version by hand, so we should not need approval.", sgo.needsApprove());
        assertContainsRefreshCause(events, "commit");

        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                ArtifactObject b = createBasicBundleObject("myBundle2", "1.0", null);
                m_artifact2featureRepository.create(b, g);
                return null;
        }, false, ArtifactObject.TOPIC_ADDED, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED, TOPIC_STATUS_CHANGED,
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     * Add a bundle, feature and distribution, associate all, remove the feature, No associations should be left.
     * @throws Exception
    public void testRemoveBundleFeature() throws Exception {
        final ArtifactObject b1 = createBasicBundleObject("thebundle", "1", null);
        final FeatureObject g1 = createBasicFeatureObject("thefeature");

        final Artifact2FeatureAssociation bg = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Artifact2FeatureAssociation>() {
            public Artifact2FeatureAssociation call() throws Exception {
                return m_artifact2featureRepository.create("(&(" + BundleHelper.KEY_SYMBOLICNAME + "=thebundle)(|("
                    + BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION + ">=1)(" + BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION + "=<3))(!("
                    + BundleHelper.KEY_VERSION + "=3)))", "(name=thefeature)");
        }, false, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED);

        final DistributionObject l1 = createBasicDistributionObject("thedistribution");

        final Feature2DistributionAssociation gtl = runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Feature2DistributionAssociation>() {
            public Feature2DistributionAssociation call() throws Exception {
                return m_feature2distributionRepository.create("(name=thefeature)", "(name=thedistribution)");
        }, false, Feature2DistributionAssociation.TOPIC_ADDED);

        assertTrue("The left side of the BG-association should be b1.", (bg.getLeft().size() == 1) && bg.getLeft().contains(b1));
        assertTrue("The right side of the BG-association should be g1.", (bg.getRight().size() == 1) && bg.getRight().contains(g1));
        assertTrue("The left side of the GtL-association should be g1.", (gtl.getLeft().size() == 1) && gtl.getLeft().contains(g1));
        assertTrue("The right side of the GtL-association should be l1.", (gtl.getRight().size() == 1) && gtl.getRight().contains(l1));
        assertTrue("The bundlefeature association should be satisfied.", bg.isSatisfied());
        assertTrue("The feature2distribution association should be satisfied.", gtl.isSatisfied());
        assertEquals("Bundle b1 should be associated to one feature.", 1, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("Distribution l1 should be associated to one feature.", 1, l1.getFeatures().size());

        // remove the feature
        runAndWaitForEvent(new Callable<Object>() {
            public Object call() throws Exception {
                return null;
        }, false, Artifact2FeatureAssociation.TOPIC_CHANGED, Feature2DistributionAssociation.TOPIC_CHANGED);

        assertFalse("The bundlefeature association shouldn not be satisfied.", gtl.isSatisfied());
        assertFalse("The feature2distribution assocation should not be satisfied.", bg.isSatisfied());

        assertEquals("Bundle b1 shouldn't be associated to any feature, but is associated to " + b1.getFeatures(), 0, b1.getFeatures().size());
        assertEquals("Distribution l1 shouldn't be associated to any feature.", 0, l1.getFeatures().size());

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Related Classes of org.apache.ace.client.repository.object.ArtifactObject

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