Package java.awt.font

Examples of java.awt.font.TextLayout$Run

                AttributedString styledText = new AttributedString(line);
                LineBreakMeasurer measurer = new LineBreakMeasurer(styledText.getIterator(), frc);

                while (measurer.getPosition() < line.length()) {

                    TextLayout layout = measurer.nextLayout(lineWidth);

                    cursor.y += (layout.getAscent());
                    float dx = layout.isLeftToRight() ? 0 : (lineWidth - layout.getAdvance());

                    layout.draw(g, cursor.x + dx, cursor.y);
                    cursor.y += layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading();

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            if (_shape.getWordWrap() == TextShape.WrapNone) {
                wrappingWidth = _shape.getSheet().getSlideShow().getPageSize().width;

            TextLayout textLayout = measurer.nextLayout(wrappingWidth + 1,
                    nextBreak == -1 ? paragraphEnd : nextBreak, true);
            if (textLayout == null) {
                textLayout = measurer.nextLayout(textWidth,
                    nextBreak == -1 ? paragraphEnd : nextBreak, false);
            if(textLayout == null){
                logger.log(POILogger.WARN, "Failed to break text into lines: wrappingWidth: "+wrappingWidth+
                        "; text: " + rt.getText());
            int endIndex = measurer.getPosition();

            float lineHeight = (float)textLayout.getBounds().getHeight();
            int linespacing = rt.getLineSpacing();
            if(linespacing == 0) linespacing = 100;

            TextElement el = new TextElement();
            if(linespacing >= 0){
                el.ascent = textLayout.getAscent()*linespacing/100;
            } else {
                el.ascent = -linespacing*Shape.POINT_DPI/Shape.MASTER_DPI;

            el._align = rt.getAlignment();
            el.advance = textLayout.getAdvance();
            el._textOffset = textOffset;
            el._text = new AttributedString(it, startIndex, endIndex);
            el.textStartIndex = startIndex;
            el.textEndIndex = endIndex;

            if (prStart){
                int sp = rt.getSpaceBefore();
                float spaceBefore;
                if(sp >= 0){
                    spaceBefore = lineHeight * sp/100;
                } else {
                    spaceBefore = -sp*Shape.POINT_DPI/Shape.MASTER_DPI;
                el.ascent += spaceBefore;

            float descent;
            if(linespacing >= 0){
                descent = (textLayout.getDescent() + textLayout.getLeading())*linespacing/100;
            } else {
                descent = -linespacing*Shape.POINT_DPI/Shape.MASTER_DPI;
            if (prStart){
                int sp = rt.getSpaceAfter();
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        if(cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) cellType = cell.getCachedFormulaResultType();

        Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex());

        AttributedString str;
        TextLayout layout;

        double width = -1;
        if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING) {
            RichTextString rt = cell.getRichStringCellValue();
            String[] lines = rt.getString().split("\\n");
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
                String txt = lines[i] + defaultChar;

                str = new AttributedString(txt);
                copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());

                if (rt.numFormattingRuns() > 0) {
                    // TODO: support rich text fragments

                layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
                if(style.getRotation() != 0){
                     * Transform the text using a scale so that it's height is increased by a multiple of the leading,
                     * and then rotate the text before computing the bounds. The scale results in some whitespace around
                     * the unrotated top and bottom of the text that normally wouldn't be present if unscaled, but
                     * is added by the standard Excel autosize.
                    AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();
                    AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, fontHeightMultiple)
                    width = Math.max(width, ((layout.getOutline(trans).getBounds().getWidth() / colspan) / defaultCharWidth) + cell.getCellStyle().getIndention());
                } else {
                    width = Math.max(width, ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / colspan) / defaultCharWidth) + cell.getCellStyle().getIndention());
        } else {
            String sval = null;
            if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
                // Try to get it formatted to look the same as excel
                try {
                    sval = formatter.formatCellValue(cell, dummyEvaluator);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    sval = String.valueOf(cell.getNumericCellValue());
            } else if (cellType == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
                sval = String.valueOf(cell.getBooleanCellValue()).toUpperCase();
            if(sval != null) {
                String txt = sval + defaultChar;
                str = new AttributedString(txt);
                copyAttributes(font, str, 0, txt.length());

                layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
                if(style.getRotation() != 0){
                     * Transform the text using a scale so that it's height is increased by a multiple of the leading,
                     * and then rotate the text before computing the bounds. The scale results in some whitespace around
                     * the unrotated top and bottom of the text that normally wouldn't be present if unscaled, but
                     * is added by the standard Excel autosize.
                    AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();
                    AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1, fontHeightMultiple)
                    width = Math.max(width, ((layout.getOutline(trans).getBounds().getWidth() / colspan) / defaultCharWidth) + cell.getCellStyle().getIndention());
                } else {
                    width = Math.max(width, ((layout.getBounds().getWidth() / colspan) / defaultCharWidth) + cell.getCellStyle().getIndention());
        return width;
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     * @param useMergedCells    whether to use merged cells
     * @return  the width in pixels
    public static double getColumnWidth(Sheet sheet, int column, boolean useMergedCells){
        AttributedString str;
        TextLayout layout;

        Workbook wb = sheet.getWorkbook();
        DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
        Font defaultFont = wb.getFontAt((short) 0);

        str = new AttributedString(String.valueOf(defaultChar));
        copyAttributes(defaultFont, str, 0, 1);
        layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
        int defaultCharWidth = (int)layout.getAdvance();

        double width = -1;
        for (Row row : sheet) {
            Cell cell = row.getCell(column);

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     * @param lastRow   0-based index of the last row to consider (inclusive)
     * @return  the width in pixels
    public static double getColumnWidth(Sheet sheet, int column, boolean useMergedCells, int firstRow, int lastRow){
        AttributedString str;
        TextLayout layout;

        Workbook wb = sheet.getWorkbook();
        DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();
        Font defaultFont = wb.getFontAt((short) 0);

        str = new AttributedString(String.valueOf(defaultChar));
        copyAttributes(defaultFont, str, 0, 1);
        layout = new TextLayout(str.getIterator(), fontRenderContext);
        int defaultCharWidth = (int)layout.getAdvance();

        double width = -1;
        for (int rowIdx = firstRow; rowIdx <= lastRow; ++rowIdx) {
            Row row = sheet.getRow(rowIdx);
            if( row != null ) {
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        TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(s, _font, getFontRenderContext());
        float ascent = layout.getAscent();

        float width = (float) Math.floor(layout.getAdvance());
         * Even if top and bottom margins are set to 0 PowerPoint
         * always sets extra space between the text and its bounding box.
         * The approximation height = ascent*2 works good enough in most cases
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        float width = 0, height = 0, leading = 0;
        String[] lines = txt.split("\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            if(lines[i].length() == 0) continue;

            TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(lines[i], font, _frc);

            leading = Math.max(leading, layout.getLeading());
            width = Math.max(width, layout.getAdvance());
            height = Math.max(height, (height + (layout.getDescent() + layout.getAscent())));

        // add one character to width
        Rectangle2D charBounds = font.getMaxCharBounds(_frc);
        width += getMarginLeft() + getMarginRight() + charBounds.getWidth();
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        float width = 0, height = 0, leading = 0;
        String[] lines = txt.split("\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
            if(lines[i].length() == 0) continue;

            TextLayout layout = new TextLayout(lines[i], font, _frc);

            leading = Math.max(leading, layout.getLeading());
            width = Math.max(width, layout.getAdvance());
            height = Math.max(height, (height + (layout.getDescent() + layout.getAscent())));

        // add one character to width
        Rectangle2D charBounds = font.getMaxCharBounds(_frc);
        width += getMarginLeft() + getMarginRight() + charBounds.getWidth();
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        AttributedString string = new AttributedString(" ");
        // user can pass an object to convert fonts via a rendering hint
        string.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FAMILY, getFontFamily());

        string.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SIZE, (float)getFontSize());
        TextLayout l = new TextLayout(string.getIterator(), new FontRenderContext(null, true, true));
        double wspace = l.getAdvance();

        double tabSz = _p.getDefaultTabSize();

        int numSpaces = (int)Math.ceil(tabSz / wspace);
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
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      float xSpace = 10F;
      float ySpace = 5F;

      // Compute bonds
      FontRenderContext context = g2.getFontRenderContext();
      TextLayout layoutApplication = null;
      float xApplication = Float.MAX_VALUE;
      float yApplication = Float.MIN_VALUE;
      if ((application != null) && (application.length() > 0)) {
        layoutApplication = new TextLayout(application, getFont(), context);
        Rectangle2D boundsApplication = layoutApplication.getBounds();
        xApplication = (float) (width - boundsApplication.getWidth()) / 2;
        yApplication = Math.max((float) ((float) height / 2 - 2 * boundsApplication.getHeight()), 0);
        xMin = Math.min(xMin, (float) (xApplication + boundsApplication.getMinX() - xSpace));
        xMax = Math.max(xMax, (float) (xApplication + boundsApplication.getMaxX() + xSpace));
        yMin = Math.min(yMin, (float) (yApplication + boundsApplication.getMinY() - ySpace));
        yMax = Math.max(yMax, (float) (yApplication + boundsApplication.getMaxY() + ySpace));
      TextLayout layoutText = null;
      float xText = Float.MAX_VALUE;
      float yText = Float.MIN_VALUE;
      if ((text != null) && (text.length() > 0)) {
        layoutText = new TextLayout(text, getFont(), context);
        Rectangle2D boundsText = layoutText.getBounds();
        xText = (float) (width - boundsText.getWidth()) / 2;
        yText = Math.max((float) ((float) height / 2 + boundsText.getHeight()), 0);
        xMin = Math.min(xMin, (float) (xText + boundsText.getMinX() - xSpace));
        xMax = Math.max(xMax, (float) (xText + boundsText.getMaxX() + xSpace));
        yMin = Math.min(yMin, (float) (yText + boundsText.getMinY() - ySpace));
        yMax = Math.max(yMax, (float) (yText + boundsText.getMaxY() + ySpace));

      // Draw border
      if ((xMin < xMax) && (yMin < yMax)) {
        g2.fillRoundRect((int) xMin, (int) yMin, (int) (xMax - xMin), (int) (yMax - yMin), 10, 10);
        g2.drawRoundRect((int) xMin, (int) yMin, (int) (xMax - xMin), (int) (yMax - yMin), 10, 10);

      // Draw text
      if (layoutApplication != null) {
        layoutApplication.draw(g2, xApplication, yApplication);
      if (layoutText != null) {
        layoutText.draw(g2, xText, yText);
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Related Classes of java.awt.font.TextLayout$Run

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