Package nu.xom

Examples of nu.xom.Builder$NamespaceWellformednessRequired


    public void testFranceschet2() throws ParsingException, IOException {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Document doc =
        Element root = doc.getRootElement();
        Elements inputs = root.getChildElements("document");
        Element input = inputs.get(1);
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         String data = "<root>\n <servlet-mapping>\n"
             + "  <servlet-name>DeviceInfoServlet</servlet-name>\n"
             + "  <url-pattern>/tools/*</url-pattern>\n"
             + "</servlet-mapping>\n</root>";
         Builder builder = new Builder();
         Document doc =, null);
         Nodes result = doc.query("//*[./../servlet-name = 'DeviceInfoServlet']");
         assertEquals(2, result.size());
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            + "         <e3 id=\"E3\"/>\n"
            + "      </e2>\n"
            + "   </e1>\n"
            + "</doc>";
        Document doc = (new Builder()).build(input, null);
        String xpath = "(/*/* | /*/*/namespace::*)\n";
        Nodes result = doc.query(xpath);
        assertEquals(4, result.size());
        Element parent = (Element) result.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
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            + "         <e3 id=\"E3\"/>\n"
            + "      </e2>\n"
            + "   </e1>\n"
            + "</document>";
        Document doc = (new Builder()).build(input, null);
        String xpath = "(/*/* | /*/*/attribute::*)\n";
        Nodes result = doc.query(xpath);
        assertEquals(4, result.size());
        Element parent = (Element) result.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
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    } */
    public void testJaxenIntegrationTest() throws ParsingException, IOException {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Document testDoc =
        Elements documents = testDoc.getRootElement().getChildElements("document");
        for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) {
            Element documentElement = documents.get(i);
            String url = documentElement.getAttributeValue("url");
            Document source =
              + url);
            Elements contextElements = documentElement.getChildElements("context");
            for (int j = 0; j < contextElements.size(); j++) {
                Element contextElement = contextElements.get(j);
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    public void testCommentsAreTransformed()
      throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
        File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Document stylesheetDoc =;
        XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);

        String data = "<a><!--test--></a>";
        Document doc =, "");
        Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
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    public void testCommentToAttribute()
      throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
        File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Document stylesheetDoc =;
        XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc,
          new NodeFactory() {
            public Nodes makeComment(String text) {
                return new Nodes(new Attribute("comment", text));  

        String data = "<a><!--test--></a>";
        Document doc =, "");
        Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
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    public void testAdditionalDefaultNamespace()
      throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException
        File stylesheet = new File(inputDir, "identity.xsl");
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        Document stylesheetDoc =;
        XSLTransform xform = new XSLTransform(stylesheetDoc);

        String data = "<pre:a xmlns:pre='' " +
        Document doc =, "");
        Nodes result = xform.transform(doc);
        assertEquals(1, result.size());
        Element a = (Element) result.get(0);
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    // XXX need to upgrade to final release of XSLT test suites
    // and then split into individual tests
    public void testOASISXalanConformanceSuite() 
      throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        NodeFactory stripper = new StrippingFactory();
        Builder strippingBuilder = new Builder(stripper);
        File base = new File("data");
        base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
        base = new File(base, "TESTS");
        base = new File(base, "Xalan_Conformance_Tests");
        File catalog = new File(base, "catalog.xml");
        // The test suite need to be installed separately. If we can't
        // find the catalog, we just don't run these tests.
        if (catalog.exists()) {
            Document doc =;
            Element testsuite = doc.getRootElement();
            Elements submitters = testsuite.getChildElements("test-catalog");
            for (int i = 0; i < submitters.size(); i++) {
                Element submitter = submitters.get(i);
                Elements testcases = submitter.getChildElements("test-case");
                for (int j = 0; j < testcases.size(); j++) {
                    Element testcase = testcases.get(j);
                    String id = testcase.getAttributeValue("id");
                    if (id.startsWith("output_")) {
                        // These test cases are mostly about producing
                        // HTML and plain text output that isn't
                        // relevant to XOM
                    File root = new File(base, testcase.getFirstChildElement("file-path").getValue());
                    File input = null;
                    File style = null;
                    File output = null;
                    Element scenario = testcase.getFirstChildElement("scenario");
                    Elements inputs = scenario.getChildElements("input-file");
                    for (int k = 0; k < inputs.size(); k++) {
                        Element file = inputs.get(k);
                        String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
                        if ("principal-data".equals(role)) {
                            input = new File(root, file.getValue());
                        else if ("principal-stylesheet".equals(role)) {
                            style = new File(root, file.getValue());
                    Elements outputs = scenario.getChildElements("output-file");
                    for (int k = 0; k < outputs.size(); k++) {
                        Element file = outputs.get(k);
                        String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
                        if ("principal".equals(role)) {
                            // Fix up OASIS catalog bugs
                            File parent = new File(root.getParent());
                            parent = new File(parent, "REF_OUT");
                            parent = new File(parent, root.getName());
                            String outputFileName = file.getValue();
                            output = new File(parent, outputFileName);
                    try {
                        Document inputDoc =;
                        Document styleDoc =;
                        // If the transform specifies indent="yes".
                        // we remove all white space before comparing
                        XSLTransform xform;
                        if (indentYes(styleDoc)) {
                            xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc, stripper);
                        else xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
                        Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
                        if (output == null) {
                            // transform should have failed
                            fail("Transformed " + id);
                        else {
                            try {
                                Document expectedResult;
                                if (indentYes(styleDoc)) {
                                    expectedResult =;
                                else {
                                    expectedResult =;
                                Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
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    public void testOASISMicrosoftConformanceSuite() 
      throws IOException, ParsingException, XSLException {
        Builder builder = new Builder();
        NodeFactory stripper = new StrippingFactory();
        Builder strippingBuilder = new Builder(stripper);
        File base = new File("data");
        base = new File(base, "oasis-xslt-testsuite");
        base = new File(base, "TESTS");
        File catalog = new File(base, "catalog.xml");
        // The test suite need to be installed separately. If we can't
        // find the catalog, we just don't run these tests.
        if (catalog.exists()) {
            Document doc =;
            Element testsuite = doc.getRootElement();
            Elements submitters = testsuite.getChildElements("test-catalog");
            Element submitter = submitters.get(1);
            Elements testcases = submitter.getChildElements("test-case");
            for (int j = 0; j < testcases.size(); j++) {
                Element testcase = testcases.get(j);
                String id = testcase.getAttributeValue("id");
                File root = new File(base, "MSFT_Conformance_Tests");
                root = new File(root, testcase.getFirstChildElement("file-path").getValue());
                File input = null;
                File style = null;
                File output = null;
                Element scenario = testcase.getFirstChildElement("scenario");
                Elements inputs = scenario.getChildElements("input-file");
                for (int k = 0; k < inputs.size(); k++) {
                    Element file = inputs.get(k);
                    String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
                    if ("principal-data".equals(role)) {
                        input = new File(root, file.getValue());
                    else if ("principal-stylesheet".equals(role)) {
                        style = new File(root, file.getValue());
                }  // end for
                Elements outputs = scenario.getChildElements("output-file");
                for (int k = 0; k < outputs.size(); k++) {
                    Element file = outputs.get(k);
                    String role = file.getAttributeValue("role");
                    if ("principal".equals(role)) {
                        // Fix up OASIS catalog bugs
                        File parent = new File(root.getParent());
                        parent = new File(parent, "REF_OUT");
                        parent = new File(parent, root.getName());
                        String outputFileName = file.getValue();
                        output = new File(parent, outputFileName);
                }  // end for
                try {
                    Document styleDoc =;
                    boolean strip = indentYes(styleDoc);
                    if ("BVTs_bvt002".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt077".equals(id)) {
                        // This has been fixed at least as of Xalan 2.6.0.
                        // However, it's a bug in earlier versions of Xalan
                        // including the one bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions_Bug76984".equals(id)) {
                        // This has been fixed at least as of Xalan 2.6.0.
                        // However, it's a bug in earlier versions of Xalan
                        // including the one bundled with the JDK 1.4.2_05
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt020".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt022".equals(id)
                      || "BVTs_bvt024".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt058".equals(id)) {
                        // Either a test suite bug, or a recoverable
                        // error Xalan doesn't recover from.
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt038".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias__91785".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias__91786".equals(id)) {
                        // a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from properly
                    else if ("Namespace_XPath_CopyNamespaceNodeToOutput".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_WithinRTF".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("Completeness__84361".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias__91781".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias__91782".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_Test1".equals(id)
                      || "Namespace-alias_Namespace-Alias_Test2".equals(id)
                      ) {
                        // a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
                    else if ("Output__84008".equals(id)) {
                        // a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions_ElementAvailFunctionFalseTest".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions_GenereateIdAppliedToNamespaceNodesOnDifferentElements".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions__specialCharInPattern".equals(id)) {
                        // a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions_DocumentFunctionWithAbsoluteArgument".equals(id)) {
                        // test case bug; bad URL passed to document function
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt052".equals(id) || "Keys_PerfRepro2".equals(id)) {
                        // Requires a non-standard extension function
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt044".equals(id)) {
                        // a recoverable error Xalan doesn't recover from
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt039".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt033".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt034".equals(id)) {
                        // Test suite bug; 2.0 is not unrecognized
                    else if ("Text__78274".equals(id) || "Text__78276".equals(id)) {
                        // Test suite bug; no xsl:preserve-space attribute
                    else if ("XSLTFunctions__minimumValue".equals(id)
                     || "XSLTFunctions__minimalValue".equals(id)) {
                        // test suite bug
                    else if ("Errors_err073".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug: StackOverflowError
                    else if ("Sorting_SortExprWithCurrentInsideForEach1".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bug
                    else if ("BVTs_bvt041".equals(id) || "BVTs_bvt063".equals(id)
                        || "BVTs_bvt070".equals(id)) {
                        // Xalan bundled with JDK 1.4.2_05 does not recover
                        // from this error involving multiple conflicting
                        // xsl:output at same import precedence, though
                        // 2.6.0 does
                    Document inputDoc =;
                    XSLTransform xform;
                    if (strip) xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc, stripper);
                    else xform = new XSLTransform(styleDoc);
                    Nodes result = xform.transform(inputDoc);
                    if (output == null) {
                        if ("Attributes__89463".equals(id)
                          || "Attributes__89465".equals(id)) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // this problem.
                            assertEquals(0, result.size());
                        else if ("Attributes__89464".equals(id)) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // this problem.
                            assertEquals(0, ((Element) result.get(0)).getAttributeCount());
                        else if ("Namespace-alias__91772".equals(id)
                          || "Namespace-alias__91774".equals(id)
                          || "Namespace-alias__91780".equals(id)
                          || "Namespace-alias__91790".equals(id)
                          || "Namespace-alias__91791".equals(id)
                          || "Sorting__84006".equals(id)
                          || "Sorting__91754".equals(id)
                          ) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // this problem.
                        else if (id.startsWith("Errors_")) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // most of these problems.
                        else if (id.startsWith("FormatNumber")) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // most of these problems.
                        else if ("BVTs_bvt074".equals(id)) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // this problem.
                            assertEquals(0, result.get(0).getChildCount());
                        else if ("XSLTFunctions__currency".equals(id)
                          || "XSLTFunctions__mixingInvalids".equals(id)) {
                            // Processors are allowed to recover from
                            // this problem.
                        else if ("Attributes_Attribute_UseXmlnsNsAsNamespaceForAttribute".equals(id)
                          || "Attributes_Attribute_UseXmlnsAsNamespaceForAttributeImplicitly".equals(id)
                          || "Elements_Element_UseXslElementWithNameSpaceAttrEqualToXmlnsUri".equalsIgnoreCase(id)
                          || "Elements_Element_UseXslElementWithNameSpaceEqualToXmlnsUri".equalsIgnoreCase(id)
                          ) {
                            // test follows namespace errata we don't accept
                        else if ("AttributeSets_RefToUndefinedAttributeSet".equals(id)) {
                            // I think the test case is wrong; I see
                            // nothing in the spec that says this is
                            // an error.
                        else if ("Namespace__77665".equals(id)
                          || "Namespace__77675".equals(id)) {
                            // I think the test case is wrong; I see
                            // nothing in the spec that says this is
                            // an error. See
                        else if ("Variables__84633".equals(id)
                          || "Variables__84634".equals(id)
                          || "Variables__84697".equals(id)
                          || "Variables__84710".equals(id)
                          ) {
                            // An error. See 11.4
                            // but are processors allowed to recover?
                            // Hmm according to section 17, the
                            // processor must signal these errors
                            // and may but need not recover from them.
                            // Xalan recovers. Microsoft doesn't.
                        else if ("Output__78176".equals(id)) {
                            // I think the test case is wrong; I see
                            // nothing in the spec that says this is
                            // an error.
                        else if (id.startsWith("XSLTFunctions__100")) {
                            // I think these test cases are all wrong 
                            // except perhaps XSLTFunctions__10026; I 
                            // see nothing in the spec that says this
                            // is an error. These are all about the
                            // unparsed-entity-uri function.
                        else if ("Namespace__78027".equals(id)) {
                            // Test case is incorrect. This should
                            // operate in forwards compatible mode.
                            // Xalan gets this right.
                        else if ("Output_Output_UseStandAloneAttributeWithMultipleRoots".equals(id)) {
                            // Error only appears when document is serialized;
                            // not before
                        else { // transform should have failed
                            fail("Transformed " + style + "\n id: "
                              + testcase.getAttributeValue("id"));
                    else {
                        try {
                            if ("Attributes_xsl_attribute_dup_attr_with_namespace_conflict".equals(id)
                               || "BVTs_bvt057".equals(id)) {
                                // This test case requires namespace prefix rewriting,
                                // so the output won't be exactly the same between processors
                            else if ("Comment_DisableOutputEscaping_XslTextInXslComment".equals(id)) {
                               // Test case output is wrong
                            else if ("Output__77927".equals(id)
                              || "Output__77928".equals(id)
                              || "Output__84304".equals(id)
                              || "Output__84305".equals(id)
                              || "Output__84312".equals(id)
                              || "Output__84619".equals(id)
                              || "Output__84620".equals(id)
                              || "Output_EntityRefInAttribHtml".equals(id)
                            ) {
                                // These test cases have incorrect line
                                //  breaks in the reference output.
                            else if ("Output_Modified84433".equals(id)) {
                                // This test case uses disable output escaping
                                // so the results don't match up
                            else if ("Sorting_Sort_SortTextWithNonTextCharacters".equals(id)) {
                               // Xalan and MSXML don't sort non alphabetic characters
                               // exactly the same, but that's legal
                            else if ("Text_DoeWithCdataInText".equals(id)) {
                               // Requires disable-output-escaping
                            else if ("Whitespaces__91443".equals(id)
                              || "Whitespaces__91444".equals(id)) {
                                // Xalan bug
                                // See
                            else if ("AVTs__77591".equals(id)) {
                                // test suite bug; doesn't escape tabs in output. See
                            else if ("Keys_MultipltKeysInclude".equals(id) ) {
                               // Xalan bug
                            /* else if ("Keys_PerfRepro3".equals(id) ) {
                               // Suspected Xalan bug
                            } */
                            else if ("Number__84683".equals(id)) {
                               // test suite bug
                            else if ("Number__84687".equals(id)) {
                               // test suite bug
                            else if ("Number__84692".equals(id)) {
                               // test suite bug
                            else if ("Number__84694".equals(id)) {
                               // Test suite expects Roman number for zero
                               // to be the empty string while Xalan uses 0
                            else if ("Number__84699".equals(id)) {
                               // Xalan bug
                            else if ("Number__84700".equals(id)) {
                               // Xalan bug; extra whitespace. Possibly
                               // the same as
                            else if ("Number__84716".equals(id)) {
                               // Xalan doesn't support Russian
                                // number formatting
                            else if ("Number__84717".equals(id)) {
                               // Xalan supports more Japanese than the
                               // test case does
                            else if ("Number__84722".equals(id)
                              || "Number__84723".equals(id)
                              || "Number__84724".equals(id)
                              || "Number__84725".equals(id)
                            ) {
                                // Acceptable locale support differences
                            else if ("Number_NaNOrInvalidValue".equals(id)) {
                                // Double bug! Test case is wrong and
                                // Xalan gets this wrong!
                            else if ("Number_ValueAsNodesetTest1".equals(id)
                              || "Number_ValueAsEmptyNodeset".equals(id)) {
                                // Another double bug! Test case is wrong and
                                // Xalan gets this wrong!
                            else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions_BooleanFunction")) {
                                // I think the test case is wrong; or perhaps unspecified
                            else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions_TestIdFuncInComplexStruct")) {
                                // I think the Xalan output white space is wrong;
                            else if (id.equals("XSLTFunctions__testOn-0.00")) {
                                // Possible test suite bug. See
                            else {
                                Document expectedResult;
                                if (strip) expectedResult =;
                                else expectedResult =;
                                Document actualResult = XSLTransform.toDocument(result);
                                assertEquals("Mismatch with " + id,
                                  expectedResult, actualResult);
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Related Classes of nu.xom.Builder$NamespaceWellformednessRequired

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