Package com.typesafe.config

Examples of com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject

        PluginMap pluginMap = typeInfo.getPluginMap();
        ConfigValue valueOrResolvedRoot = resolveType(type, config, pluginMap);
        if (valueOrResolvedRoot.valueType() != ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
            return valueOrResolvedRoot;
        ConfigObject root = (ConfigObject) valueOrResolvedRoot;
        String classField = pluginMap.classField();
        if (root.get(classField) != null) {
            try {
                type = pluginMap.getClass((String) root.get(classField).unwrapped());
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
                // try not to throw exceptions or at least checked exceptions from this helper method
        return expandSugarSkipResolve(type, root, codec);
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        return expandSugarSkipResolve(type, root, codec);

    private static ConfigObject expandSugarSkipResolve(Class<?> type, ConfigObject root, CodecConfig codec) {
        CodableClassInfo resolvedTypeInfo = codec.getOrCreateClassInfo(type);
        ConfigObject fieldDefaults = resolvedTypeInfo.getFieldDefaults().root();
        for (CodableFieldInfo fieldInfo : resolvedTypeInfo.values()) {
            String fieldName = fieldInfo.getName();
            ConfigValue fieldValue = root.get(fieldName);
            if ((fieldValue == null) && (fieldDefaults.get(fieldName) != null)) {
                ConfigValue fieldDefault = fieldDefaults.get(fieldName);
                fieldValue = ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(
                        fieldDefault.unwrapped(), "global default : " + fieldDefault.origin().description());
                root = root.withValue(fieldName, fieldValue);
            if (fieldValue == null) {
            if ((fieldInfo.isArray() || fieldInfo.isCollection()) &&
                (fieldValue.valueType() != ConfigValueType.LIST) && fieldInfo.autoArrayEnabled()) {
                fieldValue = ConfigValueFactory.fromIterable(
                        Collections.singletonList(fieldValue.unwrapped()), "auto collection of " +
                root = root.withValue(fieldName, fieldValue);
            if (!isCodableType(fieldInfo)) {
            if (fieldInfo.isArray() || fieldInfo.isCollection()) {
                if (fieldValue.valueType() != ConfigValueType.LIST) {
                    throw new ConfigException.WrongType(fieldValue.origin(), fieldName,
                                              , fieldValue.valueType().name());
                Class<?> elementType = elementType(fieldInfo);
                boolean nested = fieldInfo.isCollectionArray();
                fieldValue = expandSugarArray(fieldValue, elementType, codec, nested);
            } else if (fieldInfo.isMap()) {
                if (fieldValue.valueType() != ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
                    throw new ConfigException.WrongType(fieldValue.origin(), fieldName,
                                              , fieldValue.valueType().name());
                Class<?> elementType = elementType(fieldInfo);
                boolean nested = fieldInfo.isMapValueArray();
                ConfigObject fieldMap = (ConfigObject) fieldValue;
                Map<String, Object> newMap = new HashMap<>(fieldMap.size());
                for (Map.Entry<String, ConfigValue> mapEntry : fieldMap.entrySet()) {
                    ConfigValue mapValue = mapEntry.getValue();
                    String mapKey = mapEntry.getKey();
                    ConfigValue resolvedMapObject;
                    if (nested) {
                        resolvedMapObject = expandSugarArray(mapValue, elementType, codec, false);
                    } else {
                        resolvedMapObject = expandSugar(elementType, mapValue, codec);
                    newMap.put(mapKey, resolvedMapObject.unwrapped());
                fieldValue = ConfigValueFactory.fromMap(newMap, fieldMap.origin().description());
            } else {
                fieldValue = expandSugar(fieldInfo.getTypeOrComponentType(), fieldValue, codec);
            root = root.withValue(fieldName, fieldValue);
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            if ((type == null)
                || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(type.getModifiers())) {
                if (configValue.valueType() == ConfigValueType.LIST) {
                    Class<?> arrayType = pluginMap.arraySugar();
                    if (arrayType != null) {
                        ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults("_array");
                        String arrayFieldName = aliasDefaults.toConfig().getString("_primary");
                        String arraySugarName = pluginMap.getLastAlias("_array");
                        return ConfigFactory.empty().root().withValue(
                                classField, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(
                                        arraySugarName, pluginMap.category() + " array sugar : " +
                                            .withValue(arrayFieldName, configValue)
                    } else {
                        throw new ConfigException.WrongType(configValue.origin(),
                                                            "found an array instead of an object, but no array type set");

            } else {
                if (ValueCodable.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) {
                    return ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(configValue.unwrapped(),
                                                         "unchanged for ValueCodable"
                                                         + configValue.origin().description());
            throw new ConfigException.WrongType(configValue.origin(),
                                                "invalid config type of " + configValue.valueType() +
                                                " for " + pluginMap);
        ConfigObject root = (ConfigObject) configValue;
        ConfigValue classValue = root.get(classField);
        // normal, explicit typing
        if ((classValue != null) && (classValue.valueType() == ConfigValueType.STRING)) {
            String classValueString = (String) classValue.unwrapped();
            ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(classValueString);
            return root.withFallback(aliasDefaults);

        if ((type == null) || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(type.getModifiers())) {
            // single key as type
            if (root.size() == 1) {
                String onlyKey = root.keySet().iterator().next();
                try {
                    pluginMap.getClass(onlyKey); // make sure key is a valid type
                    ConfigValue onlyKeyValue = root.values().iterator().next();
                    ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(onlyKey);
                    if (onlyKeyValue.valueType() != ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
                        if (aliasDefaults.get("_primary") != null) {
                            onlyKeyValue = onlyKeyValue.atPath((String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped()).root();
                        } else {
                            throw new ConfigException.WrongType(onlyKeyValue.origin(), onlyKey,
                                                                "OBJECT", onlyKeyValue.valueType().toString());
                    ConfigObject fieldValues = (ConfigObject) onlyKeyValue;
                    return fieldValues.withValue(classField, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(
                            onlyKey, "single key to type from " + root.origin().description()))
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {

            // inlined type
            String matched = null;
            for (String alias : pluginMap.inlinedAliases()) {
                if (root.get(alias) != null) {
                    if (matched != null) {
                        String message = String.format(
                                "no type specified, more than one key, and both %s and %s match for inlined types.",
                                matched, alias);
                        throw new ConfigException.Parse(root.origin(), message);
                    matched = alias;
            if (matched != null) {
                ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(matched);
                ConfigValue inlinedValue = root.get(matched);
                String primaryField = (String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped();
                ConfigObject fieldValues =  root.toConfig().withValue(primaryField, inlinedValue).root()
                return fieldValues.withValue(classField, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(
                        matched, "inlined key to type from " + root.origin().description()));

            // default type
            ConfigValue defaultObject = pluginMap.config().root().get("_default");
            if (defaultObject != null) {
                String defaultName = pluginMap.getLastAlias("_default");
                ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults("_default");
                return root.withValue(classField, ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef(
                        defaultName, pluginMap.category() + " default type : "
                                     + defaultObject.origin().description()))
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                ConfigValue locRef = (ConfigValue) wrapLoc.getSourceRef();
                List<JsonMappingException.Reference> paths = cause.getPath();
                for (JsonMappingException.Reference path : paths) {
                    if (locRef instanceof ConfigObject) {
                        String fieldName = path.getFieldName();
                        ConfigObject locRefObject = (ConfigObject) locRef;
                        if (locRefObject.containsKey(fieldName)) {
                            locRef = locRefObject.get(fieldName);
                        } else {
                    } else if (locRef instanceof ConfigList) {
                        int fieldIndex = path.getIndex();
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        Object bean = _deserializeObjectFromInlinedType(objectNode, classField, objectCodec, ctxt);
        if (bean != null) {
            return bean;
        if (idRes.isValidTypeId("_default")) {
            ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults("_default");
            if (!aliasDefaults.isEmpty()) {
                Jackson.merge(objectNode, Jackson.configConverter(aliasDefaults));
            JsonDeserializer<Object> deser = _findDeserializer(ctxt, "_default");
            JsonParser treeParser = objectCodec.treeAsTokens(objectNode);
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                matched = alias;
        if (matched != null) {
            ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(matched);
            JsonNode configValue = objectNode.get(matched);
            String primaryField = (String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped();
            Jackson.setAt(objectNode, configValue, primaryField);
            Jackson.merge(objectNode, Jackson.configConverter(aliasDefaults));
            if (_typeIdVisible) {
                objectNode.put(classField, matched);
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                                                             String classField,
                                                             ObjectCodec objectCodec,
                                                             DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
        String singleKeyName = objectNode.fieldNames().next();
        if (idRes.isValidTypeId(singleKeyName)) {
            ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(singleKeyName);
            String primaryField;
            if (aliasDefaults.containsKey("_primary")) {
                primaryField = (String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped();
            } else {
                primaryField = null;
            boolean unwrapPrimary = false;
            try {
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        try {
            deser = _findDeserializer(ctxt, type);
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            throw wrapWithPath(cause, Class.class, classField);
        ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(type);
        String primaryField;
        if (aliasDefaults.containsKey("_primary")) {
            primaryField = (String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped();
        } else {
            primaryField = null;
        boolean unwrapPrimary = handleDefaultsAndImplicitPrimary(objectNode, aliasDefaults, deser, ctxt);
        try {
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        /** if config value is a list, see if the base class has an _array alias */
        if (configValue.valueType() == ConfigValueType.LIST) {
            Class<T> arrayType = (Class<T>) pluginMap.arraySugar();
            if (arrayType != null) {
                Config aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults("_array").toConfig();
                ConfigObject fieldsValues = configValue.atKey(aliasDefaults.getString("_primary")).root()
                CodableClassInfo arrayInfo = getOrCreateClassInfo(arrayType);
                return createAndPopulate(arrayInfo, arrayType, fieldsValues);
            } // else just let the error get thrown below
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                                                    "STRING", typeValue.valueType().toString());
            String stype = (String) typeValue.unwrapped();
            try {
                Class<T> normalType = (Class<T>) pluginMap.getClass(stype);
                ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(stype);
                ConfigObject fieldValues = configObject.withoutKey(classField).withFallback(aliasDefaults);
                CodableClassInfo normalInfo = getOrCreateClassInfo(normalType);
                return createAndPopulate(normalInfo, normalType, fieldValues);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                String helpMessage = Plugins.classNameSuggestions(pluginRegistry, pluginMap, stype);
                throw new ConfigException.UnresolvedSubstitution(configObject.origin(), helpMessage, e);

        /** if no chance of instantiating current type, try to get a new type from various special syntax/ settings */
        if ((type == null) || Modifier.isAbstract(type.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isInterface(type.getModifiers())) {

            /** "type-value : {...}"  syntax; ie. if there is only one key, see if it would be a valid type */
            if (configObject.size() == 1) {
                String sugarType = configObject.keySet().iterator().next();
                try {
                    Class<T> singleKeyType = (Class<T>) pluginMap.getClass(sugarType);
                    ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(sugarType);
                    ConfigValue configValue = configObject.get(sugarType);
                    // if value is not an object, try supporting _primary syntax to derive one
                    if (configValue.valueType() != ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
                        if (aliasDefaults.get("_primary") != null) {
                            configValue = configValue.atPath((String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped()).root();
                        } else {
                            throw new ConfigException.WrongType(configValue.origin(), sugarType,
                                                                "OBJECT", configValue.valueType().toString());
                    ConfigObject fieldValues = ((ConfigObject) configValue).withFallback(aliasDefaults);
                    CodableClassInfo singleKeyInfo = getOrCreateClassInfo(singleKeyType);
                    return createAndPopulate(singleKeyInfo, singleKeyType, fieldValues);
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {
                    // expected when the single key is not a valid alias or class. could avoid exception if we dropped
                    // support for single-keys that are just classes (ie. anonymous aliases), but we'll leave it in
                    // until we have some, more concrete, reason to remove it.

            /** inlined types syntax ie "{ type-value: some-value, some-field: some-other-value, ...}".
             *  Opt-in is on a per alias basis, and the target type must be unambiguous amongst aliases
             *  that have opted in. The recognized alias label is then replaced with the _primary field. */
            String matched = null;
            for (String alias : pluginMap.inlinedAliases()) {
                if (configObject.get(alias) != null) {
                    if (matched != null) {
                        String message = String.format(
                                "no type specified, more than one key, and both %s and %s match for inlined types.",
                                matched, alias);
                        throw new ConfigException.Parse(configObject.origin(), message);
                    matched = alias;
            if (matched != null) {
                Class<T> inlinedType = (Class<T>) pluginMap.getClassIfConfigured(matched);
                assert inlinedType != null : "matched is always a key from the pluginMap's inlinedAliases set";
                CodableClassInfo inlinedInfo = getOrCreateClassInfo(inlinedType);
                ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults(matched);
                ConfigValue configValue = configObject.get(matched);
                String primaryField = (String) aliasDefaults.get("_primary").unwrapped();
                ConfigObject fieldValues =  configObject.toConfig().withValue(primaryField, configValue).root()
                return createAndPopulate(inlinedInfo, inlinedType, fieldValues);

            /** lastly, check for a _default type. */
            Class<T> defaultType = (Class<T>) pluginMap.defaultSugar();
            if (defaultType != null) {
                CodableClassInfo defaultInfo = getOrCreateClassInfo(defaultType);
                ConfigObject aliasDefaults = pluginMap.aliasDefaults("_default");
                ConfigObject fieldValues = configObject.withFallback(aliasDefaults);
                return createAndPopulate(defaultInfo, defaultType, fieldValues);

            /** we know it is not a type we can instantiate, and none of our syntactic sugar picked up anything. */
            throw new ConfigException.Parse(configObject.origin(),
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Related Classes of com.typesafe.config.ConfigObject

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