Package net.sf.saxon.sort

Examples of net.sf.saxon.sort.IntHashSet

     * of element names included in the substitution group

  public SubstitutionGroupTest(int head, int[] members) {
        //(used from XQuery compiled code)
        group = new IntHashSet(members.length);
        for (int i=0; i<members.length; i++) {
        this.head = head;
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     * A null value indicates that all names are permitted (i.e. that there are no constraints on the node name.
     * The default implementation returns null.

    public IntHashSet getRequiredNodeNames() {
        IntHashSet s = new IntHashSet(1);
        return s;
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     * A null value indicates that all names are permitted (i.e. that there are no constraints on the node name).
     * The default implementation returns null.

    public IntHashSet getRequiredNodeNames() {
        IntHashSet s1 = nodetest1.getRequiredNodeNames();
        IntHashSet s2 = nodetest2.getRequiredNodeNames();
        if (s2 == null) {
            return s1;
        if (s1 == null) {
            return s2;
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                // If the content type of the context item is known, see whether the node test can select anything

                if (contextItemType instanceof DocumentNodeTest && axis == Axis.CHILD && kind == Type.ELEMENT) {
                    NodeTest elementTest = ((DocumentNodeTest)contextItemType).getElementTest();
                    IntHashSet requiredNames = elementTest.getRequiredNodeNames();
                    if (requiredNames != null) {
                        // check that the name appearing in the step is one of the names allowed by the nodetest
                        IntHashSet selected = test.getRequiredNodeNames();
                        if (selected != null && selected.intersect(requiredNames).isEmpty()) {
                            env.issueWarning("Starting at a document node, the step is selecting an element whose name " +
                                    "is not among the names of child elements permitted for this document node type", this);

                            return Literal.makeEmptySequence();
                    itemType = elementTest;
                    return this;

                SchemaType contentType = ((NodeTest)contextItemType).getContentType();
                if (contentType == AnyType.getInstance()) {
                    // fast exit in non-schema-aware case
                    return this;

                int targetfp = test.getFingerprint();

                if (contentType.isSimpleType()) {
                    if ((axis == Axis.CHILD || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) &&
                        (kind==Type.ELEMENT || kind==Type.ATTRIBUTE || kind==Type.DOCUMENT)) {
                        env.issueWarning("The " + Axis.axisName[axis] + " axis will never select any " +
                                NodeKindTest.nodeKindName(kind) +
                                " nodes when starting at a node with simple type " +
                                contentType.getDescription(), this);
                    } else if (axis == Axis.CHILD && kind == Type.TEXT &&
                            (visitor.getParentExpression() instanceof Atomizer)) {
                        env.issueWarning("Selecting the text nodes of an element with simple content may give the " +
                                "wrong answer in the presence of comments or processing instructions. It is usually " +
                                "better to omit the '/text()' step", this);
                    } else if (axis == Axis.ATTRIBUTE) {
                        Iterator extensions = config.getExtensionsOfType(contentType);
                        boolean found = false;
                        if (targetfp == -1) {
                            while (extensions.hasNext()) {
                                ComplexType extension = (ComplexType);
                                if (extension.allowsAttributes()) {
                                    found = true;
                        } else {
                            while (extensions.hasNext()) {
                                ComplexType extension = (ComplexType);
                                try {
                                    if (extension.getAttributeUseType(targetfp) != null) {
                                        found = true;
                                } catch (SchemaException e) {
                                    // ignore the error
                        if (!found) {
                            env.issueWarning("The " + Axis.axisName[axis] + " axis will never select " +
                                    (targetfp == -1 ?
                                            "any attribute nodes" :
                                            "an attribute node named " + env.getNamePool().getDisplayName(targetfp)) +
                                    " when starting at a node with simple type " +
                                    contentType.getDescription(), this);
                            // Despite the warning, leave the expression unchanged. This is because
                            // we don't necessarily know about all extended types at compile time:
                            // in particular, we don't seal the XML Schema namespace to block extensions
                            // of built-in types
                } else if (((ComplexType)contentType).isSimpleContent() &&
                        (axis==Axis.CHILD || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) &&
                        (kind==Type.ELEMENT || kind==Type.DOCUMENT)) {
                    // We don't need to consider extended types here, because a type with complex content
                    // can never be defined as an extension of a type with simple content
                    env.issueWarning("The " + Axis.axisName[axis] + " axis will never select any " +
                            NodeKindTest.nodeKindName(kind) +
                            " nodes when starting at a node with type " +
                            contentType.getDescription() +
                            ", as this type requires simple content", this);
                    return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
                } else if (((ComplexType)contentType).isEmptyContent() &&
                        (axis==Axis.CHILD || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT || axis==Axis.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF)) {
                    for (Iterator iter=config.getExtensionsOfType(contentType); iter.hasNext();) {
                        ComplexType extension = (ComplexType);
                        if (!extension.isEmptyContent()) {
                            return this;
                    env.issueWarning("The " + Axis.axisName[axis] + " axis will never select any" +
                            " nodes when starting at a node with type " +
                            contentType.getDescription() +
                            ", as this type requires empty content", this);
                    return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
                } else if (axis==Axis.ATTRIBUTE && targetfp != -1) {
                    try {
                        SchemaType schemaType = ((ComplexType)contentType).getAttributeUseType(targetfp);
                        if (schemaType == null) {
                            String n = env.getNamePool().getDisplayName(targetfp);

                            env.issueWarning("The complex type " + contentType.getDescription() +
                                " does not allow an attribute named " + n, this);
                            return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
                        } else {
                            itemType = new CombinedNodeTest(
                                    new ContentTypeTest(Type.ATTRIBUTE, schemaType, env.getConfiguration()));
                    } catch (SchemaException e) {
                        // ignore the exception
                } else if (axis==Axis.CHILD && kind==Type.ELEMENT) {
                    try {
                        int childElement = targetfp;
                        if (targetfp == -1) {
                            // select="child::*"
                            if (((ComplexType)contentType).containsElementWildcard()) {
                                return this;
                            IntHashSet children = new IntHashSet();
                            if (children.isEmpty()) {
                                env.issueWarning("The complex type " + contentType.getDescription() +
                                " does not allow children", this);
                                return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
//                            if (children.contains(-1)) {
//                                return this;
//                            }
                            if (children.size() == 1) {
                                IntIterator iter = children.iterator();
                                if (iter.hasNext()) {
                                    childElement =;
                            } else {
                                return this;
                        SchemaType schemaType = ((ComplexType)contentType).getElementParticleType(childElement, true);
                        if (schemaType == null) {
                            String n = env.getNamePool().getDisplayName(childElement);
                            env.issueWarning("The complex type " + contentType.getDescription() +
                                " does not allow a child element named " + n, this);
                            return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
                        } else {
                            itemType = new CombinedNodeTest(
                                    new ContentTypeTest(Type.ELEMENT, schemaType, env.getConfiguration()));
                            computedCardinality = ((ComplexType)contentType).getElementParticleCardinality(childElement);
                            if (computedCardinality == StaticProperty.ALLOWS_ZERO) {
                                // this shouldn't happen, because we've already checked for this a different way.
                                // but it's worth being safe (there was a bug involving an incorrect inference here)
                                String n = env.getNamePool().getDisplayName(childElement);
                                env.issueWarning("The complex type " + contentType.getDescription() +
                                    " appears not to allow a child element named " + n, this);
                                return new Literal(EmptySequence.getInstance());
                            if (!Cardinality.allowsMany(computedCardinality)) {
                                // if there can be at most one child of this name, create a FirstItemExpression
                                // to stop the search after the first one is found
                                return new FirstItemExpression(this);
                    } catch (SchemaException e) {
                        // ignore the exception
                } else if (axis==Axis.DESCENDANT && kind==Type.ELEMENT && targetfp != -1) {
                    // when searching for a specific element on the descendant axis, try to produce a more
                    // specific path that avoids searching branches of the tree where the element cannot occur
                    try {
                        IntHashSet descendants = new IntHashSet();
                        if (descendants.contains(-1)) {
                            return this;
                        if (descendants.contains(targetfp)) {
                            IntHashSet children = new IntHashSet();
                            IntHashSet usefulChildren = new IntHashSet();
                            boolean considerSelf = false;
                            boolean considerDescendants = false;
                            for (IntIterator child = children.iterator(); child.hasNext();) {
                                int c =;
                                if (c == targetfp) {
                                    considerSelf = true;
                                SchemaType st = ((ComplexType)contentType).getElementParticleType(c, true);
                                if (st == null) {
                                    throw new AssertionError("Can't find type for element " + c);
                                if (st instanceof ComplexType) {
                                    IntHashSet subDescendants = new IntHashSet();
                                    if (subDescendants.contains(targetfp)) {
                                        considerDescendants = true;
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                                config.getNamePool().getClarkName(att1.getFingerprint()), flags);
                        return false;
                if ((flags & INCLUDE_NAMESPACES) != 0) {
                    IntHashSet ns1 = new IntHashSet(10);
                    IntHashSet ns2 = new IntHashSet(10);
                    AxisIterator it1 = n1.iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE);
                    while (true) {
                        NodeInfo nn1 = (NodeInfo);
                        if (nn1 == null) {
                        int nscode1 = pool.getNamespaceCode(nn1.getLocalPart(), nn1.getStringValue());
                    AxisIterator it2 = n2.iterateAxis(Axis.NAMESPACE);
                    while (true) {
                        NodeInfo nn2 = (NodeInfo);
                        if (nn2 == null) {
                        int nscode2 = pool.getNamespaceCode(nn2.getLocalPart(), nn2.getStringValue());
                    if (!ns1.equals(ns2)) {
                        explain(config, "elements have different in-scope namespaces", flags);
                        return false;
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        } else if (typeCode < 1024) {
            // No other built-in type is an ID
            return false;
        } else {
            if (nonIDs == null) {
                nonIDs = new IntHashSet(20);
            if (nonIDs.contains(typeCode)) {
                return false;
            SchemaType type = getConfiguration().getSchemaType(typeCode);
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        boolean first = true;
        if (test instanceof AnyNodeTest || test == NodeKindTest.NAMESPACE) {
            test = null;
        AxisIterator result = null;
        IntHashSet declared = null;
        IntHashSet undeclared = null;
        int[] buffer = new int[8];
        NodeInfo node = element;

        while (node != null && node.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {

            int[] nslist = node.getDeclaredNamespaces(buffer);
            if (nslist != null) {
                for (int i=0; i<nslist.length; i++) {
                    if (nslist[i] ==-1) {
                    if (first) {
                        NamespaceIterator nsi = new NamespaceIterator();
                        nsi.element = element;
                        nsi.test = test;
                        nsi.index = -1;
                        undeclared = new IntHashSet(8);
                        declared = new IntHashSet(8);
                        first = false;
                        result = nsi;
                    short uriCode = (short)(nslist[i] & 0xffff);
                    short prefixCode = (short)(nslist[i] >> 16);
                    if (uriCode == 0) {
                        // this is an undeclaration
                    } else {
                        if (!undeclared.contains(prefixCode)) {
            node = node.getParent();
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     * @return the list of in scope namespaces

    public static int[] getInScopeNamespaceCodes(NodeInfo element) {
        boolean first = true;
        IntHashSet declared = null;
        IntHashSet undeclared = null;
        int[] buffer = new int[8];
        NodeInfo node = element;

        while (node != null && node.getNodeKind() == Type.ELEMENT) {

            int[] nslist = node.getDeclaredNamespaces(buffer);
            if (nslist != null) {
                for (int i=0; i<nslist.length; i++) {
                    if (nslist[i] ==-1) {
                    if (first) {
                        undeclared = new IntHashSet(8);
                        declared = new IntHashSet(8);
                        first = false;
                    short uriCode = (short)(nslist[i] & 0xffff);
                    short prefixCode = (short)(nslist[i] >> 16);
                    if (uriCode == 0) {
                        // this is an undeclaration
                    } else {
                        if (!undeclared.contains(prefixCode)) {
            node = node.getParent();
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        ItemType type = itemType;
        if (type instanceof DocumentNodeTest) {
            type = ((DocumentNodeTest)type).getElementTest();
        if (type instanceof NodeTest) {
            IntHashSet set = ((NodeTest)itemType).getRequiredNodeNames();
            if (set.size() == 1) {
                int fp = set.getFirst(-1);
                NamePool pool = config.getNamePool();
                String uri = pool.getURI(fp);
                String local = pool.getLocalName(fp);
                return new QName(uri, local);
            } else {
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    private static QName[] EMPTY_QNAME_ARRAY = new QName[0];

    public QName[] getAllUnboundExternalVariables() throws XQException {
        Set boundParameters = getDynamicContext().getParameters().keySet();
        IntHashSet unbound = new IntHashSet(boundParameters.size());
        QName[] all = getAllExternalVariables();
        for (int i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
            String clark = "{" + all[i].getNamespaceURI() + "}" + all[i].getLocalPart();
            if (!boundParameters.contains(clark)) {
        QName[] unboundq = new QName[unbound.size()];
        int c = 0;
        IntIterator iter = unbound.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            int x =;
            unboundq[c++] = all[x];
        return unboundq;
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Related Classes of net.sf.saxon.sort.IntHashSet

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