Package oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions

Examples of oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession

     * This query is copied for concurrency so this prepare can only setup things that
     * will apply to any future execution of this query.
    public void prepareCall() throws QueryException {
        DatabaseQuery query = getQuery();
        AbstractSession executionSession = getSession().getExecutionSession(query);
        if (hasMultipleCalls()) {
            for (Enumeration callsEnum = getCalls().elements(); callsEnum.hasMoreElements();) {
                DatasourceCall call = (DatasourceCall)callsEnum.nextElement();
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        // select calls through the DatabaseAccessor which holds the writer instance
        // Building of SELECT statements is no longer done in DatabaseAccessor.basicExecuteCall
        // because DatabaseCall.isUpdateCall() can't recognize update in case StoredProcedureCall
        // is used.
        AbstractSession executionSession = getSession().getExecutionSession(getQuery());
        return returnedRowCount;
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     * This is rare to occur for non-relational, however if it does each of the calls must be re-executed.
    protected void updateForeignKeyFieldShallow(WriteObjectQuery writeQuery) {
        // For CR 2923 must move to session we will execute call on now
        // so correct DatasourcePlatform used by translate.
        AbstractSession sessionToUse = getSession().getExecutionSession(getQuery());

        // yes - this is a bit ugly...
        Vector calls = ((DatasourceCallQueryMechanism)this.getDescriptor().getQueryManager().getUpdateQuery().getQueryMechanism()).getCalls();
        for (Enumeration stream = calls.elements(); stream.hasMoreElements();) {
            DatasourceCall call = (DatasourceCall)((DatasourceCall)stream.nextElement()).clone();
            sessionToUse.executeCall(call, this.getTranslationRow(), writeQuery);
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     * This query is copied for concurrency so this prepare can only setup things that
     * will apply to any future execution of this query.
    public void prepareCall() throws QueryException {
        DatabaseQuery query = getQuery();
        AbstractSession executionSession = getSession().getExecutionSession(query);
        if (hasMultipleCalls()) {
                //For glassFish bug2689, the call needs to be cloned when query asks to do so.
                calls = ((Vector)getCalls().clone());
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     * the.
     * OuterJoinedAliases passed in to keep track of tables used for outer join so no normal join is given
    public void appendFromClauseForInformixOuterJoin(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, Vector outerJoinedAliases) throws IOException {
        Writer writer = printer.getWriter();
        AbstractSession session = printer.getSession();

        // Print outer joins
        boolean firstTable = true;

        for (int index = 0; index < getOuterJoinExpressions().size(); index++) {
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     * other platforms(Oracle,Sybase) that print the outer join in the WHERE clause.
     * OuterJoinedAliases passed in to keep track of tables used for outer join so no normal join is given
    public void appendFromClauseForOuterJoin(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, Vector outerJoinedAliases) throws IOException {
        Writer writer = printer.getWriter();
        AbstractSession session = printer.getSession();

        // Print outer joins
        boolean firstTable = true;
        boolean requiresEscape = false;//checks if the jdbc closing escape syntax is needed

        OuterJoinExpressionHolders outerJoinExpressionHolders = new OuterJoinExpressionHolders();
        for (int index = 0; index < getOuterJoinExpressions().size(); index++) {
            QueryKeyExpression outerExpression = (QueryKeyExpression)getOuterJoinExpressions().elementAt(index);

            // CR#3083929 direct collection/map mappings do not have reference descriptor.
            DatabaseTable targetTable = null;
            DatabaseTable sourceTable = null;
            DatabaseTable sourceAlias = null;
            DatabaseTable targetAlias = null;
            if(outerExpression != null) {
                if (outerExpression.getMapping().isDirectCollectionMapping()) {
                    targetTable = ((DirectCollectionMapping)outerExpression.getMapping()).getReferenceTable();
                } else {
                    targetTable = (DatabaseTable)outerExpression.getMapping().getReferenceDescriptor().getTables().firstElement();
                // Grab the source table from the mapping not just the first table
                // from the descriptor. In an joined inheritance hierarchy, the
                // fk used in the outer join may be from a subclasses's table.
                if (outerExpression.getMapping().isObjectReferenceMapping() && ((ObjectReferenceMapping) outerExpression.getMapping()).isForeignKeyRelationship()) {
                    sourceTable = (DatabaseTable)((DatabaseField) outerExpression.getMapping().getFields().firstElement()).getTable();
                } else {
                    sourceTable = (DatabaseTable)((ObjectExpression)outerExpression.getBaseExpression()).getDescriptor().getTables().firstElement();   
                sourceAlias = outerExpression.getBaseExpression().aliasForTable(sourceTable);
                targetAlias = outerExpression.aliasForTable(targetTable);
            } else {
                sourceTable = (DatabaseTable)((ClassDescriptor)getDescriptorsForMultitableInheritanceOnly().get(index)).getTables().firstElement();
                targetTable = (DatabaseTable)((ClassDescriptor)getDescriptorsForMultitableInheritanceOnly().get(index)).getInheritancePolicy().getChildrenTables().get(0);
                Expression exp = (Expression)((Map)getOuterJoinedAdditionalJoinCriteria().elementAt(index)).get(targetTable);
                sourceAlias = exp.aliasForTable(sourceTable);
                targetAlias = exp.aliasForTable(targetTable);

                new OuterJoinExpressionHolder(outerExpression, index, targetTable,
                                              sourceTable, targetAlias, sourceAlias));
        for (Iterator i = outerJoinExpressionHolders.linearize().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            OuterJoinExpressionHolder holder = (OuterJoinExpressionHolder);
            QueryKeyExpression outerExpression = holder.joinExpression;
            int index = holder.index;
            DatabaseTable targetTable = holder.targetTable;
            DatabaseTable sourceTable = holder.sourceTable;
            DatabaseTable sourceAlias = holder.sourceAlias;
            DatabaseTable targetAlias = holder.targetAlias;

            if (!outerJoinedAliases.contains(targetAlias)) {
                if (!outerJoinedAliases.contains(sourceAlias)) {
                    if (requiresEscape && session.getPlatform().shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()) {

                    if (!firstTable) {

                    if (session.getPlatform().shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()) {

                    requiresEscape = true;
                    firstTable = false;
                    writer.write(" ");

                if(outerExpression == null) {
                    printAdditionalJoins(printer, outerJoinedAliases, (ClassDescriptor)getDescriptorsForMultitableInheritanceOnly().get(index), (Map)getOuterJoinedAdditionalJoinCriteria().elementAt(index));
                } else if (outerExpression.getMapping().isDirectCollectionMapping()) {
                    // Append the join clause,
                    // If this is a direct collection, join to direct table.
                    Expression onExpression = (Expression)getOuterJoinedMappingCriteria().elementAt(index);

                    DatabaseTable newAlias = onExpression.aliasForTable(targetTable);
                    writer.write(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ");
                    writer.write(" ");
                    writer.write(" ON ");

                    if (session.getPlatform() instanceof DB2MainframePlatform) {
                    } else {

                    //Bug#4240751 Treat ManyToManyMapping separately for out join
                } else if (outerExpression.getMapping().isManyToManyMapping()) {
                    // Must outerjoin each of the targets tables.
                    // The first table is joined with the mapping join criteria,
                    // the rest of the tables are joined with the additional join criteria.
                    // For example: EMPLOYEE t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (PROJ_EMP t3 LEFT OUTER JOIN PROJECT t0 ON (t0.PROJ_ID = t3.PROJ_ID)) ON (t3.EMP_ID = t1.EMP_ID)
                    DatabaseTable relationTable = ((ManyToManyMapping)outerExpression.getMapping()).getRelationTable();
                    DatabaseTable relationAlias = ((Expression)getOuterJoinedMappingCriteria().elementAt(index)).aliasForTable(relationTable);
                    writer.write(" LEFT OUTER JOIN (");
                    writer.write(" ");
                    Vector tablesInOrder = oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.helper.NonSynchronizedVector.newInstance(3);
                    // glassfish issue 2440: store aliases instead of tables
                    // in the tablesInOrder. This allows to distinguish source
                    // and target table in case of an self referencing relationship.
                    TreeMap indexToExpressionMap = new TreeMap();
                    mapTableIndexToExpression((Expression)getOuterJoinedMappingCriteria().elementAt(index), indexToExpressionMap, tablesInOrder);
                    Expression sourceToRelationJoin = (Expression)indexToExpressionMap.get(new Integer(1));
                    Expression relationToTargetJoin = (Expression)indexToExpressionMap.get(new Integer(2));
                    writer.write(" JOIN ");
                    writer.write(" ");
                    writer.write(" ON ");
                    if (session.getPlatform() instanceof DB2MainframePlatform) {
                    } else {
                    Map tablesJoinExpression = (Map)getOuterJoinedAdditionalJoinCriteria().elementAt(index);
                    if(tablesJoinExpression != null && !tablesJoinExpression.isEmpty()) {
                        printAdditionalJoins(printer, outerJoinedAliases, outerExpression.getMapping().getReferenceDescriptor(), tablesJoinExpression);
                    writer.write(") ON ");
                    if (session.getPlatform() instanceof DB2MainframePlatform) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // Must outerjoin each of the targets tables.
                    // The first table is joined with the mapping join criteria,
                    // the rest of the tables are joined with the additional join criteria.
                    writer.write(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ");
                    Map tablesJoinExpression = (Map)getOuterJoinedAdditionalJoinCriteria().elementAt(index);
                    boolean hasAdditionalJoinExpressions = tablesJoinExpression != null && !tablesJoinExpression.isEmpty();
                    if(hasAdditionalJoinExpressions) {
                    writer.write(" ");
                    if(hasAdditionalJoinExpressions) {
                        printAdditionalJoins(printer, outerJoinedAliases, outerExpression.getMapping().getReferenceDescriptor(), tablesJoinExpression);
                    writer.write(" ON ");
                    Expression sourceToTargetJoin = (Expression)getOuterJoinedMappingCriteria().elementAt(index);
                    if (session.getPlatform() instanceof DB2MainframePlatform) {
                    } else {

        if (requiresEscape && session.getPlatform().shouldUseJDBCOuterJoinSyntax()) {
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    protected void printAdditionalJoins(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer, Vector outerJoinedAliases, ClassDescriptor desc, Map tablesJoinExpressionsthrows IOException {
        Writer writer = printer.getWriter();
        AbstractSession session = printer.getSession();
        Vector descriptorTables = desc.getTables();
        int nDescriptorTables = descriptorTables.size();
        Vector tables;
        if(desc.hasInheritance()) {
            tables = desc.getInheritancePolicy().getAllTables();
        } else {
            tables = descriptorTables;

        // skip main table - start with i=1
        int tablesSize = tables.size();
        for(int i=1; i < tablesSize; i++) {
            DatabaseTable table = (DatabaseTable)tables.elementAt(i);
            Expression onExpression = (Expression)tablesJoinExpressions.get(table);
            if (onExpression != null) {
                if(i < nDescriptorTables) {
                    // it's descriptor's own table
                    writer.write(" JOIN ");
                } else {
                    // it's child's table
                    writer.write(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ");
                writer.write(" ");
                DatabaseTable alias = onExpression.aliasForTable(table);
                writer.write(" ON ");
                if (session.getPlatform() instanceof DB2MainframePlatform) {
                } else {
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     * This includes outer joins, these must be printed before the normal join to ensure that the source tables are not joined again.
     * Outer joins are not printed in the FROM clause on Oracle or Sybase.
    public void appendFromClauseToWriter(ExpressionSQLPrinter printer) throws IOException {
        Writer writer = printer.getWriter();
        AbstractSession session = printer.getSession();
        writer.write(" FROM ");

        // Print outer joins
        boolean firstTable = true;
        Vector outerJoinedAliases = new Vector(1);// Must keep track of tables used for outer join so no normal join is given

        if (hasOuterJoinExpressions()) {
            if (session.getPlatform().isInformixOuterJoin()) {
                appendFromClauseForInformixOuterJoin(printer, outerJoinedAliases);
            } else if (!session.getPlatform().shouldPrintOuterJoinInWhereClause()) {
                appendFromClauseForOuterJoin(printer, outerJoinedAliases);

            firstTable = false;
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     * INTERNAL:
     * Put the given session into the session manager so it can be looked up later
    protected void addSessionToGlobalSessionManager() {
        AbstractSession oldSession = (AbstractSession)SessionManager.getManager().getSessions().get(session.getName());
        if(oldSession != null) {
            throw new PersistenceException(EntityManagerSetupException.attemptedRedeployWithoutClose(session.getName()));
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     * Throws IllegalArgumentException in case the property value is illegal.
    public static String getSessionPropertyValue(String name, AbstractSession session) {
        String value = null;
        while(value == null && session != null) {
            AbstractSession parent = session.getParent();
            // Don't use System properties as default unless session has no parent.
            // Motivation: look in all the recursive parents' properties before looking in System properties.
            value = Prop.getPropertyValueToApply(name, session.getProperties(), null, parent == null);
            session = parent;
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Related Classes of oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.sessions.AbstractSession

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