Examples of Declaration

Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

        AgendaItemMap map = new AgendaItemMap( );
        assertTrue( map.isEmpty( ) );
        ObjectType objType = getMockObjectType( );

        Declaration dec = new Declaration( "somthing",
                                           1 );
        TupleKey key = new TupleKey( dec,
                                     new FactHandleImpl( 1 ) );
        map.put( new Rule( "name1" ),
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

    public void testConstruct() throws Exception
        FactHandleImpl handle = new FactHandleImpl( 1 );

        Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule" );
        Declaration decl = rule.addParameterDeclaration( "paramVar", new MockObjectType( true ) );

        //add consequence
        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedConsequence( ) );
        //add condition
        rule.addCondition( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedCondition( ) );
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

    public void testSetTuple() throws Exception
        FactHandleImpl handle = new FactHandleImpl( 1 );
        Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule" );
        Declaration decl = rule.addParameterDeclaration( "paramVar", new MockObjectType( true ) );

        //add consequence
        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedConsequence( ) );
        //add condition
        rule.addCondition( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedCondition( ) );
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

        FactHandleImpl handle = new FactHandleImpl( 1 );

        Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule" );

        Declaration decl = rule.addParameterDeclaration( "cheese", new MockObjectType( true ) );

        ReteTuple tuple = new ReteTuple( (WorkingMemoryImpl) ruleBase.newWorkingMemory( ), decl, handle );

        InstrumentedConsequence consequence = new InstrumentedConsequence( );
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.Consequence( )
            public void invoke(org.drools.spi.Tuple tuple)
                //throw in a different tuple, to check the agenda doesn't stop the rule/tuple combo
                Declaration dec = new Declaration("paramVar", new MockObjectType(true), 1);
                FactHandle fact = new FactHandleImpl(42);
                ReteTuple different = new ReteTuple(workingMemory, dec, fact);
                agenda.addToAgenda( different,
                                    rule );
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

                return object;

        /* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
        Declaration string1Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
                                                          3 );

        /* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
        Declaration string2Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
                                                          9 );

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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

                return object;

        /* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
        Declaration string1Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
                                                          3 );

        /* Bind the extractor to a decleration */
        Declaration string2Declaration = new Declaration( 0,
                                                          9 );

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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

        // Build the declaration and specify it as a parameter of the Bootstrap1
        // Rule
        // <parameter identifier="f">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration fDeclaration1 = bootstrap1Rule.addParameterDeclaration( "f",
                                                                                  fibonacciType );

        // Build and Add the Condition to the Bootstrap1 Rule
        // <java:condition>f.getSequence() == 1</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionBootstrap1A = new Condition( )
            public boolean isAllowed(Tuple tuple)
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration1 );
                return f.getSequence( ) == 1;

            public Declaration[] getRequiredTupleMembers()
                return new Declaration[]{fDeclaration1};

            public String toString()
                return "f.getSequence() == 1";
        bootstrap1Rule.addCondition( conditionBootstrap1A );

        // <java:condition>f.getValue() == -1</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionBootstrap1B = new Condition( )
            public boolean isAllowed(Tuple tuple)
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration1 );
                return f.getValue( ) == -1;

            public Declaration[] getRequiredTupleMembers()
                return new Declaration[]{fDeclaration1};

            public String toString()
                return "f.getValue() == -1";
        bootstrap1Rule.addCondition( conditionBootstrap1B );

        // Build and Add the Consequence to the Bootstrap1 Rule
        // <java:consequence>
        // f.setValue( 1 );
        // System.err.println( f.getSequence() + " == " + f.getValue() );
        // drools.modifyObject( f );
        // </java:consequence>
        final Consequence bootstrapConsequence = new Consequence( )
            public void invoke(Tuple tuple) throws ConsequenceException
                WorkingMemory workingMemory = tuple.getWorkingMemory( );
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration1 );
                f.setValue( 1 );

                    workingMemory.modifyObject( tuple.getFactHandleForObject( f ),
                                                f );
                catch ( FactException e )
                    throw new ConsequenceException( e );

                FibTotal total = (FibTotal) workingMemory.getApplicationData( "fibtotal" );
                total.setTotal( total.getTotal( ) + 1 );
        bootstrap1Rule.setConsequence( bootstrapConsequence );
        ruleSet.addRule( bootstrap1Rule );

        // <rule name="Bootstrap 2">
        final Rule bootstrap2Rule = new Rule( "Bootstrap 2" );

        // Specify the declaration as a parameter of the Bootstrap2 Rule
        // <parameter identifier="f">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration fDeclaration2 = bootstrap2Rule.addParameterDeclaration( "f",
                                                                                  fibonacciType );

        // Build and Add the Conditions to the Bootstrap1 Rule
        // <java:condition>f.getSequence() == 2</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionBootstrap2A = new Condition( )
            public boolean isAllowed(Tuple tuple)
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration2 );
                return f.getSequence( ) == 2;

            public Declaration[] getRequiredTupleMembers()
                return new Declaration[]{fDeclaration2};

            public String toString()
                return "f.getSequence() == 2";
        bootstrap2Rule.addCondition( conditionBootstrap2A );

        // <java:condition>f.getValue() == -1</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionBootstrap2B = new Condition( )
            public boolean isAllowed(Tuple tuple)
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration2 );
                return f.getValue( ) == -1;

            public Declaration[] getRequiredTupleMembers()
                return new Declaration[]{fDeclaration2};

            public String toString()
                return "f.getValue() == -1";
        bootstrap2Rule.addCondition( conditionBootstrap2B );

        // Build and Add the Consequence to the Bootstrap1 Rule
        // <java:consequence>
        // f.setValue( 1 );
        // System.err.println( f.getSequence() + " == " + f.getValue() );
        // drools.modifyObject( f );
        // </java:consequence>
        final Consequence bootstrap2Consequence = new Consequence( )
            public void invoke(Tuple tuple) throws ConsequenceException
                WorkingMemory workingMemory = tuple.getWorkingMemory( );
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclaration2 );
                f.setValue( 1 );

                    workingMemory.modifyObject( tuple.getFactHandleForObject( f ),
                                                f );
                catch ( FactException e )
                    throw new ConsequenceException( e );

                FibTotal total = (FibTotal) workingMemory.getApplicationData( "fibtotal" );
                total.setTotal( total.getTotal( ) + 1 );
        bootstrap2Rule.setConsequence( bootstrap2Consequence );
        ruleSet.addRule( bootstrap2Rule );

        // <rule name="Recurse" salience="10">
        final Rule recurseRule = new Rule( "Recurse" );
        recurseRule.setSalience( 10 );

        // <parameter identifier="f">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration fDeclarationRecurse = recurseRule.addParameterDeclaration( "f",
                                                                                     fibonacciType );

        // <java:condition>f.getValue() == -1</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionRecurse = new Condition( )
            public boolean isAllowed(Tuple tuple)
                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclarationRecurse );
                return f.getValue( ) == -1;

            public Declaration[] getRequiredTupleMembers()
                return new Declaration[]{fDeclarationRecurse};

            public String toString()
                return "f.getValue() == -1";
        recurseRule.addCondition( conditionRecurse );

        // <java:consequence>
        // System.err.println( "recurse for " + f.getSequence() );
        // drools.assertObject( new Fibonacci( f.getSequence() - 1 ) );
        // </java:consequence>
        final Consequence recurseConsequence = new Consequence( )
            public void invoke(Tuple tuple) throws ConsequenceException
                WorkingMemory workingMemory = tuple.getWorkingMemory( );

                Fibonacci f = (Fibonacci) tuple.get( fDeclarationRecurse );
                    workingMemory.assertObject( new Fibonacci( f.getSequence( ) - 1 ) );
                catch ( FactException e )
                    throw new ConsequenceException( e );
        recurseRule.setConsequence( recurseConsequence );
        ruleSet.addRule( recurseRule );

        // <rule name="Calculate">
        final Rule calculateRule = new Rule( "Calculate" );

        // <parameter identifier="f1">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration f1Declaration = calculateRule.addParameterDeclaration( "f1",
                                                                                 fibonacciType );

        // <parameter identifier="f2">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration f2Declaration = calculateRule.addParameterDeclaration( "f2",
                                                                                 fibonacciType );

        // <parameter identifier="f3">
        // <class>org.drools.examples.fibonacci.Fibonacci</class>
        // </parameter>
        final Declaration f3Declaration = calculateRule.addParameterDeclaration( "f3",
                                                                                 fibonacciType );

        // <java:condition>f2.getSequence() ==
        // (f1.getSequence()+1)</java:condition>
        final Condition conditionCalculateA = new Condition( )
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

    public void testAssertObject() throws Exception
        Object object1 = "cheese";

        Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule 1" );
        Declaration paramDecl = rule.addParameterDeclaration( "paramVar", new MockObjectType( true ) );
        //add consequence
        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedConsequence( ) );
        //add condition
        rule.addCondition( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedCondition( ) );
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Examples of org.drools.rule.Declaration

     * Declaration as its only member for getParamterDeclarations().
    public void testGetTupleDeclarations() throws Exception
        Rule rule = new Rule( "test-rule 1" );
        Declaration paramDecl = rule.addParameterDeclaration( "paramVar", new MockObjectType( true ) );
        //add consequence
        rule.setConsequence( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedConsequence() );
        //add condition
        rule.addCondition( new org.drools.spi.InstrumentedCondition() );

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