Examples of ModelField

Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        StringBuilder selsb = new StringBuilder();
        List<String> collist = FastList.newInstance();
        List<String> fldlist = FastList.newInstance();

        for (Iterator<ModelField> iterator = modelEntityTwo.getFieldsIterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            ModelField mf = iterator.next();

            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                selsb.append(", ");
            } else {
                selsb.append(" ");

        // construct assoc->target relation string
        int kmsize = modelRelationTwo.getKeyMapsSize();
        StringBuilder wheresb = new StringBuilder();

        for (int i = 0; i < kmsize; i++) {
            ModelKeyMap mkm = modelRelationTwo.getKeyMap(i);
            String lfname = mkm.getFieldName();
            String rfname = mkm.getRelFieldName();

            if (wheresb.length() > 0) {
                wheresb.append(" AND ");
            wheresb.append(atable).append(".").append(modelEntityOne.getField(lfname).getColName()).append(" = ").append(ttable).append(".").append(modelEntityTwo.getField(rfname).getColName());

        // construct the source entity qualifier
        // get the fields from relation description
        kmsize = modelRelationOne.getKeyMapsSize();
        Map<ModelField, Object> bindMap = FastMap.newInstance();

        for (int i = 0; i < kmsize; i++) {
            // get the equivalent column names in the relation
            ModelKeyMap mkm = modelRelationOne.getKeyMap(i);
            String sfldname = mkm.getFieldName();
            String lfldname = mkm.getRelFieldName();
            ModelField amf = modelEntityOne.getField(lfldname);
            String lcolname = amf.getColName();
            Object rvalue = value.get(sfldname);

            bindMap.put(amf, rvalue);
            // construct one condition
            if (wheresb.length() > 0) {
                wheresb.append(" AND ");
            wheresb.append(atable).append(".").append(lcolname).append(" = ? ");

        // construct a join sql query
        StringBuilder sqlsb = new StringBuilder();

        sqlsb.append("SELECT ");
        sqlsb.append(" FROM ");
        sqlsb.append(atable).append(", ").append(ttable);
        sqlsb.append(" WHERE ");
        sqlsb.append(SqlJdbcUtil.makeOrderByClause(modelEntityTwo, orderBy, true, datasourceInfo));

        // now execute the query
        List<GenericValue> retlist = FastList.newInstance();
        Delegator gd = value.getDelegator();

        try {
            for (Map.Entry<ModelField, Object> entry: bindMap.entrySet()) {
                ModelField mf = entry.getKey();
                Object curvalue = entry.getValue();

                SqlJdbcUtil.setValue(sqlP, mf, modelEntityOne.getEntityName(), curvalue, modelFieldTypeReader);
            //int collsize = collist.size();

            while (sqlP.next()) {
                Map<String, Object> emptyMap = Collections.emptyMap();
                GenericValue gv = gd.makeValue(modelEntityTwo.getEntityName(), emptyMap);

                // loop thru all columns for in one row
                int idx = 1;
                for (String fldname: fldlist) {
                    ModelField mf = modelEntityTwo.getField(fldname);
                    SqlJdbcUtil.getValue(sqlP.getResultSet(), idx, mf, gv, modelFieldTypeReader);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

            /* DEJ20100304: the code below was causing problems so the line above may be used instead, but hopefully this is fixed now
             * may need varying SQL for different databases, and also in view-entities in some cases it seems to
             * cause the "COUNT(DISTINCT " to appear twice, causing an attempt to try to count a count (function="count-distinct", distinct=true in find options)
            if (selectFields != null && selectFields.size() > 0) {
                ModelField firstSelectField = selectFields.get(0);
                ModelViewEntity.ModelAlias firstModelAlias = modelViewEntity != null ? modelViewEntity.getAlias(firstSelectField.getName()) : null;
                if (firstModelAlias != null && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(firstModelAlias.getFunction())) {
                    // if the field has a function already we don't want to count just it, would be meaningless
                    sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT *) ");
                } else {
                    sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT ");
                    // this only seems to support a single column, which is not desirable but seems a lot better than no columns or in certain cases all columns
                    // sqlBuffer.append(modelEntity.colNameString(selectFields, ", ", "", datasourceInfo.aliasViews));
            } else {
                sqlBuffer.append("COUNT(DISTINCT *) ");
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        if (this.modelViewEntity != null) {
            // NOTE: this section is a bit of a hack; the other code is terribly complex and really needs to be refactored to incorporate support for this

            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityAlias)) {
                ModelEntity memberModelEntity = modelViewEntity.getMemberModelEntity(entityAlias);
                ModelField modelField = memberModelEntity.getField(fieldName);

                // using entityAliasStack (ordered top to bottom) build a big long alias; not that dots will be replaced after it is combined with the column name in the SQL gen
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entityAliasStack)) {
                    boolean dotUsed = false;
                    for (String curEntityAlias: entityAliasStack) {
                        if (dotUsed) {
                        } else {
                            dotUsed = true;

                } else {
            } else {
                sql.append(getColName(tableAliases, modelViewEntity, fieldName, includeTableNamePrefix, datasourceInfo));
        } else {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField


    public void validateSql(ModelEntity modelEntity) throws GenericModelException {
        ModelField field = getModelField(modelEntity);
        if (field == null) {
            throw new GenericModelException("Field with name " + fieldName + " not found in the " + modelEntity.getEntityName() + " Entity");
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

                if (colInfo != null) {
                    Map<String, ModelField> fieldColNames = FastMap.newInstance();
                    Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
                    while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
                        ModelField field = fieldIter.next();
                        fieldColNames.put(field.getColName(), field);

                    Map<String, ColumnCheckInfo> colMap = colInfo.get(tableName);
                    if (colMap != null) {
                        for (ColumnCheckInfo ccInfo: colMap.values()) {
                            // -list all columns that do not have a corresponding field
                            if (fieldColNames.containsKey(ccInfo.columnName)) {
                                ModelField field = null;

                                field = fieldColNames.remove(ccInfo.columnName);
                                ModelFieldType modelFieldType = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());

                                if (modelFieldType != null) {
                                    // make sure each corresponding column is of the correct type
                                    String fullTypeStr = modelFieldType.getSqlType();
                                    String typeName;
                                    int columnSize = -1;
                                    int decimalDigits = -1;

                                    int openParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf('(');
                                    int closeParen = fullTypeStr.indexOf(')');
                                    int comma = fullTypeStr.indexOf(',');

                                    if (openParen > 0 && closeParen > 0 && closeParen > openParen) {
                                        typeName = fullTypeStr.substring(0, openParen);
                                        if (comma > 0 && comma > openParen && comma < closeParen) {
                                            String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, comma);
                                            try {
                                                columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);

                                            String ddStr = fullTypeStr.substring(comma + 1, closeParen);
                                            try {
                                                decimalDigits = Integer.parseInt(ddStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);
                                        } else {
                                            String csStr = fullTypeStr.substring(openParen + 1, closeParen);
                                            try {
                                                columnSize = Integer.parseInt(csStr);
                                            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                                                Debug.logError(e, module);
                                    } else {
                                        typeName = fullTypeStr;

                                    // override the default typeName with the sqlTypeAlias if it is specified
                                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias())) {
                                        typeName = modelFieldType.getSqlTypeAlias();

                                    // NOTE: this may need a toUpperCase in some cases, keep an eye on it, okay just compare with ignore case
                                    if (!ccInfo.typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" +
                                            entity.getEntityName() + "] is of type [" + ccInfo.typeName + "] in the database, but is defined as type [" +
                                            typeName + "] in the entity definition.";
                                        Debug.logError(message, module);
                                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                                    if (columnSize != -1 && ccInfo.columnSize != -1 && columnSize != ccInfo.columnSize && (columnSize * 3) != ccInfo.columnSize) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" +
                                            entity.getEntityName() + "] has a column size of [" + ccInfo.columnSize +
                                            "] in the database, but is defined to have a column size of [" + columnSize + "] in the entity definition.";
                                        Debug.logWarning(message, module);
                                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                                        if (columnSize > ccInfo.columnSize && colWrongSize != null) {
                                            // add item to list of wrong sized columns; only if the entity is larger
                                            colWrongSize.add(entity.getEntityName() + "." + field.getName());
                                    if (decimalDigits != -1 && decimalDigits != ccInfo.decimalDigits) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" +
                                            entity.getEntityName() + "] has a decimalDigits of [" + ccInfo.decimalDigits +
                                            "] in the database, but is defined to have a decimalDigits of [" + decimalDigits + "] in the entity definition.";
                                        Debug.logWarning(message, module);
                                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);

                                    // do primary key matching check
                                    if (checkPks && ccInfo.isPk && !field.getIsPk()) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" +
                                            entity.getEntityName() + "] IS a primary key in the database, but IS NOT a primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table needs to be re-created or modified so that this column is NOT part of the primary key.";
                                        Debug.logError(message, module);
                                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                                    if (checkPks && !ccInfo.isPk && field.getIsPk()) {
                                        String message = "WARNING: Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" +
                                            entity.getEntityName() + "] IS NOT a primary key in the database, but IS a primary key in the entity definition. The primary key for this table needs to be re-created or modified to add this column to the primary key. Note that data may need to be added first as a primary key column cannot have an null values.";
                                        Debug.logError(message, module);
                                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                                } else {
                                    String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() +
                                        "] has a field type name of [" + field.getType() + "] which is not found in the field type definitions";
                                    Debug.logError(message, module);
                                    if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                            } else {
                                String message = "Column [" + ccInfo.columnName + "] of table [" + tableName + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] exists in the database but has no corresponding field" + ((checkPks && ccInfo.isPk) ? " (and it is a PRIMARY KEY COLUMN)" : "");
                                Debug.logWarning(message, module);
                                if (messages != null) messages.add(message);

                        // -display message if number of table columns does not match number of entity fields
                        if (colMap.size() != entity.getFieldsSize()) {
                            String message = "Entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] has " + entity.getFieldsSize() + " fields but table [" + tableName + "] has " + colMap.size() + " columns.";
                            Debug.logWarning(message, module);
                            if (messages != null) messages.add(message);

                    // -list all fields that do not have a corresponding column
                    for (String colName: fieldColNames.keySet()) {
                        ModelField field = fieldColNames.get(colName);
                        String message = "Field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] is missing its corresponding column [" + field.getColName() + "]" + (field.getIsPk() ? " (and it is a PRIMARY KEY FIELD)" : "");

                        Debug.logWarning(message, module);
                        if (messages != null) messages.add(message);

                        if (addMissing) {
                            // add the column
                            String errMsg = addColumn(entity, field);

                            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(errMsg)) {
                                message = "Could not add column [" + field.getColName() + "] to table [" + tableName + "]: " + errMsg;
                                Debug.logError(message, module);
                                if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
                            } else {
                                message = "Added column [" + field.getColName() + "] to table [" + tableName + "]" + (field.getIsPk() ? " (NOTE: this is a PRIMARY KEY FIELD, but the primary key was not updated automatically (not considered a safe operation), be sure to fill in any needed data and re-create the primary key)" : "");
                                Debug.logImportant(message, module);
                                if (messages != null) messages.add(message);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        StringBuilder sqlBuf = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ");
        sqlBuf.append(" (");
        Iterator<ModelField> fieldIter = entity.getFieldsIterator();
        while (fieldIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelField field = fieldIter.next();
            ModelFieldType type = modelFieldTypeReader.getModelFieldType(field.getType());
            if (type == null) {
                return "Field type [" + type + "] not found for field [" + field.getName() + "] of entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "], not creating table.";

            sqlBuf.append(" ");

            if ("String".equals(type.getJavaType()) || "java.lang.String".equals(type.getJavaType())) {
                // if there is a characterSet, add the CHARACTER SET arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.characterSet)) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" CHARACTER SET ");
                // if there is a collate, add the COLLATE arg here
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.datasourceInfo.collate)) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" COLLATE ");

            if (field.getIsNotNull() || field.getIsPk()) {
                if (this.datasourceInfo.alwaysUseConstraintKeyword) {
                    sqlBuf.append(" CONSTRAINT NOT NULL, ");
                } else {
                    sqlBuf.append(" NOT NULL, ");
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        for (String fieldInfo: fieldsWrongSize) {
            String entityName = fieldInfo.substring(0, fieldInfo.indexOf('.'));
            String fieldName = fieldInfo.substring(fieldInfo.indexOf('.') + 1);

            ModelEntity modelEntity = modelEntities.get(entityName);
            ModelField modelField = modelEntity.getField(fieldName);
            repairColumnSize(modelEntity, modelField, messages);
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        StringBuilder relCols = new StringBuilder();

        while (keyMapsIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelKeyMap keyMap = keyMapsIter.next();

            ModelField mainField = entity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());
            if (mainField == null) {
                Debug.logError("Bad key-map in entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] relation to [" + modelRelation.getTitle() + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "] for field [" + keyMap.getFieldName() + "]", module);
                return null;

            if (mainCols.length() > 0) {
                mainCols.append(", ");

            ModelField relField = relModelEntity.getField(keyMap.getRelFieldName());
            if (relField == null) {
                Debug.logError("The field '" + keyMap.getRelFieldName() + "' was not found at related entity - check relations at entity '" + entity.getEntityName() + "'!", module);

            if (relCols.length() > 0) {
                relCols.append(", ");

        StringBuilder sqlBuf = new StringBuilder("");

        if ("name_constraint".equals(fkStyle)) {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

                mainCols.append(", ");
            if (function != null) {
            ModelField mainField = entity.getField(field.getFieldName());
            if (function != null) {
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Examples of org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelField

        Iterator<ModelKeyMap> keyMapsIter = modelRelation.getKeyMapsIterator();
        StringBuilder mainCols = new StringBuilder();

        while (keyMapsIter.hasNext()) {
            ModelKeyMap keyMap = keyMapsIter.next();
            ModelField mainField = entity.getField(keyMap.getFieldName());

            if (mainField == null) {
                Debug.logError("Bad key-map in entity [" + entity.getEntityName() + "] relation to [" + modelRelation.getTitle() + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "] for field [" + keyMap.getFieldName() + "]", module);
                return null;

            if (mainCols.length() > 0) {
                mainCols.append(", ");

        StringBuilder indexSqlBuf = new StringBuilder("CREATE INDEX ");
        String relConstraintName = makeFkConstraintName(modelRelation, constraintNameClipLength);
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