Package freenet.config

Examples of freenet.config.SubConfig

  public void handleMethodGET(URI uri, HTTPRequest request, ToadletContext ctx) throws ToadletContextClosedException, IOException, RedirectException {
    final SubConfig nodeConfig = node.config.get("node");
    final String requestPath = request.getPath().substring(path().length());

    if (requestPath.length() > 0) {
      if(requestPath.equals("requesters.html") || requestPath.equals("/requesters.html")) {
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    long[] rate = node.nodeStats.getNodeIOStats();
    long delta = (rate[5] - rate[2]) / 1000;
    if(delta > 0) {
      long output_rate = (rate[3] - rate[0]) / delta;
      long input_rate = (rate[4] - rate[1]) / delta;
      SubConfig nodeConfig = node.config.get("node");
      int outputBandwidthLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("outputBandwidthLimit");
      int inputBandwidthLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("inputBandwidthLimit");
      if(inputBandwidthLimit == -1) {
        inputBandwidthLimit = outputBandwidthLimit * 4;
      activityList.addChild("li", l10n("inputRate", new String[] { "rate", "max" }, new String[] { SizeUtil.formatSize(input_rate, true), SizeUtil.formatSize(inputBandwidthLimit, true) }));
      activityList.addChild("li", l10n("outputRate", new String[] { "rate", "max" }, new String[] { SizeUtil.formatSize(output_rate, true), SizeUtil.formatSize(outputBandwidthLimit, true) }));
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    getPubKey = new NodeGetPubkey(this);
    startupTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    SimpleFieldSet oldConfig = config.getSimpleFieldSet();
    // Setup node-specific configuration
    final SubConfig nodeConfig = new SubConfig("node", config);
    final SubConfig installConfig = new SubConfig("node.install", config);

    int sortOrder = 0;

    // Directory for node-related files other than store
    this.userDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "userDir", ".",
      "Node.userDir", "Node.userDirLong", nodeConfig);
    this.cfgDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "cfgDir", getUserDir().toString(),
      "Node.cfgDir", "Node.cfgDirLong", nodeConfig);
    this.nodeDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "nodeDir", getUserDir().toString(),
      "Node.nodeDir", "Node.nodeDirLong", nodeConfig);
    this.runDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "runDir", getUserDir().toString(),
      "Node.runDir", "Node.runDirLong", nodeConfig);
    this.pluginDir = setupProgramDir(installConfig, "pluginDir",  userDir().file("plugins").toString(),
      "Node.pluginDir", "Node.pluginDirLong", nodeConfig);

    // l10n stuffs
    nodeConfig.register("l10n", Locale.getDefault().getLanguage().toLowerCase(), sortOrder++, false, true,
        new L10nCallback());

    try {
      new NodeL10n(BaseL10n.LANGUAGE.mapToLanguage(nodeConfig.getString("l10n")), getCfgDir());
    } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
      try {
        new NodeL10n(BaseL10n.LANGUAGE.mapToLanguage(nodeConfig.getOption("l10n").getDefault()), getCfgDir());
      } catch (MissingResourceException e1) {
        new NodeL10n(BaseL10n.LANGUAGE.mapToLanguage(BaseL10n.LANGUAGE.getDefault().shortCode), getCfgDir());

    // FProxy config needs to be here too
    SubConfig fproxyConfig = new SubConfig("fproxy", config);
    try {
      toadlets = new SimpleToadletServer(fproxyConfig, new ArrayBucketFactory(), executor, this);
    } catch (IOException e4) {
      Logger.error(this, "Could not start web interface: "+e4, e4);
      System.err.println("Could not start web interface: "+e4);
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_FPROXY, "Could not start FProxy: "+e4);
    } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e4) {
      System.err.println("Invalid config value, cannot start web interface: "+e4);
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_FPROXY, "Could not start FProxy: "+e4);
    final NativeThread entropyGatheringThread = new NativeThread(new Runnable() {
      long tLastAdded = -1;

      private void recurse(File f) {
        File[] subDirs = f.listFiles(new FileFilter() {

          public boolean accept(File pathname) {
            return pathname.exists() && pathname.canRead() && pathname.isDirectory();

        // @see
        if(subDirs != null)
          for(File currentDir : subDirs)

      public void run() {
        try {
          // Delay entropy generation helper hack if enough entropy available
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        System.out.println("Not enough entropy available.");
        System.out.println("Trying to gather entropy (randomness) by reading the disk...");
        if(File.separatorChar == '/') {
          if(new File("/dev/hwrng").exists())
            System.out.println("/dev/hwrng exists - have you installed rng-tools?");
            System.out.println("You should consider installing a better random number generator e.g. haveged.");
        for(File root : File.listRoots()) {
      /** This is ridiculous, but for some users it can take more than an hour, and timing out sucks
       * a few bytes and then times out again. :( */
      static final int EXTEND_BY = 60*60*1000;
      private void extendTimeouts() {
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if(now - tLastAdded < EXTEND_BY/2) return;
        long target = tLastAdded + EXTEND_BY;
        while(target < now)
          target += EXTEND_BY;
        long extend = target - now;
        assert(extend < Integer.MAX_VALUE);
        assert(extend > 0);
        tLastAdded = now;

    }, "Entropy Gathering Thread", NativeThread.MIN_PRIORITY, true);

    // Setup RNG if needed : DO NOT USE IT BEFORE THAT POINT!
    if (r == null) {
      // Preload required freenet.crypt.Util and freenet.crypt.Rijndael classes (selftest can delay Yarrow startup and trigger false lack-of-enthropy message)

      File seed = userDir.file("prng.seed");
      // Can block.
      this.random = new Yarrow(seed);
      // This might block on /dev/random while doing new SecureRandom(). Once it's created, it won't block.
    } else {
      this.random = r;
      // if it's not null it's because we are running in the simulator
    // This can block too.
    this.secureRandom = NodeStarter.getGlobalSecureRandom();
    isPRNGReady = true;
    if(weakRandom == null) {
      byte buffer[] = new byte[16];
      this.fastWeakRandom = new MersenneTwister(buffer);
      this.fastWeakRandom = weakRandom;

    nodeNameUserAlert = new MeaningfulNodeNameUserAlert(this);
    this.config = config;
    lm = new LocationManager(random, this);

    try {
      localhostAddress = InetAddress.getByName("");
    } catch (UnknownHostException e3) {
      // Does not do a reverse lookup, so this is impossible
      throw new Error(e3);
    fLocalhostAddress = new FreenetInetAddress(localhostAddress);

    this.securityLevels = new SecurityLevels(this, config);

    // Location of master key
    nodeConfig.register("masterKeyFile", "master.keys", sortOrder++, true, true, "Node.masterKeyFile", "Node.masterKeyFileLong",
      new StringCallback() {

        public String get() {
          if(masterKeysFile == null) return "none";
          else return masterKeysFile.getPath();

        public void set(String val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
          // FIXME l10n
          // FIXME wipe the old one and move
          throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Node.masterKeyFile cannot be changed on the fly, you must shutdown, wipe the old file and reconfigure");

    String value = nodeConfig.getString("masterKeyFile");
    File f;
    if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
      f = null;
    } else {
      f = new File(value);

      if(f.exists() && !(f.canWrite() && f.canRead()))
        throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_CANT_WRITE_MASTER_KEYS, "Cannot read from and write to master keys file "+f);
    masterKeysFile = f;
    nodeConfig.register("showFriendsVisibilityAlert", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.showFriendsVisibilityAlert", "Node.showFriendsVisibilityAlertLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        synchronized(Node.this) {
          return showFriendsVisibilityAlert;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException,
          NodeNeedRestartException {
        synchronized(this) {
          if(val == showFriendsVisibilityAlert) return;
          if(val) return;
    showFriendsVisibilityAlert = nodeConfig.getBoolean("showFriendsVisibilityAlert");

    dbFile = userDir.file("node.db4o");
    dbFileCrypt = userDir.file("node.db4o.crypt");

        byte[] clientCacheKey = null;
        MasterSecret persistentSecret = null;
        for(int i=0;i<2; i++) {

            try {
                if(securityLevels.physicalThreatLevel == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) {
                    keys = MasterKeys.createRandom(secureRandom);
                } else {
                    keys =, secureRandom, "");
                clientCacheKey = keys.clientCacheMasterKey;
                persistentSecret = keys.getPersistentMasterSecret();
                databaseKey = keys.createDatabaseKey(secureRandom);
                if(securityLevels.getPhysicalThreatLevel() == PHYSICAL_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH) {
                    System.err.println("Physical threat level is set to HIGH but no password, resetting to NORMAL - probably timing glitch");
            } catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e) {
            } catch (MasterKeysFileSizeException e) {
                System.err.println("Impossible: master keys file "+masterKeysFile+" too " + e.sizeToString() + "! Deleting to enable startup, but you will lose your client cache.");
            } catch (IOException e) {

        try {
        } catch (MasterKeysWrongPasswordException e2) {
            System.out.println("Client database node.db4o is encrypted!");
            databaseAwaitingPassword = true;
        } catch (MasterKeysFileSizeException e2) {
            System.err.println("Unable to decrypt database: master.keys file too " + e2.sizeToString() + "!");
        } catch (IOException e2) {
            System.err.println("Unable to access master.keys file to decrypt database: "+e2);
    // Boot ID
    bootID = random.nextLong();
    // Fixed length file containing boot ID. Accessed with random access file. So hopefully it will always be
    // written. Note that we set lastBootID to -1 if we can't _write_ our ID as well as if we can't read it,
    // because if we can't write it then we probably couldn't write it on the last bootup either.
    File bootIDFile = runDir.file("bootID");
    int BOOT_FILE_LENGTH = 64 / 4; // A long in padded hex bytes
    long oldBootID = -1;
    RandomAccessFile raf = null;
    try {
      raf = new RandomAccessFile(bootIDFile, "rw");
      if(raf.length() < BOOT_FILE_LENGTH) {
        oldBootID = -1;
      } else {
        byte[] buf = new byte[BOOT_FILE_LENGTH];
        String s = new String(buf, "ISO-8859-1");
        try {
          oldBootID = Fields.bytesToLong(HexUtil.hexToBytes(s));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
          oldBootID = -1;
      String s = HexUtil.bytesToHex(Fields.longToBytes(bootID));
      byte[] buf = s.getBytes("ISO-8859-1");
      if(buf.length != BOOT_FILE_LENGTH)
        System.err.println("Not 16 bytes for boot ID "+bootID+" - WTF??");
    } catch (IOException e) {
      oldBootID = -1;
      // If we have an error in reading, *or in writing*, we don't reliably know the last boot ID.
    } finally {
    lastBootID = oldBootID;

    nodeConfig.register("disableProbabilisticHTLs", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.disablePHTLS", "Node.disablePHTLSLong",
        new BooleanCallback() {

          public Boolean get() {
            return disableProbabilisticHTLs;

          public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
            disableProbabilisticHTLs = val;


    disableProbabilisticHTLs = nodeConfig.getBoolean("disableProbabilisticHTLs");

    nodeConfig.register("maxHTL", DEFAULT_MAX_HTL, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.maxHTL", "Node.maxHTLLong", new ShortCallback() {

          public Short get() {
            return maxHTL;

          public void set(Short val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
            if(maxHTL < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Impossible max HTL");
            maxHTL = val;
    }, false);

    maxHTL = nodeConfig.getShort("maxHTL");

    // FIXME maybe these should persist? They need to be private.
    decrementAtMax = random.nextDouble() <= DECREMENT_AT_MAX_PROB;
    decrementAtMin = random.nextDouble() <= DECREMENT_AT_MIN_PROB;

    // Determine where to bind to

    usm = new MessageCore(executor);

    // FIXME maybe these configs should actually be under a node.ip subconfig?
    ipDetector = new NodeIPDetector(this);
    sortOrder = ipDetector.registerConfigs(nodeConfig, sortOrder);

    // ARKs enabled?

    nodeConfig.register("enableARKs", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enableARKs", "Node.enableARKsLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return enableARKs;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change on the fly");

      public boolean isReadOnly() {
                return true;
    enableARKs = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enableARKs");

    nodeConfig.register("enablePerNodeFailureTables", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enablePerNodeFailureTables", "Node.enablePerNodeFailureTablesLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return enablePerNodeFailureTables;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change on the fly");

      public boolean isReadOnly() {
                return true;
    enablePerNodeFailureTables = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enablePerNodeFailureTables");

    nodeConfig.register("enableULPRDataPropagation", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enableULPRDataPropagation", "Node.enableULPRDataPropagationLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return enableULPRDataPropagation;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change on the fly");

      public boolean isReadOnly() {
                return true;
    enableULPRDataPropagation = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enableULPRDataPropagation");

    nodeConfig.register("enableSwapping", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enableSwapping", "Node.enableSwappingLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return enableSwapping;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        throw new InvalidConfigValueException("Cannot change on the fly");

      public boolean isReadOnly() {
                return true;
    enableSwapping = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enableSwapping");

     * Publish our peers' locations is enabled, even in MAXIMUM network security and/or HIGH friends security,
     * because a node which doesn't publish its peers' locations will get dramatically less traffic.
     * Publishing our peers' locations does make us slightly more vulnerable to some attacks, but I don't think
     * it's a big difference: swapping reveals the same information, it just doesn't update as quickly. This
     * may help slightly, but probably not dramatically against a clever attacker.
     * FIXME review this decision.
    nodeConfig.register("publishOurPeersLocation", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.publishOurPeersLocation", "Node.publishOurPeersLocationLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return publishOurPeersLocation;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        publishOurPeersLocation = val;
    publishOurPeersLocation = nodeConfig.getBoolean("publishOurPeersLocation");

    nodeConfig.register("routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation", "Node.routeAccordingToOurPeersLocationLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation = val;
    routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation = nodeConfig.getBoolean("routeAccordingToOurPeersLocation");

    nodeConfig.register("enableSwapQueueing", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enableSwapQueueing", "Node.enableSwapQueueingLong", new BooleanCallback() {
      public Boolean get() {
        return enableSwapQueueing;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        enableSwapQueueing = val;

    enableSwapQueueing = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enableSwapQueueing");

    nodeConfig.register("enablePacketCoalescing", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.enablePacketCoalescing", "Node.enablePacketCoalescingLong", new BooleanCallback() {
      public Boolean get() {
        return enablePacketCoalescing;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        enablePacketCoalescing = val;

    enablePacketCoalescing = nodeConfig.getBoolean("enablePacketCoalescing");

    // Determine the port number
    // @see #191
    if(oldConfig != null && "-1".equals(oldConfig.get("node.listenPort")))
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_BIND_USM, "Your freenet.ini file is corrupted! 'listenPort=-1'");
    NodeCryptoConfig darknetConfig = new NodeCryptoConfig(nodeConfig, sortOrder++, false, securityLevels);
    sortOrder += NodeCryptoConfig.OPTION_COUNT;

    darknetCrypto = new NodeCrypto(this, false, darknetConfig, startupTime, enableARKs);

    nodeDBHandle = darknetCrypto.getNodeHandle(db);

    if(db != null) {
      if(logMINOR) Logger.minor(this, "COMMITTED");

    // Must be created after darknetCrypto
    dnsr = new DNSRequester(this);
    ps = new PacketSender(this);
    ticker = new PrioritizedTicker(executor, getDarknetPortNumber());
    if(executor instanceof PooledExecutor)

    Logger.normal(Node.class, "Creating node...");

    shutdownHook.addEarlyJob(new Thread() {
      public void run() {
        if (opennet != null)

    shutdownHook.addEarlyJob(new Thread() {
      public void run() {

    // Bandwidth limit

    nodeConfig.register("outputBandwidthLimit", "15K", sortOrder++, false, true, "Node.outBWLimit", "Node.outBWLimitLong", new IntCallback() {
      public Integer get() {
        //return BlockTransmitter.getHardBandwidthLimit();
        return outputBandwidthLimit;
      public void set(Integer obwLimit) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        try {
          outputThrottle.changeNanosAndBucketSize(SECONDS.toNanos(1) / obwLimit, obwLimit/2);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
          throw new InvalidConfigValueException(e);
        synchronized(Node.this) {
          outputBandwidthLimit = obwLimit;

    int obwLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("outputBandwidthLimit");
    outputBandwidthLimit = obwLimit;
    try {
    } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) {
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_BWLIMIT, e.getMessage());

    // Bucket size of 0.5 seconds' worth of bytes.
    // Add them at a rate determined by the obwLimit.
    // Maximum forced bytes 80%, in other words, 20% of the bandwidth is reserved for
    // block transfers, so we will use that 20% for block transfers even if more than 80% of the limit is used for non-limited data (resends etc).
    int bucketSize = obwLimit/2;
    // Must have at least space for ONE PACKET.
    // FIXME: make compatible with alternate transports.
    bucketSize = Math.max(bucketSize, 2048);
    try {
    outputThrottle = new TokenBucket(bucketSize, SECONDS.toNanos(1) / obwLimit, obwLimit/2);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_BWLIMIT, e.getMessage());

    nodeConfig.register("inputBandwidthLimit", "-1", sortOrder++, false, true, "Node.inBWLimit", "Node.inBWLimitLong"new IntCallback() {
      public Integer get() {
        if(inputLimitDefault) return -1;
        return inputBandwidthLimit;
      public void set(Integer ibwLimit) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        synchronized(Node.this) {

          if(ibwLimit == -1) {
            inputLimitDefault = true;
            ibwLimit = outputBandwidthLimit * 4;
          } else {
            inputLimitDefault = false;

          try {
          } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new InvalidConfigValueException(e);

          inputBandwidthLimit = ibwLimit;

    int ibwLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("inputBandwidthLimit");
    if(ibwLimit == -1) {
      inputLimitDefault = true;
      ibwLimit = obwLimit * 4;
    inputBandwidthLimit = ibwLimit;
    try {
    } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) {
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_BAD_BWLIMIT, e.getMessage());

    nodeConfig.register("throttleLocalTraffic", false, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.throttleLocalTraffic", "Node.throttleLocalTrafficLong", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return throttleLocalData;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        throttleLocalData = val;


    throttleLocalData = nodeConfig.getBoolean("throttleLocalTraffic");

    String s = "Testnet mode DISABLED. You may have some level of anonymity. :)\n"+
    "Note that this version of Freenet is still a very early alpha, and may well have numerous bugs and design flaws.\n"+
    "In particular: YOU ARE WIDE OPEN TO YOUR IMMEDIATE PEERS! They can eavesdrop on your requests with relatively little difficulty at present (correlation attacks etc).";
    Logger.normal(this, s);

    File nodeFile = nodeDir.file("node-"+getDarknetPortNumber());
    File nodeFileBackup = nodeDir.file("node-"+getDarknetPortNumber()+".bak");
    // After we have set up testnet and IP address, load the node file
    try {
      // FIXME should take file directly?
    } catch (IOException e) {
      try {
        System.err.println("Trying to read node file backup ...");
      } catch (IOException e1) {
        if(nodeFile.exists() || nodeFileBackup.exists()) {
          System.err.println("No node file or cannot read, (re)initialising crypto etc");
        } else {
          System.err.println("Creating new cryptographic keys...");

    // Then read the peers
    peers = new PeerManager(this, shutdownHook);
    tracker = new RequestTracker(peers, ticker);

    usm.setDispatcher(dispatcher=new NodeDispatcher(this));

    uptime = new UptimeEstimator(runDir, ticker, darknetCrypto.identityHash);

    // ULPRs

    failureTable = new FailureTable(this);

    nodeStats = new NodeStats(this, sortOrder, new SubConfig("node.load", config), obwLimit, ibwLimit, lastVersion);

    // clientCore needs new load management and other settings from stats.
    clientCore = new NodeClientCore(this, config, nodeConfig, installConfig, getDarknetPortNumber(), sortOrder, oldConfig, fproxyConfig, toadlets, nodeDBHandle, databaseKey, db, persistentSecret);

    if (JVMVersion.isTooOld()) {
      clientCore.alerts.register(new JVMVersionAlert());

    // Node updater support

    System.out.println("Initializing Node Updater");
    try {
      nodeUpdater = NodeUpdateManager.maybeCreate(this, config);
    } catch (InvalidConfigValueException e) {
      throw new NodeInitException(NodeInitException.EXIT_COULD_NOT_START_UPDATER, "Could not create Updater: "+e);

    // Opennet

    final SubConfig opennetConfig = new SubConfig("node.opennet", config);
    opennetConfig.register("connectToSeednodes", true, 0, true, false, "Node.withAnnouncement", "Node.withAnnouncementLong", new BooleanCallback() {
      public Boolean get() {
        return isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes;
      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException, NodeNeedRestartException {
        if (get().equals(val))
        synchronized(Node.this) {
          isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes = val;
          if(opennet != null)
            throw new NodeNeedRestartException(l10n("connectToSeednodesCannotBeChangedMustDisableOpennetOrReboot"));
    isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes = opennetConfig.getBoolean("connectToSeednodes");

    // Can be enabled on the fly
    opennetConfig.register("enabled", false, 0, true, true, "Node.opennetEnabled", "Node.opennetEnabledLong", new BooleanCallback() {
      public Boolean get() {
        synchronized(Node.this) {
          return opennet != null;
      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        OpennetManager o;
        synchronized(Node.this) {
          if(val == (opennet != null)) return;
          if(val) {
            try {
              o = opennet = new OpennetManager(Node.this, opennetCryptoConfig, System.currentTimeMillis(), isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes);
            } catch (NodeInitException e) {
              opennet = null;
              throw new InvalidConfigValueException(e.getMessage());
          } else {
            o = opennet;
            opennet = null;
        if(val) o.start();
        else o.stop(true);
    boolean opennetEnabled = opennetConfig.getBoolean("enabled");

    opennetConfig.register("maxOpennetPeers", OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING, 1, true, false, "Node.maxOpennetPeers",
        "Node.maxOpennetPeersLong", new IntCallback() {
          public Integer get() {
            return maxOpennetPeers;
          public void set(Integer inputMaxOpennetPeers) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
            if(inputMaxOpennetPeers < 0) throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("mustBePositive"));
            if(inputMaxOpennetPeers > OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING) throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("maxOpennetPeersMustBeTwentyOrLess", "maxpeers", Integer.toString(OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING)));
            maxOpennetPeers = inputMaxOpennetPeers;
    , false);

    maxOpennetPeers = opennetConfig.getInt("maxOpennetPeers");
    if(maxOpennetPeers > OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING) {
      Logger.error(this, "maxOpennetPeers may not be over "+OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING);
      maxOpennetPeers = OpennetManager.MAX_PEERS_FOR_SCALING;

    opennetCryptoConfig = new NodeCryptoConfig(opennetConfig, 2 /* 0 = enabled */, true, securityLevels);

    if(opennetEnabled) {
      opennet = new OpennetManager(this, opennetCryptoConfig, System.currentTimeMillis(), isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes);
      // Will be started later
    } else {
      opennet = null;

    securityLevels.addNetworkThreatLevelListener(new SecurityLevelListener<NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL>() {

      public void onChange(NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL oldLevel, NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL newLevel) {
        if(newLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.HIGH
            || newLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.MAXIMUM) {
          OpennetManager om;
          synchronized(Node.this) {
            om = opennet;
            if(om != null)
              opennet = null;
          if(om != null) {
        } else if(newLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.NORMAL
            || newLevel == NETWORK_THREAT_LEVEL.LOW) {
          OpennetManager o = null;
          synchronized(Node.this) {
            if(opennet == null) {
              try {
                o = opennet = new OpennetManager(Node.this, opennetCryptoConfig, System.currentTimeMillis(), isAllowedToConnectToSeednodes);
              } catch (NodeInitException e) {
                opennet = null;
                Logger.error(this, "UNABLE TO ENABLE OPENNET: "+e, e);
                clientCore.alerts.register(new SimpleUserAlert(false, l10n("enableOpennetFailedTitle"), l10n("enableOpennetFailed", "message", e.getLocalizedMessage()), l10n("enableOpennetFailed", "message", e.getLocalizedMessage()), UserAlert.ERROR));
          if(o != null) {


    opennetConfig.register("acceptSeedConnections", false, 2, true, true, "Node.acceptSeedConnectionsShort", "Node.acceptSeedConnections", new BooleanCallback() {

      public Boolean get() {
        return acceptSeedConnections;

      public void set(Boolean val) throws InvalidConfigValueException {
        acceptSeedConnections = val;


    acceptSeedConnections = opennetConfig.getBoolean("acceptSeedConnections");

    if(acceptSeedConnections && opennet != null)


    nodeConfig.register("passOpennetPeersThroughDarknet", true, sortOrder++, true, false, "Node.passOpennetPeersThroughDarknet", "Node.passOpennetPeersThroughDarknetLong",
        new BooleanCallback() {

View Full Code Here

    // callback executor
    executor = new SerialExecutor(NativeThread.NORM_PRIORITY);
    executor.start(node.executor, "PM callback executor");

    pmconfig = new SubConfig("pluginmanager", node.config);
//    pmconfig.register("configfile", "fplugins.ini", 9, true, true, "PluginConfig.configFile", "PluginConfig.configFileLong",
//        new StringCallback() {
//      public String get() {
//        return configFile;
//      }
View Full Code Here



    final SubConfig nodeConfig = node.config.get("node");

    StringBuilder textBuilder = new StringBuilder();

    // Synchronize to avoid problems with DecimalFormat.
    synchronized(this) {
    // drawNodeVersionBox
    textBuilder.append("Freenet Version:\n");
    textBuilder.append(baseL10n.getString("WelcomeToadlet.version", new String[] { "fullVersion", "build", "rev" },
        new String[] { Version.publicVersion(), Integer.toString(Version.buildNumber()), Version.cvsRevision() })).append("\n");
    textBuilder.append(baseL10n.getString("WelcomeToadlet.extVersion", new String[] { "build", "rev" },
        new String[] { Integer.toString(NodeStarter.extBuildNumber), NodeStarter.extRevisionNumber }));

    // drawNodeVersionBox
    textBuilder.append("System Information:\n");
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    long freeMemory = rt.freeMemory();
    long totalMemory = rt.totalMemory();
    long maxMemory = rt.maxMemory();
    long usedJavaMem = totalMemory - freeMemory;
    long allocatedJavaMem = totalMemory;
    long maxJavaMem = maxMemory;
    int availableCpus = rt.availableProcessors();
    int threadCount = stats.getActiveThreadCount();
      textBuilder.append(l10n("usedMemory", "memory", SizeUtil.formatSize(usedJavaMem, true))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("allocMemory", "memory", SizeUtil.formatSize(allocatedJavaMem, true))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("maxMemory", "memory", SizeUtil.formatSize(maxJavaMem, true))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("threads", new String[] { "running", "max" },
        new String[] { thousandPoint.format(threadCount), Integer.toString(stats.getThreadLimit()) })).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("cpus", "count", Integer.toString(availableCpus))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("javaVersion", "version", System.getProperty("java.version"))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("jvmVendor", "vendor", System.getProperty("java.vendor"))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("jvmName", "name", System.getProperty(""))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("jvmVersion", "version", System.getProperty("java.vm.version"))).append("\n");
    textBuilder.append(l10n("osName", "name", System.getProperty(""))).append("\n");
    textBuilder.append(l10n("osVersion", "version", System.getProperty("os.version"))).append("\n");
    textBuilder.append(l10n("osArch", "arch", System.getProperty("os.arch"))).append("\n");

    // drawStoreSizeBox
    textBuilder.append("Store Size:\n");
    Map<DataStoreInstanceType, DataStoreStats> storeStats = node.getDataStoreStats();
    for (Map.Entry<DataStoreInstanceType, DataStoreStats> entry : storeStats.entrySet()) {
      DataStoreInstanceType instance = entry.getKey();
      DataStoreStats stats = entry.getValue();
      StoreAccessStats sessionAccess = stats.getSessionAccessStats();
      StoreAccessStats totalAccess;
      try {
        totalAccess = stats.getTotalAccessStats();
      } catch (StatsNotAvailableException e) {
        totalAccess = null;
      textBuilder.append(l10n(": (").append(l10n(")\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("keys")).append(": ").append(thousandPoint.format(stats.keys())).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("capacity")).append(": ").append(thousandPoint.format(stats.capacity())).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("datasize")).append(": ").append(SizeUtil.formatSize(stats.dataSize())).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("utilization")).append(": ").append(fix3p1pct.format(stats.utilization())).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("readRequests")).append(": ").append(thousandPoint.format(sessionAccess.readRequests()) +
          (totalAccess == null ? "" : (" ("+thousandPoint.format(totalAccess.readRequests())+")"))).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append("  ").append(l10n("successfulReads")).append(": ").append(thousandPoint.format(sessionAccess.successfulReads()) +
          (totalAccess == null ? "" : (" ("+thousandPoint.format(totalAccess.successfulReads())+")"))).append("\n");
      try {
        if(totalAccess != null) {
          try {
            textBuilder.append(" (").append(fix1p4.format(totalAccess.successRate())).append("%)");
          } catch (StatsNotAvailableException e) {
            // Ignore
      } catch (StatsNotAvailableException e) {

    // drawActivity
    RequestTracker tracker = node.tracker;
    int numLocalCHKInserts = tracker.getNumLocalCHKInserts();
    int numRemoteCHKInserts = tracker.getNumRemoteCHKInserts();
    int numLocalSSKInserts = tracker.getNumLocalSSKInserts();
    int numRemoteSSKInserts = tracker.getNumRemoteSSKInserts();
    int numLocalCHKRequests = tracker.getNumLocalCHKRequests();
    int numRemoteCHKRequests = tracker.getNumRemoteCHKRequests();
    int numLocalSSKRequests = tracker.getNumLocalSSKRequests();
    int numRemoteSSKRequests = tracker.getNumRemoteSSKRequests();
    int numTransferringRequests = tracker.getNumTransferringRequestSenders();
    int numTransferringRequestHandlers = tracker.getNumTransferringRequestHandlers();
    int numCHKOfferReplys = tracker.getNumCHKOfferReplies();
    int numSSKOfferReplys = tracker.getNumSSKOfferReplies();
    int numCHKRequests = numLocalCHKRequests + numRemoteCHKRequests;
    int numSSKRequests = numLocalSSKRequests + numRemoteSSKRequests;
    int numCHKInserts = numLocalCHKInserts + numRemoteCHKInserts;
    int numSSKInserts = numLocalSSKInserts + numRemoteSSKInserts;
    if ((numTransferringRequests == 0) &&
        (numCHKRequests == 0) && (numSSKRequests == 0) &&
        (numCHKInserts == 0) && (numSSKInserts == 0) &&
        (numTransferringRequestHandlers == 0) &&
        (numCHKOfferReplys == 0) && (numSSKOfferReplys == 0)) {
    } else {
      if (numCHKInserts > 0 || numSSKInserts > 0) {
            new String[] { "CHKhandlers", "SSKhandlers", "local" } ,
            new String[] { Integer.toString(numCHKInserts), Integer.toString(numSSKInserts), Integer.toString(numLocalCHKInserts)+"/" + Integer.toString(numLocalSSKInserts)})
            + "\n");
      if (numCHKRequests > 0 || numSSKRequests > 0) {
            new String[] { "CHKhandlers", "SSKhandlers", "local" } ,
            new String[] { Integer.toString(numCHKRequests), Integer.toString(numSSKRequests), Integer.toString(numLocalCHKRequests)+"/" + Integer.toString(numLocalSSKRequests)})
            + "\n");
      if (numTransferringRequests > 0 || numTransferringRequestHandlers > 0) {
            new String[] { "senders", "receivers", "turtles" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(numTransferringRequests), Integer.toString(numTransferringRequestHandlers), "0"})
            + "\n");
      if (numCHKOfferReplys > 0 || numSSKOfferReplys > 0) {
            new String[] { "chk", "ssk" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(numCHKOfferReplys), Integer.toString(numSSKOfferReplys) })
            + "\n");
          new String[] { "sends", "receives" }, new String[] { Integer.toString(BlockTransmitter.getRunningSends()), Integer.toString(BlockReceiver.getRunningReceives()) })
          + "\n");

    // drawPeerStatsBox
    textBuilder.append("Peer Statistics:\n");
    PeerNodeStatus[] peerNodeStatuses = peers.getPeerNodeStatuses(true);
    Arrays.sort(peerNodeStatuses, new Comparator<PeerNodeStatus>() {
      public int compare(PeerNodeStatus firstNode, PeerNodeStatus secondNode) {
        int statusDifference = firstNode.getStatusValue() - secondNode.getStatusValue();
        if (statusDifference != 0) {
          return statusDifference;
        return 0;
    int numberOfConnected = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_CONNECTED);
    int numberOfRoutingBackedOff = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_ROUTING_BACKED_OFF);
    int numberOfTooNew = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_TOO_NEW);
    int numberOfTooOld = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_TOO_OLD);
    int numberOfDisconnected = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_DISCONNECTED);
    int numberOfNeverConnected = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_NEVER_CONNECTED);
    int numberOfDisabled = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_DISABLED);
    int numberOfBursting = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_BURSTING);
    int numberOfListening = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_LISTENING);
    int numberOfListenOnly = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_LISTEN_ONLY);
    int numberOfSeedServers = getCountSeedServers(peerNodeStatuses);
    int numberOfSeedClients = getCountSeedClients(peerNodeStatuses);
    int numberOfRoutingDisabled = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_ROUTING_DISABLED);
    int numberOfClockProblem = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_CLOCK_PROBLEM);
    int numberOfConnError = getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_CONN_ERROR);
    int numberOfDisconnecting = PeerNodeStatus.getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_DISCONNECTING);
    int numberOfNoLoadStats = PeerNodeStatus.getPeerStatusCount(peerNodeStatuses, PeerManager.PEER_NODE_STATUS_NO_LOAD_STATS);
    if (numberOfConnected > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("connectedShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfConnected).append("\n");
    if (numberOfRoutingBackedOff > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("backedOffShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfRoutingBackedOff).append("\n");
    if (numberOfTooNew > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("tooNewShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfTooNew).append("\n");
    if (numberOfTooOld > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("tooOldShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfTooOld).append("\n");
    if (numberOfDisconnected > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("notConnectedShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfDisconnected).append("\n");
    if (numberOfNeverConnected > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("neverConnectedShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfNeverConnected).append("\n");
    if (numberOfDisabled > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("disabledShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfDisabled).append("\n");
    if (numberOfBursting > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("burstingShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfBursting).append("\n");
    if (numberOfListening > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("listeningShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfListening).append("\n");
    if (numberOfListenOnly > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("listenOnlyShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfListenOnly).append("\n");
    if (numberOfClockProblem > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("clockProblemShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfClockProblem).append("\n");
    if (numberOfConnError > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("connErrorShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfConnError).append("\n");
    if (numberOfDisconnecting > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("disconnectingShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfDisconnecting).append("\n");
    if (numberOfSeedServers > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("seedServersShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfSeedServers).append("\n");
    if (numberOfSeedClients > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("seedClientsShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfSeedClients).append("\n");
    if (numberOfRoutingDisabled > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("routingDisabledShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfRoutingDisabled).append("\n");
    if (numberOfNoLoadStats > 0)
      textBuilder.append(l10nDark("noLoadStatsShort")).append(": ").append(numberOfNoLoadStats).append("\n");
    OpennetManager om = node.getOpennet();
    if(om != null) {
      textBuilder.append(l10n("maxTotalPeers")+": "+om.getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAimIncludingDarknet()).append("\n");
      textBuilder.append(l10n("maxOpennetPeers")+": "+om.getNumberOfConnectedPeersToAim()).append("\n");

    // drawBandwidth
    long[] total = node.collector.getTotalIO();
    if(total[0] == 0 || total[1] == 0)
      textBuilder.append("bandwidth error\n");
    else  {
      final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
      final long nodeUptimeSeconds = (now - node.startupTime) / 1000;
      long total_output_rate = (total[0]) / nodeUptimeSeconds;
      long total_input_rate = (total[1]) / nodeUptimeSeconds;
      long totalPayload = node.getTotalPayloadSent();
      long total_payload_rate = totalPayload / nodeUptimeSeconds;
      if(node.clientCore == null) throw new NullPointerException();
      BandwidthStatsContainer stats = node.clientCore.bandwidthStatsPutter.getLatestBWData();
      if(stats == null) throw new NullPointerException();
      long overall_total_out = stats.totalBytesOut;
      long overall_total_in = stats.totalBytesIn;
      int percent = (int) (100 * totalPayload / total[0]);
      long[] rate = node.nodeStats.getNodeIOStats();
      long delta = (rate[5] - rate[2]) / 1000;
      if(delta > 0) {
        long output_rate = (rate[3] - rate[0]) / delta;
        long input_rate = (rate[4] - rate[1]) / delta;
        int outputBandwidthLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("outputBandwidthLimit");
        int inputBandwidthLimit = nodeConfig.getInt("inputBandwidthLimit");
        if(inputBandwidthLimit == -1) {
          inputBandwidthLimit = outputBandwidthLimit * 4;
        textBuilder.append(l10n("inputRate", new String[] { "rate", "max" }, new String[] { SizeUtil.formatSize(input_rate, true), SizeUtil.formatSize(inputBandwidthLimit, true) })).append("\n");
        textBuilder.append(l10n("outputRate", new String[] { "rate", "max" }, new String[] { SizeUtil.formatSize(output_rate, true), SizeUtil.formatSize(outputBandwidthLimit, true) })).append("\n");
View Full Code Here

  SubConfig tslconfig;
  public SymlinkerToadlet(HighLevelSimpleClient client,final Node node) {
    this.node = node;
    tslconfig = new SubConfig("toadletsymlinker", node.config);
    tslconfig.register("symlinks", null, 9, true, false, "SymlinkerToadlet.symlinks", "SymlinkerToadlet.symlinksLong",
            new StringArrCallback() {
      public String[] get() {
        return getConfigLoadString();
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      return Integer.valueOf(-1);

    // First, set up logging. It is global, and may be shared between several nodes.
    SubConfig loggingConfig = new SubConfig("logger", cfg);

    PooledExecutor executor = new PooledExecutor();

    try {
      System.out.println("Creating logger...");
      logConfigHandler = new LoggingConfigHandler(loggingConfig, executor);
    } catch(InvalidConfigValueException e) {
      System.err.println("Error: could not set up logging: " + e.getMessage());
      return Integer.valueOf(-2);

    System.out.println("Starting executor...");

    // Prevent timeouts for a while. The DiffieHellman init for example could take some time on a very slow system.

    // Thread to keep the node up.
    // JVM deadlocks losing a lock when two threads of different types (daemon|app)
    // are contended for the same lock. So make USM daemon, and use useless to keep the JVM
    // up.
    // - last message
    Runnable useless =
      new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
          while(true) {
            try {
            } catch(InterruptedException e) {
              // Ignore
            } catch(Throwable t) {
              try {
                Logger.error(this, "Caught " + t, t);
              } catch(Throwable t1) {
                // Ignore
    NativeThread plug = new NativeThread(useless, "Plug", NativeThread.MAX_PRIORITY, false);
    // Not daemon, but doesn't do anything.
    // Keeps the JVM alive.
    // DO NOT do anything in the plug thread, if you do you risk the EvilJVMBug.

    // Initialize SSL
    SubConfig sslConfig = new SubConfig("ssl", cfg);

    try {
      node = new Node(cfg, null, null, logConfigHandler, this, executor);
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    this.node = node;
    this.hasBeenBlown = false;
    this.alert = new UpdatedVersionAvailableUserAlert(this);

    SubConfig updaterConfig = new SubConfig("node.updater", config);

    updaterConfig.register("enabled", true, 1, false, false,
        "NodeUpdateManager.enabled", "NodeUpdateManager.enabledLong",
        new UpdaterEnabledCallback());

    wasEnabledOnStartup = updaterConfig.getBoolean("enabled");

    // is the auto-update allowed ?
    updaterConfig.register("autoupdate", false, 2, false, true,
        new AutoUpdateAllowedCallback());
    isAutoUpdateAllowed = updaterConfig.getBoolean("autoupdate");

        .register("URI", UPDATE_URI, 3, true, true,
            new UpdateURICallback());

    try {
      updateURI = new FreenetURI(updaterConfig.getString("URI"));
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("invalidUpdateURI",
          "error", e.getLocalizedMessage()));
    updateURI = updateURI.setSuggestedEdition(Version.buildNumber());
      throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("updateURIMustHaveNoMetaStrings"));
      throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("updateURIMustBeAUSK"));

    updaterConfig.register("revocationURI", REVOCATION_URI, 4, true, false,
        new UpdateRevocationURICallback());

    try {
      revocationURI = new FreenetURI(
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new InvalidConfigValueException(l10n("invalidRevocationURI",
          "error", e.getLocalizedMessage()));

    LegacyJarFetcher.LegacyFetchCallback legacyFetcherCallback = new LegacyJarFetcher.LegacyFetchCallback() {

      public void onSuccess(LegacyJarFetcher fetcher) {
        if (transitionMainJarFetcher.fetched()
            && transitionExtJarFetcher.fetched()) {
          System.out.println("Got legacy jars, announcing...");

      public void onFailure(FetchException e, LegacyJarFetcher fetcher) {
            "Failed to fetch "
                + fetcher.saveTo
                + TRANSITION_VERSION + " : " + e, e);
            .println("Failed to fetch "
                + fetcher.saveTo
                + TRANSITION_VERSION + " : " + e);


    transitionMainJarFile = new File(node.clientCore.getPersistentTempDir(), transitionMainJarFilename);
    transitionExtJarFile = new File(node.clientCore.getPersistentTempDir(), transitionExtJarFilename);
    transitionMainJarFetcher = new LegacyJarFetcher(transitionMainJarURI,
        transitionMainJarFile, node.clientCore,
    transitionExtJarFetcher = new LegacyJarFetcher(transitionExtJarURI,
        transitionExtJarFile, node.clientCore,

    updaterConfig.register("updateSeednodes", wasEnabledOnStartup, 6, true,
        true, "NodeUpdateManager.updateSeednodes",
        "NodeUpdateManager.updateSeednodesLong", new BooleanCallback() {

          public Boolean get() {
            return updateSeednodes;

          public void set(Boolean val)
              throws InvalidConfigValueException,
              NodeNeedRestartException {
            if (updateSeednodes == val)
            updateSeednodes = val;
            if (val)
              throw new NodeNeedRestartException(
                  "Must restart to fetch the seednodes");
              throw new NodeNeedRestartException(
                  "Must restart to stop the seednodes fetch if it is still running");


    updateSeednodes = updaterConfig.getBoolean("updateSeednodes");

    updaterConfig.register("updateInstallers", wasEnabledOnStartup, 6,
        true, true, "NodeUpdateManager.updateInstallers",
        new BooleanCallback() {

          public Boolean get() {
            return updateInstallers;

          public void set(Boolean val)
              throws InvalidConfigValueException,
              NodeNeedRestartException {
            if (updateInstallers == val)
            updateInstallers = val;
            if (val)
              throw new NodeNeedRestartException(
                  "Must restart to fetch the installers");
              throw new NodeNeedRestartException(
                  "Must restart to stop the installers fetches if they are still running");


    updateInstallers = updaterConfig.getBoolean("updateInstallers");


    this.revocationChecker = new RevocationChecker(this, new File(
        node.clientCore.getPersistentTempDir(), "revocation-key.fblob"));

    this.legacyUOM = new LegacyUpdateOverMandatoryManager(this);
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Related Classes of freenet.config.SubConfig

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