Package edu.stanford.nlp.ling

Examples of edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord


            while (!searchStack.isEmpty()) {
              if (neighborIterator == null || !neighborIterator.hasNext()) {
                IndexedWord search = searchStack.pop();
                neighborIterator = neighborIterator(sg, search);

              while (neighborIterator.hasNext()) {
                SemanticGraphEdge edge =;
                IndexedWord otherEnd = followEdge(edge);
                if (!searchedNodes.contains(otherEnd)) {
                if (type.test(edge.getRelation().toString()) && !matchedNodes.contains(otherEnd)) {

    public IndexedWord next() {
      if (next == null) {
        return null;
      IndexedWord ret = next;
      return ret;

  Alignment patchedAlignment(SemanticGraph hypGraph, SemanticGraph txtGraph) {
    Map<IndexedWord, IndexedWord> patchedMap = Generics.newHashMap();
    Set<IndexedWord> txtVertexSet = txtGraph.vertexSet();
    for (Object o : hypGraph.vertexSet())  {
      IndexedWord vertex = (IndexedWord)o;
      if (map.containsKey(vertex) && txtVertexSet.contains(map.get(vertex))) {
        patchedMap.put(vertex, map.get(vertex));
      else patchedMap.put(vertex, IndexedWord.NO_WORD);

      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index array length " + indexes.length +
                                         " does not match hypGraph size " + hypGraph.size());
    Map<IndexedWord, IndexedWord> map =
    for (int i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
      IndexedWord hypNode = hypGraph.getNodeByIndex(i);
      IndexedWord txtNode = IndexedWord.NO_WORD;
      if (indexes[i] >= 0)
        txtNode = txtGraph.getNodeByIndex(indexes[i]);
      map.put(hypNode, txtNode);
    return new Alignment(map, score, justification);

      String lemma = sent.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
      String word = sent.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class);
      if(dict.reportVerb.contains(lemma)) {
        // find subject
        SemanticGraph dependency = sentences.get(sentNum).get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class);
        IndexedWord w = dependency.getNodeByWordPattern(word);

        if (w != null) {
          for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> child : dependency.childPairs(w)){
            if(child.first().getShortName().equals("nsubj")) {
              String subjectString = child.second().word();

    String speaker = "";
    for(CoreLabel w : lastSent.get(CoreAnnotations.TokensAnnotation.class)) {
      if(w.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class).equals("report") || w.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class).equals("say")) {
        String word = w.get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class);
        SemanticGraph dependency = lastSent.get(SemanticGraphCoreAnnotations.CollapsedDependenciesAnnotation.class);
        IndexedWord t = dependency.getNodeByWordPattern(word);

        for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> child : dependency.childPairs(t)){
          if(child.first().getShortName().equals("nsubj")) {
            int subjectIndex = child.second().index()// start from 1
            IntTuple headPosition = new IntTuple(2);

      String word = m.sentenceWords.get(i).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class);
      if(word.equals("``") || word.equals("''")) countQuotationMark++;
    if(countQuotationMark!=1) return false;

    IndexedWord w = m.dependency.getNodeByWordPattern(m.sentenceWords.get(m.headIndex).get(CoreAnnotations.TextAnnotation.class));
    if(w== null) return false;

    for(Pair<GrammaticalRelation,IndexedWord> parent : m.dependency.parentPairs(w)){
          && dict.reportVerb.contains(parent.second().get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class))) {

        System.err.println("Skipped dependency-path features.");

    IndexedWord node0 = graph.getNodeByIndexSafe(arg0.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() + 1);
    IndexedWord node1 = graph.getNodeByIndexSafe(arg1.getSyntacticHeadTokenPosition() + 1);
    if (node0 == null) {
    if (node1 == null) {

    List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node0, node1);
    List<IndexedWord> pathNodes = graph.getShortestUndirectedPathNodes(node0, node1);

    if (edgePath == null) {

    if (pathNodes == null || pathNodes.size() <= 1) { // arguments have the same head.

    // dependency_path: Concatenation of relations in the path between the args in the dependency graph, including directions
    // e.g. "subj->  <-prep_in  <-mod"
    // dependency_path_lowlevel: Same but with finer-grained syntactic relations
    // e.g. "nsubj->  <-prep_in  <-nn"
    if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path")) {
      features.setCount("dependency_path:"+generalizedDependencyPath(edgePath, node0), 1.0);
    if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_lowlevel")) {
      String depLowLevel = dependencyPath(edgePath, node0);
      if(logger != null && ! rel.getType().equals(RelationMention.UNRELATED))"dependency_path_lowlevel: " + depLowLevel);
      features.setCount("dependency_path_lowlevel:" + depLowLevel, 1.0);

    List<String> pathLemmas = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<String> noArgPathLemmas = new ArrayList<String>();
    // do not add to pathLemmas words that belong to one of the two args
    Set<Integer> indecesToSkip = new HashSet<Integer>();
    for(int i = arg0.getExtentTokenStart(); i < arg0.getExtentTokenEnd(); i ++) indecesToSkip.add(i + 1);
    for(int i = arg1.getExtentTokenStart(); i < arg1.getExtentTokenEnd(); i ++) indecesToSkip.add(i + 1);
    for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes){
      pathLemmas.add(Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true));
      if(! indecesToSkip.contains(node.index()))
        noArgPathLemmas.add(Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true));

    // Verb-based features
    // These features were designed on the assumption that verbs are often trigger words
    // (specifically with the "Kill" relation from Roth CONLL04 in mind)
    // but they didn't end up boosting performance on Roth CONLL04, so they may not be necessary.
    // dependency_paths_to_verb: for each verb in the dependency path,
    // the path to the left of the (lemmatized) verb, to the right, and both, e.g.
    // "subj-> be"
    // "be  <-prep_in  <-mod"
    // "subj->  be  <-prep_in  <-mod"
    // (Higher level relations used as opposed to "lowlevel" finer grained relations)
    if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_paths_to_verb")) {
      for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) {
        if (node.tag().contains("VB")) {
          if (node.equals(node0) || node.equals(node1)) {
          String lemma = Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true);
          String node1Path = generalizedDependencyPath(graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node, node1), node);
          String node0Path = generalizedDependencyPath(graph.getShortestUndirectedPathEdges(node0, node), node0);
          features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + node0Path + " " + lemma, 1.0);
          features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + lemma + " " + node1Path, 1.0);
          features.setCount("dependency_paths_to_verb:" + node0Path + " " + lemma + " " + node1Path, 1.0);
    // dependency_path_stubs_to_verb:
    // For each verb in the dependency path,
    // the verb concatenated with the first (high-level) relation in the path from arg0;
    // the verb concatenated with the first relation in the path from arg1,
    // and the verb concatenated with both relations.  E.g. (same arguments and sentence as example above)
    // "stub: subj->  be"
    // "stub: be  <-mod"
    // "stub: subj->  be  <-mod"
    if (usingFeature(types, checklist, "dependency_path_stubs_to_verb")) {
      for (IndexedWord node : pathNodes) {
        SemanticGraphEdge edge0 = edgePath.get(0);
        SemanticGraphEdge edge1 = edgePath.get(edgePath.size() - 1);
        if (node.tag().contains("VB")) {
          if (node.equals(node0) || node.equals(node1)) {
          String lemma = Morphology.lemmaStatic(node.value(), node.tag(), true);
          String edge0str, edge1str;
          if (node0.equals(edge0.getGovernor())) {
            edge0str = "<-" + generalizeRelation(edge0.getRelation());
          } else {
            edge0str = generalizeRelation(edge0.getRelation()) + "->";
          if (node1.equals(edge1.getGovernor())) {
            edge1str = generalizeRelation(edge1.getRelation()) + "->";
          } else {
            edge1str = "<-" + generalizeRelation(edge1.getRelation());
          features.setCount("stub: " + edge0str + " " + lemma, 1.0);

  public static List<String> dependencyPathAsList(List<SemanticGraphEdge> edgePath, IndexedWord node, boolean generalize) {
    if(edgePath == null) return null;
    List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (SemanticGraphEdge edge : edgePath) {
      IndexedWord nextNode;
      GrammaticalRelation relation;
      if (generalize) {
        relation = generalizeRelation(edge.getRelation());
      } else {
        relation = edge.getRelation();

          List<Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord>> children = childPairs(vertex);
          boolean match = false;
          for (Pair<GrammaticalRelation, IndexedWord> pair : children) {
            if (pair.first().toString().equals("det"))
            IndexedWord child = pair.second();
            String lemma = child.get(CoreAnnotations.LemmaAnnotation.class);
            if (lemma.equals("")) {
              lemma = child.word().toLowerCase();
            if (lemma.equals(word)) {
              match = true;


Related Classes of edu.stanford.nlp.ling.IndexedWord

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