
Examples of

                attributes.getName (i, fAttrQName);
                Attr attr = createAttrNode (fAttrQName);

                String attrValue = attributes.getValue (i);

                AttributePSVI attrPSVI =(AttributePSVI) attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                if (fStorePSVI && attrPSVI != null){
                    ((PSVIAttrNSImpl) attr).setPSVI (attrPSVI);

                attr.setValue (attrValue);
                boolean specified = attributes.isSpecified(i);
                // Take special care of schema defaulted attributes. Calling the
                // non-namespace aware setAttributeNode() method could overwrite
                // another attribute with the same local name.
                if (!specified && (seenSchemaDefault || (fAttrQName.uri != null &&
                    fAttrQName.uri != NamespaceContext.XMLNS_URI && fAttrQName.prefix == null))) {
                    seenSchemaDefault = true;
                else {
                // NOTE: The specified value MUST be set after you set
                //       the node value because that turns the "specified"
                //       flag to "true" which may overwrite a "false"
                //       value from the attribute list. -Ac
                if (fDocumentImpl != null) {
                    AttrImpl attrImpl = (AttrImpl) attr;
                    Object type = null;
                    boolean id = false;

                    // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                    // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                    // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                    // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                    // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                    if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                        // XML Schema
                        type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type == null) {
                            type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                            if (type != null) {
                                id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                                attrImpl.setType (type);
                        else {
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                            attrImpl.setType (type);
                    else {
                        // DTD
                        boolean isDeclared = Boolean.TRUE.equals (attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_DECLARED));
                        // For DOM Level 3 TypeInfo, the type name must
                        // be null if this attribute has not been declared
                        // in the DTD.
                        if (isDeclared) {
                            type = attributes.getType (i);
                            id = "ID".equals (type);
                        attrImpl.setType (type);

                    if (id) {
                        ((ElementImpl) el).setIdAttributeNode (attr, true);

                    attrImpl.setSpecified (specified);
                    // REVISIT: Handle entities in attribute value.
            setCharacterData (false);

            if (augs != null) {
                ElementPSVI elementPSVI = (ElementPSVI)augs.getItem (Constants.ELEMENT_PSVI);
                if (elementPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    XSTypeDefinition type = elementPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = elementPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                    ((ElementNSImpl)el).setType (type);

            // filter nodes
            if (fDOMFilter != null && !fInEntityRef) {
                if (fRoot == null) {
                    // fill value of the root element
                    fRoot = el;
                } else {
                    short code = fDOMFilter.startElement(el);
                    switch (code) {
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_INTERRUPT :
                                throw Abort.INSTANCE;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_REJECT :
                                fFilterReject = true;
                                fRejectedElementDepth = 0;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_SKIP :
                                // make sure that if any char data is available
                                // the fFirstChunk is true, so that if the next event
                                // is characters(), and the last node is text, we will copy
                                // the value already in the text node to fStringBuffer
                                // (not to lose it).
                                fFirstChunk = true;
                        default :
                                if (!fSkippedElemStack.isEmpty()) {
            fCurrentNode.appendChild (el);
            fCurrentNode = el;
        else {
            int el = fDeferredDocumentImpl.createDeferredElement (fNamespaceAware ?
                    element.uri : null, element.rawname);
            Object type = null;
            int attrCount = attributes.getLength ();
            // Need to loop in reverse order so that the attributes
            // are processed in document order when the DOM is expanded.
            for (int i = attrCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

                // set type information
                AttributePSVI attrPSVI = (AttributePSVI)attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                boolean id = false;

                // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    // XML Schema
                    type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type != null){
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                    else {
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                for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) {
                        attributes.getName(i, fAttrQName);
                        Attr attr = null;

                        attr = currentElement.getAttributeNodeNS(fAttrQName.uri, fAttrQName.localpart);
            AttributePSVI attrPSVI =
                                (AttributePSVI) attributes.getAugmentations(i).getItem(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);

                        if (attrPSVI != null) {
                //REVISIT: instead we should be using augmentations:
                // to set/retrieve Id attributes
                XSTypeDefinition decl = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition();
                boolean id = false;
                if (decl != null){
                    id = ((XSSimpleType)decl).isIDType();
                } else{
                    decl = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition();
                    if (decl !=null){
                       id = ((XSSimpleType)decl).isIDType();
                if (id){
                    ((ElementImpl)currentElement).setIdAttributeNode(attr, true);

                                if (fPSVI) {
                                        ((PSVIAttrNSImpl) attr).setPSVI(attrPSVI);
                                if ((fConfiguration.features & DOMConfigurationImpl.DTNORMALIZATION) != 0) {
                                        // datatype-normalization
                                        // NOTE: The specified value MUST be set after we set
                                        //       the node value because that turns the "specified"
                                        //       flag to "true" which may overwrite a "false"
                                        //       value from the attribute list.
                                        boolean specified = attr.getSpecified();
                                        if (!specified) {
                                                ((AttrImpl) attr).setSpecified(specified);
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                attributes.getName (i, fAttrQName);
                Attr attr = createAttrNode (fAttrQName);

                String attrValue = attributes.getValue (i);

                AttributePSVI attrPSVI =(AttributePSVI) attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                if (fStorePSVI && attrPSVI != null){
                    ((PSVIAttrNSImpl) attr).setPSVI (attrPSVI);

                attr.setValue (attrValue);
                el.setAttributeNode (attr);
                // NOTE: The specified value MUST be set after you set
                //       the node value because that turns the "specified"
                //       flag to "true" which may overwrite a "false"
                //       value from the attribute list. -Ac
                if (fDocumentImpl != null) {
                    AttrImpl attrImpl = (AttrImpl) attr;
                    Object type = null;
                    boolean id = false;

                    // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                    // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                    // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                    // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                    // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                    if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                        // XML Schema
                        type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type == null) {
                            type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                            if (type != null) {
                                id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                                attrImpl.setType (type);
                        else {
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                            attrImpl.setType (type);
                    else {
                        // DTD
                        boolean isDeclared = Boolean.TRUE.equals (attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_DECLARED));
                        // For DOM Level 3 TypeInfo, the type name must
                        // be null if this attribute has not been declared
                        // in the DTD.
                        if (isDeclared) {
                            type = attributes.getType (i);
                            id = "ID".equals (type);
                        attrImpl.setType (type);

                    if (id) {
                        ((ElementImpl) el).setIdAttributeNode (attr, true);

                    attrImpl.setSpecified (attributes.isSpecified (i));
                    // REVISIT: Handle entities in attribute value.
            setCharacterData (false);

            if (augs != null) {
                ElementPSVI elementPSVI = (ElementPSVI)augs.getItem (Constants.ELEMENT_PSVI);
                if (elementPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    XSTypeDefinition type = elementPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = elementPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                    ((ElementNSImpl)el).setType (type);

            // filter nodes
            if (fDOMFilter != null && !fInEntityRef) {
                if (fRoot.rawname == null) {
                    // fill value of the root element
                } else {
                    short code = fDOMFilter.startElement(el);
                    switch (code) {
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_INTERRUPT :
                                throw abort;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_REJECT :
                                fFilterReject = true;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_SKIP :
                        default : {}
            fCurrentNode.appendChild (el);
            fCurrentNode = el;
        else {
            Object type = null;
            if (augs != null) {
                ElementPSVI elementPSVI = (ElementPSVI)augs.getItem (Constants.ELEMENT_PSVI);
                if (elementPSVI != null) {
                    type = elementPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = elementPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();

            int el =
            fDeferredDocumentImpl.createDeferredElement (fNamespaceAware ?
            element.uri : null,
            int attrCount = attributes.getLength ();
            for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) {
                // set type information
                AttributePSVI attrPSVI = (AttributePSVI)attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                boolean id = false;

                // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    // XML Schema
                    type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type != null){
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                    else {
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            if( index<0 || fAttributes.getLength()<=index )
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index));
            Augmentations augs = fAttributes.getAugmentations(index);
            if (augs == null) return null;
            AttributePSVI psvi = (AttributePSVI)augs.getItem(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
            return getTypeInfoFromPSVI(psvi);
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            if( index<0 || fAttributes.getLength()<=index )
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(Integer.toString(index));
            Augmentations augs = fAttributes.getAugmentations(index);
            if (augs == null) return null;
            AttributePSVI psvi = (AttributePSVI)augs.getItem(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
            return getTypeInfoFromPSVI(psvi);
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    for (int i = 0; i < attrCount; i++) {
      attributes.getName(i, fAttrQName);
      Attr attr = null;

      attr = currentElement.getAttributeNodeNS(fAttrQName.uri, fAttrQName.localpart);
            AttributePSVI attrPSVI =
        (AttributePSVI) attributes.getAugmentations(i).getItem(Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);

      if (attrPSVI != null) {
                //REVISIT: instead we should be using augmentations:
                // to set/retrieve Id attributes
                XSTypeDefinition decl = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition();
                boolean id = false;
                if (decl != null){
                    id = ((XSSimpleType)decl).isIDType();
                } else{
                    decl = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition();
                    if (decl !=null){
                       id = ((XSSimpleType)decl).isIDType();
                if (id){
                    ((ElementImpl)currentElement).setIdAttributeNode(attr, true);
        if (fPSVI) {
          ((PSVIAttrNSImpl) attr).setPSVI(attrPSVI);
        if ((fConfiguration.features & DOMConfigurationImpl.DTNORMALIZATION) != 0) {
          // datatype-normalization
          // NOTE: The specified value MUST be set after we set
          //       the node value because that turns the "specified"
          //       flag to "true" which may overwrite a "false"
          //       value from the attribute list.
          boolean specified = attr.getSpecified();
          if (!specified) {
            ((AttrImpl) attr).setSpecified(specified);
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                attributes.getName (i, fAttrQName);
                Attr attr = createAttrNode (fAttrQName);

                String attrValue = attributes.getValue (i);

                AttributePSVI attrPSVI =(AttributePSVI) attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                if (fStorePSVI && attrPSVI != null){
                    ((PSVIAttrNSImpl) attr).setPSVI (attrPSVI);

                attr.setValue (attrValue);
                boolean specified = attributes.isSpecified(i);
                // Take special care of schema defaulted attributes. Calling the
                // non-namespace aware setAttributeNode() method could overwrite
                // another attribute with the same local name.
                if (!specified && (seenSchemaDefault || (fAttrQName.uri != null &&
                    fAttrQName.uri != NamespaceContext.XMLNS_URI && fAttrQName.prefix == null))) {
                    seenSchemaDefault = true;
                else {
                // NOTE: The specified value MUST be set after you set
                //       the node value because that turns the "specified"
                //       flag to "true" which may overwrite a "false"
                //       value from the attribute list. -Ac
                if (fDocumentImpl != null) {
                    AttrImpl attrImpl = (AttrImpl) attr;
                    Object type = null;
                    boolean id = false;

                    // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                    // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                    // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                    // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                    // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                    if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                        // XML Schema
                        type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type == null) {
                            type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                            if (type != null) {
                                id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                                attrImpl.setType (type);
                        else {
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                            attrImpl.setType (type);
                    else {
                        // DTD
                        boolean isDeclared = Boolean.TRUE.equals (attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_DECLARED));
                        // For DOM Level 3 TypeInfo, the type name must
                        // be null if this attribute has not been declared
                        // in the DTD.
                        if (isDeclared) {
                            type = attributes.getType (i);
                            id = "ID".equals (type);
                        attrImpl.setType (type);

                    if (id) {
                        ((ElementImpl) el).setIdAttributeNode (attr, true);

                    attrImpl.setSpecified (specified);
                    // REVISIT: Handle entities in attribute value.
            setCharacterData (false);

            if (augs != null) {
                ElementPSVI elementPSVI = (ElementPSVI)augs.getItem (Constants.ELEMENT_PSVI);
                if (elementPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    XSTypeDefinition type = elementPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = elementPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                    ((ElementNSImpl)el).setType (type);

            // filter nodes
            if (fDOMFilter != null && !fInEntityRef) {
                if (fRoot == null) {
                    // fill value of the root element
                    fRoot = el;
                } else {
                    short code = fDOMFilter.startElement(el);
                    switch (code) {
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_INTERRUPT :
                                throw Abort.INSTANCE;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_REJECT :
                                fFilterReject = true;
                                fRejectedElementDepth = 0;
                        case LSParserFilter.FILTER_SKIP :
                                // make sure that if any char data is available
                                // the fFirstChunk is true, so that if the next event
                                // is characters(), and the last node is text, we will copy
                                // the value already in the text node to fStringBuffer
                                // (not to lose it).
                                fFirstChunk = true;
                        default :
                                if (!fSkippedElemStack.isEmpty()) {
            fCurrentNode.appendChild (el);
            fCurrentNode = el;
        else {
            int el = fDeferredDocumentImpl.createDeferredElement (fNamespaceAware ?
                    element.uri : null, element.rawname);
            Object type = null;
            int attrCount = attributes.getLength ();
            // Need to loop in reverse order so that the attributes
            // are processed in document order when the DOM is expanded.
            for (int i = attrCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) {

                // set type information
                AttributePSVI attrPSVI = (AttributePSVI)attributes.getAugmentations (i).getItem (Constants.ATTRIBUTE_PSVI);
                boolean id = false;

                // REVISIT: currently it is possible that someone turns off
                // namespaces and turns on xml schema validation
                // To avoid classcast exception in AttrImpl check for namespaces
                // however the correct solution should probably disallow setting
                // namespaces to false when schema processing is turned on.
                if (attrPSVI != null && fNamespaceAware) {
                    // XML Schema
                    type = attrPSVI.getMemberTypeDefinition ();
                    if (type == null) {
                        type = attrPSVI.getTypeDefinition ();
                        if (type != null){
                            id = ((XSSimpleType) type).isIDType ();
                    else {
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