
Examples of

//        int nGroups = getReportDefinition().getGroups().getCount();

        final XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();

        Rectangle aRectLabels = new Rectangle();
        Rectangle aRectFields = new Rectangle();

        final int nUsablePageWidth = getPageWidth() - getLeftPageIndent() - getRightPageIndent() - getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        int i = 0;
        int nCount = aFieldTitleNames.length;
        // int x = 0;
        aRectLabels.Y = 0;
        aRectLabels.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        aRectFields.Y = LayoutConstants.LabelHeight;
        aRectFields.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        // first run only calculates the width.
        int nDelta = 0;
        int nFieldWidth = 3000;
        while (nCount > 0)
            // String sLabel = aFieldTitleNames[i];
            // int nLabelWidth = 3000;
            // String sFieldName = convertToFieldName(aFieldNames[i]);
            aRectFields.X += nFieldWidth;
            // aRectLabels.X += nFieldWidth;

            final int nNextX = aRectFields.X + nFieldWidth;
            if (nNextX > (getPageWidth() - getRightPageIndent()))
                // all other values are not from interest.

        final int nDeltaTotal = nUsablePageWidth - i * nFieldWidth;
        nDelta = nDeltaTotal;
        if (i > 0)
            nDelta = nDeltaTotal / i;

        aRectLabels.Y = 0;
        aRectLabels.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        final SectionObject aSOLabel = getDesignTemplate().getDetailLabel();
        final SectionObject aSOTextField = getDesignTemplate().getDetailTextField();

        aRectFields.Y = aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight);
        aRectFields.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());
        i = 0;
        nCount = aFieldTitleNames.length;
        int nLastHeight = 0;
        while (nCount > 0)
            final String sLabel = aFieldTitleNames[i];
            final int nLabelWidth = 3000 + nDelta;
            aRectLabels = insertLabel(xSection, sLabel, aRectLabels, nLabelWidth, aSOLabel);
            final String sFieldName = convertToFieldName(aFieldNames[i]);
            nFieldWidth = 3000 + nDelta;
            aRectFields = insertFormattedField(xSection, sFieldName, aRectFields, nFieldWidth, aSOTextField);
            nLastHeight = Math.max(nLastHeight, aRectFields.Height);
            int nNextX = aRectFields.X + nFieldWidth;
            if (nNextX > (getPageWidth() - getRightPageIndent()) & nCount > 1)
                int nHeight = (aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight) + Math.max(aSOTextField.getHeight(LayoutConstants.FormattedFieldHeight), nLastHeight));
                nLastHeight = 0;
                aRectLabels.Y += nHeight; // 2 * label height
                aRectLabels.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

                aRectFields.Y += nHeight;
                aRectFields.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());
        aRectFields.Y += Math.max(aSOTextField.getHeight(LayoutConstants.FormattedFieldHeight), nLastHeight);
        aRectFields.Y += aSOTextField.getHeight(LayoutConstants.EmptyLineHeight); // one empty line
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//        int nGroups = getReportDefinition().getGroups().getCount();

        final XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();

        Rectangle aRectLabelFields = new Rectangle();

        final int nUsablePageWidth = getPageWidth() - getLeftPageIndent() - getRightPageIndent() - getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        final int nLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); // 3000;
        int nFieldWidth = 3000;

        final int nFactor = nUsablePageWidth / (nLabelWidth + nFieldWidth);
        int nDeltaTotal = 0;
        int nDelta = 0;
        if (nFactor > 0)
            nDeltaTotal = nUsablePageWidth - (nFactor * (nLabelWidth + nFieldWidth));
            nDelta = nDeltaTotal / nFactor;

        int i = 0;
        int nCount = aFieldTitleNames.length;
        // int x = 0;
        aRectLabelFields.Y = 0;
        aRectLabelFields.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        SectionObject aSOLabel = getDesignTemplate().getDetailLabel();
        SectionObject aSOTextField = getDesignTemplate().getDetailTextField();
        int nLastHeight = 0;
        while (nCount > 0)
            final String sLabel = aFieldTitleNames[i];
//            nLabelWidth = 3000;
            aRectLabelFields = insertLabel(xSection, sLabel, aRectLabelFields, nLabelWidth, aSOLabel);
            final String sFieldName = convertToFieldName(aFieldNames[i]);
            nFieldWidth = 3000 + nDelta;
            aRectLabelFields = insertFormattedField(xSection, sFieldName, aRectLabelFields, nFieldWidth, aSOTextField);
            nLastHeight = Math.max(aRectLabelFields.Height, nLastHeight);
            final int nNextX = aRectLabelFields.X + nLabelWidth + nFieldWidth;
            if (nNextX > (getPageWidth() - getRightPageIndent()))
                // TODO: label height is fix
                aRectLabelFields.Y += Math.max(aSOTextField.getHeight(LayoutConstants.FormattedFieldHeight), nLastHeight);
                nLastHeight = 0;
                aRectLabelFields.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());
        aRectLabelFields.Y += Math.max(aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.EmptyLineHeight), nLastHeight); // one empty line
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//        int nGroups = getReportDefinition().getGroups().getCount();

        final XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();

        Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle();
        aRect.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());

        final int nWidth = calculateFieldWidth(getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups()), aFieldNames.length);
        final SectionObject aSO = getDesignTemplate().getDetailTextField();
        int nHeight = LayoutConstants.FormattedFieldHeight;
        for (int i = 0; i < aFieldNames.length; i++)
            final String sFieldName = convertToFieldName(aFieldNames[i]);
            aRect = insertFormattedField(xSection, sFieldName, aRect, nWidth, aSO);
            nHeight = Math.max(aRect.Height, nHeight);
        nHeight = Math.max(aSO.getHeight(nHeight), nHeight);
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                // We don't need to copy the GroupProperties, because this is done in the insertGroup() member function
                // copyGroupProperties(0);
                aSO = getDesignTemplate().getGroupLabel(lastGroupPostion);

            XSection xSection = xGroup.getHeader();
            Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle();
            aRect.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());
            if (lastGroupPostion == -1)
                xSection.setHeight(0)// group height + a little empty line)
                aRect.Y = 0;
                aRect.Y = xSection.getHeight() + LayoutConstants.LineHeight;

            final int nWidth = calculateFieldWidth(getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups()), aFieldTitleNames.length);

            for (int i = 0; i < aFieldTitleNames.length; i++)
                aRect = insertLabel(xSection, aFieldTitleNames[i], aRect, nWidth, aSO);
            xSection.setHeight(xSection.getHeight() + aSO.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight));
        catch ( e)
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//        int nGroups = getReportDefinition().getGroups().getCount();

        final XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();

        Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle();

        final int nLabelWidth = getMaxLabelWidth(); // 3000;

        final int nUsablePageWidth = getPageWidth() - getLeftPageIndent() - getRightPageIndent() - getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups());
        int i = 0;
        int nRows = aFieldNames.length / _nColumns;
        if ((aFieldNames.length % _nColumns) != 0)
        final int nWidth = (nUsablePageWidth - nLabelWidth * _nColumns) / _nColumns;
        if (nWidth < 0)
            // TODO: error message in logging

        final SectionObject aSOLabel = getDesignTemplate().getDetailLabel();
        final SectionObject aSOTextField = getDesignTemplate().getDetailTextField();
        int nMaxHeight = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < _nColumns; x++)
            aRect.Y = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < nRows; y++)
                aRect.X = getLeftPageIndent() + getLeftGroupIndent(getCountOfGroups()) + x * (nWidth + nLabelWidth);
                if (i < aFieldNames.length)
                    final String sLabel = aFieldTitleNames[i];
                    aRect = insertLabel(xSection, sLabel, aRect, nLabelWidth, aSOLabel);
                    final String sFieldName = convertToFieldName(aFieldNames[i]);
                    aRect = insertFormattedField(xSection, sFieldName, aRect, nWidth, aSOTextField);

                    aRect.Y += Math.max(aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight), aRect.Height);
            nMaxHeight = Math.max(aRect.Y, nMaxHeight);
        aRect.Y = Math.max(aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight) * nRows, nMaxHeight);
        aRect.Y += aSOLabel.getHeight(LayoutConstants.EmptyLineHeight); // one empty line
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    // we analyse the loaded ReportDefinition, we want to know the FontDescriptor of all XSections
    private void analyseReportDefinition()
        final XSection xDetailSection = m_xReportDefinition.getDetail();
        final int nDetailCount = xDetailSection.getCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < nDetailCount; i++)
                Object aObj = xDetailSection.getByIndex(i);
                // is aObj a label
                // is aObj a textfield
                // m_aDetailLabel_FD
                // m_aDetailTextField_FD
                XFixedText aFixedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFixedText.class, aObj);
                if (aFixedText != null &&
                        m_aDetailLabel == null)
                    m_aDetailLabel = SectionLabel.create(aFixedText);
                    XFormattedField aFormattedField = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFormattedField.class, aObj);
                    if (aFormattedField != null &&
                            m_aDetailTextField == null)
                        m_aDetailTextField = SectionTextField.create(aFormattedField);
                int dummy = 0;
            catch ( ex)
            catch ( ex)

        final XGroups xGroups = m_xReportDefinition.getGroups();
        final int nGroupCount = xGroups.getCount();
        // create a m_aGroupLabel_FD[]
        // create a m_aGroupTextField_FD[]
        m_aGroupLabel = new SectionObject[nGroupCount];
        m_aGroupTextField = new SectionObject[nGroupCount];

        for (int nGroup = 0; nGroup < nGroupCount; nGroup++)
                Object aGroup = xGroups.getByIndex(nGroup);
                XGroup xGroup = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGroup.class, aGroup);
                XSection xGroupSection = xGroup.getHeader();

                final int nCount = xGroupSection.getCount();
                for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
                        Object aObj = xGroupSection.getByIndex(i);
                        XFixedText aFixedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XFixedText.class, aObj);
                        // is aObj a label
                        // is aObj a textfield
                        if (aFixedText != null &&
                                m_aGroupLabel[nGroup] == null)
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    private void clearDetails()
        final XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();
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                final XGroups xForeignGroups = getDesignTemplate().getGroups();
                int nGroups = xForeignGroups.getCount();
                Object aForeignGroup = xForeignGroups.getByIndex(_nGroup);
                XGroup xForeignGroup = (XGroup) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGroup.class, aForeignGroup);
                XSection xForeignGroupSection = xForeignGroup.getHeader();

                if (xForeignGroupSection != null)
                    final XGroups xGroups = getReportDefinition().getGroups();
                    Object aGroup = xGroups.getByIndex(_nGroup);
                    XGroup xGroup = (XGroup) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XGroup.class, aGroup);
                    XSection xGroupSection = xGroup.getHeader();

                    // copy Properties
                    copyProperties(xForeignGroupSection, xGroupSection);
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                // we need to append by hand
                // TODO: documentation is unclear here, that we have to insert by hand
                int nCount = xGroups.getCount();
                xGroups.insertByIndex(nCount, xGroup);

                final XSection xGroupSection = xGroup.getHeader();

                Rectangle aRect = new Rectangle();
                aRect.X = nLeftPageIndent + getLeftGroupIndent(i);
                SectionObject aSO = getDesignTemplate().getGroupLabel(i);
                int nLabelHeight = 0;
//               if (aSO != null)
//               {
                nLabelHeight = aSO.getHeight(LayoutConstants.LabelHeight);
                aRect = insertLabel(xGroupSection, getTitleFromFieldName(m_aGroupNames[i]), aRect, nLabelWidth, aSO);
//               }
//               else
//               {
//                   nLabelHeight = 500;
//                   aRect = insertBoldLabel(xGroupSection, getTitleFromFieldName(m_aGroupNames[i]), aRect, nLabelWidth);
//               }
                final String sGroupName = convertToFieldName(m_aGroupNames[i]);
                aSO = getDesignTemplate().getGroupTextField(i);
                insertFormattedField(xGroupSection, sGroupName, aRect, nFieldWidth, aSO);

                // draw a line under the label/formattedfield
                aRect.X = nLeftPageIndent + getLeftGroupIndent(i);
                aRect.Y = nLabelHeight;
                final int nLineWidth = getPageWidth() - getRightPageIndent() - aRect.X;
                final int nLineHeight = LayoutConstants.LineHeight;
                insertHorizontalLine(xGroupSection, aRect, nLineWidth, nLineHeight);
                xGroupSection.setHeight(nLabelHeight + nLineHeight);
            catch ( e)
                // TODO: Exception not set.
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        if (getDesignTemplate() != null)
                XSection xForeignSection = getDesignTemplate().getDetail();
                if (xForeignSection != null)
                    XSection xSection = getReportDefinition().getDetail();

                    // copy Properties
                    copyProperties(xForeignSection, xSection);
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