Examples of MagePermanent

Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent


    private void drawBlockers(CombatGroupView group, MagePermanent attackerCard, UUID gameId) {
        for (CardView blocker : group.getBlockers().values()) {
            for (PlayAreaPanel pa : MageFrame.getGame(gameId).getPlayers().values()) {
                MagePermanent blockerCard = pa.getBattlefieldPanel().getPermanents().get(blocker.getId());
                if (blockerCard != null) {
                    parentPoint = getParentPoint(blockerCard);
                    Point blockerPoint = blockerCard.getLocationOnScreen();
                    blockerPoint.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                    Point attackerPoint = attackerCard.getLocationOnScreen();
                    attackerPoint.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                    double yRateA = (attackerCard.getSize().height / SettingsManager.getInstance().getCardSize().height);
                    double xRateA = (attackerCard.getSize().width / SettingsManager.getInstance().getCardSize().width);
                    double yRateB = (blockerCard.getSize().height / SettingsManager.getInstance().getCardSize().height);
                    double xRateB = (blockerCard.getSize().width / SettingsManager.getInstance().getCardSize().width);
                    ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(gameId, (int) blockerPoint.getX() + (int)(55*xRateB), (int) blockerPoint.getY() + (int)(25*xRateB),
                            (int) attackerPoint.getX() + (int)(70*xRateA), (int) attackerPoint.getY() + (int)(25*yRateA), Color.blue, ArrowBuilder.Type.COMBAT);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent

                        Point target = playAreaPanel.getLocationOnScreen();
                        Point me = this.getLocationOnScreen();
                        ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(gameId, (int)me.getX() + 35, (int)me.getY(), (int)target.getX() + 40, (int)target.getY() - 40, Color.red, ArrowBuilder.Type.TARGET);
                    } else {
                        for (PlayAreaPanel pa : MageFrame.getGame(gameId).getPlayers().values()) {
                            MagePermanent permanent = pa.getBattlefieldPanel().getPermanents().get(uuid);
                            if (permanent != null) {
                                Point target = permanent.getLocationOnScreen();
                                Point me = this.getLocationOnScreen();
                                ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(gameId, (int)me.getX() + 35, (int)me.getY(), (int)target.getX() + 40, (int)target.getY() + 10, Color.red, ArrowBuilder.Type.TARGET);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent

        if (data.card.getPairedCard() != null) {
            Point me = new Point(data.locationOnScreen);
            me.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
            UUID uuid = data.card.getPairedCard();
            for (PlayAreaPanel pa : MageFrame.getGame(data.gameId).getPlayers().values()) {
                MagePermanent permanent = pa.getBattlefieldPanel().getPermanents().get(uuid);
                if (permanent != null) {
                    Point target = permanent.getLocationOnScreen();
                    target.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                    ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(data.gameId, (int) me.getX() + 35, (int) me.getY(), (int) target.getX() + 40, (int) target.getY() + 10, Color.green, ArrowBuilder.Type.PAIRED);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent

        if (data.card.isAbility()) {
            Point me = new Point(data.locationOnScreen);
            me.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
            UUID uuid = data.card.getParentId();
            for (PlayAreaPanel pa : MageFrame.getGame(data.gameId).getPlayers().values()) {
                MagePermanent permanent = pa.getBattlefieldPanel().getPermanents().get(uuid);
                if (permanent != null) {
                    Point source = permanent.getLocationOnScreen();
                    source.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                    ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(data.gameId, (int) source.getX() + 40, (int) source.getY() + 10, (int) me.getX() + 35, (int) me.getY() + 20, Color.blue, ArrowBuilder.Type.SOURCE);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent

                ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(data.gameId, (int) me.getX() + 35, (int) me.getY(), (int) target.getX() + 40, (int) target.getY() - 40, Color.red, ArrowBuilder.Type.TARGET);

            for (PlayAreaPanel panel : MageFrame.getGame(data.gameId).getPlayers().values()) {
                MagePermanent permanent = panel.getBattlefieldPanel().getPermanents().get(uuid);
                if (permanent != null) {
                    Point target = permanent.getLocationOnScreen();
                    target.translate(-parentPoint.x, -parentPoint.y);
                    ArrowBuilder.getBuilder().addArrow(data.gameId, (int) me.getX() + 35, (int) me.getY(), (int) target.getX() + 40, (int) target.getY() + 10, Color.red, ArrowBuilder.Type.TARGET);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent



    private void groupAttachments(JLayeredPane jLayeredPane, JLayeredPane jPanel, Map<UUID, MagePermanent> permanents, PermanentView permanent) {
        MagePermanent perm = permanents.get(permanent.getId());
        if (perm == null) {
        int position = jLayeredPane.getPosition(perm);
        Rectangle r = perm.getBounds();
        if (!Plugins.getInstance().isCardPluginLoaded()) {
            for (UUID attachmentId: permanent.getAttachments()) {
                MagePermanent link = permanents.get(attachmentId);
                if (link != null) {
                    r.translate(20, 20);
                    jLayeredPane.setPosition(link, ++position);
        } else {
            int index = permanent.getAttachments().size();
            for (UUID attachmentId: permanent.getAttachments()) {
                MagePermanent link = permanents.get(attachmentId);
                if (link != null) {
                    if (index == 1) {
                        r.translate(ATTACHMENTS_DX_OFFSET, ATTACHMENT_DY_OFFSET); // do it once
                    } else {
                        r.translate(ATTACHMENT_DX_OFFSET, ATTACHMENT_DY_OFFSET);
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Examples of mage.cards.MagePermanent

            int insertIndex = -1;

            // Find lands with the same name.
            for (int i = 0, n = allLands.size(); i < n; i++) {
                Stack stack = allLands.get(i);
                MagePermanent firstPanel = stack.get(0);
                if (firstPanel.getOriginal().getName().equals(permanent.getOriginal().getName())) {

                    if (!empty(firstPanel.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments())) {
                        // Put this land to the left of lands with the same name and attachments.
                        insertIndex = i;
                    List<CounterView> counters = firstPanel.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                    if (counters != null && counters.size() > 0) {
                        // don't put to first panel if it has counters
                        insertIndex = i;

                    if (!empty(permanent.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments()) || stack.size() == landStackMax) {
                        // If this land has attachments or the stack is full, put it to the right.
                        insertIndex = i + 1;
                    counters = permanent.getOriginalPermanent().getCounters();
                    if (counters != null && counters.size() > 0) {
                        // if a land has counter, put it to the right
                        insertIndex = i + 1;
                    // Add to stack.
                    stack.add(0, permanent);
                    continue outerLoop;
                if (insertIndex != -1) {

            Stack stack = new Stack();

            if (permanent.getOriginalPermanent().getAttachments() != null) {

            allLands.add(insertIndex == -1 ? allLands.size() : insertIndex, stack);

        Row allCreatures = new Row(permanents, RowType.creature);
        Row allOthers = new Row(permanents, RowType.other);
        Row allAttached = new Row(permanents, RowType.attached);

        boolean othersOnTheRight = true;
        if (options != null && options.containsKey("nonLandPermanentsInOnePile")) {
            if (options.get("nonLandPermanentsInOnePile").equals("true")) {
                othersOnTheRight = false;

        cardWidth = cardWidthMax;
        Rectangle rect = battlefieldPanel.getVisibleRect();
        playAreaWidth = rect.width;
        playAreaHeight = rect.height;
        while (true) {
            cardHeight = Math.round(cardWidth * CardPanel.ASPECT_RATIO);
            extraCardSpacingX = Math.round(cardWidth * EXTRA_CARD_SPACING_X);
            cardSpacingX = cardHeight - cardWidth + extraCardSpacingX;
            cardSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * CARD_SPACING_Y);
            stackSpacingX = stackVertical ? 0 : Math.round(cardWidth * STACK_SPACING_X);
            stackSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * STACK_SPACING_Y);
            attachmentSpacingY = Math.round(cardHeight * ATTACHMENT_SPACING_Y);
            Row creatures = (Row) allCreatures.clone();
            Row lands = (Row) allLands.clone();
            Row others = (Row) allOthers.clone();
            // Wrap all creatures and lands.
            wrap(creatures, rows, -1);
            int afterCreaturesIndex = rows.size();
            wrap(lands, rows, afterCreaturesIndex);
            int afterLandsIndex = rows.size();
            wrap(others, rows, afterLandsIndex);
            // Store the current rows and others.
            List<Row> storedRows = new ArrayList<>(rows.size());
            for (Row row : rows) {
                storedRows.add((Row) row.clone());
            Row storedOthers = (Row) others.clone();
            // Fill in all rows with others.
            for (Row row : rows) {
                fillRow(others, rows, row);

            // Stop if everything fits, otherwise revert back to the stored values.
            if (creatures.isEmpty() && lands.isEmpty() && others.isEmpty()) {
            rows = storedRows;
            others = storedOthers;
            // Try to put others on their own row(s) and fill in the rest.
            wrap(others, rows, afterCreaturesIndex);
            for (Row row : rows) {
                fillRow(others, rows, row);
            // If that still doesn't fit, scale down.
            if (creatures.isEmpty() && lands.isEmpty() && others.isEmpty()) {
            //FIXME: -1 is too slow. why not binary search?
            cardWidth -= 3;

        // Get size of all the rows.
        int x, y = GUTTER_Y;
        int maxRowWidth = 0;
        for (Row row : rows) {
            int rowBottom = 0;
            x = GUTTER_X;
            for (int stackIndex = 0, stackCount = row.size(); stackIndex < stackCount; stackIndex++) {
                Stack stack = row.get(stackIndex);
                rowBottom = Math.max(rowBottom, y + stack.getHeight());
                x += stack.getWidth();
            y = rowBottom;
            maxRowWidth = Math.max(maxRowWidth, x);

        // Position all card panels.
        y = GUTTER_Y;
        for (Row row : rows) {
            int rowBottom = 0;
            x = GUTTER_X;
            for (int stackIndex = 0, stackCount = row.size(); stackIndex < stackCount; stackIndex++) {
                Stack stack = row.get(stackIndex);
                // Align others to the right.
                if (othersOnTheRight && RowType.other.isType(stack.get(0))) {
                    x = playAreaWidth - GUTTER_X + extraCardSpacingX;
                    for (int i = stackIndex, n = row.size(); i < n; i++) {
                        x -= row.get(i).getWidth();
                for (int panelIndex = 0, panelCount = stack.size(); panelIndex < panelCount; panelIndex++) {
                    MagePermanent panel = stack.get(panelIndex);
                    int stackPosition = panelCount - panelIndex - 1;
                    if (jPanel != null) {
                        jPanel.setComponentZOrder(panel, panelIndex);
                    int panelX = x + (stackPosition * stackSpacingX);
                    int panelY = y + (stackPosition * stackSpacingY);
                    try {
                        // may cause:
                        // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position 26 should be less then 26
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    panel.setCardBounds(panelX, panelY, cardWidth, cardHeight);
                rowBottom = Math.max(rowBottom, y + stack.getHeight());
                x += stack.getWidth();
            y = rowBottom;

        // we need this only for defining card size
        // attached permanents will be handled separately
        for (Stack stack : allAttached) {
            for (MagePermanent panel : stack) {
                panel.setCardBounds(0, 0, cardWidth, cardHeight);

        return y;
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