Package com.jogamp.common.nio

Examples of com.jogamp.common.nio.NativeSizeBuffer

     * Calls {@native clEnqueueReleaseGLObjects}.
    public CLCommandQueue putReleaseGLObjects(NativeSizeBuffer glObjectIDs, CLEventList condition, CLEventList events) {

        NativeSizeBuffer conditionIDs = null;
        int conditions = 0;
        if(condition != null) {
            conditionIDs = condition.IDsView;
            conditions   = condition.size;
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        return (flags & CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR) != 0
            || (flags & CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR!= 0;

    protected static long getSizeImpl(CLContext context, long id) {
        NativeSizeBuffer pb = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
        CLMemObjBinding binding = context.getPlatform().getMemObjectBinding();
        int ret = binding.clGetMemObjectInfo(id, CL_MEM_SIZE, NativeSizeBuffer.elementSize(), pb.getBuffer(), null);
        checkForError(ret, "can not obtain buffer info");
        return pb.get();
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        // find all available OpenCL platforms
        ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(0, null, intBuffer);
        out.println("#platforms: "+intBuffer.get(0));

        NativeSizeBuffer platformId = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(intBuffer.get(0));
        ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(platformId.capacity(), platformId, null);

        // print platform info
        NativeSizeBuffer longBuffer = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
        ByteBuffer bb = newDirectByteBuffer(128);

        for (int i = 0; i < platformId.capacity(); i++)  {

            long platform = platformId.get(i);
            out.println("platform id: "+platform);

            ret = cl.clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL.CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
            out.println("    profile: " + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

            ret = cl.clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL.CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
            out.println("    version: " + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

            ret = cl.clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL.CL_PLATFORM_NAME, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
            out.println("    name: " + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

            ret = cl.clGetPlatformInfo(platform, CL.CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
            out.println("    vendor: " + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

            //find all devices
            ret = cl.clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, null, intBuffer);
            out.println("#devices: "+intBuffer.get(0));

            NativeSizeBuffer devices = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(intBuffer.get(0));
            ret = cl.clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, devices.capacity(), devices, null);

            //print device info
            for (int j = 0; j < devices.capacity(); j++) {
                long device = devices.get(j);
                ret = cl.clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL.CL_DEVICE_NAME, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
                out.println("    device: " + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

                ret = cl.clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE, bb.capacity(), bb, longBuffer);
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        // find all available OpenCL platforms
        int ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(0, null, intBuffer);
        out.println("#platforms: "+intBuffer.get(0));

        NativeSizeBuffer pb = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(intBuffer.get(0));
        ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(pb.capacity(), pb, null);

        long platform = pb.get(0);

        //find all devices
        ret = cl.clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, 0, null, intBuffer);
        out.println("#devices: "+intBuffer.get(0));

        NativeSizeBuffer devices = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(intBuffer.get(0));
        ret = cl.clGetDeviceIDs(platform, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, devices.capacity(), devices, null);

        long context = cl.clCreateContext(null, devices, null, intBuffer);
        checkError("on clCreateContext", intBuffer.get());

        //get number of devices
        NativeSizeBuffer longBuffer = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
        ret = cl.clGetContextInfo(context, CL.CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, null, longBuffer);
        checkError("on clGetContextInfo", ret);

        long contextDevices = longBuffer.get(0)/(is32Bit()?4:8);
        out.println("context created on " + contextDevices + " devices");

        //check if equal
        assertEquals("context was not created on all devices specified", devices.capacity(), contextDevices);
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        // find all available OpenCL platforms
        ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(0, null, intBuffer);
        assertTrue(intBuffer.get(0) > 0);

        NativeSizeBuffer pb = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(intBuffer.get(0));
        ret = cl.clGetPlatformIDs(pb.capacity(), pb, null);

        long platform = pb.get(0);
        NativeSizeBuffer properties = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(3).put(CL.CL_CONTEXT_PLATFORM)
                                              .put(platform).put(0) // 0 terminated array
        long context = cl.clCreateContextFromType(properties, CL.CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL, null, null);
        out.println("context handle: "+context);
        checkError("on clCreateContextFromType", ret);

        NativeSizeBuffer longBuffer = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1);
        ret = cl.clGetContextInfo(context, CL.CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, 0, null, longBuffer);
        checkError("on clGetContextInfo", ret);

        int deviceCount = (int) (longBuffer.get(0) / (is32Bit() ? 4 : 8));
        out.println("context created with " + deviceCount + " devices");

        ByteBuffer bb = newDirectByteBuffer(4096);
        ret = cl.clGetContextInfo(context, CL.CL_CONTEXT_DEVICES, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetContextInfo", ret);

        for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++) {
            out.println("device id: " + (is32Bit()?bb.getInt():bb.getLong()));

        // use a random device
        int offset = new Random().nextInt(deviceCount);
        out.println("using device# " + offset);
        offset *= (is32Bit() ? 4 : 8);
        long device = is32Bit()?bb.getInt(offset):bb.getLong(offset);
        ret = cl.clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL.CL_DEVICE_MAX_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetDeviceInfo", ret);
        int maxWGS = bb.getInt();
        out.println("max WGS: " + maxWGS);

        // Create a command-queue
        long commandQueue = cl.clCreateCommandQueue(context, device, 0, intBuffer);
        checkError("on clCreateCommandQueue", intBuffer.get(0));

        int localWorkSize = Math.min(128, maxWGS);      // set and log Global and Local work size dimensions
        int globalWorkSize = roundUp(localWorkSize, ELEMENT_COUNT)// rounded up to the nearest multiple of the LocalWorkSize

        out.println("allocateing buffers of size: "+globalWorkSize);

        ByteBuffer srcA = newDirectByteBuffer(globalWorkSize*SIZEOF_INT);
        ByteBuffer srcB = newDirectByteBuffer(globalWorkSize*SIZEOF_INT);
        ByteBuffer dest = newDirectByteBuffer(globalWorkSize*SIZEOF_INT);

        // Allocate the OpenCL buffer memory objects for source and result on the device GMEM
        long devSrcA = cl.clCreateBuffer(context, CL.CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, srcA.capacity(), null, intBuffer);
        checkError("on clCreateBuffer", intBuffer.get(0));
        long devSrcB = cl.clCreateBuffer(context, CL.CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, srcB.capacity(), null, intBuffer);
        checkError("on clCreateBuffer", intBuffer.get(0));
        long devDst  = cl.clCreateBuffer(context, CL.CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, dest.capacity(), null, intBuffer);
        checkError("on clCreateBuffer", intBuffer.get(0));

        // Create the program
        NativeSizeBuffer lengths = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1).put(programSource.length()).rewind();
        final long program = cl.clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, new String[] {programSource}, lengths, intBuffer);
        out.println("program id: "+program);
        checkError("on clCreateProgramWithSource", intBuffer.get(0));

        // tests if the callback is called
        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
        BuildProgramCallback callback = new BuildProgramCallback() {
            public void buildFinished(long cl_program) {
                    assertEquals(program, cl_program);

        // spec: building programs is not threadsafe (see loadtest)
        synchronized(CLProgram.class) {
            // Build the program
            ret = cl.clBuildProgram(program, 0, null, null, callback);
            checkError("on clBuildProgram", ret);

            out.println("waiting for program to build...");

        // Read program infos
        ret = cl.clGetProgramInfo(program, CL.CL_PROGRAM_NUM_DEVICES, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetProgramInfo1", ret);
        out.println("program associated with "+bb.getInt(0)+" device(s)");

        ret = cl.clGetProgramInfo(program, CL.CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE, 0, null, longBuffer);
        checkError("on clGetProgramInfo CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE", ret);
        out.println("program source length (cl): "+longBuffer.get(0));
        out.println("program source length (java): "+programSource.length());

        ret = cl.clGetProgramInfo(program, CL.CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetProgramInfo CL_PROGRAM_SOURCE", ret);
        out.println("program source:\n" + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

        // Check program status
        ret = cl.clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL.CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_STATUS, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetProgramBuildInfo1", ret);

        out.println("program build status: " + CLProgram.Status.valueOf(bb.getInt(0)));
        assertEquals("build status", CL.CL_BUILD_SUCCESS, bb.getInt(0));

        // Read build log
        ret = cl.clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL.CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, null, longBuffer);
        checkError("on clGetProgramBuildInfo2", ret);
        out.println("program log length: " + longBuffer.get(0));

        ret = cl.clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, device, CL.CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, bb.capacity(), bb, null);
        checkError("on clGetProgramBuildInfo3", ret);
        out.println("log:\n" + clString2JavaString(bb, (int)longBuffer.get(0)));

        // Create the kernel
        long kernel = cl.clCreateKernel(program, "VectorAdd", intBuffer);
        out.println("kernel id: "+kernel);
        checkError("on clCreateKernel", intBuffer.get(0));

//        srcA.limit(elementCount*SIZEOF_FLOAT);
//        srcB.limit(elementCount*SIZEOF_FLOAT);

        fillBuffer(srcA, 23456);
        fillBuffer(srcB, 46987);

        // Set the Argument values
        ret = cl.clSetKernelArg(kernel, 0, is32Bit()?SIZEOF_INT:SIZEOF_LONG, wrap(devSrcA));        checkError("on clSetKernelArg0", ret);
        ret = cl.clSetKernelArg(kernel, 1, is32Bit()?SIZEOF_INT:SIZEOF_LONG, wrap(devSrcB));        checkError("on clSetKernelArg1", ret);
        ret = cl.clSetKernelArg(kernel, 2, is32Bit()?SIZEOF_INT:SIZEOF_LONG, wrap(devDst));         checkError("on clSetKernelArg2", ret);
        ret = cl.clSetKernelArg(kernel, 3, SIZEOF_INT,                     wrap(ELEMENT_COUNT));  checkError("on clSetKernelArg3", ret);

        out.println("used device memory: "+ (srcA.capacity()+srcB.capacity()+dest.capacity())/1000000 +"MB");

        // Asynchronous write of data to GPU device
        ret = cl.clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commandQueue, devSrcA, CL.CL_FALSE, 0, srcA.capacity(), srcA, 0, null, null);
        checkError("on clEnqueueWriteBuffer", ret);
        ret = cl.clEnqueueWriteBuffer(commandQueue, devSrcB, CL.CL_FALSE, 0, srcB.capacity(), srcB, 0, null, null);
        checkError("on clEnqueueWriteBuffer", ret);

        // Launch kernel
        NativeSizeBuffer gWS = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1).put(globalWorkSize).rewind();
        NativeSizeBuffer lWS = NativeSizeBuffer.allocateDirect(1).put(localWorkSize).rewind();
        ret = cl.clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(commandQueue, kernel, 1, null, gWS, lWS, 0, null, null);
        checkError("on clEnqueueNDRangeKernel", ret);

        // Synchronous/blocking read of results
        ret = cl.clEnqueueReadBuffer(commandQueue, devDst, CL.CL_TRUE, 0, dest.capacity(), dest, 0, null, null);
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    public final String getString(int key) {
        NativeSizeBuffer sizeBuffer = getNSB();
        int ret = getInfo(key, 0, null, sizeBuffer);
        checkForError(ret, "error while asking for info string");

        int clSize = (int)sizeBuffer.get(0);
        ByteBuffer buffer = getBB(clSize);

        ret = getInfo(key, buffer.capacity(), buffer, null);
        checkForError(ret, "error while asking for info string");
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            if(ret == CL.CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND || count == 0) {
                return new long[0];
                checkForError(ret, "error while enumerating devices");

                NativeSizeBuffer deviceIDs = NativeSizeBuffer.wrap(getBB(count*NativeSizeBuffer.elementSize()));
                ret = cl.clGetDeviceIDs(ID, type, count, deviceIDs, null);
                checkForError(ret, "error while enumerating devices");

                long[] ids = new long[count];
                for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
                    ids[i] = deviceIDs.get(i);
                return ids;

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Related Classes of com.jogamp.common.nio.NativeSizeBuffer

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