Package java.text

Examples of java.text.ChoiceFormat

        Currency currH = Currency.getInstance("HUF");
        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hu", "HU"));
        assertSame("Returned incorrect currency", currH, format.getCurrency());

        // a subclass that doesn't support currency formatting
        ChoiceFormat cformat = new ChoiceFormat(
                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
        try {
            ((NumberFormat) cformat).getCurrency();
            fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
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        NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hu", "HU"));
        assertSame("Returned incorrect currency", currA, format.getCurrency());

        // a subclass that doesn't support currency formatting
        ChoiceFormat cformat = new ChoiceFormat(
                "0#Less than one|1#one|1<Between one and two|2<Greater than two");
        try {
            ((NumberFormat) cformat).setCurrency(currA);
            fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
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        assertTrue("Wrong date format", formats[1].equals(DateFormat
        assertTrue("Wrong number format", formats[2].equals(NumberFormat
        assertTrue("Wrong choice format", formats[3].equals(new ChoiceFormat(
    assertNull("Wrong string format", formats[4]);

        Date date = new Date();
        FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(-1);
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        Format[] formats = format1.getFormats();
        Format[] correctFormats = new Format[] {
                NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(), null,
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getDateInstance(), };

        assertEquals("Test1:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1:wrong format for pattern index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        // test with max argument index > max offset
        formats = format2.getFormats();
        correctFormats = new Format[] { NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(),
                NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(), null,
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getDateInstance() };

        assertEquals("Test2:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test2:wrong format for pattern index " + i + ":",
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        // Test for method java.text.Format [] test_getFormatsByArgumentIndex()

        // test with repeating formats and max argument index < max offset
        Format[] formats = format1.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();
        Format[] correctFormats = new Format[] { DateFormat.getDateInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(), null };

        assertEquals("Test1:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1:wrong format for argument index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        // test with max argument index > max offset
        formats = format2.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();
        correctFormats = new Format[] { DateFormat.getDateInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), null,
                NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(), null, null, null, null,
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance() };

        assertEquals("Test2:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
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    public void test_setFormatByArgumentIndexILjava_text_Format() {
        // test for method setFormatByArgumentIndex(int, Format)
        MessageFormat f1 = (MessageFormat) format1.clone();
        f1.setFormatByArgumentIndex(0, DateFormat.getTimeInstance());
        f1.setFormatByArgumentIndex(4, new ChoiceFormat("1#few|2#ok|3#a lot"));

        // test with repeating formats and max argument index < max offset
        // compare getFormatsByArgumentIndex() results after calls to
        // setFormatByArgumentIndex()
        Format[] formats = f1.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();

        Format[] correctFormats = new Format[] { DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("1#few|2#ok|3#a lot") };

        assertEquals("Test1A:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1B:wrong format for argument index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        // compare getFormats() results after calls to
        // setFormatByArgumentIndex()
        formats = f1.getFormats();

        correctFormats = new Format[] { NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(),
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("1#few|2#ok|3#a lot"),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), };

        assertEquals("Test1C:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1D:wrong format for pattern index " + i + ":",
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        // test with repeating formats and max argument index < max offset
        // compare getFormatsByArgumentIndex() results after calls to
        // setFormatsByArgumentIndex(Format[])
        Format[] correctFormats = new Format[] { DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("1#few|2#ok|3#a lot") };

        Format[] formats = f1.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();

        assertEquals("Test1A:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1B:wrong format for argument index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        // compare getFormats() results after calls to
        // setFormatByArgumentIndex()
        formats = f1.getFormats();
        correctFormats = new Format[] { NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(),
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("1#few|2#ok|3#a lot"),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"), DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), };

        assertEquals("Test1C:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test1D:wrong format for pattern index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        // test setting argumentIndexes that are not used
        MessageFormat f2 = (MessageFormat) format2.clone();
        Format[] inputFormats = new Format[] { DateFormat.getDateInstance(),
                new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"),
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), null, null, null,
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance() };

        formats = f2.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();
        correctFormats = format2.getFormatsByArgumentIndex();

        assertEquals("Test2A:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
            assertEquals("Test2B:wrong format for argument index " + i + ":",
                    correctFormats[i], formats[i]);

        formats = f2.getFormats();
        correctFormats = new Format[] { NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(),
                DateFormat.getTimeInstance(), DateFormat.getDateInstance(),
                null, new ChoiceFormat("0#off|1#on"),
                DateFormat.getDateInstance() };

        assertEquals("Test2C:Returned wrong number of formats:",
                correctFormats.length, formats.length);
        for (int i = 0; i < correctFormats.length; i++) {
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     * @param fieldName the field name to work on
     * @param choicesPattern the choices pattern (as used by {@link ChoiceFormat})
    public ChoiceFieldPart(String fieldName, String choicesPattern) {
        this.fieldName = fieldName;
        this.choiceFormat = new ChoiceFormat(choicesPattern);
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  String loc(String res, int param) {
    try {
      return MessageFormat.format(
          new ChoiceFormat(resourceBundle.getString(res)).format(param),
          new Object[] {new Integer(param)});
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return res + ": " + param;
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                        String name = item.getString(0);
                        if (name.length() > 1 && name.charAt(0) == '=' &&
                            name.charAt(1) != '=') {
                            // handle choice format here
                            name = name.substring(1);
                            ChoiceFormat choice = new ChoiceFormat(name);
                            Object[] names = choice.getFormats();
                            for (int nameIndex = 0; nameIndex < names.length;
                                 ++nameIndex) {
                                info = new CurrencyStringInfo(ISOCode,
                                symTrie.put((String)names[nameIndex], info);
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Related Classes of java.text.ChoiceFormat

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