Examples of LocalMapStatsImpl

Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

    public void run() throws Exception {
        response = new MapEntrySet();
        final InternalPartitionService partitionService = getNodeEngine().getPartitionService();
        final RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), name);
        final LocalMapStatsImpl mapStats = mapService.getLocalMapStatsImpl(name);
        MapEntrySimple entry;

        for (Data key : keys) {
            if (partitionService.getPartitionId(key) != getPartitionId())
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            Object objectKey = mapService.toObject(key);
            final Map.Entry<Data, Object> mapEntry = recordStore.getMapEntry(key);
            final Object valueBeforeProcess = mapEntry.getValue();
            final Object valueBeforeProcessObject = mapService.toObject(valueBeforeProcess);
            entry = new MapEntrySimple(objectKey, valueBeforeProcessObject);
            final Object result = entryProcessor.process(entry);
            final Object valueAfterProcess = entry.getValue();
            Data dataValue = null;
            if (result != null) {
                dataValue = mapService.toData(result);
                response.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Data>(key, dataValue));
            EntryEventType eventType;
            if (valueAfterProcess == null) {
                eventType = EntryEventType.REMOVED;
            } else {
                if (valueBeforeProcessObject == null) {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.ADDED;
                // take this case as a read so no need to fire an event.
                else if (!entry.isModified()) {
                    eventType = __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
                } else {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.UPDATED;
                // todo if this is a read only operation, record access operations should be done.
                if (eventType != __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT) {
                    recordStore.put(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Object>(key, valueAfterProcess));
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl


    public void run() {
        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        oldValue = recordStore.getMapEntry(dataKey).getValue();
        final LocalMapStatsImpl mapStats = mapService.getLocalMapStatsImpl(name);
        final Object valueBeforeProcess = mapService.toObject(oldValue);
        final MapEntrySimple entry = new MapEntrySimple(mapService.toObject(dataKey), valueBeforeProcess);
        response = mapService.toData(entryProcessor.process(entry));
        final Object valueAfterProcess = entry.getValue();
        // no matching data by key.
        if (oldValue == null && valueAfterProcess == null) {
            eventType = __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
        } else if (valueAfterProcess == null) {
            eventType = EntryEventType.REMOVED;
        } else {
            if (oldValue == null) {
                eventType = EntryEventType.ADDED;
            // take this case as a read so no need to fire an event.
            else if (!entry.isModified()) {
                eventType = __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
            } else {
                eventType = EntryEventType.UPDATED;
            if (eventType != __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT) {
                recordStore.put(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Object>(dataKey, entry.getValue()));
                dataValue = mapService.toData(entry.getValue());
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

    public void run() {
        response = new MapEntrySet();
        MapEntrySimple entry;
        final RecordStore recordStore = mapService.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), name);
        final LocalMapStatsImpl mapStats = mapService.getLocalMapStatsImpl(name);
        final Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap();
        for (final Map.Entry<Data, Record> recordEntry : records.entrySet()) {
            final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            final Data dataKey = recordEntry.getKey();
            final Record record = recordEntry.getValue();
            final Object valueBeforeProcess = record.getValue();
            final Object valueBeforeProcessObject = mapService.toObject(valueBeforeProcess);
            Object objectKey = mapService.toObject(record.getKey());
            if (getPredicate() != null) {
                final SerializationService ss = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService();
                QueryEntry queryEntry = new QueryEntry(ss, dataKey, objectKey, valueBeforeProcessObject);
                if (!getPredicate().apply(queryEntry)) {
            entry = new MapEntrySimple(objectKey, valueBeforeProcessObject);
            final Object result = entryProcessor.process(entry);
            final Object valueAfterProcess = entry.getValue();
            Data dataValue = null;
            if (result != null) {
                dataValue = mapService.toData(result);
                response.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Data>(dataKey, dataValue));

            EntryEventType eventType;
            if (valueAfterProcess == null) {
                eventType = EntryEventType.REMOVED;
            } else {
                if (valueBeforeProcessObject == null) {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.ADDED;
                // take this case as a read so no need to fire an event.
                else if (!entry.isModified()) {
                    eventType = __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
                } else {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.UPDATED;
                // todo if this is a read only operation, record access operations should be done.
                if (eventType != __NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT) {
                    recordStore.put(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Object>(dataKey, valueAfterProcess));
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

                return new SimpleEntryView();
        constructors[MAP_STATS] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() {
            public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) {
                return new LocalMapStatsImpl();
        constructors[QUERY_RESULT_ENTRY] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() {
            public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) {
                return new QueryResultEntryImpl();
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl


    public LocalMapStats getLocalMapStats() {
        LocalMapStatsImpl localMapStats = new LocalMapStatsImpl();
        if (nearCache != null) {
        return localMapStats;
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

        return result;

    public LocalMapStatsImpl createLocalMapStats(String mapName) {
        MapContainer mapContainer = getMapContainer(mapName);
        LocalMapStatsImpl localMapStats = getLocalMapStatsImpl(mapName);
        if (!mapContainer.getMapConfig().isStatisticsEnabled()) {
            return localMapStats;

        long ownedEntryCount = 0;
        long backupEntryCount = 0;
        long dirtyCount = 0;
        long ownedEntryMemoryCost = 0;
        long backupEntryMemoryCost = 0;
        long hits = 0;
        long lockedEntryCount = 0;
        long heapCost = 0;

        int backupCount = mapContainer.getTotalBackupCount();
        ClusterService clusterService = nodeEngine.getClusterService();
        final InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();

        Address thisAddress = clusterService.getThisAddress();
        for (int partitionId = 0; partitionId < partitionService.getPartitionCount(); partitionId++) {
            InternalPartition partition = partitionService.getPartition(partitionId);
            Address owner = partition.getOwner();
            if (owner == null) {
                //no-op because no owner is set yet. Therefor we don't know anything about the map
            } else if (owner.equals(thisAddress)) {
                PartitionContainer partitionContainer = getPartitionContainer(partitionId);
                RecordStore recordStore = partitionContainer.getExistingRecordStore(mapName);

                //we don't want to force loading the record store because we are loading statistics. So that is why
                //we ask for 'getExistingRecordStore' instead of 'getRecordStore' which does the load.
                if (recordStore != null) {
                    heapCost += recordStore.getHeapCost();
                    Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap();
                    for (Record record : records.values()) {
                        RecordStatistics stats = record.getStatistics();
                        // there is map store and the record is dirty (waits to be stored)
                        ownedEntryMemoryCost += record.getCost();
                        hits += stats.getHits();
                        if (recordStore.isLocked(record.getKey())) {
            } else {
                for (int replica = 1; replica <= backupCount; replica++) {
                    Address replicaAddress = partition.getReplicaAddress(replica);
                    int tryCount = 30;
                    // wait if the partition table is not updated yet
                    while (replicaAddress == null && clusterService.getSize() > backupCount && tryCount-- > 0) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            throw ExceptionUtil.rethrow(e);
                        replicaAddress = partition.getReplicaAddress(replica);

                    if (replicaAddress != null && replicaAddress.equals(thisAddress)) {
                        PartitionContainer partitionContainer = getPartitionContainer(partitionId);
                        RecordStore recordStore = partitionContainer.getRecordStore(mapName);
                        heapCost += recordStore.getHeapCost();

                        Map<Data, Record> records = recordStore.getReadonlyRecordMap();
                        for (Record record : records.values()) {
                            backupEntryMemoryCost += record.getCost();
                    } else if (replicaAddress == null && clusterService.getSize() > backupCount) {
                        logger.warning("Partition: " + partition + ", replica: " + replica + " has no owner!");

        if (mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler() != null) {
            dirtyCount = mapContainer.getMapStoreScheduler().size();
        // add near cache heap cost.
        heapCost += mapContainer.getNearCacheSizeEstimator().getSize();
        if (mapContainer.getMapConfig().isNearCacheEnabled()) {
            NearCacheStatsImpl nearCacheStats = getNearCache(mapName).getNearCacheStats();

        return localMapStats;
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl


    public LocalMapStatsImpl createLocalMapStats(String mapName) {
        final NodeEngine nodeEngine = this.nodeEngine;
        final MapContainer mapContainer = mapServiceContext.getMapContainer(mapName);
        final LocalMapStatsImpl localMapStats = getLocalMapStatsImpl(mapName);
        if (!mapContainer.getMapConfig().isStatisticsEnabled()) {
            return localMapStats;
        final int backupCount = mapContainer.getTotalBackupCount();
        final ClusterService clusterService = nodeEngine.getClusterService();
        final InternalPartitionService partitionService = nodeEngine.getPartitionService();
        final Address thisAddress = clusterService.getThisAddress();

        addNearCacheStats(localMapStats, mapContainer);

        for (int partitionId = 0; partitionId < partitionService.getPartitionCount(); partitionId++) {
            InternalPartition partition = partitionService.getPartition(partitionId);
            Address owner = partition.getOwnerOrNull();
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

    public void run() {
        final MapServiceContext mapServiceContext = getMapServiceContext();
        response = new MapEntrySet();
        MapEntrySimple entry;
        final RecordStore recordStore = mapServiceContext.getRecordStore(getPartitionId(), name);
        final LocalMapStatsImpl mapStats
                = mapServiceContext.getLocalMapStatsProvider().getLocalMapStatsImpl(name);
        final Iterator<Record> iterator = recordStore.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            final Record record = iterator.next();
            final long start = Clock.currentTimeMillis();
            final Data key = record.getKey();
            final Object valueBeforeProcess = record.getValue();
            final Object valueBeforeProcessObject = mapServiceContext.toObject(valueBeforeProcess);
            Object objectKey = mapServiceContext.toObject(key);
            if (getPredicate() != null) {
                final SerializationService ss = getNodeEngine().getSerializationService();
                QueryEntry queryEntry = new QueryEntry(ss, key, objectKey, valueBeforeProcessObject);
                if (!getPredicate().apply(queryEntry)) {
            entry = new MapEntrySimple(objectKey, valueBeforeProcessObject);
            final Object result = entryProcessor.process(entry);
            final Object valueAfterProcess = entry.getValue();
            Data dataValue = null;
            if (result != null) {
                dataValue = mapServiceContext.toData(result);
                response.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Data>(key, dataValue));

            EntryEventType eventType;
            if (valueAfterProcess == null) {
                eventType = EntryEventType.REMOVED;
            } else {
                if (valueBeforeProcessObject == null) {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.ADDED;
                } else if (!entry.isModified()) {
                    // take this case as a read so no need to fire an event.
                    eventType = NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
                } else {
                    eventType = EntryEventType.UPDATED;
                // todo if this is a read only operation, record access operations should be done.
                if (eventType != NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT) {
                    recordStore.put(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Object>(key, valueAfterProcess));
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

                return (IdentifiedDataSerializable) EntryViews.createSimpleEntryView();
        constructors[MAP_STATS] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() {
            public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) {
                return new LocalMapStatsImpl();
        constructors[QUERY_RESULT_ENTRY] = new ConstructorFunction<Integer, IdentifiedDataSerializable>() {
            public IdentifiedDataSerializable createNew(Integer arg) {
                return new QueryResultEntryImpl();
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Examples of com.hazelcast.monitor.impl.LocalMapStatsImpl

    public void run() {
        final MapServiceContext mapServiceContext = mapService.getMapServiceContext();
        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        oldValue = recordStore.getMapEntry(dataKey).getValue();
        final LocalMapStatsImpl mapStats
                = mapServiceContext.getLocalMapStatsProvider().getLocalMapStatsImpl(name);
        final Object valueBeforeProcess = mapServiceContext.toObject(oldValue);
        final MapEntrySimple entry = new MapEntrySimple(mapServiceContext.toObject(dataKey), valueBeforeProcess);
        response = mapServiceContext.toData(entryProcessor.process(entry));
        final Object valueAfterProcess = entry.getValue();
        // no matching data by key.
        if (oldValue == null && valueAfterProcess == null) {
            eventType = NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
        } else if (valueAfterProcess == null) {
            eventType = EntryEventType.REMOVED;
        } else {
            if (oldValue == null) {
                eventType = EntryEventType.ADDED;
            } else if (!entry.isModified()) {
                // take this case as a read so no need to fire an event.
                eventType = NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT;
            } else {
                eventType = EntryEventType.UPDATED;
            if (eventType != NO_NEED_TO_FIRE_EVENT) {
                recordStore.put(new AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<Data, Object>(dataKey, entry.getValue()));
                dataValue = mapServiceContext.toData(entry.getValue());
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