Examples of LocalizationManager

Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager


        StandardDefs standardDefs = StandardDefs.getStandardDefs(configuration.getFramework());

        LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();

        if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("Start")), true);

        ProgressMeter meter = ThreadLocalToolkit.getProgressMeter();

        if (meter != null)

        List<CompilationUnit> units = new ArrayList<CompilationUnit>();
        DependencyGraph<CompilationUnit> igraph = new DependencyGraph<CompilationUnit>();
        DependencyGraph<Source> dgraph = null; // new DependencyGraph();

        boolean useFileSpec = false;

        // based on the starting source file, retrieve a list of dependent files.
        if (fileSpec != null)
            useFileSpec = sources.size() > 0;

        if (sourceList != null)

        // C: This is here for SWC compilation.
        if (classes != null)
            for (Source source : classes)
                // source might have already been added if it's in the SourceList.
                if (!sources.contains(source))

            useFileSpec = useFileSpec || classes.size() > 0;

        // add the sources to the dependency graphs as vertices.
        addVerticesToGraphs(sources, igraph, dgraph);

        if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("addVerticesToGraphs")), true);

            getCommonBuiltinClasses(sources, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("GetCommonBuiltInClassesTime")), true);

            //    build unit list
            batch(sources, units, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, compilers, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration, useFileSpec);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("batch")));


            // enterprise messaging classes referenced by the messaging config file
            getMessagingClasses(sources, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("getMessagingClasses")), true);

            // unconditionally includes classes specified by --includes.
            getIncludeClasses(sources, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("GetIncludeClassesTime")), true);

            // backward compatibility
            getIncludeResources(sources, igraph, dgraph, bundlePath, symbolTable, swcContext, configuration);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("GetIncludeResourcesTime")), true);

            // getMessagingClasses, and getIncludeClasses may produce errors. check them...
            if (ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount() > 0)
                throw new CompilerException();

            if (forcedToStop()) return units;

            // compile additional sources before running prelink so that all metadata-fed lists
            // contributing to codegen (i.e. mixins) are complete
            batch(sources, units, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, compilers, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration, useFileSpec);

            if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("batch")), true);


            if (forcedToStop()) return units;

            // PreLink

            int count = 0; // just in case something impossibly odd happens,
            if (preLink != null// don't wedge the compiler forever.
                // run the prelink step (repeatedly until we've found all nested style dependencies...)
                boolean runPrelink = true;
                while (runPrelink && count++ < 1000)
                    runPrelink = preLink.run(sources, units, fileSpec, sourceList, sourcePath, bundlePath, resources, symbolTable, swcContext, nameMappings, configuration);
                    if (!runPrelink)
                        // Add synthetic link-in units now that we've found all of our sources
                        preLink.postRun(sources, units, resources, symbolTable, swcContext, nameMappings, configuration);

                    if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                        ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("PreLinkTime")), true);

                    // prelink also may produce errors
                    if (ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount() > 0)
                        throw new CompilerException();

                    // prelink introduces more sources, so we compile again
                    batch(sources, units, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, compilers, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration, useFileSpec);

                    if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                        ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("batch")), true);

                    if (forcedToStop()) return units;

            // loader classes, licensing classes, extra classes

            count = 0; // just in case something impossibly odd happens,
            while (++count < 1000) // don't wedge the compiler forever.
                int numSources = sources.size();
                getExtraSources(sources, igraph, dgraph, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, bundlePath, symbolTable, swcContext,
                                configuration, licenseMap);

                if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                        ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("GetExtraSourcesTime")), true);

                // getExtraSources may produce errors. check them...
                if (ThreadLocalToolkit.errorCount() > 0)
                    throw new CompilerException();

                // getExtraSources pulls in more classes, compile again
                batch(sources, units, igraph, dgraph, symbolTable, compilers, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, swcContext, configuration, useFileSpec);

                if (configuration.getBenchmarkCompilerDetails() > 0 &&
                        ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                    ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark2(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new CompileTime("batch")), true);


                if (sources.size() == numSources)

                if (forcedToStop()) return units;

            checkResourceBundles(sources, symbolTable);
            assert count < 1000;
            if (ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new OutputTime(sources.size())));

            // must close swc file handles...
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

                charsetName = StyleParser.readCSSCharset(bufferedInputStream);
            catch (StyleSheetInvalidCharset e)
                // add filename to exception and log warning.
                LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
                String message = l10n.getLocalizedTextString(
                            new StyleSheetInvalidCharset(cssPath, e.charsetName));
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

  public void warnDeprecation(String deprecated, String replacement, int lineNumber)
        if (checkDeprecation)
            LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
            String message = l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new DeprecatedWarning(deprecated, replacement, "3.0"));

            if (mxmlPath != null)
                messageHandler.logWarning(mxmlPath, lineNumber, message);
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

    public static int validateCompilationUnits(FileSpec fileSpec, SourceList sourceList, SourcePath sourcePath,
                                               ResourceBundlePath bundlePath, ResourceContainer resources,
                                               CompilerSwcContext swcContext, Map<String, Source> includedClasses,
                                               ContextStatics perCompileData, Configuration configuration)
        final LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();

        final boolean strict = configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().strict();

        final Map<String, Source>
                  updated                     = new HashMap<String, Source>(), // VirtualFile.getName() -> Source
                  updatedWithStableSignature  = new HashMap<String, Source>(), // VirtualFile.getName() -> Source
                  affected                    = new HashMap<String, Source>(); // VirtualFile.getName() -> Source

        final Map<QName, Source> deleted = new HashMap<QName, Source>();

        final Map<String, String> reasons = new HashMap<String, String>(); // VirtualFile.getName() -> String
        final Map<QName, Source> qNames = new HashMap<QName, Source>();

        final Set<String> includeUpdated      = new HashSet<String>(),         // VirtualFile.getName()
                  resourceDelegates           = new HashSet<String>(),         // VirtualFile.getNameForReporting()
                  namespaces                  = new HashSet<String>();

        final Map<QName, Map<String, Source>> dependents = new HashMap<QName, Map<String, Source>>();

        Set<Source> swcSources = swcContext.cachedSources();
        Context ascContext = null;

        if (perCompileData != null)
            ascContext = new Context(perCompileData);

        // put all the Source objects together
        final Set<Source> sources = new HashSet<Source>();
            if (fileSpec != null)
            if (sourceList != null)
            if (sourcePath != null)
            if (bundlePath != null)
            if (includedClasses != null)

        // build a dependency graph
        for (Source source : sources)
            if (source.getName() == null)

            CompilationUnit u = source.getCompilationUnit();

            if (u == null)

            // collect the names of all the update file includes...
            for (Iterator j = source.getUpdatedFileIncludes(); j != null && j.hasNext();)
                VirtualFile f = (VirtualFile) j.next();

            // register QName --> VirtualFile.getName()
            for (QName qName : u.topLevelDefinitions)
                qNames.put(qName, source);
                dependents.put(qName, new HashMap<String, Source>());

        for (Source source : resources.sources().values())
            if (source.getName() == null)

            CompilationUnit u = source.getCompilationUnit();

            if (u == null)

            // register QName --> VirtualFile.getName()
            for (QName qName : u.topLevelDefinitions)
                qNames.put(qName, source);

        // setup inheritance-based dependencies...
        for (Source source : sources)
            if (source == null) continue;

            CompilationUnit u = source.getCompilationUnit();
            if (u == null) continue;

            addDependents(source, u.inheritance, dependents);
            addDependents(source, u.namespaces, dependents);
            addDependents(source, u.types, dependents);
            addDependents(source, u.expressions, dependents);

        Logger logger = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger();

        // if any of the Source objects in ResourceContainer is bad, obsolete the originating Source.
        for (Source source : resources.sources().values())
            CompilationUnit u = source.getCompilationUnit();
            if (source.hasError() ||
                (u != null && !u.isDone() && !u.hasTypeInfo) ||
                source.isUpdated() ||
                (u != null && u.hasAssets() && u.getAssets().isUpdated()))

        reportObsoletedSwcSources(swcContext, l10n, logger);
        reportShadowedSwcSources(swcSources, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, l10n, logger, sources);

        // identify obsolete CompilationUnit
        //   - NotFullyCompiled
        //   - SourceNoLongerExists
        //   - SourceFileUpdated
        //   - AssedUpdated
        for (Iterator<Source> iterator = sources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            Source s = iterator.next();
            CompilationUnit u = s.getCompilationUnit();

            // Sources for internal classes like Object never reach the done state or have typeInfo.
            if (s.hasError() ||
                (!s.isInternal() && (u != null && !u.isDone() && !u.hasTypeInfo)) ||
                affected.put(s.getName(), s);
                reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new NotFullyCompiled()));
            else if (!s.exists())
                updated.put(s.getName(), s);
                reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new SourceNoLongerExists()));

                if (u != null)
                    for (QName qName : u.topLevelDefinitions)
                        deleted.put(qName, s);

            else if (s.isUpdated())
                // signature optimization:
                //     read the old signature from the incremental cache
                //     generate a new signature from the current source
                //     compare -- if stable, we don't have to recompile dependencies
                boolean signatureIsStable = false;
                if ((u != null) &&
                    (!configuration.getCompilerConfiguration().getDisableIncrementalOptimizations()) &&
                    // skip MXML sources:
                    //      MXML is too complicated to parse/codegen at this point in
                    //      order to generate and compare a new checksum
                    final Long persistedCRC = u.getSignatureChecksum();
                    if (persistedCRC != null)
                        assert (s.getMimeType().equals(MimeMappings.ABC) ||

                        //TODO if we calculate a new checksum that does not match,
                        //     can we store this checksum and not recompute it later?
                        final Long currentCRC = computeSignatureChecksum(configuration, s);
                        signatureIsStable = (currentCRC != null) &&
                                            (persistedCRC.compareTo(currentCRC) == 0);

                        // if (SignatureExtension.debug)
                        // {
                        //     final String name = u.getSource().getName();
                        //     SignatureExtension.debug("*** FILE UPDATED: Signature "
                        //                                    + (signatureIsStable ? "IS" : "IS NOT")
                        //                                    + " stable ***");
                        //     SignatureExtension.debug("PERSISTED CRC32: " + persistedCRC + "\t--> " + name);
                        //     SignatureExtension.debug("CURRENT   CRC32: " + currentCRC   + "\t--> " + name);
                        // }

                // if the class signature is stable (it has not changed since the last compile)
                // then we can invalidate and recompile the updated unit alone
                // otherwise we default to a chain reaction, invalidating _all_ dependent units
                if (signatureIsStable)
                    updatedWithStableSignature.put(s.getName(), s);
                    updated.put(s.getName(), s);

                reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new SourceFileUpdated()));
            else if (u != null && u.hasAssets() && u.getAssets().isUpdated())
                updated.put(s.getName(), s);
                reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new AssetUpdated()));

        // permanently remove the deleted Source objects from SourcePath
        // Note: this step is currently necessary because the location-updating loop that follows iterates over
        // 'sources', which has had deleted entries remove. So here we iterate directly over the deleted
        // entries. (Note also that 'reasons' already has an entry for this source.)
        for (Source source : deleted.values())
            if (source.isSourcePathOwner())
                SourcePath sp = (SourcePath) source.getOwner();

                if (ascContext != null)
                    CompilationUnit u = source.getCompilationUnit();

                    if (u != null)
                        for (QName defName : u.topLevelDefinitions)

        // Examine each Source object in SourcePath or ResourceBundlePath...
        // if a Source object in SourcePath or ResourceBundlePath is no longer the
        // first choice according to findFile, it should be removed... i.e. look for ambiguous sources
        // - NotSourcePathFirstPreference
        for (Iterator<Source> iterator = sources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            Source s = iterator.next();

            if (s.isSourcePathOwner() || s.isResourceBundlePathOwner())
                SourcePathBase sp = (SourcePathBase) s.getOwner();
                if (!sp.checkPreference(s))
                    affected.put(s.getName(), s);
                    reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new NotSourcePathFirstPreference()));

        // invalidate the compilation unit if its dependencies are updated or not cached.
        // - DependencyUpdated
        // - DependencyNotCached
        // - InvalidImportStatement
        for (Iterator<Source> iterator = sources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            Source s = iterator.next();
            CompilationUnit u = s.getCompilationUnit();
            if (u == null) continue;

            Set<Name> dependencies = new HashSet<Name>();

            // Every CompilationUnit has "Object" at the top of it's
            // inheritance chain.  As a result, in
            // As3Compiler.analyze2(), we call inheritSlots() on
            // Object's frame, which unfortunately includes lots of
            // other builtins, like String, Number, Namespace, etc.
            // By inheriting slots for these other builtins, they are
            // not reported as unresolved, so they are not recorded as
            // dependencies.  When switching between airglobal.swc and
            // playerglobal.swc in the same workspace, the builtins
            // change, so we need to check for that.  We use
            // "Namespace" to represent the set of builtins.  See
            // SDK-25206.
            dependencies.add(new QName("", "Namespace"));
            boolean valid = true;

            for (Name dependentName : dependencies)
                QName qName = toQName(dependentName);

                if (qName != null)
                    Source dependentSource = qNames.get(qName);

                    if (dependentSource != null)
                        CompilationUnit dependentCompilationUnit = dependentSource.getCompilationUnit();

                        if (u.hasTypeInfo && !dependentCompilationUnit.hasTypeInfo && !dependentSource.isInternal())
                            reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new DependencyNotCached(dependentName.toString())));
                            valid = false;
                            // If the dependency hasn't been updated with
                            // a stable signature, check that the two
                            // ObjectValues references the same Slot.  If
                            // they are not, then the referencing
                            // CompilationUnit needs to be recompiled.
                            if (!updatedWithStableSignature.containsKey(dependentSource.getName()) &&
                                (ascContext != null) &&
                                u.hasTypeInfo &&
                                dependentCompilationUnit.hasTypeInfo &&
                                referencesDifferentSlots(ascContext, u.typeInfo, qName, dependentCompilationUnit.typeInfo))
                                reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new DependencyUpdated(dependentName.toString())));
                                valid = false;
                    else if (u.hasTypeInfo)
                        reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new DependencyNotCached(dependentName.toString())));
                        valid = false;

                if (!valid)
                    affected.put(s.getName(), s);

            if (!swcSources.contains(s))
                // only check the following when strict is enabled.
                valid = valid && strict;

                for (Iterator k = u.importPackageStatements.iterator(); valid && k.hasNext();)
                    String packageName = (String) k.next();

                    if (!hasPackage(sourcePath, swcContext, packageName))
                        affected.put(s.getName(), s);
                        reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new InvalidImportStatement(packageName)));
                        valid = false;

                for (Iterator k = u.importDefinitionStatements.iterator(); valid && k.hasNext();)
                    QName defName = (QName) k.next();

                    if (!hasDefinition(sourcePath, swcContext, defName))
                        affected.put(s.getName(), s);
                        reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new InvalidImportStatement(defName.toString())));
                        valid = false;

        // - DependentFileModified
        if (strict)
            Map<String, Source> updatedAndAffected = new HashMap<String, Source>(updated);

            for (Source source : updatedAndAffected.values())
                dependentFileModified(source, dependents, updated, affected, reasons, sources);

        for (Iterator<String> i = includeUpdated.iterator(); i.hasNext();)

        int affectedCount = affected.size();
        logReasonAndRemoveCompilationUnit(affected, reasons, includeUpdated, swcContext);
        logReasonAndRemoveCompilationUnit(updated, reasons, includeUpdated, swcContext);

        // If a source was updated with a stable signature, then we need to seed ASCs userDefined
        // with the definitions from that source.  This is because we will recompile only the source with the stable
        // signature, and none of it's dependents.  Those dependencies will point at the old TypeValues,
        // but new TypeValues will be created when we recompile the source because they weren't in userDefined.  By putting
        // the old TypeValues in userDefined, when the Source is recompiled it will reuse that same TypeValue
        // instance, instead of creating a new one.
        // We do not have to do this for the updated or affected maps, because anything in those will force
        // their dependencies to be recompiled.
        seedUserDefined(updatedWithStableSignature.values(), ascContext, perCompileData);

        logReasonAndRemoveCompilationUnit(updatedWithStableSignature, reasons, includeUpdated, swcContext);

    // if a compilation unit becomes obsolete, its satellite compilation units in ResourceContainer
    // must go away too.
    for (Source s : resources.sources().values())
      if (s != null)
        String name = s.getNameForReporting();
        if (affected.containsKey(name) || updated.containsKey(name))


        // validate multinames
        // - MultiNameMeaningChanged
        for (Iterator<Source> iterator = sources.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            Source s = iterator.next();
            CompilationUnit u = s.getCompilationUnit();
            if (u == null) continue;

            for (Entry<MultiName, QName> entry : u.inheritanceHistory.entrySet())
                MultiName multiName = entry.getKey();
                QName qName = entry.getValue();

                    if (!validateMultiName(multiName, qName, sourcePath))
                        affected.put(s.getName(), s);
                        reasons.put(s.getName(), l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new MultiNameMeaningChanged(multiName, qName)));
                catch (CompilerException ex)
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

                                              Map<String, Source> updated,
                                              Map<String, Source> affected,
                                              Map<String, String> reasons,
                                              Set<Source> sources)
        LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
        CompilationUnit compilationUnit = affectedSource.getCompilationUnit();

        if (compilationUnit != null)
            for (QName qName : compilationUnit.topLevelDefinitions)
                if (dependents.containsKey(qName))
                    for (Entry<String, Source> dependentEntry : dependents.get(qName).entrySet())
                        if (!updated.containsKey(dependentEntry.getKey()) &&
                            affected.put(dependentEntry.getKey(), dependentEntry.getValue());
                                        l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new DependentFileModified(affectedSource.getName())));

                            dependentFileModified(dependentEntry.getValue(), dependents, updated, affected, reasons, sources);
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

        generateSizeReport(configuration, movie, encoder);

        if (ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
            LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
            if (l10n != null)
            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new SWFEncoding()));
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

            out.write((byte[]) abcList.get(i));

        if (ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
            LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
            if (l10n != null)
            ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new SWFEncoding()));
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

            if (count != -1 && ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
                if (l10n == null)
                    // set up for localizing messages
                    l10n = new LocalizationManager();
                    l10n.addLocalizer( new XLRLocalizer() );
                    l10n.addLocalizer( new ResourceBundleLocalizer() );
                if (ThreadLocalToolkit.getLogger() == null)
                    // this is called by flex builder running outside the OEM api.
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new PersistingCompilationUnits(count)));
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

                                            Map<QName, Long> swcDefSignatureChecksums, Map swcFileChecksums,
                                            Map<String, Long> archiveFileChecksums,
                                            RandomAccessFile f, String cacheName, FontManager fontManager)
        throws IOException
        LocalizationManager l10n = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();
        PersistenceStore store = new PersistenceStore(configuration, f, fontManager);
        int count = -1;
            if ((count = store.read(fileSpec, sourceList, sourcePath, resources, bundlePath, sources, units,
                                    checksums, swcDefSignatureChecksums, swcFileChecksums, archiveFileChecksums)) < 0)
                throw new IOException(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new FailedToMatchCacheFile(cacheName)));
            if (count >= 0 && ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark() != null)
                ThreadLocalToolkit.getBenchmark().benchmark(l10n.getLocalizedTextString(new LoadingCompilationUnits(count)));
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Examples of flash.localization.LocalizationManager

        for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++)
            if (locales[i].toString().equals(toolsLocale))
                LocalizationManager localizationManager = ThreadLocalToolkit.getLocalizationManager();

                if (localizationManager != null)
                    assert false : "LocalizationManager not setup yet.";
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