Examples of FixedSegments

Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

            throw new IllegalStateException("File not found: " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
        if(useNIO) {
            return new NioFixedSegment(tmpFile, pageSize * 1024, true);
        } else {
            return new FixedSegments(tmpFile, pageSize * 1024);
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

            throw new IllegalStateException("File not found: " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
        if(useNIO) {
            return new NioFixedSegment(tmpFile, pageSize * 1024, true);
        } else {
            return new FixedSegments(tmpFile, pageSize * 1024);
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

        final double percent = scanPercentage / 100d;
        StopWatch watchdog = new StopWatch("nthreads: " + threads + ", capacity: " + capacity
                + ", scanPercentage: " + percent + ", scanLength: " + scanLength + ", pageSize: "
                + pageSize);

        final FixedSegments pager = makeTempSegments(pageSize);
        final Status[] stats = new Status[threads];

        final ReadWriteLock rwlock = new FairReadWriteLock();//new ReentrantReadWriteLock();

        _start = _stop = false;
        final Thread[] thrs = new Thread[threads];
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
            final int threadId = i;
            final Status stat = new Status();
            stats[i] = stat;
            thrs[i] = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    while(!_start) {
                        // Spin till Time To Go
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    try {
                        if(lock == null) {
                            if(useRWlock) {
                                runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionReadWriteLock(rwlock, stat, pager, cache, capacity, round, percent, scanLength, dist[threadId]);
                            } else {
                                runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionSync(stat, pager, cache, capacity, round, percent, scanLength, dist[threadId]);
                        } else {
                            runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLock(stat, lock, pager, cache, capacity, round, percent, scanLength, dist[threadId]);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // Run threads
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        _start = true;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        _stop = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {

        long numOps = 0L, cacheMisses = 0L, elapsed = 0L, execInterval = 0L, durationHold = 0L;
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
            numOps += stats[i].ops;
            cacheMisses += stats[i].miss;
            elapsed += stats[i].mills;
            execInterval += stats[i].execInterval;
            durationHold += stats[i].durationHold;
        long avgElapsedInSec = (elapsed / threads) / 1000L;
        long opsPerSec = numOps / avgElapsedInSec;

        long hit = numOps - cacheMisses;
        double hitRatio = ((double) hit) / numOps;
        double missRatio = ((double) cacheMisses) / numOps;
                + algo
                + " - "
                + filename
                + "] synchronization: "
                + (lock == null ? (useRWlock ? "readWrite" : "sync")
                        : ((lock instanceof NoopLock) ? "non-blocking" : "spinlock")) + ", read: "
                + numOps + ", miss: " + cacheMisses + ", hit ratio: " + hitRatio + ", miss ratio: "
                + missRatio);
        System.err.println("number of ops: " + numOps + ", average number of ops per second: "
                + opsPerSec + ", total execution interval(msec): " + execInterval
                + ", total duration hold(msec): " + durationHold);

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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

        final double percent = scanPercentage / 100d;
        StopWatch watchdog = new StopWatch("nthreads: " + threads + ", capacity: " + capacity
                + ", scanPercentage: " + percent + ", scanLength: " + scanLength + ", pageSize: "
                + pageSize);

        final FixedSegments pager = makeTempSegments(pageSize);
        final Status[] stats = new Status[threads];

        _start = _stop = false;
        final Thread[] thrs = new Thread[threads];
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
            final int threadId = i;
            final Status stat = new Status();
            stats[i] = stat;
            thrs[i] = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    while(!_start) {
                        // Spin till Time To Go
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                    try {
                        if(lock == null) {
                            runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLongHashSync(stat, pager, hash, capacity, round, percent, scanLength, dist[threadId]);
                        } else {
                            runBenchmarkWithZipfDistributionLongHashLock(stat, lock, pager, hash, capacity, round, percent, scanLength, dist[threadId]);
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // Run threads
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
        _start = true;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        _stop = true;
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {

        long numOps = 0L, cacheMisses = 0L, elapsed = 0L;
        for(int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
            numOps += stats[i].ops;
            cacheMisses += stats[i].miss;
            elapsed += stats[i].mills;
        long avgElapsedInSec = (elapsed / threads) / 1000;
        long opsPerSec = numOps / avgElapsedInSec;

        long hit = numOps - cacheMisses;
        double hitRatio = ((double) hit) / numOps;
        double missRatio = ((double) cacheMisses) / numOps;
                + algo
                + " longhash - "
                + filename
                + "] synchronization: "
                + (lock == null ? "sync" : ((lock instanceof NoopLock) ? "non-blocking"
                        : "spinlock")) + ", read: " + numOps + ", miss: " + cacheMisses
                + ", hit ratio: " + hitRatio + ", miss ratio: " + missRatio);
        System.err.println("number of ops: " + numOps + ", average number of ops per second: "
                + opsPerSec);

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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

    private static FixedSegments makeTempSegments(int pageSize) throws IOException {
        File tmpFile = new File("/share/data/vldb/xmark10.xml.dtms");
        if(!tmpFile.exists()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("File not found: " + tmpFile.getAbsolutePath());
        FixedSegments segment = new FixedSegments(tmpFile, pageSize * 1024);
        return segment;
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

        _strChunk.flush(coll, docName, properties);


        // #4 write block in segment paged files
        FixedSegments paged = getPaged(coll, docName);
        pageOutSegments(paged, 0, true);
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments


    public FixedSegments getPaged(final DbCollection coll, final String docName) {
        final File baseDir = new File(coll.getAbsolutePath());
        final File segFile = new File(baseDir, docName + DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX);
        return new FixedSegments(segFile, PAGE_SIZE);
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

        private final ILock _lock = new AtomicBackoffLock();

        protected PersistentDocumentTable(final DbCollection coll, final String docName, final PropertyMap docProps) {
            super(coll, docName, docProps);
            final FixedSegments paged = loadSegments(coll, docName);
            this._paged = paged;
            final IntHash<int[]> readCache = ENV_USE_2QCACHE ? new Int2QCache<int[]>(PAGE_CACHE_SIZE)
                    : new IntLRUMap<int[]>(PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
            this._pageReadCache = readCache;
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments

            this._dirtyBuffer = new ObservableLongLRUMap<int[]>(256, 32, new BufferWriter(paged, readCache));

        public PersistentDocumentTable(final DbCollection coll, final String docName) {
            super(coll, docName);
            final FixedSegments paged = loadSegments(coll, docName);
            this._paged = paged;
            final IntLRUMap<int[]> readCache = new IntLRUMap<int[]>(PAGE_CACHE_SIZE);
            this._pageReadCache = readCache;
            this._dirtyBuffer = new ObservableLongLRUMap<int[]>(256, 32, new BufferWriter(paged, readCache));
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Examples of xbird.storage.io.FixedSegments


        private static FixedSegments loadSegments(final DbCollection coll, final String docName) {
            final File segFile = new File(coll.getDirectory(), docName + DTM_SEGMENT_FILE_SUFFIX);
            return new FixedSegments(segFile, PAGE_SIZE);
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